My great health is because of longevity expert Ben Greenfield and lactic acid.


Mar 2, 2021
I recall my parents had some in the refrigerator for a while around '75.


Jan 25, 2014
Fred A. Kummerow, a German-born biochemist and lifelong contrarian whose nearly 50 years of advocacy led to a federal government ban on the use of trans-fatty acids in processed foods, a ruling that could prevent tens of thousands of premature deaths a year, died on Wednesday at his home in Urbana, Ill. He was 102.
Dr. Willett, of Harvard, said trans fats had also been implicated in diabetes. In 2001, he co-wrote a paper showing a diet low in trans fats could help prevent Type 2 diabetes in women. “Heart disease was the tip of the iceberg,” he said.

Professor Kummerow was one of the first scientists to suggest that the saturated fat in butter, cheese and meats did not contribute to the clogging of arteries and was in fact beneficial in moderate amounts. This hypothesis, controversial at the time, was proved correct.

His own diet, he said, included red meat, whole milk and eggs scrambled in butter.
Fred A. Kummerow, an Early Opponent of Trans Fats, Dies at 102 (Published 2017)


Urbana, August 20th, 2014

We'd criss-crossed the continent for our previous 5 interviews, but our 6th placed us right in the heart of Jeremy's home state of Illinois. In our sights was Dr. Fred A. Kummerow, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. We can thank Fred for the now widespread understanding of the harms of trans-fats, after he tirelessly crusaded against them for 50 years. Fred had also mentored Professor Chris Masterjohn, wunderkind of cholesterol and lipid research.

After a mini road-trip down to Urbana the night before, we met him at his home for a little filming and lunch. At 100 years-young, Fred (or Kummy as we affectionately call him), is the oldest of our interviewees. He’s in a wheelchair now, but only because of an injury while partaking in a daily swim at 97. We were struck by how nice his skin looked at that age, almost zero “age-spots” (possibly related to his avoidance of polyunsaturated fats but more on that later).

We had a tense beginning (we learned you don’t keep a centenarian waiting), though he soon warmed up to us and we had an enjoyable lunch. He follows a fairly routine diet of an egg, fruit, meat, milk, and vegetables, avoiding fried food, PUFAs, and trans fats.


I think Kummerow was a good researcher, and his advice to avoid "trans fat" oils was good, if you opted for the more saturated fats and oils instead (as he did himself).

After digging into the research on "Trans Fat," however, it's clear that any experiments done (either observational, testing fat in people or animals, or feeding animals oils) used oils that also contained a significant amount of PUFA. In fact, all the research can be interpreted to suggest that "trans fats" are simply surrogates for higher PUFA intake, as all high PUFA oils were partially hydrogenated during Kummerow's lifetime, and times of research. In other words, the higher the trans fats, the higher the PUFA intake.

Unfortunately, the "Trans Fat" oils have been replaced with even "Higher PUFA" oils (basically, the same oils, except unhydrogenated). So, the idea of "The higher the Trans Fats, the Higher the PUFA" is no longer the case. Unhydrogenated Soybean Oil will have a lot more PUFA than partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil.

So personally, I think butter, tallow and coconut oil are superior to partially hydrogenated soybean/corn/canola and such, but going a step further, the partially hydrogenated oils are still better than their unhydrogenated counterparts. Unfortunately, the worst of the worst oils and fats is what is now widely used and eaten.

Keeping this in mind, I have zero fear of opting for something like Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, which is about 98-99% saturated, containing maybe 1-1.5% trans fats (which are 18 chain fats, that probably mimic Stearic), and less than 0.5% PUFA. I've also found it to be the best oil for deep frying, hands down.


Dec 8, 2016


Mar 29, 2016
I don't think he is going to outlive Gaessens or Enderlein, even as they understand/understood the microbe and relationship to disease much more with their pleomorphic and terrain theory and he doesn't.

Ray understands the metabolic aspect of health quite well but his subscribing to germ theory would be his limit as far as longevity goes.

But I'm glad to be wrong on this though. It's hard to outlive my friends and be the last one standing.
Antoine Bechamp 16 October 1816 – 15 April 1908 - 91 years

Gunther Enderlein 7 July 1872 – 11 August 1968 - 96 years

Gaston Naessens 1924 - still kicking at 98 years

All of them did/do not subscribe to what most of us subscribe to - Pasteur's germ theory and, in all likelihood, to Ender's idea of virus existing.

I suspect Ray is giving us a teaser on his critical view of Pasteur's theory. In his latest newsletter Q1 2022, he says this:

150 years ago, there were two main views of biology, one in which life is endlessly adapting to its environments, and one in which life is a
composite of immutable traits.

I think Ray is being careful of not giving any full endorsement of the falsehood in Pasteur's theory. It's better to skate in the margins than jumping into the chasm.

Having a healthy respect of microbes as well as a way to work with them (to keep them from recycling us), I think, is what the great ones who died too soon, were lacking. The powers that be willing, Naessens may live past a hundred and more. With Ray, he may live long past the usual extended expiry date and still retain a sharp mind to tell us all about it later.
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Mar 29, 2016
Louis Pasteur 27 December 1822 – 28 September 1895, died at a young 72 years.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Yerrag, I have been following you for a while. Can you teach us what you know? I am very interested in your theories. I've heard of Naessens and his cancer treatment. I am very curious about everything you know. Your life story and links would be helpful!

Your posts are informative and excellent, I hope to study them one day when things calm down in my life.
Apr 25, 2018
This guy does coffee enemas in his butt too just fyi


Mar 29, 2016
I think some may enjoy this a lot


Thanks. This is good food for thought.

Some things I can off-hand make some casual remarks on, in a general sense:

The meat and fat heavy and carb light die early. The most peaty one, light on meat, a little more on fat, and mostly on carbs, live longest.

The one who is the least subject to scientific propaganda, particularly on how healthful PUFAs are, which is a tribal feature of the great white west's mass gaslighting by Zionists - gets to live longest.

The more vocal one is the more popular, the more followed, and the more his followers get disappointed when he croaks too early. Being an expert and writing many books is no measure of health and longevity. It's more a measure of marketing ability (I concur with @James b ), and the multitudes of lemmings the world has.

Not needing to follow the crowd, and happy being in the minority, and standing your ground because you have rooted yourself in true science, based on earnest observations and careful analysis; rather than on theories saran-wrapped for convenience; lets you withstand the wiles of sirens through the rough seas of this false narrative-infested world.

Ray Peat is right once again.
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Mar 29, 2016
This guy does coffee enemas in his butt too just fyi
Have always wondered whether I needed it. FYI this was not that uncommon in the days doctors knew what they were doing. Thanks for the compliment.

Yerrag, I have been following you for a while. Can you teach us what you know? I am very interested in your theories. I've heard of Naessens and his cancer treatment. I am very curious about everything you know. Your life story and links would be helpful!

Your posts are informative and excellent, I hope to study them one day when things calm down in my life.
I'm still learning just like you, but thanks.

I haven't yet started on learning about Gaessens. As he is the version 3 after Beachamp and Enderlein, he would have built on their findings and added more to it, and would be good to read about. Currently though, I'm planning on using isopathic remedies that were developed by Enderlein, who had entrusted Sanum Kehlbech, a German company, to manufacture his remedies. I'm quite new to pleomorphism and terrain theory. You can search pleomorphism on this forum and find a few resources on it to begin with.

I've long distrusted western allopathic medicine. I found that no doctor can cure me of anything. I fixed my problems with blood sugar by following alternative principles. I began seeing naturopathic doctors, and I began to see my blood sugar improve and my frequent bouts with flu disappear. It's been twenty plus years since my last flu. I felt I conquered it, and I'm confident against COVID. It is all about metabolism and having an abundance of energy. The health of the body follows. This is consistent with what Peat preaches.

From that experience, I got bolder. I began to have high blood pressure and this time, naturopathic doctors couldn't help me. Just after I fixed my blood sugar problem, another challenge came up. I thought this would be an easy fix. Every year felt like the final year before I could lick it. Instead, I would see my bp increase. Now, 200/140 is just a regular bp reading for me. Still, I dared the medical gods by not taking any pharma drugs, against everyone's advice.

Still, I don't have headaches at all. I don't even have allergies. But I still keep looking for solutions, as long as it's not pharma. My kidneys, liver, heart, other organs - are fine. But because of the adaptation of the body to higher pressure, my heart has LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy) which is an adaptation needed to pump at a higher pressure. My creatinine is at the lower range of normal, which can be seen as a kidney problem, if I follow the doctor's diagnosis. But I believe that it's just because I have a low blood volume. Since blood markers are mostly concentration-based, having a low blood volume would make concentration-based markers higher. So that would explain my high creatinine, not because my kidneys are chronically diseased.

It's simple math, really. But our doctors are so mechanical and rigid. But to be sure my kidneys are fine. I also take a 24hr urine test to determine my creatinine clearance. This is a more inconvenient way to determine our kidneys' glomerular filtration rate, and I get a much higher filtration rate from this method, as opposed to the method used by doctors, which is dependent on serum creatinine and age. The problem you can see with the test used by doctors is that even when serum creatinine stays the same over say, 10 years, your filtration rate would go down simply because you're older. The test is a dumbed down but convenient test to use, but totally useless as it's an oversimplification as the filtration rate is generalized to the age and race, and not specific to the individual. It's so stupid and it makes me wonder if people are so accepting of such stupidity to not question it, perhaps that is why it was so easy for them to push the COVID hoaxery on all of us.

A lot of tests used by doctors are just bullsheett. That is just one example. The HbA1c is another one, and Ray has mentioned this. Another one is the way the thyroid panel results are interpreted. We have no choice but to be our own doctor. It is very hard to find a good one, even a naturopathic one. It's like trying to find a non-GMO field to plant corn when you're surrounded by GMO fields all over. There is contamination and the minds of many naturopathic doctors are just as contaminated with Zionist-planted falsehoods in the theory and practice of conventional medicine.

Two years ago, it would be harder for me to speak this way. But when the magician has spilled the beans on his magic tricks, we see how we have been deceived and we become wiser from it.

There are many more things we should ask and expect to find no good answers from the medical establishment's soldiers - doctors. They have their marching orders, from Mordor.

To be free is to be unbound from the chain of ignorance from miseducation. The moment we begin to learn is when we unlearn much of what we've been taught.

p.s. I didn't want to make this a longer post than necessary but the relationship of microbes to hypertension is central to my context. This is why instead of pursuing a specific set of periodontal bacteria to eliminate the cause, which I find to be an endless game of hitting the beaver, I have shifted to understanding the relationship of microbes to body, and the theory of pleomorphism and terrain appeals to me greatly, as this would provide an elegant solution. The most elegant solution would be the simplest. As opposed to medical hoaxery with superstitious elements of viruses mixed in. Who among us needs our solutions to be delivered in Rube Goldberg systems?
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Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
My health wasn’t to bad , but I was getting a little slower with aging and was always into health and trying to stay healthy and I read Ben Greenfield’s book on longevity and up to that point I was doing keto carnivore for a couple of years and took a lot of supplements, some good, some not so good knowing what I know now.

But in greenfield book one of the things he recommended for longevity benefits was methylene blue ,but said he never tried before so me being a lab rat I tried it about a month later after years of being on keto and carnivore type diets, intermittent fasting so I must of wreck my metabolism pretty bad, the only good thing was I stopped eating PUFAs about year before that. Well I tried the methylene blue and for weeks I had lots of energy from it ,probably helping my metabolism and getting rid of excess lactic acid buildup.

So I started googling and searching YouTube for methylene blue and @haidut came up on some podcast and I started listening to him on some other podcast and he mentioned the ray peat forum multiple times.

So before trying methylene blue and feeling the effects I probably wouldn’t been open to ray peats work because I had bought into the hype sugar is bad, but listening to the generative energy podcasts and reading this forum and seeing my health improve and just looking and feeling younger and from all the great advice on this forum and their experiences.

So I’ve been reading this forum for about a year now and learned so much from everybody and I am grateful I found it and thanks to everybody on here and just wish I would found it 10 years earlier.

Welcome aboard!

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Have always wondered whether I needed it. FYI this was not that uncommon in the days doctors knew what they were doing. Thanks for the compliment.

I'm still learning just like you, but thanks.

I haven't yet started on learning about Gaessens. As he is the version 3 after Beachamp and Enderlein, he would have built on their findings and added more to it, and would be good to read about. Currently though, I'm planning on using isopathic remedies that were developed by Enderlein, who had entrusted Sanum Kehlbech, a German company, to manufacture his remedies. I'm quite new to pleomorphism and terrain theory. You can search pleomorphism on this forum and find a few resources on it to begin with.

I've long distrusted western allopathic medicine. I found that no doctor can cure me of anything. I fixed my problems with blood sugar by following alternative principles. I began seeing naturopathic doctors, and I began to see my blood sugar improve and my frequent bouts with flu disappear. It's been twenty plus years since my last flu. I felt I conquered it, and I'm confident against COVID. It is all about metabolism and having an abundance of energy. The health of the body follows. This is consistent with what Peat preaches.

From that experience, I got bolder. I began to have high blood pressure and this time, naturopathic doctors couldn't help me. Just after I fixed my blood sugar problem, another challenge came up. I thought this would be an easy fix. Every year felt like the final year before I could lick it. Instead, I would see my bp increase. Now, 200/140 is just a regular bp reading for me. Still, I dared the medical gods by not taking any pharma drugs, against everyone's advice.

Still, I don't have headaches at all. I don't even have allergies. But I still keep looking for solutions, as long as it's not pharma. My kidneys, liver, heart, other organs - are fine. But because of the adaptation of the body to higher pressure, my heart has LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy) which is an adaptation needed to pump at a higher pressure. My creatinine is at the lower range of normal, which can be seen as a kidney problem, if I follow the doctor's diagnosis. But I believe that it's just because I have a low blood volume. Since blood markers are mostly concentration-based, having a low blood volume would make concentration-based markers higher. So that would explain my high creatinine, not because my kidneys are chronically diseased.

It's simple math, really. But our doctors are so mechanical and rigid. But to be sure my kidneys are fine. I also take a 24hr urine test to determine my creatinine clearance. This is a more inconvenient way to determine our kidneys' glomerular filtration rate, and I get a much higher filtration rate from this method, as opposed to the method used by doctors, which is dependent on serum creatinine and age. The problem you can see with the test used by doctors is that even when serum creatinine stays the same over say, 10 years, your filtration rate would go down simply because you're older. The test is a dumbed down but convenient test to use, but totally useless as it's an oversimplification as the filtration rate is generalized to the age and race, and not specific to the individual. It's so stupid and it makes me wonder if people are so accepting of such stupidity to not question it, perhaps that is why it was so easy for them to push the COVID hoaxery on all of us.

A lot of tests used by doctors are just bullsheett. That is just one example. The HbA1c is another one, and Ray has mentioned this. Another one is the way the thyroid panel results are interpreted. We have no choice but to be our own doctor. It is very hard to find a good one, even a naturopathic one. It's like trying to find a non-GMO field to plant corn when you're surrounded by GMO fields all over. There is contamination and the minds of many naturopathic doctors are just as contaminated with Zionist-planted falsehoods in the theory and practice of conventional medicine.

Two years ago, it would be harder for me to speak this way. But when the magician has spilled the beans on his magic tricks, we see how we have been deceived and we become wiser from it.

There are many more things we should ask and expect to find no good answers from the medical establishment's soldiers - doctors. They have their marching orders, from Mordor.

To be free is to be unbound from the chain of ignorance from miseducation. The moment we begin to learn is when we unlearn much of what we've been taught.

p.s. I didn't want to make this a longer post than necessary but the relationship of microbes to hypertension is central to my context. This is why instead of pursuing a specific set of periodontal bacteria to eliminate the cause, which I find to be an endless game of hitting the beaver, I have shifted to understanding the relationship of microbes to body, and the theory of pleomorphism and terrain appeals to me greatly, as this would provide an elegant solution. The most elegant solution would be the simplest. As opposed to medical hoaxery with superstitious elements of viruses mixed in. Who among us needs our solutions to be delivered in Rube Goldberg systems?
Excellent post, I am the same way. I don't trust doctors and yes it seems to be very difficult to find any competent people these days. It surprises me how we got this far with the sheer stupidity I witness everyday.

I am my family's doctor. My father developed nephrotic syndrome in 1998 and until 2014 he was in not the best health but getting by. I was a child during those times and I watched helplessly as his health was destroyed by the steroids, statins and PPI's he was given. Luckily my father only took them as needed or else he would be dead by now. We were new to America while growing up and poor. My mother developed cancer because of the stress of raising 3 young children and the monsters poisoned and burned her. She got better and I grew up quickly after that and in college I majored in Chemical Engineering (even though modern day education is a joke, I still believe this gift of knowledge was one of the greatest gifts I was given). I may be biased, but I think Engineering and some of the hard sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Math) still teach you to think for yourself and create new things and ideas.

I was always interested in health and in 2010 I ran into an article about DCA (dichloroacetate) which was dirt cheap (pennies a pound) and a waste product. It was relatively non toxic and worked on cancer. It changed my life. I began learning on my own and within a year came to the conclusion that the medical system is largely a fraud. This is where I learned about bioenergetics and disease (but didn't know it yet). I read a bit about microbes and cancer along with the metabolism of cancer. This knowledge helped me cure my father of his nephrotic syndrome in 2016 and it never came back. However I made mistakes along the way and he developed high blood sugar which I am still fighting to this day. Though I managed to get it down from 370 to 200. Like you he seems healthy even with the high blood sugar.

I am so glad I found Peat in 2017, I am still young and he helped tie many ideas together. I consider him one of the greatest biologists to have ever lived. That being said, I am glad there are people around to carry on his life's work and integrate others' ideas into this work. I wish you all the best. Please continue posting, your posts are very informative and may save someone's life.


Jun 14, 2020
Could we say that experiencing longer deterioration before death is a mark of poorer health? It does seem that the death of the very healthy people is often sudden. One day they're in their full health and the next day they are dead. They don't as much 'succumb to death' as they just 'exit life'. They make full use of their life force until it simply runs out. That's my subjective impression, at least.
This is how I want to die. My grandfather never stopped working, he died suddenly in his 80s and he never deteriorated.


Mar 29, 2016
Excellent post, I am the same way. I don't trust doctors and yes it seems to be very difficult to find any competent people these days. It surprises me how we got this far with the sheer stupidity I witness everyday.

I am my family's doctor. My father developed nephrotic syndrome in 1998 and until 2014 he was in not the best health but getting by. I was a child during those times and I watched helplessly as his health was destroyed by the steroids, statins and PPI's he was given. Luckily my father only took them as needed or else he would be dead by now. We were new to America while growing up and poor. My mother developed cancer because of the stress of raising 3 young children and the monsters poisoned and burned her. She got better and I grew up quickly after that and in college I majored in Chemical Engineering (even though modern day education is a joke, I still believe this gift of knowledge was one of the greatest gifts I was given). I may be biased, but I think Engineering and some of the hard sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Math) still teach you to think for yourself and create new things and ideas.

I was always interested in health and in 2010 I ran into an article about DCA (dichloroacetate) which was dirt cheap (pennies a pound) and a waste product. It was relatively non toxic and worked on cancer. It changed my life. I began learning on my own and within a year came to the conclusion that the medical system is largely a fraud. This is where I learned about bioenergetics and disease (but didn't know it yet). I read a bit about microbes and cancer along with the metabolism of cancer. This knowledge helped me cure my father of his nephrotic syndrome in 2016 and it never came back. However I made mistakes along the way and he developed high blood sugar which I am still fighting to this day. Though I managed to get it down from 370 to 200. Like you he seems healthy even with the high blood sugar.

I am so glad I found Peat in 2017, I am still young and he helped tie many ideas together. I consider him one of the greatest biologists to have ever lived. That being said, I am glad there are people around to carry on his life's work and integrate others' ideas into this work. I wish you all the best. Please continue posting, your posts are very informative and may save someone's life.

Excellent post, I am the same way. I don't trust doctors and yes it seems to be very difficult to find any competent people these days. It surprises me how we got this far with the sheer stupidity I witness everyday.

I am my family's doctor. My father developed nephrotic syndrome in 1998 and until 2014 he was in not the best health but getting by. I was a child during those times and I watched helplessly as his health was destroyed by the steroids, statins and PPI's he was given. Luckily my father only took them as needed or else he would be dead by now. We were new to America while growing up and poor. My mother developed cancer because of the stress of raising 3 young children and the monsters poisoned and burned her. She got better and I grew up quickly after that and in college I majored in Chemical Engineering (even though modern day education is a joke, I still believe this gift of knowledge was one of the greatest gifts I was given). I may be biased, but I think Engineering and some of the hard sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Math) still teach you to think for yourself and create new things and ideas.

I was always interested in health and in 2010 I ran into an article about DCA (dichloroacetate) which was dirt cheap (pennies a pound) and a waste product. It was relatively non toxic and worked on cancer. It changed my life. I began learning on my own and within a year came to the conclusion that the medical system is largely a fraud. This is where I learned about bioenergetics and disease (but didn't know it yet). I read a bit about microbes and cancer along with the metabolism of cancer. This knowledge helped me cure my father of his nephrotic syndrome in 2016 and it never came back. However I made mistakes along the way and he developed high blood sugar which I am still fighting to this day. Though I managed to get it down from 370 to 200. Like you he seems healthy even with the high blood sugar.

I am so glad I found Peat in 2017, I am still young and he helped tie many ideas together. I consider him one of the greatest biologists to have ever lived. That being said, I am glad there are people around to carry on his life's work and integrate others' ideas into this work. I wish you all the best. Please continue posting, your posts are very informative and may save someone's life.
I'm glad you were able to help your dad. And your mom was able to get well from cancer. Your dad must also be open-minded enough to allow you to treat him, given that most people still cling to the doctor knows best dictum.

Your engineering background is helpful, although you must be careful as a charcteristic of engineers is that they are very formula-oriented and can be no different from doctors. I studied engineering myself so we've been chided by a professor for being very mechanical in our approach to solving problems. Still, as a chemical engineer you can't design processes based on narratives that aren't cohesive or you won't be able to manufacture a good product to 6 sigma standards. While doctors live in an entirely different paradigm.

As to your seeming mistake in resulting your dad's blood sugar to rise, that is the price for learning with no one to guide you. It takes courage to do that. The outcome would be worse if you let the hounds loose on your dad. The game's not over yet, and you may still fix the high blood sugar condition. There's still miles to go for you.

Consider each condition a gift to learn from. Had I not have hypoglycemia, I would not be able to have myself as a subject to do experiments on to learn about getting my blood sugar stable. I would not consider myself at a level of expertise (blood sugar-wise) higher than doctors.

One last note: It always helps to divert your gaze when you're at an impasse. You'll return with a sharper focus if not a better insight.
Feb 7, 2020
Have always wondered whether I needed it. FYI this was not that uncommon in the days doctors knew what they were doing. Thanks for the compliment.

I'm still learning just like you, but thanks.

I haven't yet started on learning about Gaessens. As he is the version 3 after Beachamp and Enderlein, he would have built on their findings and added more to it, and would be good to read about. Currently though, I'm planning on using isopathic remedies that were developed by Enderlein, who had entrusted Sanum Kehlbech, a German company, to manufacture his remedies. I'm quite new to pleomorphism and terrain theory. You can search pleomorphism on this forum and find a few resources on it to begin with.

I've long distrusted western allopathic medicine. I found that no doctor can cure me of anything. I fixed my problems with blood sugar by following alternative principles. I began seeing naturopathic doctors, and I began to see my blood sugar improve and my frequent bouts with flu disappear. It's been twenty plus years since my last flu. I felt I conquered it, and I'm confident against COVID. It is all about metabolism and having an abundance of energy. The health of the body follows. This is consistent with what Peat preaches.

From that experience, I got bolder. I began to have high blood pressure and this time, naturopathic doctors couldn't help me. Just after I fixed my blood sugar problem, another challenge came up. I thought this would be an easy fix. Every year felt like the final year before I could lick it. Instead, I would see my bp increase. Now, 200/140 is just a regular bp reading for me. Still, I dared the medical gods by not taking any pharma drugs, against everyone's advice.

Still, I don't have headaches at all. I don't even have allergies. But I still keep looking for solutions, as long as it's not pharma. My kidneys, liver, heart, other organs - are fine. But because of the adaptation of the body to higher pressure, my heart has LVH (left ventricular hypertrophy) which is an adaptation needed to pump at a higher pressure. My creatinine is at the lower range of normal, which can be seen as a kidney problem, if I follow the doctor's diagnosis. But I believe that it's just because I have a low blood volume. Since blood markers are mostly concentration-based, having a low blood volume would make concentration-based markers higher. So that would explain my high creatinine, not because my kidneys are chronically diseased.

It's simple math, really. But our doctors are so mechanical and rigid. But to be sure my kidneys are fine. I also take a 24hr urine test to determine my creatinine clearance. This is a more inconvenient way to determine our kidneys' glomerular filtration rate, and I get a much higher filtration rate from this method, as opposed to the method used by doctors, which is dependent on serum creatinine and age. The problem you can see with the test used by doctors is that even when serum creatinine stays the same over say, 10 years, your filtration rate would go down simply because you're older. The test is a dumbed down but convenient test to use, but totally useless as it's an oversimplification as the filtration rate is generalized to the age and race, and not specific to the individual. It's so stupid and it makes me wonder if people are so accepting of such stupidity to not question it, perhaps that is why it was so easy for them to push the COVID hoaxery on all of us.

A lot of tests used by doctors are just bullsheett. That is just one example. The HbA1c is another one, and Ray has mentioned this. Another one is the way the thyroid panel results are interpreted. We have no choice but to be our own doctor. It is very hard to find a good one, even a naturopathic one. It's like trying to find a non-GMO field to plant corn when you're surrounded by GMO fields all over. There is contamination and the minds of many naturopathic doctors are just as contaminated with Zionist-planted falsehoods in the theory and practice of conventional medicine.

Two years ago, it would be harder for me to speak this way. But when the magician has spilled the beans on his magic tricks, we see how we have been deceived and we become wiser from it.

There are many more things we should ask and expect to find no good answers from the medical establishment's soldiers - doctors. They have their marching orders, from Mordor.

To be free is to be unbound from the chain of ignorance from miseducation. The moment we begin to learn is when we unlearn much of what we've been taught.

p.s. I didn't want to make this a longer post than necessary but the relationship of microbes to hypertension is central to my context. This is why instead of pursuing a specific set of periodontal bacteria to eliminate the cause, which I find to be an endless game of hitting the beaver, I have shifted to understanding the relationship of microbes to body, and the theory of pleomorphism and terrain appeals to me greatly, as this would provide an elegant solution. The most elegant solution would be the simplest. As opposed to medical hoaxery with superstitious elements of viruses mixed in. Who among us needs our solutions to be delivered in Rube Goldberg systems?
So...did anything help? I've noticed you've been dealing with hypertension for close to 5 years on this forum. Has nothing really worked?


Mar 29, 2016
So...did anything help? I've noticed you've been dealing with hypertension for close to 5 years on this forum. Has nothing really worked?
Crossed my Ts and dotted my Is.

Moving on to other solutions that I previously ignored. And with that goes my belief in germ theory and its downstream hoaxing that builds on this foundational lie.

Next week I begin isopathic therapy consistent with pleomorphism and terrain theory.

Have also been on a zapper using emf for close to 2 months. Still zapping myself.

It had to do with microbes and microbes are one tough class act. When they go bad and you let them, they become like the deep state and get deeply implanted.

It takes a lot more to weed them out. Unlike the deep state, there is more hope here to get me by for the eventual kill shot.


Jun 30, 2020
My health wasn’t to bad , but I was getting a little slower with aging and was always into health and trying to stay healthy and I read Ben Greenfield’s book on longevity and up to that point I was doing keto carnivore for a couple of years and took a lot of supplements, some good, some not so good knowing what I know now.

But in greenfield book one of the things he recommended for longevity benefits was methylene blue ,but said he never tried before so me being a lab rat I tried it about a month later after years of being on keto and carnivore type diets, intermittent fasting so I must of wreck my metabolism pretty bad, the only good thing was I stopped eating PUFAs about year before that. Well I tried the methylene blue and for weeks I had lots of energy from it ,probably helping my metabolism and getting rid of excess lactic acid buildup.

So I started googling and searching YouTube for methylene blue and @haidut came up on some podcast and I started listening to him on some other podcast and he mentioned the ray peat forum multiple times.

So before trying methylene blue and feeling the effects I probably wouldn’t been open to ray peats work because I had bought into the hype sugar is bad, but listening to the generative energy podcasts and reading this forum and seeing my health improve and just looking and feeling younger and from all the great advice on this forum and their experiences.

So I’ve been reading this forum for about a year now and learned so much from everybody and I am grateful I found it and thanks to everybody on here and just wish I would found it 10 years earlier.
How much MB do you take? :):


Mar 21, 2021
I take about 2-5 drops when I do. When tried It I did it for about 2 straight months, Now I just take some every once in while.

Yeah I had a physical job at the time and was often fatigued and tired and when I started taking mb and just gave this energy and even had people asking if I was on something.


Jun 30, 2020
I take about 2-5 drops when I do. When tried It I did it for about 2 straight months, Now I just take some every once in while.

Yeah I had a physical job at the time and was often fatigued and tired and when I started taking mb and just gave this energy and even had people asking if I was on something.
I see, it probably takes a week or 2 to kick in?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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