Patrick Timpone

Oct 6, 2021
Oj oj, another one takes his leave right around the same time of the year...! I think I first came across him and his podcasts around 2009 and been listening on and off through the years with some years not at all. His interviews with Andy Gause were somewhat legendary.
But I can't help but roll my eyes since he was writing that book (?) "It takes a long time to get/grow young" or something like that, and aiming at 120+ or whatever. And sleeping so badly for many years and looking just like those cases Ray mentioned of very skinny men putting on weight once they started thyroid. And he certainly wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, his spiritual ideas and "achievements" seemed somewhat equally naive as his idea about how the world worked, including it being flat... BUT, he was truly likeable and had a good radio voice, even if he never failed at making me exercise my eyes (roll, roll) in almost every interview... ;)
Rest in peace fellow Scorpio and thanks for all that you did!

PS. I hope Atom will not follow along very soon...!


Jan 28, 2021
By the way, is there any other guest worth listening apart from Ray and Atom in his podcast?
What do you think about seasalt protocol from Darko?


Jan 9, 2019
Feels like another close to many doors that Ray opened. though Ray had gone I still felt part of his essence when listening to Patrick since they did so many shows together. Thanks for your kindness and generosity Patrick Timpone, send our best to Dr. Peat.


Jan 9, 2019
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Jan 1, 2013
Patrick seemed to me like being the perfect radio host.

Always interested in his guest's ideas and never attempting to super impose his own.

And always so upbeat.

Right now he's probably enjoying Peat's company in heaven.



Apr 11, 2021
I dont know if you traveled to the comments section at the very end but a member named "Atom" which im assuming is Atom Bergstrom says the suspicion of the detective on Patricks case is that it was a Fentanyl related death. And a video from his business partner:

Re: your near-death experience1 message
Unknown person

From:patrick timpone
To:Mary Lott

January 26, 2022 10:05 AM


When we leave our body in contemplation or when the body is sleeping, (Dreams) We, Soul are essentially

dying. the same thing..only we come back. When it's time to go for good...we just don't come back.

Death is no more traumatic than this.

Thanks Mary,


On 1/24/2022 10:19 AM, One Radio Network wrote:
From: Mary N Lott <[email protected]>

By the grace of my Master / teacher, I have learned to die while living, as St. Paul says in the Bible, "I die daily."



Apr 11, 2021
Re: your near-death experience1 message
Unknown person

From:patrick timpone
To:Mary Lott

January 26, 2022 10:05 AM


When we leave our body in contemplation or when the body is sleeping, (Dreams) We, Soul are essentially

dying. the same thing..only we come back. When it's time to go for good...we just don't come back.

Death is no more traumatic than this.

Thanks Mary,


On 1/24/2022 10:19 AM, One Radio Network wrote:
From: "patrick" <[email protected]>
To: "Mary Lott" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 2:45:51 PM
Subject: Re: what happens when we die

I don't think I said that..
I know exactly what happens when we die.
I die daily when I consciously leave my body in spiritual exercises.
I'll give it a listen
If this subject is of interest to you.
Welcome to Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom
may the blessings be,


Apr 11, 2021
From: "patrick" <[email protected]>
To: "Mary Lott" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 2:45:51 PM
Subject: Re: what happens when we die

I don't think I said that..
I know exactly what happens when we die.
I die daily when I consciously leave my body in spiritual exercises.
I'll give it a listen
If this subject is of interest to you.
Welcome to Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom
may the blessings be,
From: "patrick" <[email protected]>
To: "Mary Lott" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 2:45:51 PM
Subject: Re: what happens when we die

I don't think I said that..
I know exactly what happens when we die.
I die daily when I consciously leave my body in spiritual exercises.
I'll give it a listen
If this subject is of interest to you.
Welcome to Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom
may the blessings be,
Indeed .... good question.

My Master, Sri Harold Klemp, The Living Eck Master of Eckankar embodies the Mahanta state of consciousness, which is the broadest, widest, (if you will possible) this state exists and has since the beginning of time, it is essentially Divine Spirit. It is "essential" to have a living Master in the physical because of the energetics of the whole affair.

An example is say Jesus. He has left this field of action and it's over here, why followers of Jesus are going nowhere..they are waiting for him to come back, but that's not happening.

Anyway, when I chose to enter into the Eck teachings...after two years of "study" monthly discourses that are mailed to one, then an initiation happens on the inner, there's an outer ceremony and at that point me, (soul), is forever linked to this state of consciousness that is with me as...mmmm.. my best friend imaginable, always pointing the way, always as close as my heartbeat and always with me. "he" it is personified as a male, but it is a state of consciousness, that doesn't do anything to me, but as I trust and invite it in, and in a sense surrender to IT and have it absorb me, I grow as Soul and let go of all the mind stuff...ideas..images...feelings, that are the ego.

Now the real proof an a real authentic master is that he works with me, literally in the other realities all the time...often I am conscious of the interaction in what is called the "dream" state and I see and experience Sri Harold on the inner. A true master has the ability and function to work with as many chelas as necessary cause he's the real deal.

When initiated it is about gaining real spiritual experiences on the inner planes and here in a body so we can look and see how IT works and who we are as Soul, not just believe we are Soul.

We spend years learning these things by experience...experience is the only way. Reading is great, but it is just a guide.

As we burn through are karma, which is done here, of course, but also when I put my whole life in the hands of The Mahanta, he arranges for me to work out my karma while the body is sleeping.

Today I am mostly conscious 24/7 of everything, who I am, where I am and why I am. Taken a lot of years for me 35 or so, but you have had a great deal of training and such and you can go a lot "faster" if you believe in time...(which doesn't exist😁)

So..I can tell you as a spiritual brother, this is the real thing...and IMO the only true path in physical reality. I hesitate to say this because it is off putting for most for obvious reasons..but, I know this is true.

I spent lifetimes going through many paths and studied all sorts of people early on 50 years ago and all sorts of paths, but you a soul must experience yourself as soul and be able to soul travel (even though there's no space) we are already is just a view point. But, we then can and do, literally explore the other realities and know exactly where we are going after we leave here and can choose what we are going to do...we'll always be a co worker with God. Always.

Ok, so I would suggest you contact Eckankar..through their and ask if they will send you a book or two for someone exploring..and they will. Dig in and see how it all resonates with thee. It may or may not...nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Let me know if I can help in any way. I am at your service.

May the blessings be,


On 3/11/22 10:33 AM, marynell wrote:
I agree that " The only true initiations are from a true God Realized Master."
I'm very happy with my Master Iswar Puri and can't speak about Eck Masters since I've never met one.

Can you arrange an introduction so I can compare?

From: "patrick" <[email protected]>
To: "Mary Lott" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 9:53:28 AM
Subject: Re: what happens when we die

Well, I work from the Soul perspective all the, it's not a lie just because we put words to it.
We do the best we can going through the mind... but from Soul.
We have to, if we choose, establish our self in on the Soul plane and this takes time, the real teacher and
the true initiations.
The only true initiations are from a true God Realized Master. The Eck Masters are the only ones.
On 3/11/22 9:41 AM, marynell wrote:

Thanks for sharing. There is something to learn from everyone.

Speaking of lies . . .
If we accept the generally accepted definition of truth as "that which never changes," then everything is a lie except God / Self / Soul, whatever you want to call It.

All lies / illusions / maya / imperfections / karmas are created by and experienced by the mind. When we are given a view of Totality, the big picture, we see only perfection. Truth and perfection can only be found above the mind. It cannot be described or understood. It can only be experienced.

Soul has never been born and will never die. It has never had any karma and never will.

While I sometimes enjoy discussions like this one with like-minded people, it too, is from the mind and therefore, a lie.

happy always,


From: "patrick" <[email protected]>
To: "Mary Lott" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 9:30:50 AM
Subject: Re: what happens when we die

Well, not all physical bodies die... I have several Eck Master teachers who have had their bodies a
thousand years. Aging and dying the way we are being told is a lie.
I am aware of Sat Mat..and have friends in. A living master ongoing is critical.. Eck has had a living Eck Master unbroken since the beginning of time
In Eck, we are hooked up with the Eck Master who has a physical body yet works with all chelas in the other realites, especially when the body is sleeping...we meet, talk with him and get guidance.
As I alluded to earlier, it is critical, if one wants to know where they are going, to visit, plan out our next spot and this is done in full consciousness and really the only way to bypass the Lords of Karma.... with an Eck Master.
happy day,
On 3/9/22 4:10 PM, marynell wrote:
Ah, the limitation of words. The clip I sent refers to the final leaving when the physical body dies. All physical bodies eventually die. Astral and causal bodies are still very much alive but cannot use the previous physical body again.

Thanks for the info on Eckankar, which is closely aligned with the path I practice – Sant Mat / Radha Soami tradition. e.g., Initiation of a disciple by a living master is of great importance in both Eckankar and Sant Mat so that the initiate can catch spirituality from the guru.

My seeking is somewhat similar to Paul Twitchell's – first initiated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; spent 3 months with Self Realization Fellowship in CA getting certified to teach yoga. In '86, I was initiated by Sant Ajaib Singh and visited His ashram in India many times. He left the body in '97 and I was still seeking til Ishwar C. Puri found me in 2010 and gave me amazing experiences – the most important one was that He pulled me above the mind, where there is only Love, Bliss, and Appreciation of Beauty. Forever Grateful!

Btw, we're sorta, kinda neighbors. I live in a small town in NW Louisiana - bigger than Dripping Springs, but not exactly a mecca for Eastern traditions.

Keep up the good work, kiddo!



Dec 8, 2016


Nov 6, 2020

Patrick J. Timpone

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

“Like it or not, we do survive our decent burials. We are all here till Midnight Eternity. That means Big Daddy-o ain’t gonna go out of business for nobody, and he ain’t working for nobody either.”


Patrick J. Timpone is gone but not forgotten.

We started doing shows together when Patrick was still at KLBJ in Austin and I was living on a ranch just outside of Fayetteville, Texas.

We differed on the shape of the Earth and the existence of germs, but we both knew we live in The Matrix.


When you watch any of Patrick’s previous shows and you see him closing his eyes, he’s in Delta.

It’s a very rare brainwave to experience in the waking state, and it’s usually the province of Yogis.

Blue Skies and Green Lights, Patrick.

You will be missed.


Feb 10, 2019
Does anyone know Patrick's cause of death? for some of us who listened to him for 15 years it does matter...and it is weird that it is a secret for some reason.
Nov 21, 2015
Does anyone know Patrick's cause of death? for some of us who listened to him for 15 years it does matter...and it is weird that it is a secret for some reason.

it is fairly obvious to me. Isn’t it? Not the full story but the outline.


Feb 1, 2022
I'm a fan of the talk radio format and Patrick Timpone was by far the most talented and professional Ray Peat interviewer. If you're a fan of traditional talk radio then his shows with Ray are the ones to listen to. His interviews flow really well and they have a great chemistry. You can tell Ray puts on his best effort even when he isn't feeling well.

It's sad to find out he may have committed suicide by intentional overdose. I always thought he seemed extremely healthy and youthful for his age and this information would help his sudden death make sense. That people want to know how a 76 year died shows he left his mark on this world.


Dec 8, 2016
I'm a fan of the talk radio format and Patrick Timpone was by far the most talented and professional Ray Peat interviewer. If you're a fan of traditional talk radio then his shows with Ray are the ones to listen to. His interviews flow really well and they have a great chemistry. You can tell Ray puts on his best effort even when he isn't feeling well.

It's sad to find out he may have committed suicide by intentional overdose. I always thought he seemed extremely healthy and youthful for his age and this information would help his sudden death make sense. That people want to know how a 76 year died shows he left his mark on this world.
Asking for a friend:

Remember when Ray intentionally asked him how he was doing?
Pressed in right at the end of the interview.

I can’t locate it



Feb 1, 2022
Asking for a friend:

Remember when Ray intentionally asked him how he was doing?
Pressed in right at the end of the interview.

I can’t locate it

It's just my interpretation of RealNeat's post from this thread and the video he posted claims hard times. It also rings true because he seemed really healthy for his age and I don't know why he would never mention a health issue on a broadcast. There is no other cause mentioned except conspiracy theories but I don't think he was influential enough for the kind of intrigue. Fentayl overdoses are very common.

I have no inside info. I would like to know if he overdosed and if it was intentional.

I dont know if you traveled to the comments section at the very end but a member named "Atom" which im assuming is Atom Bergstrom says the suspicion of the detective on Patricks case is that it was a Fentanyl related death. And a video from his business partner:


Nov 4, 2017
It's just my interpretation of RealNeat's post from this thread and the video he posted claims hard times. It also rings true because he seemed really healthy for his age and I don't know why he would never mention a health issue on a broadcast. There is no other cause mentioned except conspiracy theories but I don't think he was influential enough for the kind of intrigue. Fentayl overdoses are very common.

I have no inside info. I would like to know if he overdosed and if it was intentional.
Patrick had mentioned some pretty significant dental work needing to be done during a few of his last podcasts. From what I understand from Atom (he was recently on Mitolife Radio w Matt Blackburn) he is under the impression that's what may have caused it? He said nothing about an overdose.


I find this difficult to believe that he committed suicide. More like suicided.
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Feb 1, 2022
Patrick had mentioned some pretty significant dental work needing to be done during a few of his last podcasts. From what I understand from Atom (he was recently on Mitolife Radio w Matt Blackburn) he is under the impression that's what may have caused it? He said nothing about an overdose.
RealNeat: "Atom Bergstrom says the suspicion of the detective on Patricks case is that it was a Fentanyl related death."

I'm not trying to spread a rumor but I suppose I may have. There are a huge number of people dying from fentanyl overdoses. Often it's accidental.

What's happening now with fentanyl is unusual in that it is frequently killing people when small amounts get into other drugs or it's dosed incorrectly. It's lethal at extremely small doses. It's dirt cheap to make and easy to smuggle. Addicts worry about it killing them by accident.

Even if he overdosed it could be accidental. Or maybe he died from dental work but that seems less likely tbh.

Will there be dental litigation?
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