Nitrix Oxide (NO) Is A Likely Cause Of Migraines


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The good thing about this study is that it finally makes the connection between the known neurotoxin NO and the pathology of migraines. The bad thing about this study is that it still refers to NO as a heart-protective chemical and it also tries to blame the elevated levels of NO on specific gut bacteria. As Peat has said many times, any type of bacteria found in the gut is capable of producing endotoxin and it is the endotoxin that leads to overproduction of NO.

Migraines could be caused by gut bacteria, study suggests

"...Antonio Gonzalez, a programmer analyst at the University of California San Diego and the study’s first author, said: “There is this idea out there that certain foods trigger migraines - chocolate, wine and especially foods containing nitrates. We thought that perhaps there are connections between what people are eating, their microbiomes and their experiences with migraines.” When nitrates in food are broken down by bacteria in the mouth and gut they are eventually converted into nitric oxide in the blood stream, a chemical that dilates blood vessels and can aid cardiovascular health by boosting circulation. However, around four in five cardiac patients who take nitrate-containing drugs for chest pain or heart failure report severe headaches as a side effect."

"...The scientists are now planning a controlled diet study of migraine sufferers to see whether nitric oxide levels in the bloodstream are linked to migraine attacks. In the future, the researchers said, it might be possible to “have a magical probiotic mouthwash” that would alter the balance of bacteria to help prevent migraines. For now, though, “If you suspect that nitrates are causing you migraines, you should try to avoid them in your diet,” said Gonzalez."


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
What triggers is not a cause....
If you suppress some muscular contractions, then the ttriggers do not trigger any reaction any more....
Migraine comes from tight muscles that tighten the jugular foramen.
It can be coming from reactions in the muscular chains, coming from any past accident.
And it can come from rests of trauma at ANS level.

Then, you donot have it all the time, so something triggers the headache.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What triggers is not a cause....
If you suppress some muscular contractions, then the ttriggers do not trigger any reaction any more....
Migraine comes from tight muscles that tighten the jugular foramen.
It can be coming from reactions in the muscular chains, coming from any past accident.
And it can come from rests of trauma at ANS level.

Then, you donot have it all the time, so something triggers the headache.

So, why do things like riboflavin, niacinamide, caffeine, anti-serotonin drugs, etc are all successfully used to treat migraines? These drugs all have in common the pro-metabolic effects, inhibiting NO and opposing endotoxin and serotonin. Muscular contractions are also most likely due to energetic dysfunction. The Achilles tendon reflex test is used for hypothyroidism diagnosis for this very reason - i.e. abnormally fast contraction and slow relaxation is a sign of hypothyroidism.


Aug 7, 2016
I suffered from debilitating migraines. They went away over a period of a few years while peating. During that time i noticed that eating a daily raw carrot or two helped. As did antibiotics. I never get one now. Just the occasional headache if i drop my blood sugar by experimenting with something. Or an allergic reaction.
Thank you for this post. It illuminates the problem.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
I have the best results of resolving headaches with copious salt and carbonated beverages or concentrated sugar like candy. Sometimes a carrot will also help.


Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
Interesting that all bacteria can produce endotoxin. I had read it was only gram-negative bacteria. This further suggests that sterility of the gut would be desirable. Bring on the antibiotics.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
So, why do things like riboflavin, niacinamide, caffeine, anti-serotonin drugs, etc are all successfully used to treat migraines? These drugs all have in common the pro-metabolic effects, inhibiting NO and opposing endotoxin and serotonin. Muscular contractions are also most likely due to energetic dysfunction. The Achilles tendon reflex test is used for hypothyroidism diagnosis for this very reason - i.e. abnormally fast contraction and slow relaxation is a sign of hypothyroidism.
I am not going to say it does not work, but I know people who got rid of their migraines only wth a few ssessions of relaxing the muscles that tighten the jugular foramen.
This structural problem is present permanently, and the migraine is not permanent.
So there are things that trigger it.
If you better the factors you mention, you can drop bellow the triggering point.

I always give this example: the roof is permanently damaged, but the house is wet only when it rains. Is the rain responsible?

Also, you can see that the same metabolic problems with endotoxins etc, can trigger other problems, and not only migraines. = rain will wet the part of the house that is linked to where the tile of the roof is broken.

I do agree that muscular contractions are linked to energetic problems, but which muscles are more tighten can depend on the painful physical accidents you had in your life. Then the tension travels along muscular chains. Sometimes you detect them only with trigger points, as you do not even notice that the muscle is tense. Also, I speak about structural muscles, the slow ones, not all muscles have the same caracteristics.

Some people have results with this method, and some also have with cranio-sacral and also with the subtle touch that is part of somatic experiencing method. I just know cases of all! One method does not suppress all other entries into the same problem.

Good that it is like this, because we do not always have Access to the therapy we need, and need to use what is at hand. I have not yet overcome my metabolic issues, but I am glad that with somatic experiencing I got better, and then also ith Buteyko, I can get rid of a strong headache very quick (as I can still experience events that overcome my actual nervous and metabolic capacities!)

But I really miss this muscle therapy that is so gente and really make muscles relax by themselves, from their own will, and not through stretching.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
When nitrates in food are broken down by bacteria in the mouth and gut they are eventually converted into nitric oxide in the blood stream, a chemical that dilates blood vessels
If it dilates blood vessels, then I do not see the link with migraines!
Slow breathing to produce co2 also dilates blood vessels, and this is good when it is with co2!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If it dilates blood vessels, then I do not see the link with migraines!
Slow breathing to produce co2 also dilates blood vessels, and this is good when it is with co2!

That is the mainstream explanation of migraines - abnormal dilation of blood vessels. I think CO2 simply relaxes blood vessels - it does not dilate them. This is not my invention, I took the quote from the study. Caffeine is often given for migraines and the explanation is that it is a vasoconstrictor, so that's how it mitigates migraines. In reality, I think NO causes migraines due to neurotoxicity and increase in serotonin. The vascular component of migraines is relatively minor. Thyroid also improves migraines, as well as antiserotonin drugs, and these usually are not vasoactive.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
What I learned was that stress of whatever origin tense muscles that limit blood going up the brain, so the reaction is of pulling more, so to say, and then it goes by forcé and créate the symptoms of migraine.... Not very scientific way of talking I admit, but visibe descrition!


I think CO2 simply relaxes blood vessels - it does not dilate them. This is not my invention, I took the quote from the study. Caffeine is often given for migraines and the explanation is that it is a vasoconstrictor, so that's how it mitigates migraines. In reality, I think NO causes migraines due to neurotoxicity and increase in serotonin. The vascular component of migraines is relatively minor. Thyroid also improves migraines, as well as antiserotonin drugs, and these usually are not vasoactive.
This makes sense to me.


Nov 16, 2015
This is interesting. I get a horrible migraine with aura about once every 3-4 years. It's always during times of extreme stress. I can see how the gut connection fits, but I wonder which comes first... the stress or the endotoxin? Does does being emotionally stressed increase endotoxin on its own? Migraines for me always come with nausea and then like a 3 day hangover during which time my digestion is screwed. Ugh. Migraines are horrible. So what's the permanent solution? Anti-serotonin drugs or a permanent vacation to some stress free utopia?


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
This is interesting. I get a horrible migraine with aura about once every 3-4 years. It's always during times of extreme stress. I can see how the gut connection fits, but I wonder which comes first... the stress or the endotoxin? Does does being emotionally stressed increase endotoxin on its own? Migraines for me always come with nausea and then like a 3 day hangover during which time my digestion is screwed. Ugh. Migraines are horrible. So what's the permanent solution? Anti-serotonin drugs or a permanent vacation to some stress free utopia?
I don't think stress increases endotoxin, it does increase their persorption or translation across the gut barrier into the blood stream. Alcohol does the same which might account for some of the hang over effects.
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Nov 9, 2012
I always give this example: the roof is permanently damaged, but the house is wet only when it rains. Is the rain responsible?

Yep, I like. roof = gut barrier, rain = toxin flowing through the gut. I like to view hang over/headache/acne problems as insufficient cement on the roof (ie, bad diet) rather than a rain problem. The case of alcohol fits this framework nicely, with studies showing how various sat fatty acid lengths cement the gut and liver against infiltration. As far as non dietary intervention, cascara looks relevant here, reducing NO synthesis at the source.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I don't think stress increases endotoxin, it does increase their persorption or translation across the gut barrier into the blood stream. Alcohol does the same which might account for some of the hang over effects.

Actually stress does increase endotoxin production directly. Emotional stress has the same effects as exercise - it reduces blood flow to the intestine and the small intestine starts producing NO. The large intestine gets a lot of undigested food as a result of the small intestine not functioning optimally, and the bacteria start digesting that food and produce endotoxin, which leads to more NO, serotonin, and further slowing of food transit. There is a reason GI doctors will tell you that stress can give you ulcers - cortisol is elevated and the increased NO from small intestine and increased endotoxin and serotonin from large intestine lead to degradation of gastric mucosa and ultimately ulcers. There only two ways to get ulcers - infection with H. Pylori or stress.


Nov 9, 2012
Actually stress does increase endotoxin production directly. Emotional stress has the same effects as exercise - it reduces blood flow to the intestine and the small intestine starts producing NO. The large intestine gets a lot of undigested food as a result of the small intestine not functioning optimally, and the bacteria start digesting that food and produce endotoxin, which leads to more NO, serotonin, and further slowing of food transit. There is a reason GI doctors will tell you that stress can give you ulcers - cortisol is elevated and the increased NO from small intestine and increased endotoxin and serotonin from large intestine lead to degradation of gastric mucosa and ultimately ulcers. There only two ways to get ulcers - infection with H. Pylori or stress.

On that note, always struggled to understand the recommendation to drink milk at night found on this forum. Milk has proteins, those will need the right pH. Especially milk. Is the stomach really functioning past sunset? Seems like a recipe for disaster. On the other hand, can't be that bad as kids are fed milk frequently even if it's before they go for a sleep. More generally I find it contradictory to emphasise digestability but at the same time aim for a large number of meals way of eating, which essentially assumes the stomach acid keeps working all day long. Someone more familiar with stomach physiology should be able to confirm whether this is a good idea.
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Mar 29, 2014
I suffered from debilitating migraines. They went away over a period of a few years while peating. During that time i noticed that eating a daily raw carrot or two helped. As did antibiotics. I never get one now.

Does does being emotionally stressed increase endotoxin on its own?
I imagine it might be part of the story of migraines by a couple of mechanisms. Emotional stress can increase stress hormones, increase tension in some muscles, increase breathing rate (reduce CO2), which can reduce blood flow to the digestive system - which can slow digestion and excretion of endotoxin, and make it more difficult for both muscles and nerves to relax fully.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Actually stress does increase endotoxin production directly. Emotional stress has the same effects as exercise - it reduces blood flow to the intestine and the small intestine starts producing NO. The large intestine gets a lot of undigested food as a result of the small intestine not functioning optimally, and the bacteria start digesting that food and produce endotoxin, which leads to more NO, serotonin, and further slowing of food transit. There is a reason GI doctors will tell you that stress can give you ulcers - cortisol is elevated and the increased NO from small intestine and increased endotoxin and serotonin from large intestine lead to degradation of gastric mucosa and ultimately ulcers. There only two ways to get ulcers - infection with H. Pylori or stress.
Thanks for that Haidut. This increased endotoxin production does seem like it would be more of a factor during chronic not acute stress. Chronically these conditions would accrue more endotoxin load which may lead to a tipping point I guess, but Acutely its more the permeability of the gut to the endotoxin already present that's the issue. So as far as thegiantess scenario goes it would seem that the stress precedes the endotoxins effects.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I know enough people who got rid of headaches up to very bad migraines with somatic experiencing to acknowledge the big part of stress, for migraines and all syndroms in general!
I also know cases with myotherapia, as it relaxes muscles that tighten the neck.

All sort of stress are stress, it has many causes but all affect the nervous system and thus physiology, endocrin and hormon system etc.

In many cases this is not only actual stress from NOW, it can come from the past, as an activation can be going on, so that the story is not yet finished for the nervous system. SE Works by making you finish something that was not, usually a defensive movement that you could not do. It is just incredible up to one point that a spontaneous movement can come. And when you can finish it, there is a big shift inside, you can feel it strong, and then you are relieved in a different way than just crying to relieve some pressure.

When we have to deal regularly with relaxing day to day stress, I guess this means that there is something deeper that needs to relax as well and cannot without some help. I know 2 SE teachers who got rid of migraines and are so thankful to SE because it was definitive, when they could reach what was the past root cause. So I have noticed that those causes were old accidents, including birth suffering.

So fine, NO as a cause, but what is the cause of having NO, and what is the cause of this cause, and you can go deeper into the chain of causes.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Actually stress does increase endotoxin production directly. Emotional stress has the same effects as exercise - it reduces blood flow to the intestine and the small intestine starts producing NO. The large intestine gets a lot of undigested food as a result of the small intestine not functioning optimally, and the bacteria start digesting that food and produce endotoxin, which leads to more NO, serotonin, and further slowing of food transit.
That is exactly this. To my knowledge, emotional stress has a root to a physical stress because emotions are from limbic brain and they have a relationship with the autonomic level. We just identify the emotion better tan the felt sense thatt is associated to it, or we think they are the same. And they are not the same, they are related, which is a Little bit different.
Blood flow is reduced to the digestive system when the sympathic system is activated, because blood goes to where it is most needed. Only a fuller parasympathic state irrigate the digestive system. In any case of freeze reaction, and we all have to some level, our possibility to relax is reduced, even if we feel relaxed, we are not enough. The reason is that our system is wise enough not to reach the frozen level, or else there can be an "explosion".
Without melting Little by Little the freeze states, you cannot deepen your relaxation, and you cannot enlarge your tolerance of stress. What is overwhelming is different from person to person. We have a better health state when we can handle more stress without being too activated.

This is really true that exercise is a form of stress, because it is normal to activate for acting in life. When some mild exercicise or stress wrecks havoc on us, this means that our resiliency is reduced by frozen old stresses. We should be able to exercise and live mmore fully. I do not accuse exercise or stress in itself but try to cure my own system so that it enlarges and can handle more.

I am trained in SE which does not mean I am over those problems myself, I am in the process. I tried no coffee this morning as I was fealing quite ok, but had to make one urgently, or else I was not able to walk out to town for internet! I just do honestly notice that my system used to be more resilient than now... I take care of my guts by diet ways, but think that in the long run, lowering stress will be the key.

At the moment I have to protect my way of living so that it is not too stressful, and if I empty the big old bag, then there will be room to handle more in my present life.
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