Periodontal bacteria


Jan 3, 2022
I've recently had a thermography exam and it showed a lot of inflammation in my sinus, neck, throat/thyroid..basically my neck up. I didn't have the full body exam.
They said it was probably bacteria. I've been suffering from scalp pain and hairloss. I think it maybe connected. I have potential blockage in my cortoid artery.

My question is what to do to remove the bacteria from my body and stop the plaque I think is blocking arteries and vessels. I have been wary of anti-biotics. A dentist told me years ago I have pathogenic bacteria. 9 were indicated as above threshold. Red, Orange, Orange associated and green complex if that means anything to anyone. The dentist then suggested systemic antibotics (amoxiccin 500 gm for 8-10 days and metronidazole for 8-10 days. And chemical antiseptics - chlorhexidine or povidine iodine rinses.

Does anyone have any knowledge about antibiotics that could clear this without giving me other problems to deal with or if you have experience of clearing the systemic bacteria successfully in other ways.

Mar 10, 2021
I would start oil pulling with coconut oil to remedy the root of the problem. This article might put your mind at ease…

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May 4, 2022
Also use a water pik twice a day and perhaps rinse the mouth two or three times a day with some green tea.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm sorry but oil pulling is ineffective and I doubt green tea does much.

I have periodontal issues for more than twenty years, and despite my Bio dentist‘s efforts, including endless visits that thus far have resulted in 5 tooth extractions, no end was in sight until I did these five things:

Arrest the source of dental plaque, which is endotoxins. Endotoxins in the gut travel from the gut up yo the mouth. It lodges on to the enamel and penetrates up beyond the protective gum line, and causes the enamel to pith. The purging becomes a vector for oral bacteria to enter the heretofore sterile periodontal area. Oral bacteria will develop into periodontal bacteria in this anaetobic environment. Stop eating foods rich in soluble fibers as much as possible but continue with insoluble fibers. And then try to sterilize your gut, and by that I don't mean totally, and you don't need to use antibiotics but you can can, but people react to antibiotics differently and so be guided by watching Tatmander's episode on antibiotics. But also know that there are combos of biofilm busters and natural antibacterials that are just as effective.

Improve your calcium balance such as in ensuring your get your daily elemental calcium of 1600mg along with vitamin D, preferably from the sun. Your teeth will be kept from leeching and this will lead to it being much more resistant to pithing and decaying.

The two above paragraphs are about prevention, and you are already beyond the prevention stage, but if you do the following two things below and do it as a habit to see success, it will most definitely keep your issues from recurring.

The next 3 things are based on my experience. I have stopped seeing my dentist for the past two years. During this time, one tooth was loose again and likely would have been extracted. It was bad enough that there was an unsightly gingival abscess. This was a lower molar. But now, it is back firmly in place and there is no pain. You will hear of many other suggestions and you may face confusion, and you have to make upbyour mind, which suggestions to follow. I certainly you pick mine.

Use Dr. Manhart's calcium zinc solution. This involves a mouthwash, his toothbrush, and his calcium zinc strips. Google and you'll find him and his products and his videos.

I followed everything except for his insistence to just use his toothbrush, and no floss nor water pick. I agree using floss is not a good idea, but I had to use a waterpick because it is next to impossible to rely on a toothbrush to dislodge particles stuck on teeth.

Lastly, following @Jam's advice, I finish my routine by swishing my mouth with 150mg of SSKI (supersaturated potassium iodine), which you can buy or even make yourself from potassium iodide which you can readily purchase. 3 drops from a dropper that gives 1ml from 15 drops gives you 150mg. Since the use of iodine is a controversial topic, have selenium on hand to use in case you sense you becoming hyperthyroid. Check your temps so you can see some red flags. If you happen to be the small subset of the population that reacts negatively to iodine, then stop.

I can't cover everything in one post without already making this post long enough to make people with short attention spans lose interest, so if you have questions, shoot it out.

Dealing with the periodontal bacteria already translocated to your blood vessels is another matter, which I am finding to be more and more complicated, as I dig deeper into it. The longer it's been there, the more it has ingrained itself like the Deep State has on the soul of our nation.


May 2, 2021
I'm sorry but oil pulling is ineffective and I doubt green tea does much.

I have periodontal issues for more than twenty years, and despite my Bio dentist‘s efforts, including endless visits that thus far have resulted in 5 tooth extractions, no end was in sight until I did these five things:

Arrest the source of dental plaque, which is endotoxins. Endotoxins in the gut travel from the gut up yo the mouth. It lodges on to the enamel and penetrates up beyond the protective gum line, and causes the enamel to pith. The purging becomes a vector for oral bacteria to enter the heretofore sterile periodontal area. Oral bacteria will develop into periodontal bacteria in this anaetobic environment. Stop eating foods rich in soluble fibers as much as possible but continue with insoluble fibers. And then try to sterilize your gut, and by that I don't mean totally, and you don't need to use antibiotics but you can can, but people react to antibiotics differently and so be guided by watching Tatmander's episode on antibiotics. But also know that there are combos of biofilm busters and natural antibacterials that are just as effective.

Improve your calcium balance such as in ensuring your get your daily elemental calcium of 1600mg along with vitamin D, preferably from the sun. Your teeth will be kept from leeching and this will lead to it being much more resistant to pithing and decaying.

The two above paragraphs are about prevention, and you are already beyond the prevention stage, but if you do the following two things below and do it as a habit to see success, it will most definitely keep your issues from recurring.

The next 3 things are based on my experience. I have stopped seeing my dentist for the past two years. During this time, one tooth was loose again and likely would have been extracted. It was bad enough that there was an unsightly gingival abscess. This was a lower molar. But now, it is back firmly in place and there is no pain. You will hear of many other suggestions and you may face confusion, and you have to make upbyour mind, which suggestions to follow. I certainly you pick mine.

Use Dr. Manhart's calcium zinc solution. This involves a mouthwash, his toothbrush, and his calcium zinc strips. Google and you'll find him and his products and his videos.

I followed everything except for his insistence to just use his toothbrush, and no floss nor water pick. I agree using floss is not a good idea, but I had to use a waterpick because it is next to impossible to rely on a toothbrush to dislodge particles stuck on teeth.

Lastly, following @Jam's advice, I finish my routine by swishing my mouth with 150mg of SSKI (supersaturated potassium iodine), which you can buy or even make yourself from potassium iodide which you can readily purchase. 3 drops from a dropper that gives 1ml from 15 drops gives you 150mg. Since the use of iodine is a controversial topic, have selenium on hand to use in case you sense you becoming hyperthyroid. Check your temps so you can see some red flags. If you happen to be the small subset of the population that reacts negatively to iodine, then stop.

I can't cover everything in one post without already making this post long enough to make people with short attention spans lose interest, so if you have questions, shoot it out.

Dealing with the periodontal bacteria already translocated to your blood vessels is another matter, which I am finding to be more and more complicated, as I dig deeper into it. The longer it's been there, the more it has ingrained itself like the Deep State has on the soul of our nation.
This is the stuff right here. Gum issues are bacterial and endotoxin in nature. Ray has mentioned many times the dentist who stopped performing dentistry when he started prescribing antibiotics and laxitives. Georgi has also posted the study regarding 20-40mg doxy for 6 months reversing gum disease and osteoporosis.

Low energy metabolism begets low thyroid function begets low immunity begets bacterial infection begets endotoxin.
Jul 11, 2020
Also use a water pik twice a day and perhaps rinse the mouth two or three times a day with some green tea. this is generic oral care advice that practically anybody should be practicing(besides the green tea). If he has periodontal bacteria then he needs to be concentrating his efforts on the biofilms. Going after the inhibition of the bacteria or one species e.g s.mucans is not the name of the game

It's pretty risky, but you can try diluting a solution of acetic acid and rinsing with that. It has shown breakdown of the protein bonds that biofilms use to adhere themselves to tissue in concentrations as little as 0.5%. The other option is EDTA which is what the expensive Livionex toothpaste is based upon. In it's natural form it can break down and dissolve calcium, so perhaps a little extreme an option.

I would consider an ionic toothbrush like the Soladey Ion 3 which can inhibit the van der waals force that plaque uses to accumulate what it needs to stay attached to oral tissue. Scrubbing of plaque really does not make sense in the grand scheme of things, but a good ionic toothbrush that can create enough of an opposite charge like the Soladey can inhibit plaques adherence to the oral cavity(note:it wont get rid of calculus though on its own. That definitely needs to be removed with descaling, but it will make it so the calculus is weak and will take little effort to take off with a descaler)

If you are taking an antibiotic make sure to always take them with something that has quorum sensing inhibition like cranberry anthocyanins, licorice root actives like Glycyrrhizin, glabridin, licochalcone, and chalcones and quinones from Pau D'Arco like B-Lapachone, lapachol, etc

Things that aid in periodontal regeneration are stuff like quercetin and apigenin, you can also try brushing with both a fluoride ion toothpaste like Biomin or Novamin which is in the apatite form, and also then brush with a calcium, zinc, or magnesium hydroxyapatite toothpaste 20-30mins after that. I was and most people are wrong about hydroxyapatite being capable of fulfilling the role of fluoride toothpaste. They impede the absorption of one another, so combining both aat different times is more effective than using one or the other

You can keep up salivary production by taking things like malic acid after meals if you find that to be an issue

Not gonna mention stuff like calcium as it's not aas important as people make it out to be, and if you are eating "Peaty" ya probably getting plenty from ya diet anyways


Mar 20, 2021
1,525 this is generic oral care advice that practically anybody should be practicing(besides the green tea). If he has periodontal bacteria then he needs to be concentrating his efforts on the biofilms. Going after the inhibition of the bacteria or one species e.g s.mucans is not the name of the game

It's pretty risky, but you can try diluting a solution of acetic acid and rinsing with that. It has shown breakdown of the protein bonds that biofilms use to adhere themselves to tissue in concentrations as little as 0.5%. The other option is EDTA which is what the expensive Livionex toothpaste is based upon. In it's natural form it can break down and dissolve calcium, so perhaps a little extreme an option.

I would consider an ionic toothbrush like the Soladey Ion 3 which can inhibit the van der waals force that plaque uses to accumulate what it needs to stay attached to oral tissue. Scrubbing of plaque really does not make sense in the grand scheme of things, but a good ionic toothbrush that can create enough of an opposite charge like the Soladey can inhibit plaques adherence to the oral cavity(note:it wont get rid of calculus though on its own. That definitely needs to be removed with descaling, but it will make it so the calculus is weak and will take little effort to take off with a descaler)

If you are taking an antibiotic make sure to always take them with something that has quorum sensing inhibition like cranberry anthocyanins, licorice root actives like Glycyrrhizin, glabridin, licochalcone, and chalcones and quinones from Pau D'Arco like B-Lapachone, lapachol, etc

Things that aid in periodontal regeneration are stuff like quercetin and apigenin, you can also try brushing with both a fluoride ion toothpaste like Biomin or Novamin which is in the apatite form, and also then brush with a calcium, zinc, or magnesium hydroxyapatite toothpaste 20-30mins after that. I was and most people are wrong about hydroxyapatite being capable of fulfilling the role of fluoride toothpaste. They impede the absorption of one another, so combining both aat different times is more effective than using one or the other

You can keep up salivary production by taking things like malic acid after meals if you find that to be an issue

Not gonna mention stuff like calcium as it's not aas important as people make it out to be, and if you are eating "Peaty" ya probably getting plenty from ya diet anyways
Wow, thank you! So many will benefit from your (and @yerrag ) message here.
Jul 11, 2020
This is the stuff right here. Gum issues are bacterial and endotoxin in nature. Ray has mentioned many times the dentist who stopped performing dentistry when he started prescribing antibiotics and laxitives. Georgi has also posted the study regarding 20-40mg doxy for 6 months reversing gum disease and osteoporosis.

Low energy metabolism begets low thyroid function begets low immunity begets bacterial infection begets endotoxin.
That gum disease likely would of came back though after the trial period ceased. All periodontal bacteria eventually become resistant to most antibiotics, but especially those of the tetracycline and penicillin class and this is one of the reasons anyways why i don't really ascribe to the clean gut hypothesis of Peats and Haiduts and in the case of periodontitis and periodontal diseases in general, i find this advice kind of dangerous. I eat a lot of soluble fibre now that creates butyrate and feeds some commensal species in the gut, and on the other hand taking penicillin completely ruined my digestion, amoxcillin whilst getting rid of an infection on its own(not entirely though) also caused some severe progression of gum tissue degradation that was an absolute **** to get back to the position that it was. Taking active probiotic species in raw kefir, yeasts, kombucha and some carefully selected soluble fibre to feed the right species of those bacteria reversed the majority of that damage. So whilst the theory of "low energy/metabolism begets low thyroid function, begets low immunity, begets bacterial infection, begets endotoxin" makes for a really nice soundbite that people endlessly parrot paraphrased versions of here, it has not been my experience at all with reversing my own periodontal health, and FYI i did solid strict "peating" for 5-6 years before i started incorporating things that this community largely frowns upon. The strict "peating" helped in some areas but royally ****88 me in others.

I don't buy that anecdote at all by the way. He either misinterpreted what that dentist said, or that dentist was being hyperbolic. Most people who develop periodontitis see that disease progress to its ultimate climax (complete breakdown of periodontal tissue)largely because of dentists prescribing antibiotics willynilly.
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Oct 21, 2013
I can't cover everything in one post without already making this post long enough to make people with short attention spans lose interest, so if you have questions, shoot it out.
Great stuff Yerrag! Those of us who struggle with mouth issues though will not be afflicted by short attention spans when it comes to a discussion like this ;-)


May 4, 2022
I don't buy that anecdote at all by the way. He either misinterpreted what that dentist said, or that dentist was being hyperbolic. Most people who develop periodontitis see that disease progress to its ultimate climax (complete breakdown of periodontal tissue)largely because of dentists prescribing antibiotics willynilly.
Yeah, I don't buy that anecdote either. We need repeatable and empirical not a friend of a friend of my cousin's coworker said he did this...


May 2, 2021
That gum disease likely would of came back though after the trial period ceased. All periodontal bacteria eventually become resistant to most antibiotics, but especially those of the tetracycline and penicillin class and this is one of the reasons anyways why i don't really ascribe to the clean gut hypothesis of Peats and Haiduts and in the case of periodontitis and periodontal diseases in general, i find this advice kind of dangerous. I eat a lot of soluble fibre now that creates butyrate and feeds some commensal species in the gut, and on the other hand taking penicillin completely ruined my digestion, amoxcillin whilst getting rid of an infection on its own(not entirely though) also caused some severe progression of gum tissue degradation that was an absolute **** to get back to the position that it was. Taking active probiotic species in raw kefir, yeasts, kombucha and some carefully selected soluble fibre to feed the right species of those bacteria reversed the majority of that damage. So whilst the theory of "low energy/metabolism begets low thyroid function, begets low immunity, begets bacterial infection, begets endotoxin" makes for a really nice soundbite that people endlessly parrot paraphrased versions of here, it has not been my experience at all with reversing my own periodontal health, and FYI i did solid strict "peating" for 5-6 years before i started incorporating things that this community largely frowns upon. The strict "peating" helped in some areas but royally ****88 me in others.

I don't buy that anecdote at all by the way. He either misinterpreted what that dentist said, or that dentist was being hyperbolic. Most people who develop periodontitis see that disease progress to its ultimate climax (complete breakdown of periodontal tissue)largely because of dentists prescribing antibiotics willynilly.
Well, I wish you all the best, and I hope you are successful in aiding your periodontal disease.

I personally had success with exactly the methods that I shared, but we’re all different and I’m not here to convince anyone of anything.


Mar 20, 2021
So I'm way from home, in Hawaii right now, and I left my sonicare toothbrush at home (husband and I share the handle, he needs it more), along with my Kuinone (Idealabs'K2) and methylene blue....

After only 2 days, my 1 pocket that hasn't bled in almost 2 years started annoying me and last night I noticed a little pink in my paste...

Maybe my manual brushing is too irritating on the spot... I thought I would leave most supps at home to see how I felt, but now I'm not sure that was a good plan...

Side note: found fresh island grass fed beef liver in a tiny random market!


Aug 8, 2020

I have had astounding results with nebulizing of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Resolved within 2 weeks with 3 times daily sessions of 3mins each a precancerous ulcer in my upper jaw which has persisted through 2 years of treatment with multiple meds.

It requires only a small mesh nebulizer which is inexpensive and easy to use, especially if you buy a rechargeable unit. Hydrogen Peroxide is cheap.

The nebulized peroxide will probably eradicate every bug in your mouth, digestive and respiratory tracts.

Treatment information obtained from the book Rapid Virus Recovery by Thomas E Levy MD, JD.


Mar 20, 2021

I have had astounding results with nebulizing of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Resolved within 2 weeks with 3 times daily sessions of 3mins each a precancerous ulcer in my upper jaw which has persisted through 2 years of treatment with multiple meds.

It requires only a small mesh nebulizer which is inexpensive and easy to use, especially if you buy a rechargeable unit. Hydrogen Peroxide is cheap.

The nebulized peroxide will probably eradicate every bug in your mouth, digestive and respiratory tracts.

Treatment information obtained from the book Rapid Virus Recovery by Thomas E Levy MD, JD.
Awesome thanks! 😳
Mar 10, 2021
I would start oil pulling with coconut oil to remedy the root of the problem. This article might put your mind at ease…

I also don’t ex



Mar 10, 2021
I have potential blockage in my cortoid artery.
Ray Peat has talked very highly about orange peels being a super drug. I think it might be a good place for you to start….

“A two-year experiment with pigs found that citrus pectin - the sticky substance that’s used to make jelly - reduces the formation of fatty plaque in coronary arteries, said Dr. Sigurd Normann of the University of Florida.

″The practical impact of our investigation is that we can tell a patient with severe atherosclerosis all is not lost,″ said fellow researcher Dr. James Cerda. ″Based on this research, I would advise my patients with high cholesterol levels to eat a low-fat diet, get some exercise and eat at least one grapefruit or several fresh oranges every day.”

The researchers emphasized that citrus juice doesn’t have the same beneficial effects because pectin is found only in the rind and in the pulp.”

“Limonene has broad application prospects in antibacterial and food preservation due to its broad-spectrum bactericidal activity, safety, and low toxicity [10]. Moreover, D-limonene can significantly inhibit gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria as well as fungal activity.”

Mar 10, 2021
I've recently had a thermography exam and it showed a lot of inflammation in my sinus, neck, throat/thyroid..basically my neck up. I didn't have the full body exam.
They said it was probably bacteria. I've been suffering from scalp pain and hairloss. I think it maybe connected. I have potential blockage in my cortoid artery.

My question is what to do to remove the bacteria from my body and stop the plaque I think is blocking arteries and vessels. I have been wary of anti-biotics. A dentist told me years ago I have pathogenic bacteria. 9 were indicated as above threshold. Red, Orange, Orange associated and green complex if that means anything to anyone. The dentist then suggested systemic antibotics (amoxiccin 500 gm for 8-10 days and metronidazole for 8-10 days. And chemical antiseptics - chlorhexidine or povidine iodine rinses.

Does anyone have any knowledge about antibiotics that could clear this without giving me other problems to deal with or if you have experience of clearing the systemic bacteria successfully in other ways.

Ginger as a mouthwash could help…

“Thus, compared to control cells, the stimulated cells reacted about 30 percent more strongly to a peptide that simulates a bacterial infection. Addition of a TRPV1 receptor-specific inhibitor reversed the effect induced by [6]-gingerol.”

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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