Moving in slow motion on marijuana?


Mar 15, 2021
I have seen people and experienced myself, being high on marijuana and moving in extreme slow motion. Like legitimately as slow as a sloth. Comically and kind of scary from a health perspective type of slow. I wonder what is going on in the brain when this happens. Does anyone gave a theory through what mechanism marijuana might cause this?
Apr 22, 2019
I have seen people and experienced myself, being high on marijuana and moving in extreme slow motion. Like legitimately as slow as a sloth. Comically and kind of scary from a health perspective type of slow. I wonder what is going on in the brain when this happens. Does anyone gave a theory through what mechanism marijuana might cause this?
I think that the brain has a section for short term and long term memory. It's well known that daily marijuana partakers will lack long term memory recall. It's also more difficult to learn new things while high, yet people often report that they enjoy doing the things that they're already skilled at while high.

To these points, I think that the energetic allocation of the long term centers of the brain are shifted to the short term centers while high, which also includes all manner of sensory perception. A person usually becomes more aware of their own breath, need for food or water, and/or the benefit of grounding themselves on the earth. This energetic increase given to the sensory perception can sometimes make things feel slower.

...or maybe you just confused being high with a daydream experience lol
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