My great health is because of longevity expert Ben Greenfield and lactic acid.



Mar 21, 2021
It will very from person to person and dosage, but for me the effect was immediate. I was doing keto carnivore for years with intermittent fasting and doing a highly stressful physical job and what I later learned which might of been in my case you screw up your metabolism so bad you start building up a lot lactic acid so I think the methylene blue help clear out lactic acid and has other benefits for metabolism.

Old Irenaeus

Dec 24, 2020
Sardi was a heavy promoter of resveratrol. He died of pulmonary embolism. Will miss him, I Iiked reading his stuff. Even if one could not agree with everything he said, he had some worthwhile things to say.
His brother has this to say:


Feb 22, 2014
I think Ray is a very practical person. He can introduce us to very helpful ideas that are not mainstream, but where it can create controversy that puts people off from accepting his ideas, he would rather be mum.

It's already a stretch for people to get to the point of understanding that sugar is good.

The rest of the journey to full understanding of health and longevity is not for him to preach, but for each of us to discover.
Very well said.


Mar 29, 2016


Nov 28, 2016
Great points. A longevity salesman, Bill Sardi, recently pasted away.
Possibly the covid shot or the virus itself, whatever it is?

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Possibly the covid shot or the virus itself, whatever it is?
I do not know know the details of his death in February 2022. I seached his website for his writings that included the word 'covid'. Here are the search results.
covid | Knowledge of Health

Based on his writings, I doubt that he volunteered to take the shot.


Mar 29, 2016
Antoine Bechamp 16 October 1816 – 15 April 1908 - 91 years

Gunther Enderlein 7 July 1872 – 11 August 1968 - 96 years

Gaston Naessens 1924 - still kicking at 98 years

All of them did/do not subscribe to what most of us subscribe to - Pasteur's germ theory and, in all likelihood, to Ender's idea of virus existing.

I suspect Ray is giving us a teaser on his critical view of Pasteur's theory. In his latest newsletter Q1 2022, he says this:

150 years ago, there were two main views of biology, one in which life is endlessly adapting to its environments, and one in which life is a
composite of immutable traits.

I think Ray is being careful of not giving any full endorsement of the falsehood in Pasteur's theory. It's better to skate in the margins than jumping into the chasm.

Having a healthy respect of microbes as well as a way to work with them (to keep them from recycling us), I think, is what the great ones who died too soon, were lacking. The powers that be willing, Naessens may live past a hundred and more. With Ray, he may live long past the usual extended expiry date and still retain a sharp mind to tell us all about it later.
Ray's recent passing at 86 years leaves me with many questions.

86 years would be considered high mileage by most standards. But he is Ray Peat, and I was hoping he would be as long lived as Gaston Naessens.

I feel that if I had a firm grasp of Ray's ideas, 86 would be where I pass into the blue yonder. But if I gained a better understanding of microbes, I would be able to extend my years like Naessens.

Paul Bragg died at 96 years old, not of old age, but of enjoying surfing and of embracing the risks of doing something he enjoyed and he died wearing the wounds of the sport. Paul was surfing while Ray was still researching, no doubt trying to finish a newsletter for us.

Ray has most of the answers, but those that eluded him should lead us to further his research. As Ray always believed age has nothing to do with our health.


Nov 28, 2016
Very sorry to hear this. I did not know until now that he had died.


Nov 28, 2016
Have always wondered whether I needed it. FYI this was not that uncommon in the days doctors knew what they were doing. Thanks for the compliment.

I'm still learning just like you, but thanks.

I haven't yet started on learning about Gaessens. As he is the version 3 after Beachamp and Enderlein, he would have built on their findings and added more to it, and would be good to read about. Currently though, I'm planning on using isopathic remedies that were developed by Enderlein, who had entrusted Sanum Kehlbech, a German company, to manufacture his remedies. I'm quite new to pleomorphism and terrain theory. You can search pleomorphism on this forum and find a few resources on it to begin with.

I've long distrusted western allopathic medicine. I found that no doctor can cure me of anything. I fixed my problems with blood sugar by following alternative principles. I began seeing naturopathic doctors, and I began to see my blood sugar improve and my frequent bouts with flu disappear. It's been twenty plus years since my last flu. I felt I conquered it, and I'm confident against COVID. It is all about metabolism and having an abundance of energy. The health of the body follows. This is consistent with what Peat preaches.

From that experience, I got bolder. I began to have high blood pressure and this time, naturopathic doctors couldn't help me. Just after I fixed my blood sugar problem, another challenge came up. I thought this would be an easy fix. Every year felt like the final year before I could lick it. Instead, I would see my bp increase. Now, 200/140 is just a regular bp reading for me. Still, I dared the medical gods by not taking any pharma drugs, against everyone's advice.

Still, I don't have headaches at all. I don't even have allergies. But I still keep looking for solutions, as long as it's not pharma. My kidneys, liver, heart, other organs - are fine. But because of the adaptation of the body to higher pressure, my heart has LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy) which is an adaptation needed to pump at a higher pressure. My creatinine is at the lower range of normal, which can be seen as a kidney problem, if I follow the doctor's diagnosis. But I believe that it's just because I have a low blood volume. Since blood markers are mostly concentration-based, having a low blood volume would make concentration-based markers higher. So that would explain my high creatinine, not because my kidneys are chronically diseased.

It's simple math, really. But our doctors are so mechanical and rigid. But to be sure my kidneys are fine. I also take a 24hr urine test to determine my creatinine clearance. This is a more inconvenient way to determine our kidneys' glomerular filtration rate, and I get a much higher filtration rate from this method, as opposed to the method used by doctors, which is dependent on serum creatinine and age. The problem you can see with the test used by doctors is that even when serum creatinine stays the same over say, 10 years, your filtration rate would go down simply because you're older. The test is a dumbed down but convenient test to use, but totally useless as it's an oversimplification as the filtration rate is generalized to the age and race, and not specific to the individual. It's so stupid and it makes me wonder if people are so accepting of such stupidity to not question it, perhaps that is why it was so easy for them to push the COVID hoaxery on all of us.

A lot of tests used by doctors are just bullsheett. That is just one example. The HbA1c is another one, and Ray has mentioned this. Another one is the way the thyroid panel results are interpreted. We have no choice but to be our own doctor. It is very hard to find a good one, even a naturopathic one. It's like trying to find a non-GMO field to plant corn when you're surrounded by GMO fields all over. There is contamination and the minds of many naturopathic doctors are just as contaminated with Zionist-planted falsehoods in the theory and practice of conventional medicine.

Two years ago, it would be harder for me to speak this way. But when the magician has spilled the beans on his magic tricks, we see how we have been deceived and we become wiser from it.

There are many more things we should ask and expect to find no good answers from the medical establishment's soldiers - doctors. They have their marching orders, from Mordor.

To be free is to be unbound from the chain of ignorance from miseducation. The moment we begin to learn is when we unlearn much of what we've been taught.

p.s. I didn't want to make this a longer post than necessary but the relationship of microbes to hypertension is central to my context. This is why instead of pursuing a specific set of periodontal bacteria to eliminate the cause, which I find to be an endless game of hitting the beaver, I have shifted to understanding the relationship of microbes to body, and the theory of pleomorphism and terrain appeals to me greatly, as this would provide an elegant solution. The most elegant solution would be the simplest. As opposed to medical hoaxery with superstitious elements of viruses mixed in. Who among us needs our solutions to be delivered in Rube Goldberg systems?
@yerrag hi @yerrag. Could you please provide more info about how to source the products...i.e. the isopathic remedies that were developed by Enderlein, who had entrusted Sanum Kehlbech, a German company, to manufacture his remedies.

BTW you may know already but a physicist by the name of Royal Raymond Rife actually observed the phenomenon of pleomorphism under a microscope he invented that could actually see viruses and bacteria without destroying them. He also invented a frequency device that rapidly cured several cases of cancer all while being observed by several doctors from UCLA if I recall correctly.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I've been wondering: how long would Peat have to live in order for his framework to be truly validated? I don't think anything less than 100 would do.
My grandfather lived to 102 and didn’t do anything special. Drank, smoked and ate simply. I think genetics plays a part that we rarely acknowledge here. Ray lived as well as he could and maximized his life within the context of his genetics. Bad diet and lifestyle can certainly shorten lifespan, we know that. But how much can good diet and lifestyle extend your life beyond your genetic “boundaries”? That is what I am wondering about right now.


Nov 28, 2016
I also think that those in their 90s and beyond have very limited exposures to vaccinations.


Nov 18, 2019
My grandfather lived to 102 and didn’t do anything special. Drank, smoked and ate simply. I think genetics plays a part that we rarely acknowledge here. Ray lived as well as he could and maximized his life within the context of his genetics. Bad diet and lifestyle can certainly shorten lifespan, we know that. But how much can good diet and lifestyle extend your life beyond your genetic “boundaries”? That is what I am wondering about right now.
I also wonder if there isn’t a spiritual component as well? Maybe the soul feels complete with their life? Apparently in Vedic Astrology the chart can show how many years your life will be. I never learned how to figure that out, but who knows. I think there is more to life than diet and genetics…


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag hi @yerrag. Could you please provide more info about how to source the products...i.e. the isopathic remedies that were developed by Enderlein, who had entrusted Sanum Kehlbech, a German company, to manufacture his remedies.

BTW you may know already but a physicist by the name of Royal Raymond Rife actually observed the phenomenon of pleomorphism under a microscope he invented that could actually see viruses and bacteria without destroying them. He also invented a frequency device that rapidly cured several cases of cancer all while being observed by several doctors from UCLA if I recall correctly.
I wrote Sanum Kehlbeck asking for a distributor and she gave me one. Even if the country is not listed in its website, there is a good chance someone is distributing its product. Its website is SANUM worldwide . They were supposed to come up with a list of therapists this year, but it looks to have been shelved to next year. So, finding a Sanum therapist is touch and go for now, so I came to experiment on myself using the resources on this thread (so far I haven't seen much success though and I'm taking a breather): Pleomorphism and Terrain Theory Resource Thread

There's a lot of info on this thread, but it's not comprehensive. But I'm not certain that getting hold of a practitioner would be the solution, as my impression is that practitioners have to go through a learning curve, and I don't think a lot of them have acquired many wins in treating patients. I also find that going through the resources, there is a break from our Ray Peat principles regarding PUFAs. But that is not surprising, given that orthomolecular medicine purveyors suffer from this as well. But we dont want to throw the baby away with the bath water.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I also wonder if there isn’t a spiritual component as well? Maybe the soul feels complete with their life? Apparently in Vedic Astrology the chart can show how many years your life will be. I never learned how to figure that out, but who knows. I think there is more to life than diet and genetics…
I’ve always suspected that if people die naturally, not in an accident for example, they have some say in when they die. Also, I’ve often notice that people die very close to their birthdays. This was this case with both my grandparents and my parents. Maybe, in death, we are closing the circle of life in a way, and it’s just as much spiritual as it is physical. It just seems to be the way of a natural death.


Apr 15, 2015
Gunther Enderlein 7 July 1872 – 11 August 1968 - 96 years
Gaston Naessens 1924 - still kicking at 98 years
Antoine Bechamp 16 October 1816 – 15 April 1908 - 91 years
Ray's recent passing at 86 years leaves me with many questions.

86 years would be considered high mileage by most standards. But he is Ray Peat, and I was hoping he would be as long lived as Gaston Naessens.

I feel that if I had a firm grasp of Ray's ideas, 86 would be where I pass into the blue yonder. But if I gained a better understanding of microbes, I would be able to extend my years like Naessens.

Paul Bragg died at 96 years old, not of old age, but of enjoying surfing and of embracing the risks of doing something he enjoyed and he died wearing the wounds of the sport. Paul was surfing while Ray was still researching, no doubt trying to finish a newsletter for us.

Ray has most of the answers, but those that eluded him should lead us to further his research. As Ray always believed age has nothing to do with our health.
I would also mention Gerhard Volkheimer 1921- 2021 (almost 100 years) .
His work was focused on the small intestine and starch persorption , Ray Peat quoted it many times.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2016
Gunther Enderlein 7 July 1872 – 11 August 1968 - 96 years
Gaston Naessens 1924 - still kicking at 98 years
Antoine Bechamp 16 October 1816 – 15 April 1908 - 91 years

I would also mention Gerhard Volkheimer 1921- 2021 (almost 100 years) .
His work was focused on the small intestine and starch persorption , Ray Peat quoted it many times.
Thanks. He contributed greatly, and he benefited as much from his own research as well as knew whose research to trust. Being an insider to an industry that is prone to mislead people to disintegrate with vicious cycles of disease, he was able to float above on a different plane, which abounds in virtuous cycles of health.
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