Once you've read one Ray Peat article you've read them all.


Apr 25, 2015
i love the simplicity.

Josh almost called the CDC because of the recent SIBO epidemic, lol.

i hadn't realized that the Rubins were studying Peat in 2004....which would make that eight years before Danny published the Peat Whisperer.

in my opinion, this is by far the best EWH interview i've heard to date.
Greg says

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
Nicholas said:
i love the simplicity.

Josh almost called the CDC because of the recent SIBO epidemic, lol.

i hadn't realized that the Rubins were studying Peat in 2004....which would make that eight years before Danny published the Peat Whisperer.

in my opinion, this is by far the best EWH interview i've heard to date.

Yeah, I agree. I went to The College of Naturopathic Medicine in London with Chris (the host). I then studied the CHEK stuff and followed Josh's youtubes. I can remember clearly one day watching one video that showed images of OJ, marshmallows, broth, roots etc. and mentioned Ray Peat. I had dismissed RP as a quack long before this, but Josh was the one that made me take notice.

I like all areas of RP, from this forum to Danny Roddy and everything in-between but I really think Josh gets it. I am noticing more and more lay people becoming familiar with RP. It will be completely misinterpreted as the 'carrot, ice cream and OJ diet', and deemed a fail.
Feb 4, 2015
Nicholas said:
i hadn't realized that the Rubins were studying Peat in 2004....which would make that eight years before Danny published the Peat Whisperer.


Here's Josh promoting the benefits of serotonin in 2009:


Josh was way into the Julia Ross Mood Cure, Weston Price, GAPS Diet stuff as recent as 2010 so that's complete BS about him reading Peat in 2004. Look at his old videos.

Someone started commenting on Matt Stones website about Peat in late 2008, but people didn't start noticing until Matt Stone starting talking about Peat in 2010 in his main blog posts not just the comments. That's when Josh started to read Peat and that's when Peat started to become known on the internet health scene but it wasn't until late 2011 that Danny Roddy blew it up, with it really reaching a peak in early 2012, which is when Charlie created this forum.

Also, Josh and his wife yet again misrepresent Peat in that audio interview, especially about supplements.


Apr 25, 2015
Westside PUFAs said:
post 100909
Nicholas said:
i hadn't realized that the Rubins were studying Peat in 2004....which would make that eight years before Danny published the Peat Whisperer.


Here's Josh promoting the benefits of serotonin in 2009:


Josh was way into the Julia Ross Mood Cure, Weston Price, GAPS Diet stuff as recent as 2010 so that's complete BS about him reading Peat in 2004. Look at his old videos.

Someone started commenting on Matt Stones website about Peat in late 2008, but people didn't start noticing until Matt Stone starting talking about Peat in 2010 in his main blog posts not just the comments. That's when Josh started to read Peat and that's when Peat started to become known on the internet health scene but it wasn't until late 2011 that Danny Roddy blew it up, with it really reaching a peak in early 2012, which is when Charlie created this forum.

Also, Josh and his wife yet again misrepresent Peat in that audio interview, especially about supplements.

once again i don't buy your b.s. i was just quoting Josh. He's the one who said he started reading in 2004... "...2002,3, or 2004". He also said that the truth of Peat didn't really click for a while, and then he began to incorporate it more and more. He happily admits that it wasn't a sudden complete shift. Did you listen to the entire interview to see how their practice resonates with Peat? Are you trying to smear the Rubins by stating things they did in the past? And for what reason? If you have any specific criticisms on their present practice, rather than superficial entertainment, i would be happy to hear them.
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Jan 12, 2014
Nicholas said:
Westside PUFAs said:
post 100909
Nicholas said:
i hadn't realized that the Rubins were studying Peat in 2004....which would make that eight years before Danny published the Peat Whisperer.


Here's Josh promoting the benefits of serotonin in 2009:


Josh was way into the Julia Ross Mood Cure, Weston Price, GAPS Diet stuff as recent as 2010 so that's complete BS about him reading Peat in 2004. Look at his old videos.

Someone started commenting on Matt Stones website about Peat in late 2008, but people didn't start noticing until Matt Stone starting talking about Peat in 2010 in his main blog posts not just the comments. That's when Josh started to read Peat and that's when Peat started to become known on the internet health scene but it wasn't until late 2011 that Danny Roddy blew it up, with it really reaching a peak in early 2012, which is when Charlie created this forum.

Also, Josh and his wife yet again misrepresent Peat in that audio interview, especially about supplements.

once again i don't buy your b.s. i was just quoting Josh. He's the one who said he started reading in 2004... "...2002,3, or 2004". He also said that the truth of Peat didn't really click for a while, and then he began to incorporate it more and more. He happily admits that it wasn't a sudden complete shift. Did you listen to the entire interview to see how their practice resonates with Peat? Are you trying to smear the Rubins by stating things they did in the past? And for what reason? If you have any specific criticisms on their present practice, rather than superficial entertainment, i would be happy to hear them.

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Jul 14, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
Westside PUFAs said:
post 100909 Also, Josh and his wife yet again misrepresent Peat in that audio interview, especially about supplements.

Glad someone else has noticed that kind of thing. Not heard this one, but I've heard them trying to put words in his mouth before, and he's probably too polite to overtly contradict them, but then goes on to make his own points.
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Aug 2, 2013
I've noticed a few things about Westside PUFAs:

-Anti-fat (even too much saturated fat and you're dead)
-loves starch (with no fat)
-argues with everyone
-quotes Peat like a hell fire preacher quoting scripture
-cries "Snake oil!" a lot
-sounds like the same whiny internet guy on every forum everywhere
-big time fat-shamer (sorry Josh Rubin, but you're way too fat to be a credible Peat whisperer)

Aside from all that, I have actually found a handful of his replies to be interesting and thought-provoking. The very first forum rule is "Be polite and respectful." I think Westside PUFAs perpetually walks the line on that one.


Oct 27, 2013
There's a difference b/w reading something, vs putting it into action. Many people had read Peat's work by 2004, and Josh possibly was one of them. As evidence of westsides serotonin clip, Josh clearly had other research he was putting into his practice up until he got hooked on Peat's work 5 or so years ago. As written above, Matt Stone's website was the first well visited site to promote Peat's work on the net.

Being a follower of Peat's work, I am happy some people are able to make a living promoting Peat. I'd rather have Josh promote Peat, albeit imperfectly, than have him run with the other sheep (making just as much, if not more money) promoting things that ruin our health.


Mar 29, 2014
mt_dreams said:
post 101110 25 Sep 2015 10:06
There's a difference b/w reading something, vs putting it into action. Many people had read Peat's work by 2004, and Josh possibly was one of them.
That's what it looks like to me too.

mt_dreams said:
post 101110 Being a follower of Peat's work, I am happy some people are able to make a living promoting Peat. I'd rather have Josh promote Peat, albeit imperfectly, than have him run with the other sheep (making just as much, if not more money) promoting things that ruin our health.
Me too.
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Aug 5, 2015
Sounds Hit or Miss to me. Go ahead and dish-out some good cash to student (at best). The Rambel-Ramble interviews they do for each other (M.Stone) do have kernels of truth sure but to harp on those for 1/2hr or more just to increase your online profile? Whatever fine . "Are you Serotonin Starved" 5yrs later: Wooops nope i guess your not! Best of luck. When i get on board and offer services id have a straight-up disclaimer. And resolve my own issues.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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