Need help with follow up labs


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Jun 7, 2023
Pompano Beach, FL
Hi everyone:

I seek the advice of the forum to see what follow up labs I should do after some alarming lab results and things that I could implement in my diet/lifestyle to help improve some of the issues.

I currently take the following on a daily basis:
2 x 325mg aspirin
100mg Niacinamide
400 iu Vitamin E
10,000 iu Vitamin D
5mg Vitamin K mk-4
100mcg Mk-7
R-5-P 50mg
P-5-P 100mg
Allithiamine 50mg
Magnesium Taurate 250mg
Magnesium Glycinate 200mg
TUDCA and Milk Thistle - 2000mg (proprietary blend) I have no gallbladder
Enzymes supplement
Now Beef Gelatin - 2tbsp before bed (started this last week)
DHEA - 15mg
Pregnenolone - 30mg

I’m 5’6 male, 50 yrs old and I currently weigh 189lbs
I started to take aspirin and Niacinamide around summer of last year because I had started to peruse this forum and learned how estrogen dominance is a culprit in gallstones, which it was something I had to deal for a while until I had my gallbladder taken out, and also it factors into vein health, which in my case I have varicocelles in both testes.

The B vitamins I take because they help me deal with my anxiety, same with Magnesium.

TUDCA and the enzymes I started to take fairly recently and it’s to cover my lack of a gallbladder.

I try to stay away from PUFAs as much as I can as well.

So, if you look at my results, there’s results for two dates, although fairly close to one another.
SiPhox has different lab packages, one for just Thyroid, and another for all other hormonal markers. I had to draw too much blood on the first date, so decided to run the hormonal panel on the second date.

Anyway, my worry is coming around my HbA1c, the FSH, the cholesterol markers, and the testosterone and DHEA.
It seems that all others are within range.

However, I suspect that I might be hypothyroid. I have very little hair on my legs (I had a lot when younger), my skin has turned dry in patches around my nose and behind my ears. My feet were very dry for a while too, but it has improved in the last few weeks. I also have a body temp of 97.6-ish, no matter the time of day. So maybe that might be driving my cholesterol up? I was just surprised to see it so high even though I’m taking the aspirin and the Niacinamide.

FSH is high because of the varicoceles, I’m pretty sure. But it is extremely high. Not sure what to do next with that, if I should seek a doctor for it. Not like I plan to have any kids. So if the only impact is on fertility, that is the least of my worries.

As for the HbA1c, I started to take the gelatin hoping it would help curb it. I have some Biotin, but I have not taken it in a while and I’m a little leery to take it because I feel like it drops my blood sugar too much. Anything else I ca

For the testosterone I started to take DHEA and Pregnenolone, after I saw how low it was on the first date, and they seem to be doing their work well because on the second date it had improved much more, although it still read very low. Any suggestions on what to do here to increase it?

Any other thoughts or recommendations is greatly appreciated.


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