Seborrheic Dermatitis (SD) And Periodontal Bacteria - My Hypothesis


Mar 29, 2016
In my experience-

  • Have had SD for close to twenty years; could never figure out why; and why it is on the scalp on not elsewhere
  • Looking back, it came together with an arthritic knee pain, which I could not get rid of; went to see sports therapist, and the exercise rubber band to correct a supposed muscle imbalance did not help
  • I also began to have high blood pressure at around the same time
  • Over the years I also experienced diminished erectile strength and endurance
  • It was around this time, twenty years back, that I had my first periodontal issue, which left me with two periodontal pockets
  • I suspect all these symptoms are all interrelated; I don't believe it is about aging, as all doctors I'd see would say so, or if they didn't say that, they'd say it is a mystery
Last year, I took 2x20mg of doxycycline for about 50 days (when my 4000mg bottle was exhausted). This was to lower my serum wbc and neutrophil levels, which indicates a high level of low-grade bacterial infection. Unexpectedly, my SD cleared. During that time, my arthritic knee pain also disappeared. But my blood pressure remained high and my virility stayed the same. I was focused though on lower my blood pressure.

My SD returned though.

This was after I had stopped taking doxycycline. And this could be also because my serum wbc and neutrophils increased. I had begun to take some proteolytic enzymes. My aim was to lyse the arterial (and the capillaries that feed internal organs as well) of plaque, which I suspect to be contributory to my high blood pressure. I would then realize (or suspect) that as my plaque was being lysed, bacterial biofilms were being broken and bacteria were being released, and this was having an effect. My blood pressure further increased, and my SD came back (My left knee arthritic pain was still not being felt, but I felt a slight pain in my hips).

At this point, I stopped taking the enzymes. And plotted my next strategy. I'm pretty sure by now that my issues were related to bacteria, and that this bacteria were all from my blood vessel walls. I had a hidden periodontal until last year, and in those years (at least 15 years) it had released bacteria internally to my blood vessels, and it had caused all the above-mentioned symptoms. Even after the teeth were extracted 16 months ago, the effects persist as the periodontal bacteria had colonized at my blood vessels, which is no trivial matter, considering how vast the network of blood vessels is.

I'm back to taking doxycycline at an increased dosage. Instead of 2 x 20 mg daily, it's now at 2 x 50 mg. I decided on this dosage because it was at this dosage that I'm seeing my weekly serum tests show lowered levels of wbc and neutrophils.

Aside from doxycyline, I was taking plenty of other supplements that would help break biofilms as well as help kill bacteria and fungus, as well as some bacterial enzymes. There is a high level of symbiotic activity among the periodontal bacteria and other bacteria and fungi, and they were helping each other out in terms of survival, and they were thriving off my body. They were dismembering chunks of protein for the carbon and nitrogen contents, which they use as food. They were also converting arginine to citrulline, depriving my body of the vasodilatory action of nitrous oxide to lower my blood pressure. There were plenty of effects - citrullination of protein causing autoimmune reaction that translated to arthritic pain, and deprivation of nitrogen substrates needed for vasodilation needed for lower blood pressure and good erectile ability. And then there were the flakes coming off my scalp, which I believe to be waste products coming off the innate immune system's phagocytes killing off bacteria. I suspect the lymphatic system had access to the scalp, from which these waste by-products are being released.

I was holding off on using proteolytic enzymes, given how poorly it ended last time around. Remember that it caused a lot of bacteria to be released into the blood stream, and this was causing my blood pressure to worsen. But because my blood pressure wasn't going down, I finally had to. This came out of my concern that as the supplements take effect, they were releasing some fragments that would end up getting stuck along the capillaries, and this would be blocking blood flow. Proteolytic enzymes would need to be used to unblock the capillaries, as these enzymes would lyse, or eat away these fragments.

I slowly reintroduced the proteolytic enzymes, and sure enough my blood pressure would show signs of going down. Encouraged, I would increase the dosage level. But yesterday I noticed that my dermatitis started to become worse. It was feeling more wet than I had come to be accustomed to.

I'm now dialing down the dosage. I even stopped the intake of proteolytic enzymes to allow my system to stabilize to a point where I can see my SD go back to the level it was, which was being more stubborn dandruff attached to the scalp at different sections, but dry and seemingly on the way to being cleared; instead of being wet and seemingly very active.

I'm seeing the SD as a nice way for me to determine my dosage level of proteolytic enzymes, relative to the fixed dosage of doxycycline at 2 x 50 mg. I didn't want to increase my doxy dosage, as I want to be on the safe side of dosing when it comes to antibiotics. I just had to be at a dosage level with proteolytic enzymes that would release enough bacteria that can be easily killed or inhibited by my current doxy dosage. This way, I could manage the release of toxins and waste in a way that doesn't cause SD to worsen.

And like Tim Robbins' character in the Shawshank Redemption, I can steadily eat away at the periodontal bacteria lining up my blood vessel walls until I reach freedom from the symptoms.

And though seborrheic dermatitis is the least of them, it will still be helpful to know I've beat it, no matter how inconsequential seeing it gone will be.


Feb 14, 2017
Wow that’s interesting. I am literally going through this. The knee pain thing just started recently.

I did a round of minocycline and did notice the same improvements but it did not stick.


Apr 13, 2016
The cyclines are antiinflammatory,.so it's not necessarily an issue of killing bacteria. It could be a general inflammatory issue.


Mar 29, 2016
You're right. Its role is inhibitory and less of a killing action on bacteria, by the way it disrupts protein synthesis in the bacteria. With growth suppressed, the bacteria on hand is left to the immune system to destroy with phagocytic action. With less phagocytosis due to a lower bacterial population, there is also less oxidative stress amd inflammation involved. Still, its effects are directly related to weakening the bacteria colony and its numbers.

But knee pain can be bacterial related and may not be. I vaguely recall Ray Peat discussing arthritis in the context of hormones. A large part of why it's a vague recollection is because I couldn't really relate to Ray Peat's explanation. My takeaway from it is that it's metabolic in nature, and with inefficient glucose metabolism (from lack of thyroid, for example) could result in inefficient glucose metabolism, and this way result in more lactic acid and less carbon dioxide produced, and this leads to an acidic ecf and blood, which can cause certain metabolites to crystallize, such as uric acid. The crystals in the knee would be a source of pain. But this is how I could explain the relationship of arthritis to hormones. Perhaps someone else can correct or add to this.

But the bacterial aspect of arthritis is more complicated. One I've read about is that it's mycobacteria that's embedded in joints, with the body lacking the energy to extinguish this bacteria. It's said that low potassium stores in the body is the cause of this lack of energy. Increasing potassium stores would be the solution, but increasing potassium stores is dependent on the body having sufficient magnesium stores. This means both magnesium and potassium stores should be sufficient. This makes me wonder if it's really a low magnesium issue, as Ray has talked about magnesium deficiency as being a limiting factor in generation of energy in the ETC.

I've addressed this issue with being on increased magnesium and potassium supplementation for a year, and the arthritic knee pain isn't gone yet. At the very least, I've checked off this possible cause already. And I continue to take plenty of fruits, which is rich in potassium, and I just eat cooked green leaves for my veggies, as it is rich in magnesium and calcium. This keeps me from backsliding into mineral deficiencies, which is way too easy to happen in the usual way we eat.

It was when I was on 2 x 40 mg doxy for 50 days that I experienced the loss of knee pain as well as the disappearance of seborrheic dermatitis. I knew I wouldn't be taking doxy forever, so I was just happy for that moment, knowing fully well that I'm not really cured. But I was half-wrong half-right. My seborrheic dermatitis came back, but my knee pain was gone for good. Perhaps it was the combination of my magnesium-potassium therapy, and the doxy. But perhaps it also helped that I took some boron also for a while. And it could also be because I had improved my acid-base balance. I have high uric acid levels also, so the knee pain could also be because of urate crystals not forming from better acid-base balance. Perhaps it was a matter of crossing out all the possible causes of it, leaving no stone unturned, as the pain could be coming from different causes.

This ends my post for now, as far as knee pain is concerned. I'm not going to be surprised if this should end up being an arcade game of hitting the beaver though, as the pain can show up elsewhere. I've already said I got some hip pain now that wasn't there when I was having the knee pain. I may not be seeing the end of it, as the periodontal bacteria in my system could cause citrullination, and the citrullinated protein could be eliciting an autoimmune reaction, and causing the hip pain. And I'm having to chase the tail of this menace.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Best wishes @yerrag. Please keep an eye on your digestion since you are requiring antibiotics for so long. Doxycycline is one of the antibiotics that is particularly good at killing O. formigenes which helps us break down oxalate in our food.


Mar 29, 2016
Best wishes @yerrag. Please keep an eye on your digestion since you are requiring antibiotics for so long. Doxycycline is one of the antibiotics that is particularly good at killing O. formigenes which helps us break down oxalate in our food.
Thanks Blossom. So far, my digestion has held up well. But I have to be careful. I notice my body temperature going down lately, and that may be the cue for me to use another antibiotic, and I'm thinking of making a post on each of these threads, on getting some ideas:

Tetracyclines Cause Mitochondrial Dysfunction
The Tetracycline Antibiotics Inhibit Mitochondrial Respiration


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA


Mar 29, 2016
Here is a relevant study on the use of pseudo-ceramides and eucalyptus extract in improving cases of seborrheic dermatitis. The use of ceramides is based on the idea that people with such skin conditions are low in ceramides in the skin:

Ceramides are major components of intercellular lipids in the stratum corneum1 and play a crucial role in the barrier function2 and moisture-retention ability (MRA) of the skin.3 Skin with decreased stratum corneum functions, such as seen in patients with atopic dermatitis,4,5 has low ceramide levels in the stratum corneum.

Skin dryness, scaling, and erythema were significantly improved by treatment with the lotion. The moisture-retention ability of the scalp was significantly increased and itchiness, evaluated using a visual analog scale, decreased significantly.

From these results, we conclude that this pseudo-ceramide and eucalyptus extract-containing lotion effectively improved the dry and scaly conditions of the scalp as well as the quality of life of subjects with atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, or pityriasis capitis.

The efficacy of a pseudo-ceramide and eucalyptus extract containing lotion on dry scalp skin

I'm interested in finding out, though, why my scalp would be low on ceramides, in relation to my condition of having low-grade (not manifesting as fever) infection in my blood vessels. How this would lead to low ceramide levels is something I have yet to find out.

I suspect though, that it is because of poor nutrition of the scalp due to poor circulation of blood through the capillaries. The poor circulation is the result of plaque forming on the endothelial linings that restrict blood flow. The plaque could be from either cholesteryl esters lining the vessel walls, the result of oxidized cholesterol from PUFAs; or could be from immune complexes resulting from the remnants of white blood clots destroying pathogens, as part of our innate immune response to pathogens. Because of poor nutrition, the scalp cells are not able to produce enough ceramides.

The effect is not only on poor skin, but also on poor hair growth and quality.

Notwithstanding, I've been able to retain a decent amount of hair. While I have not become bald, I'm showing thin section in front and at the monk's scalp region. I think it's only because I've not allowed my high blood pressure to go down by taking blood pressure maintenance meds. This way, blood vessels still continue to provide enough nutrition to support hair growth.
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Mar 29, 2016
My SD just worsened lately, but I don't feel bad anymore about it.

I now understand it to be an excretion caused by detoxification. It is just like urinating. But what is different here is that it involves follicles instead of kidneys. The hair follicles act as mini-organs of elimination, and what it is eliminating in my case are products of phagocytosis involving neutrophils and bacteria.

I am my own blend of Vitamin E, and it has been successfully lysing plaque, attacking the foam cells that contain oxidized LDL. As the foam cells are lysed, a lot of bacteria that form a biofilm that lay dormant is released or is exposed, and is now being attacked and eaten up by phagocytes, and neutrophils are actively playing the role of phagocytes. The dead bacteria and neutrophils, for some reason, prefer to be discharged and excreted thru the follicles. As they are discharged, they form flakes. The strong discharge is from the increased activity of the immune system, reacting to the heavy presence of bacteria. I think that as long as a chronic internal infection exists, and as long as the neutrophils are continually eating up the bacteria, the debri is going to be discharged through the follicles, and seborrheic dermatitis would be an ongoing issue.

Here is an article of hair follicles possibly acting as an organ of elimination:

I am hopeful that I will figure out a way to eliminate this chronic infection for good. I have already started using vitamin E, but alone it will not do it. So I am trying out other substances that will together eliminate this infection. When I'm successful, not only will the SD problem be gone, but my high blood pressure condition as well.


Feb 14, 2017
My SD just worsened lately, but I don't feel bad anymore about it.

I now understand it to be an excretion caused by detoxification. It is just like urinating. But what is different here is that it involves follicles instead of kidneys. The hair follicles act as mini-organs of elimination, and what it is eliminating in my case are products of phagocytosis involving neutrophils and bacteria.

I am my own blend of Vitamin E, and it has been successfully lysing plaque, attacking the foam cells that contain oxidized LDL. As the foam cells are lysed, a lot of bacteria that form a biofilm that lay dormant is released or is exposed, and is now being attacked and eaten up by phagocytes, and neutrophils are actively playing the role of phagocytes. The dead bacteria and neutrophils, for some reason, prefer to be discharged and excreted thru the follicles. As they are discharged, they form flakes. The strong discharge is from the increased activity of the immune system, reacting to the heavy presence of bacteria. I think that as long as a chronic internal infection exists, and as long as the neutrophils are continually eating up the bacteria, the debri is going to be discharged through the follicles, and seborrheic dermatitis would be an ongoing issue.

Here is an article of hair follicles possibly acting as an organ of elimination:

I am hopeful that I will figure out a way to eliminate this chronic infection for good. I have already started using vitamin E, but alone it will not do it. So I am trying out other substances that will together eliminate this infection. When I'm successful, not only will the SD problem be gone, but my high blood pressure condition as well.
Interesting theory. My sd has calmed down significantly but is still mild. I use acv with aspirin dissolved a couple times a week.

what is your hair quality like? Thinning?


Mar 29, 2016
Interesting theory. My sd has calmed down significantly but is still mild. I use acv with aspirin dissolved a couple times a week.

what is your hair quality like? Thinning?

Hair is thinning. Poor circulation in the capillaries feeding the follicles. But I think as long as SD is happening, hair will not go away as the follicle is still there.

Not sure if this applies to everyone where sd is internally caused, but I think that once the infection if eliminated and the capillaries are made whole again, with good circulation restored, hair will grow back. But it's easier said than done, and I don't think our doctors how to go about doing that. So the solutions are mainly external. Topicals, and things like dermarolling. If you can solve the SD, you're closer to getting your hair back.


Feb 14, 2017
Hair is thinning. Poor circulation in the capillaries feeding the follicles. But I think as long as SD is happening, hair will not go away as the follicle is still there.

Not sure if this applies to everyone where sd is internally caused, but I think that once the infection if eliminated and the capillaries are made whole again, with good circulation restored, hair will grow back. But it's easier said than done, and I don't think our doctors how to go about doing that. So the solutions are mainly external. Topicals, and things like dermarolling. If you can solve the SD, you're closer to getting your hair back.
yeah mine is thinning as well. pretty annoying. Been 11 years now.


Aug 6, 2017
You're right. Its role is inhibitory and less of a killing action on bacteria, by the way it disrupts protein synthesis in the bacteria. With growth suppressed, the bacteria on hand is left to the immune system to destroy with phagocytic action. With less phagocytosis due to a lower bacterial population, there is also less oxidative stress amd inflammation involved. Still, its effects are directly related to weakening the bacteria colony and its numbers.

But knee pain can be bacterial related and may not be. I vaguely recall Ray Peat discussing arthritis in the context of hormones. A large part of why it's a vague recollection is because I couldn't really relate to Ray Peat's explanation. My takeaway from it is that it's metabolic in nature, and with inefficient glucose metabolism (from lack of thyroid, for example) could result in inefficient glucose metabolism, and this way result in more lactic acid and less carbon dioxide produced, and this leads to an acidic ecf and blood, which can cause certain metabolites to crystallize, such as uric acid. The crystals in the knee would be a source of pain. But this is how I could explain the relationship of arthritis to hormones. Perhaps someone else can correct or add to this.

But the bacterial aspect of arthritis is more complicated. One I've read about is that it's mycobacteria that's embedded in joints, with the body lacking the energy to extinguish this bacteria. It's said that low potassium stores in the body is the cause of this lack of energy. Increasing potassium stores would be the solution, but increasing potassium stores is dependent on the body having sufficient magnesium stores. This means both magnesium and potassium stores should be sufficient. This makes me wonder if it's really a low magnesium issue, as Ray has talked about magnesium deficiency as being a limiting factor in generation of energy in the ETC.

I've addressed this issue with being on increased magnesium and potassium supplementation for a year, and the arthritic knee pain isn't gone yet. At the very least, I've checked off this possible cause already. And I continue to take plenty of fruits, which is rich in potassium, and I just eat cooked green leaves for my veggies, as it is rich in magnesium and calcium. This keeps me from backsliding into mineral deficiencies, which is way too easy to happen in the usual way we eat.

It was when I was on 2 x 40 mg doxy for 50 days that I experienced the loss of knee pain as well as the disappearance of seborrheic dermatitis. I knew I wouldn't be taking doxy forever, so I was just happy for that moment, knowing fully well that I'm not really cured. But I was half-wrong half-right. My seborrheic dermatitis came back, but my knee pain was gone for good. Perhaps it was the combination of my magnesium-potassium therapy, and the doxy. But perhaps it also helped that I took some boron also for a while. And it could also be because I had improved my acid-base balance. I have high uric acid levels also, so the knee pain could also be because of urate crystals not forming from better acid-base balance. Perhaps it was a matter of crossing out all the possible causes of it, leaving no stone unturned, as the pain could be coming from different causes.

This ends my post for now, as far as knee pain is concerned. I'm not going to be surprised if this should end up being an arcade game of hitting the beaver though, as the pain can show up elsewhere. I've already said I got some hip pain now that wasn't there when I was having the knee pain. I may not be seeing the end of it, as the periodontal bacteria in my system could cause citrullination, and the citrullinated protein could be eliciting an autoimmune reaction, and causing the hip pain. And I'm having to chase the tail of this menace.
I'm sorry to say this but you seem to be completely lost. This also includes your later updates i don't feel like quoting.

Can you entertain the idea that you have it all backwards? At the very least you should know that if there exists such a thing as plaque with dormant bacteria, the moment they get dissolved off by your proteolytics and enter circulation your body WILL eliminate them. They don't just keep floating around.

I am fairly certain that dosing yourself continuously with high doses of antibiotics will cause you serious harm and promote dysbiosis in your gut for the bacteria that are not affected by doxy. If you believe in doxy and want to use it safely please graduate to IV.


Aug 17, 2018
In my experience-

  • Have had SD for close to twenty years; could never figure out why; and why it is on the scalp on not elsewhere
  • Looking back, it came together with an arthritic knee pain, which I could not get rid of; went to see sports therapist, and the exercise rubber band to correct a supposed muscle imbalance did not help
  • I also began to have high blood pressure at around the same time
  • Over the years I also experienced diminished erectile strength and endurance
  • It was around this time, twenty years back, that I had my first periodontal issue, which left me with two periodontal pockets
  • I suspect all these symptoms are all interrelated; I don't believe it is about aging, as all doctors I'd see would say so, or if they didn't say that, they'd say it is a mystery
Last year, I took 2x20mg of doxycycline for about 50 days (when my 4000mg bottle was exhausted). This was to lower my serum wbc and neutrophil levels, which indicates a high level of low-grade bacterial infection. Unexpectedly, my SD cleared. During that time, my arthritic knee pain also disappeared. But my blood pressure remained high and my virility stayed the same. I was focused though on lower my blood pressure.

My SD returned though.

This was after I had stopped taking doxycycline. And this could be also because my serum wbc and neutrophils increased. I had begun to take some proteolytic enzymes. My aim was to lyse the arterial (and the capillaries that feed internal organs as well) of plaque, which I suspect to be contributory to my high blood pressure. I would then realize (or suspect) that as my plaque was being lysed, bacterial biofilms were being broken and bacteria were being released, and this was having an effect. My blood pressure further increased, and my SD came back (My left knee arthritic pain was still not being felt, but I felt a slight pain in my hips).

At this point, I stopped taking the enzymes. And plotted my next strategy. I'm pretty sure by now that my issues were related to bacteria, and that this bacteria were all from my blood vessel walls. I had a hidden periodontal until last year, and in those years (at least 15 years) it had released bacteria internally to my blood vessels, and it had caused all the above-mentioned symptoms. Even after the teeth were extracted 16 months ago, the effects persist as the periodontal bacteria had colonized at my blood vessels, which is no trivial matter, considering how vast the network of blood vessels is.

I'm back to taking doxycycline at an increased dosage. Instead of 2 x 20 mg daily, it's now at 2 x 50 mg. I decided on this dosage because it was at this dosage that I'm seeing my weekly serum tests show lowered levels of wbc and neutrophils.

Aside from doxycyline, I was taking plenty of other supplements that would help break biofilms as well as help kill bacteria and fungus, as well as some bacterial enzymes. There is a high level of symbiotic activity among the periodontal bacteria and other bacteria and fungi, and they were helping each other out in terms of survival, and they were thriving off my body. They were dismembering chunks of protein for the carbon and nitrogen contents, which they use as food. They were also converting arginine to citrulline, depriving my body of the vasodilatory action of nitrous oxide to lower my blood pressure. There were plenty of effects - citrullination of protein causing autoimmune reaction that translated to arthritic pain, and deprivation of nitrogen substrates needed for vasodilation needed for lower blood pressure and good erectile ability. And then there were the flakes coming off my scalp, which I believe to be waste products coming off the innate immune system's phagocytes killing off bacteria. I suspect the lymphatic system had access to the scalp, from which these waste by-products are being released.

I was holding off on using proteolytic enzymes, given how poorly it ended last time around. Remember that it caused a lot of bacteria to be released into the blood stream, and this was causing my blood pressure to worsen. But because my blood pressure wasn't going down, I finally had to. This came out of my concern that as the supplements take effect, they were releasing some fragments that would end up getting stuck along the capillaries, and this would be blocking blood flow. Proteolytic enzymes would need to be used to unblock the capillaries, as these enzymes would lyse, or eat away these fragments.

I slowly reintroduced the proteolytic enzymes, and sure enough my blood pressure would show signs of going down. Encouraged, I would increase the dosage level. But yesterday I noticed that my dermatitis started to become worse. It was feeling more wet than I had come to be accustomed to.

I'm now dialing down the dosage. I even stopped the intake of proteolytic enzymes to allow my system to stabilize to a point where I can see my SD go back to the level it was, which was being more stubborn dandruff attached to the scalp at different sections, but dry and seemingly on the way to being cleared; instead of being wet and seemingly very active.

I'm seeing the SD as a nice way for me to determine my dosage level of proteolytic enzymes, relative to the fixed dosage of doxycycline at 2 x 50 mg. I didn't want to increase my doxy dosage, as I want to be on the safe side of dosing when it comes to antibiotics. I just had to be at a dosage level with proteolytic enzymes that would release enough bacteria that can be easily killed or inhibited by my current doxy dosage. This way, I could manage the release of toxins and waste in a way that doesn't cause SD to worsen.

And like Tim Robbins' character in the Shawshank Redemption, I can steadily eat away at the periodontal bacteria lining up my blood vessel walls until I reach freedom from the symptoms.

And though seborrheic dermatitis is the least of them, it will still be helpful to know I've beat it, no matter how inconsequential seeing it gone will be.
Wouldn't charcoal/camphosal help with clearing up the bacteria?


Mar 29, 2016
sorry to say this but you seem to be completely lost. This also includes your later updates i don't feel like quoting.
Pls. quote. It's there for you to quote.

Completely lost?

You're trying as usual to pick a fight.

Sorry. Don't want to disappoint you but not spending energy on you.
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Mar 29, 2016
Wouldn't charcoal/camphosal help with clearing up the bacteria?
Charcoal doesn't get into the bloodstream. It helps with afsorbing bacteria to keep them from translating to the bloodstream. But when bacteria is already in the bloodstream, it won't do anything.

I don't know enough about camphosal, but it seems the effects are limited to the gut as well.


Mar 29, 2016
Pls. quote. It's there for you to quote.

Completely lost?

You're trying as usual to pick a fight.

Sorry. Don't want to disappoint you but not spending energy on you.

you were sane before. hope you don't get worse. but when you get better, in about ten years maybe, I can u ignore you.


Aug 6, 2017
Pls. quote. It's there for you to quote.

Completely lost?

You're trying as usual to pick a fight.

Sorry. Don't want to disappoint you but not spending energy on you.
I'm not trying to pick a fight, i have just read too many of your theorising posts over the years, and the exotic measures you take to fight what you deemed to be wrong, and seems they invariably backfired.

So now when i hear you graduated to high dose long term antibiotic carpet bombing, it hurts just reading it. Knowing that you are most probably sincere, and really doing it to yourself.

I can see your health makes you write hostile things and misinterpret the intentions of others, so i will step back until you are ready to listen, or you come up with sharing even more harmful regimes. The first one because i know truth will prevail, and the second one because i care about other people that might get bad ideas.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm not trying to pick a fight, i have just read too many of your theorising posts over the years, and the exotic measures you take to fight what you deemed to be wrong, and seems they invariably backfired.

So now when i hear you graduated to high dose long term antibiotic carpet bombing, it hurts just reading it. Knowing that you are most probably sincere, and really doing it to yourself.

I can see your health makes you write hostile things and misinterpret the intentions of others, so i will step back until you are ready to listen, or you come up with sharing even more harmful regimes. The first one because i know truth will prevail, and the second one because i care about other people that might get bad ideas.
You seem sane if only you can explain yourself instead of just make one comment and paint broad strokes with it.

That is not being fair to me and to other forum members. Nowhere did I say I was successful and so it would never give the impression I got it right and that I'm telling people to follow me.

And if you can't read and comment with a relevant quote I made, then it's better for you to hold your horses and compose your thoughts before act like an impulsive fool.

You will note also that in my latest posts I am not using any antibiotics, but you weren't reading anymore, were you? You had already made up your mind that you have adjudicated this and your judgment is I'm a fool and you're the master in this.

You say things like this and I already see you as as discombobulated by the COVID thing. You were more reasonable before. Now you just rush in and make comments that really appear to be picking fights. Just look at your post and tell me if that is a post of a sane person.


Mar 29, 2016
And about the carpet bombing, read my posts carefully and I talk about carpet bombing only in the policosanols thread:

So it is your wild imagination and insane mind at work when you talk about me discussing carpet bombing with antibiotics. You're really an ***hole, you know that?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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