Hello. My Story, Success With Peat And Health Interests


Apr 5, 2016
Hello everyone,

I've been following the works of Ray Peat for the better part of 2 years and I have lurking around these forums for the past 6 months or so.

There is such a massive store of knowledge on these forums that I have not felt the need until now to signup. Whenever I needed an answer to something with regards to health, it usually could be found on here if I looked long enough.

However, now I very much desire to join the conversation and add to the discussion. Also there are some specific health issues that I am interested in that I would appreciate help with.

My Story

My own health story is one that is probably very familiar to a lot of people. I was very athletic and active in my late teens and early 20s. I ate pretty much anything I wanted and as much as I wanted as long as it was "healthy". By accident this meant avoiding PUFAs and actually involved a lot of sugar and protein. As a result I felt great and was in great shape pretty much effortlessly.

Unfortunately at some point I decided that I needed to 'perfect' my healthy eating and lifestyle:banghead:. This led to a gradual restriction of sugars and carbohydrates, more and more exercise, fish oil, intermittent fasting, 24 hour fasting 48 hour fasting, cheat days, lots of fat, over supplementation with ineffective/dangerous supplements and, insomnia.

Of course I had the usual euphoric period as my bodies stress hormones went sky high. I felt energetic, was losing weight, got to eat massive meals in one sitting because of my fasting. I had discovered health and dieting nirvana!:happy:

Then, one day I woke up (after barely getting any sleep because I was so wired from fasting), looked in the mirror and realized all was not right. I had bags and dark circles under my eyes, I had put on weight despite constantly restricting calories and constantly exercising, my pulse was low, my hands and feet were cold all the time and my hair which had once been thick and brown had become fair, straw like and had started to recede. I was so confused, I was doing everything 'right', how come I was so unwell:wtf:.

So I tried to discover why all this was occurring. It was in my search for what could be causing my hair loss that I somehow stumbled on Danny Roddy's blog and his article 'Sugar: Pure, white and Awesome'. My first reaction before I even read one sentence was, what?!!!, how could sugar be good for you, sugar is the bane of all existence, avoiding it is one of the commandments of health gurus everywhere, Sugar is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse :vamp:, this guy is nuts and I will be moving on. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed and I read the article. That opened up a completely new doorway into understanding about health and biology for me. From that article I slowly began to discover the ways of ray peat and started to peel back the dogma that had been ingrained in my brain for so long and led me to such an unhealthy state.

2 Years later and my health is so much better then it was before. It is still not perfect but it continues to improve and I must say that is in large part to Ray Peat, this forum and the people who contribute to it:clapping:.

My Health Interests
While I am interested in all aspects of health specifically right now I am focusing on degenerative brain diseases mainly parkinson's and addiction.

I am actually in the final stages of writing a comprehensive treatment strategy for parkinson's disease, taking the view that it is a metabolic disease and using many of the treatments talked about in this forum and by Ray Peat in his writings. I may post it in a thread when it is finished so others can see it and possibly add any suggestions or give any feedback. I feel it is the least I could do considering that the vast majority of the information in it, I discovered on these forums. All I have done is compile the information together and presented in a way that is relevant for parkinson's disease. I also plan on making a similar document for treating addiction.

In the meantime if anyone could point me in the right direction on this forum to discussions on addiction and parkinson's I would greatly appreciate it. I have seen a lot of the studies posted by many users, but that has come from being quite direct in my searching of the forums, i.e. searching using the words addiction, and parkinson's. If anyone knows of any obscure discussions that they think might be related please let me know.

Also thanks a bunch if you've managed to persevere through the entirety of my very long winded post. :thumbsup:


Jul 13, 2015
Hi Soren!
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm looking forward to reading more from you.


Apr 5, 2016
Welcome Soren, nice familiar story you got there ;)

Haha thanks. It seems to me that no one starts off with Ray Peat. They have to go through a lot of discovery and mistakes before arriving at this method of health and thinking. It's when you look back that you realize how little you actually knew. As mark twain said, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so".

It's a bit like Plato's allegory of the cave. Everyone starts chained up in a cave, forced to look at shadows on the wall created by the small amounts of light getting through. Not knowing anything else they think that the shadows in the cave are real. Then one person escapes and goes through the darkness of the cave stumbling through a long road of pain and discovery. Until he finally emerges out of the cave and sees the sun and it illuminates all the truth before him and he realizes that all he saw in the cave was just a dance of shadows and that what he could now see was the truth. Excited and eager to help the rest of the people in the cave he returns and attempts to explain what he has seen. To tell them that their reality is just a dance of shadows and the real reality lies outside of the cave. But those still in the cave can't understand what he is saying, for them their only reality is the shadows, they cannot comprehend what he has learnt and they reject him and attack him.

The one thing I would add to Plato's infamous allegory, not to get all matrix like or anything haha but, it shows that when it comes to obtaining true knowledge about something, you cannot simply be told what it is, you have to discover it and learn it for yourself.


Nov 6, 2014
Dear Soren,
That is a beautiful post, thank you for elucidating those thoughts so clearly.
I look forward to reading more.


Apr 3, 2016
Wow, I have a pretty similar story to yours (minus the fasting and a few other things). Except I'm not two years along, I just started my journey back to health last week!

I found Peat/Roddy when I noticed the same symptoms you did: poor sleep, degradation in the quality of my hair/receding a bit, low pulse, low temps, cold extremities, etc.

What has the past two years been like for you? Can you share a bit about your diet/supplements? What improvements have you seen?

Thanks for sharing!


Apr 5, 2016
Dear Soren,
That is a beautiful post, thank you for elucidating those thoughts so clearly.
I look forward to reading more.

Thanks for the compliments Sheila. I hope I elucidate things clearly in my future posts also:lightbulb:.


Apr 5, 2016
Wow, I have a pretty similar story to yours (minus the fasting and a few other things). Except I'm not two years along, I just started my journey back to health last week!

I found Peat/Roddy when I noticed the same symptoms you did: poor sleep, degradation in the quality of my hair/receding a bit, low pulse, low temps, cold extremities, etc.

What has the past two years been like for you? Can you share a bit about your diet/supplements? What improvements have you seen?

Thanks for sharing!

Hey Javin,

I would say the last two years have been slow but steady progress. A lot of that was due to the fact that I made some mistakes along the way and was slow to let go of some of the health dogma's that were holding me back. When I first started down the peat route the first thing I did was start to loosen my diet, increase sugar intake and carbs in general. However, I was still working out way too much and this definitely prevented my body from fully recuperating. I was afraid of gaining fat and losing strength. Plus I thought the amount of exercise I was doing was not in any way going to be detrimental. What I didn't realize is when you've subjected your body to years of chronic stress, you really have to step back and remove those stress factors as much as possible in order for your body to have any hope of recovering. Even though I had improved my diet and had seen some benefit from doing so, my stress hormones were still just too high from heavy weight lifting 4 times a week. About 3 months ago I finished a 6 month layoff period where the only exercise I did was walking. That allowed me to focus on reducing stress as much as possible and has resulted in a massive improvement in my overall health.

Diet General Thoughts
Something that I would say is very important from my experience with regards to supplements and diet is to be patient and to implement things slowly. One of the mistakes I made was going all out straight away. This can be detrimental especially for a body that is not functioning optimally. Take sugar for example, sugar is good and necessary, but if your metabolism is slow and sluggish your body will simply not be able to process as much sugar as someone who has a fast and healthy metabolism. Too much too fast may in fact end up stressing the body and making things worse.

Current Diet
My current diet is pretty basic;

Orange juice pulp free
Coffee with whole milk salt and sugar
Carrot salad
Coconut oil, anything that goes in a frying pan I use either butter or coconut oil.
Protein Shakes made from Milk protein and Skimmed milk which I add sugar and salt to.
Oysters once or twice a week.
Liver: I try to get it as much as possible but I have yet to cook it myself in a way i like. Some restaurants do a great job of making it though.
Cola (with sugar as ingredient instead of HFC)
Skimmed milk
Hydrolysed Gelatin
Potatoes: I am eating these less and less as I feel more energetic and healthier the more I reduce starches.
Occasionally I'll have some red meat, maybe once a week.

When it comes to supplements for me, I also try to be cautious in my implementation and usage. Before I take any supplement I try to find out as much as I can about it. When I was younger, I would read one blog post, or bias article about X supplement and be satisfied that I had done enough research and what I was taking would be beneficial. To my horror I would often later find out that some of these supplements were anything but beneficial and had some potentially very nasty side effects. The problem is that there is such a powerful mainstream narrative for many supplements that it can give the illusion that there is overwhelming evidence for their benefit. I think the only way to get around this is to endeavour to educate yourself as much as possible, so that instead of reading the headline of an article, or blog post that references a study as evidence and having to take the authors at their word. You can read the study itself and be able to understand it enough to determine if the studies conclusions and assertions are valid.

I also think it is wise to add supplements slowly so you can gauge what effect they are having on your body. If you suddenly start taking a plethora of supplements and start feeling positive or negative effects, it can be difficult to determine what is having a beneficial or negative influence. If I add a new supplement I try to keep everything else, diet, sleep patterns, supplements, exercise etc, roughly the same for a couple of weeks so I can better gauge any changes.

Supplement List
All these supplements I've slowly implemented over time and are taken with the goal of promoting a healthy and fast metabolism.

Vitamin K
Red Light therapy 3X per week.
Vitamin E
Thyroid, when I feel that I've had a lot of stress and metabolism is struggling.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B1
Methylene Blue

Changes I noticed
1. Sugar The first big change I noticed was when I started implementing sugar back into my diet. When I first did this I was on holiday and did not have any need to wake up early or any way to exercise. As soon as I started adding white sugar in my coffee and eating tropical fruits and salty foods I suddenly found myself feeling incredibly relaxed and de-stressed. I slept longer and deeper then I had in years. Looking back now what was happening is that my bodies stress hormones were finally dropping and my body was given the chance to relax and all it wanted to do was rest. I was tired but it felt like a tired that my body needed and wanted. So if your in the early stages of adding sugar to your diet you might notice the same feeling of being tired. For me at least this was a good thing, my body could finally rest.

2. Digestion and Carrot: When I stopped eating salads, hard to digest raw vegetables, beans etc, I noticed a massive improvement in digestion. A carrot a day also helped a great deal. It took about a week for my body to get used to it but things improved after it did.

3. Stress, illness, Sugar and salt: When I was starting this change in my diet and I ever felt the beginnings of a cold or sore throat, I found that if I ate a salty and carb rich meal my symptoms would disappear. I definitely feel a lot more resilient to illness then I did before.

4. Pregnenolone and DHEA: I noticed improved resilience to mental stress supplementing with these two supplements. I supplemented with Haidut's Pansterone one serving per day.

5. Vitamin A: I noticed a massive improvement in skin health in the form of a reduction of acne when I started supplementing with Vitamin A. If your taking thyroid your demand for vitamin A goes up and I find when I take thyroid I have to supplement with Vitamin A or I get acne.

6. Red Light Therapy: Definite reduction in stress. If I'm staying up after the sun goes down I will often have a red light lamp next to my computer. I also use it for my knees to help reduce pain and speed recovery from exercise.

7. B Vitamins: Improved mental clarity and energy.

8. Aspirin: Taken before bed seems to help me sleep, also when life is a bit more stressful I'll take one or two doses during the day and it seems to make me more resilient. Always dissolve it in boiling water before to reduce irritation and take vitamin K at night.
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May 6, 2014
Excellent write-up, Soren. I'm sure it will help a lot of people.


Apr 3, 2016
Thanks for that detailed response. Good stuff! I'm glad you're making good progress in your health.


Jun 20, 2015
Excellent write-up, Soren. I'm sure it will help a lot of people.

I have seen a lot of the studies posted by many users, but that has come from being quite direct in my searching of the forums, i.e. searching using the words addiction, and parkinson's. If anyone knows of any obscure discussions that they think might be related please let me know.
"Rat park" might be worth a try.


Feb 24, 2016
Too much too fast may in fact end up stressing the body and making things worse.
Absolutely! This can't be stressed enough. Welsome, Soren.
In the meantime if anyone could point me in the right direction on this forum to discussions on addiction and parkinson's I would greatly appreciate it.
A gentleman wrote an essay on ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) based mostly on Peat's perspective and posted it (you need to scroll down) http://www.alsforums.com/forum/general-discussion-about-als-mnd/8357-nutrition-als.html
ALS and Parkinson's are frequently said to be similar, so I thought you might be interested.
Jan 17, 2016
Thank you for sharing your story Soren. Very inspiring! I'm going to ask (more like beg) my husband to read it...sounds alot like him.

I had bags and dark circles under my eyes

I just developed these...at the same time I also had my first serious histamine reaction a couple weeks ago...and at my doctor visit Tuesday he asked me about allergies based on my under eyes. I now know histamine has been lurking in the background for a long time...affecting me both physically and mentally. Maybe you?

how could sugar be good for you, sugar is the bane of all existence, avoiding it is one of the commandments of health gurus everywhere, Sugar is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse :vamp:

IKR?!? No exaggeration!

I am actually in the final stages of writing a comprehensive treatment strategy for Parkinson's disease, taking the view that it is a metabolic disease and using many of the treatments talked about in this forum and by Ray Peat in his writings.

I just wrote out a simple protocol for dementia for my MIL, based on what I have learned here the last few months. I would be very interested in seeing the Parkinson's treatment strategy. I would imagine they are probably more alike than different, both being a metabolic disease. Any particular thoughts on dementia/Alzheimer's?

"But those still in the cave can't understand what he is saying, for them their only reality is the shadows, they cannot comprehend what he has learnt and they reject him and attack him."

Great analogy Plato! I live this daily trying to make people I talk to understand Ray Peat!
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Jan 17, 2016
A gentleman wrote an essay on ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) based mostly on Peat's perspective and posted it (you need to scroll down) http://www.alsforums.com/forum/general-discussion-about-als-mnd/8357-nutrition-als.html
ALS and Parkinson's are frequently said to be similar, so I thought you might be interested.

Just read this...PITIFUL! Maverick tried so hard to help these people, and he basically got spat on. :(:mad:

Just like Soren's story by Plato...

But those still in the cave can't understand what he is saying, for them their only reality is the shadows, they cannot comprehend what he has learnt and they reject him and attack him.

IKR?!? No exaggeration!

I just wrote out a simple protocol for dementia for my MIL, based on what I have learned here the last few months. I would be very interested in seeing the Parkinson's treatment strategy. I would imagine they are probably more alike than different, both being a metabolic disease. Any particular thoughts on dementia/Alzheimer's?

"But those still in the cave can't understand what he is saying, for them their only reality is the shadows, they cannot comprehend what he has learnt and they reject him and attack him."

Great analogy Plato! I live this daily trying to make people I talk to understand Ray Peat!


Apr 4, 2016
Hello everyone,

I've been following the works of Ray Peat for the better part of 2 years and I have lurking around these forums for the past 6 months or so.

There is such a massive store of knowledge on these forums that I have not felt the need until now to signup. Whenever I needed an answer to something with regards to health, it usually could be found on here if I looked long enough.

However, now I very much desire to join the conversation and add to the discussion. Also there are some specific health issues that I am interested in that I would appreciate help with.

My Story

My own health story is one that is probably very familiar to a lot of people. I was very athletic and active in my late teens and early 20s. I ate pretty much anything I wanted and as much as I wanted as long as it was "healthy". By accident this meant avoiding PUFAs and actually involved a lot of sugar and protein. As a result I felt great and was in great shape pretty much effortlessly.

Unfortunately at some point I decided that I needed to 'perfect' my healthy eating and lifestyle:banghead:. This led to a gradual restriction of sugars and carbohydrates, more and more exercise, fish oil, intermittent fasting, 24 hour fasting 48 hour fasting, cheat days, lots of fat, over supplementation with ineffective/dangerous supplements and, insomnia.

Of course I had the usual euphoric period as my bodies stress hormones went sky high. I felt energetic, was losing weight, got to eat massive meals in one sitting because of my fasting. I had discovered health and dieting nirvana!:happy:

Then, one day I woke up (after barely getting any sleep because I was so wired from fasting), looked in the mirror and realized all was not right. I had bags and dark circles under my eyes, I had put on weight despite constantly restricting calories and constantly exercising, my pulse was low, my hands and feet were cold all the time and my hair which had once been thick and brown had become fair, straw like and had started to recede. I was so confused, I was doing everything 'right', how come I was so unwell:wtf:.

So I tried to discover why all this was occurring. It was in my search for what could be causing my hair loss that I somehow stumbled on Danny Roddy's blog and his article 'Sugar: Pure, white and Awesome'. My first reaction before I even read one sentence was, what?!!!, how could sugar be good for you, sugar is the bane of all existence, avoiding it is one of the commandments of health gurus everywhere, Sugar is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse :vamp:, this guy is nuts and I will be moving on. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed and I read the article. That opened up a completely new doorway into understanding about health and biology for me. From that article I slowly began to discover the ways of ray peat and started to peel back the dogma that had been ingrained in my brain for so long and led me to such an unhealthy state.

2 Years later and my health is so much better then it was before. It is still not perfect but it continues to improve and I must say that is in large part to Ray Peat, this forum and the people who contribute to it:clapping:.

My Health Interests
While I am interested in all aspects of health specifically right now I am focusing on degenerative brain diseases mainly parkinson's and addiction.

I am actually in the final stages of writing a comprehensive treatment strategy for parkinson's disease, taking the view that it is a metabolic disease and using many of the treatments talked about in this forum and by Ray Peat in his writings. I may post it in a thread when it is finished so others can see it and possibly add any suggestions or give any feedback. I feel it is the least I could do considering that the vast majority of the information in it, I discovered on these forums. All I have done is compile the information together and presented in a way that is relevant for parkinson's disease. I also plan on making a similar document for treating addiction.

In the meantime if anyone could point me in the right direction on this forum to discussions on addiction and parkinson's I would greatly appreciate it. I have seen a lot of the studies posted by many users, but that has come from being quite direct in my searching of the forums, i.e. searching using the words addiction, and parkinson's. If anyone knows of any obscure discussions that they think might be related please let me know.

Also thanks a bunch if you've managed to persevere through the entirety of my very long winded post. :thumbsup:
Welcome. Look forward to seeing your posts.


Apr 4, 2016
Hey Javin,

I would say the last two years have been slow but steady progress. A lot of that was due to the fact that I made some mistakes along the way and was slow to let go of some of the health dogma's that were holding me back. When I first started down the peat route the first thing I did was start to loosen my diet, increase sugar intake and carbs in general. However, I was still working out way too much and this definitely prevented my body from fully recuperating. I was afraid of gaining fat and losing strength. Plus I thought the amount of exercise I was doing was not in any way going to be detrimental. What I didn't realize is when you've subjected your body to years of chronic stress, you really have to step back and remove those stress factors as much as possible in order for your body to have any hope of recovering. Even though I had improved my diet and had seen some benefit from doing so, my stress hormones were still just too high from heavy weight lifting 4 times a week. About 3 months ago I finished a 6 month layoff period where the only exercise I did was walking. That allowed me to focus on reducing stress as much as possible and has resulted in a massive improvement in my overall health.

Diet General Thoughts
Something that I would say is very important from my experience with regards to supplements and diet is to be patient and to implement things slowly. One of the mistakes I made was going all out straight away. This can be detrimental especially for a body that is not functioning optimally. Take sugar for example, sugar is good and necessary, but if your metabolism is slow and sluggish your body will simply not be able to process as much sugar as someone who has a fast and healthy metabolism. Too much too fast may in fact end up stressing the body and making things worse.

Current Diet
My current diet is pretty basic;

Orange juice pulp free
Coffee with whole milk salt and sugar
Carrot salad
Coconut oil, anything that goes in a frying pan I use either butter or coconut oil.
Protein Shakes made from Milk protein and Skimmed milk which I add sugar and salt to.
Oysters once or twice a week.
Liver: I try to get it as much as possible but I have yet to cook it myself in a way i like. Some restaurants do a great job of making it though.
Cola (with sugar as ingredient instead of HFC)
Skimmed milk
Hydrolysed Gelatin
Potatoes: I am eating these less and less as I feel more energetic and healthier the more I reduce starches.
Occasionally I'll have some red meat, maybe once a week.

When it comes to supplements for me, I also try to be cautious in my implementation and usage. Before I take any supplement I try to find out as much as I can about it. When I was younger, I would read one blog post, or bias article about X supplement and be satisfied that I had done enough research and what I was taking would be beneficial. To my horror I would often later find out that some of these supplements were anything but beneficial and had some potentially very nasty side effects. The problem is that there is such a powerful mainstream narrative for many supplements that it can give the illusion that there is overwhelming evidence for their benefit. I think the only way to get around this is to endeavour to educate yourself as much as possible, so that instead of reading the headline of an article, or blog post that references a study as evidence and having to take the authors at their word. You can read the study itself and be able to understand it enough to determine if the studies conclusions and assertions are valid.

I also think it is wise to add supplements slowly so you can gauge what effect they are having on your body. If you suddenly start taking a plethora of supplements and start feeling positive or negative effects, it can be difficult to determine what is having a beneficial or negative influence. If I add a new supplement I try to keep everything else, diet, sleep patterns, supplements, exercise etc, roughly the same for a couple of weeks so I can better gauge any changes.

Supplement List
All these supplements I've slowly implemented over time and are taken with the goal of promoting a healthy and fast metabolism.

Vitamin K
Red Light therapy 3X per week.
Vitamin E
Thyroid, when I feel that I've had a lot of stress and metabolism is struggling.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B1
Methylene Blue

Changes I noticed
1. Sugar The first big change I noticed was when I started implementing sugar back into my diet. When I first did this I was on holiday and did not have any need to wake up early or any way to exercise. As soon as I started adding white sugar in my coffee and eating tropical fruits and salty foods I suddenly found myself feeling incredibly relaxed and de-stressed. I slept longer and deeper then I had in years. Looking back now what was happening is that my bodies stress hormones were finally dropping and my body was given the chance to relax and all it wanted to do was rest. I was tired but it felt like a tired that my body needed and wanted. So if your in the early stages of adding sugar to your diet you might notice the same feeling of being tired. For me at least this was a good thing, my body could finally rest.

2. Digestion and Carrot: When I stopped eating salads, hard to digest raw vegetables, beans etc, I noticed a massive improvement in digestion. A carrot a day also helped a great deal. It took about a week for my body to get used to it but things improved after it did.

3. Stress, illness, Sugar and salt: When I was starting this change in my diet and I ever felt the beginnings of a cold or sore throat, I found that if I ate a salty and carb rich meal my symptoms would disappear. I definitely feel a lot more resilient to illness then I did before.

4. Pregnenolone and DHEA: I noticed improved resilience to mental stress supplementing with these two supplements. I supplemented with Haidut's Pansterone one serving per day.

5. Vitamin A: I noticed a massive improvement in skin health in the form of a reduction of acne when I started supplementing with Vitamin A. If your taking thyroid your demand for vitamin A goes up and I find when I take thyroid I have to supplement with Vitamin A or I get acne.

6. Red Light Therapy: Definite reduction in stress. If I'm staying up after the sun goes down I will often have a red light lamp next to my computer. I also use it for my knees to help reduce pain and speed recovery from exercise.

7. B Vitamins: Improved mental clarity and energy.

8. Aspirin: Taken before bed seems to help me sleep, also when life is a bit more stressful I'll take one or two doses during the day and it seems to make me more resilient. Always dissolve it in boiling water before to reduce irritation and take vitamin K at night.
Great share, nice list of your practices. Have you used Taurine for hair or charcoal to detox?


Apr 5, 2016
@PakPik thanks for the essay. This looks very interesting, might have add some of this to what I'm putting together.


Apr 5, 2016
Thank you for sharing your story Soren. Very inspiring! I'm going to ask (more like beg) my husband to read it...sounds alot like him.
I just developed these...at the same time I also had my first serious histamine reaction a couple weeks ago...and at my doctor visit Tuesday he asked me about allergies based on my under eyes. I now know histamine has been lurking in the background for a long time...affecting me both physically and mentally. Maybe you?
IKR?!? No exaggeration!
I just wrote out a simple protocol for dementia for my MIL, based on what I have learned here the last few months. I would be very interested in seeing the Parkinson's treatment strategy. I would imagine they are probably more alike than different, both being a metabolic disease. Any particular thoughts on dementia/Alzheimer's?

"But those still in the cave can't understand what he is saying, for them their only reality is the shadows, they cannot comprehend what he has learnt and they reject him and attack him."

Great analogy Plato! I live this daily trying to make people I talk to understand Ray Peat!

Thanks for the kind words MMMaurshmallows. I'm not sure if histamine has been a factor for me. It certainly is possible. I know when I began taking slightly more aspirin then usual and I found myself sneezing a bit more. But the bags under my eyes cleared up well before that. However, I did read in a study that someone posted that Aspirin may temporarily make asthma and allergies worse but it eventually makes you more resilient to them. I'm not entirely sure on that one though.

I think that PD and Dementia/Alzheimer's have very similar pathologies. If you haven't listened to it yet I would highly recommend Danny Roddy and Geogi's podcast on Dementia: A Bioenergetic View of Dementia. I'll be posting the PD treatment strategy in a thread when I finish it. I'm very busy at the moment but hopefully I'll have it finished sometime next week.
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