Nitrix Oxide (NO) Is A Likely Cause Of Migraines

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
I had a painful migraine the past two nights. Tried tianeptine, aspirin but it was a half minocycline that stopped it totally with 20 mins.


Dec 4, 2014
This is awesome! Do you mind posting this feedback in the lisuride thread below as well?
Lisuride - Liquid Lisuride (maleate) For Lab/research Use

No problem.

I have to admit, I was pretty amazed since I've only been researching migraines and treatments for over ten years. This is the best thing I've ever seen. She reports pain 5/10. Used to always be 8/10 at the least, and often higher. Data she has kept about each migraine demonstrates the extent of its effectiveness in comparison to previous treatments. The attacks used to go on for several hours, sometimes seven. To be up and walking around happily without nausea after 2.5 hours is hard to believe. These are classical migraines with aura. Do you think metegoline could be even more pronounced? The holy grail would be something that aborts the migraine in total before it starts.

Other strange physiological symptoms she has on an ongoing basis, and which I see as being suspiciously relevant to migraine, is itchy legs in the evening, which I think might be histamine release; photo sensitivity and "grainy" vision; periodic severe nasal congestion.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Seems like a bit too much vitamin D.
I still do not know what it means to have painful "joints." Any way to pinpoint that better? Like the nerves, the tendons, the ligaments, the muscles??
I am working with this stuff too (stacking), because I like being able to do aikido. Aikido is all over all our joints. Personally, I am only feeling improvements in "joints" since Peating and stacking. Yesterday, I had a dry creeky feeling in my "joints" and went and trained wondering if my estrogen/cortisol is too low.
No. I still think this is a blind alley and I still reject this theory. I think I just didn't get much sleep. But last night, I slept fine; today my "joints" felt fine. I stacked like crazy. So, instead of progressive worse "joints", they felt great and I had a great time on the mat tonight. Oodles of joint locks, shoulder pins with the heavier-hitters in the room. Honestly, it all felt like therapeutic massage to me. My "joints" were releasing (letting go feeling) and didn't have a point of needing to slap (tap-out) hard. This makes for a huge difference in the whole experience.
I don't think you should consider embracing N.O. You know that.
What about infection?
Have you tried lapodin?
And also, serotonin is an inflammatory mediator and may be effecting your joints.

Honestly, I wish I could lower cortisol more. (I'm kinda getting fatter in the middle than I like).

Well to quote Danny Roddy quoting Peat, "there is much variability through individuality". I recall many users trying a stack of idealabs supps on top of a solid foundation of anti-stress pro metabolic dieting and began to suffer aching joints and anhedonia. I do have post-finasteride syndrome, so maybe my cortisol system is out of whack, and so do a couple other users and we all have tried heavy anti-estrogen, anti-cortisol, pro androgenics stacks(dhea+preg+andro+dht+aspriin+fatsolubles+methyleneblue+caffiene etc etc) with less than stellar results because we all felt tired, aching joints, irritability, yada yada.

You are using a really strong stack so I am suprised you havent felt and negative effects but it seems like some people on this thread ahve higher stress hormones to balance out but I guess my stresshormones aren't that high anymore so more and more supps just drops them down too low. I think it is key to have lowish stress hormones and high dopamine/androgens, but not ZERO stress hormones which makes you feel weird and irritable.


Aug 17, 2016
Well to quote Danny Roddy quoting Peat, "there is much variability through individuality". I recall many users trying a stack of idealabs supps on top of a solid foundation of anti-stress pro metabolic dieting and began to suffer aching joints and anhedonia. I do have post-finasteride syndrome, so maybe my cortisol system is out of whack, and so do a couple other users and we all have tried heavy anti-estrogen, anti-cortisol, pro androgenics stacks(dhea+preg+andro+dht+aspriin+fatsolubles+methyleneblue+caffiene etc etc) with less than stellar results because we all felt tired, aching joints, irritability, yada yada.

You are using a really strong stack so I am suprised you havent felt and negative effects but it seems like some people on this thread ahve higher stress hormones to balance out but I guess my stresshormones aren't that high anymore so more and more supps just drops them down too low. I think it is key to have lowish stress hormones and high dopamine/androgens, but not ZERO stress hormones which makes you feel weird and irritable.
Hmmm. Yea, I think my starting point was very high stress chemicals.
I'm still a nut-job though--even on all this. ADD type of person and prone to insomnia. I have not experienced any anhedonia. I feel a lot of pleasure and optimism, but also high norepinephrine and probably adrenalin still a problem. Not sure. I still think I do not have my nocturnal pituitary stuff under control or balanced.
Need more drugs. lol


Jun 24, 2015
Hi kaybb,
No I haven't tried it yet - it's still on the list.
I had a go recently of 1/2mg cyptohehptadine daily before bed. Got a slightly longer run migraine free (and harder to wake up in the morning), but then had an other bad few days while still taking the consistent dose. Could be other stresses that messed with my sleep got me.

Based on curiosity not any rigorous personal experience, and I can't remember what your normal daily routine is, but if the weather changes are your only remaining trigger, have you tried a dose of aspirin prophylactically any time the pressure is expected to change in the way that tends to get you?

I'm all for addressing root causes here rather than just relying on escalating medication of symptoms. But if one of the root causes of the problem is probably low thyroid function, wouldn't a high fat diet risk exacerbating this root cause?
Thanks Tara, I will try aspirin. I had stopped using it but it surely is an easy option. Something has shifted since I started Low Dose Naltrexone. (And also Trudenta treatments). No migraine/vertigo in awhile.....hoping !


Feb 28, 2018
it raises nitric oxide (eNOS isoform), thats why!
thats it stop blaming NO !
IF YOU BLAME THEN MENTION WHICH FORM OF NO there are 3 forms. Im sick of people still think NO is bad.
eNO for e. g. is extremely important for a good metabolism i go further and say the more eNO you have the better metabolism.
eNO promotes bloodflow and O2 to the cells


Jul 13, 2014
thats it stop blaming NO !
IF YOU BLAME THEN MENTION WHICH FORM OF NO there are 3 forms. Im sick of people still think NO is bad.
eNO for e. g. is extremely important for a good metabolism i go further and say the more eNO you have the better metabolism.
eNO promotes bloodflow and O2 to the cells
MrThyroid you've just blown your fuse over nothing. Where have I said in that post that I think eNOS is bad.....


Feb 28, 2018
MrThyroid you've just blown your fuse over nothing. Where have I said in that post that I think eNOS is bad.....
im just supporting your comment , because i also see recently alot of people hating NO and say its so bad etc. Spreading out rumours is bad


Jul 13, 2014
im just supporting your comment , because i also see recently alot of people hating NO and say its so bad etc. Spreading out rumours is bad
you quoted my comment and wrote:
"that's it stop blaming NO !"

that really doesn't sound like you're supporting my comment....


Sep 25, 2016
Anecdote to support migrane NO hypothesis. I recently turned on a strong led red light I have whilst at my computer, I was sitting at an angle where it was uncomfortably bright shining in my eye. I couldn't be bothered to get up and move it so sat there for about 10mins. I then suddenly got a headache that lasted for over a day. This has happened before with red light to me.

I speculate that because it was shining on my head, my brain mitochondria where releasing more NO from CtyCc Oxidase and this resulted in the migrane.


Feb 28, 2018
Anecdote to support migrane NO hypothesis. I recently turned on a strong led red light I have whilst at my computer, I was sitting at an angle where it was uncomfortably bright shining in my eye. I couldn't be bothered to get up and move it so sat there for about 10mins. I then suddenly got a headache that lasted for over a day. This has happened before with red light to me.

I speculate that because it was shining on my head, my brain mitochondria where releasing more NO from CtyCc Oxidase and this resulted in the migrane.
thats a fast conclusion try do this daily and come back in a month i bet you feel better


Sep 25, 2016
thats a fast conclusion try do this daily and come back in a month i bet you feel better
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I have been using red light for a while now with benefits. I have noticed several times that when I get too much in the eye / on head I get headaches. Like I was straining to see screen with red light = too much. It could be others mechanisms but NO release also makes sense.


Feb 28, 2018
Perhaps I wasn't clear. I have been using red light for a while now with benefits. I have noticed several times that when I get too much in the eye / on head I get headaches. Like I was straining to see screen with red light = too much. It could be others mechanisms but NO release also makes sense.
red lights promotes bloodflow and so healing through eNO.
Maybe its a detoxing reaction the headaches i dunno
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