Aug 4, 2020
BONE BROTH SOUP with Maitake Mushrooms & Onions

1. Gather Ingredients; beef or chicken bone broth, dried maitake mushrooms, organic curry powder, green onions and Maui sweet onion. Heat filtered water to just warm, and pour over about 1/2 cup dried Maitake mushrooms, about 2 servings. Let soften for 10 minutes. Heat 2 cups of beef or chicken bone broth, preferably homemade. Finely chop one or two stalks of green onion (white and green parts) and a lot of slivered sweet Maui onion. Add them both to the broth along and salt well. Bring to a boil and turn down the heat. Pull the mushrooms out of the water, loosely chop, and add to the soup. Save the mushroom water to flavor another soup or to use in a gravy. Cook the soup for several more minutes to soften the mushrooms. Serve the soup with a sprinkle, or more, of the curry powder, or just the way it is.

The other version I like of this soup is to make it with homemade chicken bone broth, dried shiitakes, lemon zest and serve it with a wedge of lemon, so summery. You cannot get any lower in fat in a meal than this low-fat soup for losing weight. You could even add a little meat to it and have it during the day or add some potato or asparagus to it for a nighttime meal, which would also be good for sleep too.
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Looks great @Rinse & rePeat very professional presentation as well!!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

It has been more than two months since my last photo update, showing that sticking to Ray Peat’s principle has been keeping my metabolism high and weight just right. I had no fluctuations, even over the holidays. Even when I found at times having to stray from what was optimal for me, I used strategies to get me through them unscathed. I was sure to drink my raw grass-fed milk before and after a restaurant visit, so that the good saturated fats would displace the bad ones, and also to fill me up a bit so I wasn’t so hungry to eat more during those outings. If I found myself eating too much inorganic glysophate laden wheat dishes, like pasta, garlic bread, Thai food fried in PUFA oils, and other things that would wreak havoc on me and packing on the pounds I would use casacara tea whenbi would get home. For some reason I sleep better with cascara tea too.

I am still minimizing my consumption of meats, to maybe twice a week, making more meals with homemade bone broths instead. Interestingly more of my gray hairs have disappeared because of these two things also. I have never dyed my hair so they are really noticable when they are there, and I have plucked them out when they are thick or sprouting straight up wiry. Raw whole milk is still a daily staple, but now I am back to skimming the cream off the top and using it in my coffee, which cuts the extra fats I was consuming having cream on top of my whole milk. Strategizing and timing are the key to my long term success. I was eating a lot of butter the last six months, but now after the holiday splurges, and a few days feeling my pants a little tighter I cut butter back out. I also cut out most of my egg whites to minimize the hair graying tryptophan and upped my egg yolks for my skin and hair health. Here is my pic on New Year’s day, when all of my out of town guests, who had been staying with me, finally returned home, while I headed to the grocery store to get back to my “Peaty” self!

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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Sorry about all of the same reposts, Charlie has been working on some problems with attaching and viewing photos this last week. Hopefully this one sticks.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

As I have said before, my diet evolves and changes, to sometimes getting lazy and back again to making the effort to defy my age of sixty. Currently I am eating optimally, making sure I make a couple of pots of gelatinous bone broths every week and having them most days. Today I started my day first with some of my homemade organic candied orange peels, while I waited for my coffee to brew. I then had a strong cup of organic coffee with sugar and the cream, that I skimmed off the top of my raw milk. After the coffee I had a lightly fried egg yolk with an blended Orange Julius, made with the strained juice of 3 oranges, milk, sugar, salt and ice. Shortly after I enjoyed a meat only grass-fed ground beef taco, made with a lightly butter-fried sprouted corn tortilla, my ground beef taco meat, which I make with my homemade gelatinous beef bone broth, and topped it generously with my son’s homemade mango habanero hot sauce. I paired that taco with a cup of my chilled and salted homemade gelatinous chicken broth. I had all of this in the first five hours of my day, and I feel satisfied.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Looking at the fat American recommended diet pyramid below versus Ray Peat’s I really can’t understand why anybody thinks Ray Peat is the ignorant one. Look at the amount of grains alone, recommended in a day!


Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
UPDATE: This one’s for you @Vera

Here is my lunch today (pictured below), a grass-fed beef hot dog with what “looks” like a bun. I drenched my hot dog in my son’s homemade mango habanero hot sauce, and I quite like the crunch of my gelatin bun! For breakfast I had a bowl of my gelatinous beef bone broth based stew made with leftover meat from making the bone broth, sweet onions, white sweet potato and the sliced mushrooms, that I had left out in the sun for a couple of days to soak up extra vitamin D. Oh my goodness that was so good! I have mushrooms in my grocery list for another round of that! A couple of hours after that I had my “multi-vitamin, which is a gently fried egg yolk, and paired it with the juice of one orange strained into a glass of my organic black sun tea, which I then sweetened with my Meyer’s lemon syrup, which is just leftover thickened sugar water that I strained off from making candied lemon peels. Waste not want not is paying off for me! I have a new favorite milk drink, which I will have to fill in until dinner tonight. I mix one quarter cup of concord grape juice with a cup of milk, a tablespoon of maple syrup and some Ceylon cinnamon. It is such a deliciously odd combo, and is a step up from balancing milk with white sugar like Ray Peat sometimes suggested. He suggested grape juice and milk alternately for inflammation and it is surely good medicine mixed together! Tonight I am wanting some boiled white sweet potato with a regular red one, with butter, salt and some grass-fed sour cream and chives.

Here is my e-mail to Ray Peat and his response. I sure miss him….

“My father's girlfriend broke her hip a month ago and has been bed ridden since. She has now texted me that she is experiencing numb feet and is asking me if "400 mg twice a day of magnesium might help with the numbness including my fingers."
What could I suggest to her?”

"Magnesium supplements are usually irritating to the intestine; milk provides both magnesium and calcium in a safe way. Increasing her blood sugar helps with pain and might help numbness too. Is she using drugs for the pain? Concord grape juice, alternating with milk, helps to increase blood glucose and decrease inflammation and pain." -Ray Peat



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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Many people are claiming that fructose consumption has increased greatly in the last 30 or 40 years, and that this is responsible for the epidemic of obesity and diabetes. According to the USDA Economic Research Service, the 2007 calorie consumption as flour and cereal products increased 3% from 1970, while added sugar calories decreased 1%. Calories from meats, eggs, and nuts decreased 4%, from dairy foods decreased 3%, and calories from added fats increased 7%. The percentage of calories from fruits and vegetables stayed the same. The average person consumed 603 calories per day more in 2007 than in 1970. If changes in the national diet are responsible for the increase of obesity, diabetes, and the diseases associated with them, then it would seem that the increased consumption of fat and starch is responsible, and that would be consistent with the known effects of starches and polyunsaturated fats.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Since the late 1930s, when synthetic vitamins were first used, the human being has experienced the largest growth in vitamin intake in human history. It is possible that excess vitamins, especially B vitamins, may contribute to the development of obesity. Vitamin-rich formulas and food fortification with vitamins may, to a large extent, be responsible for the increased prevalence of obesity over the past several decades. Different fortification policies and standards may account for the differences in the prevalence between countries, while disparities in the consumption of fortified foods may contribute to the disparities in obesity between population groups within a country. Staple food fortification may be of great harm because it leads to a sustained high vitamin intake. Therefore, given that there has been a significant increase in vitamin supply from natural sources, it is necessary and urgent to review and modify the standards of vitamin fortification.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“That’s the message of a study published in the journal PLOS ONE that found that pear-shaped people, who have comparatively thinner waists than people shaped like apples, tend to live longer.

To reach their conclusion, researchers measured the waist-to-height ratio of almost 7,500 people in the UK between 1985 and 2005. They compared the data to US studies that used body mass index (BMI), and discovered that keeping your waistline to less than half your height predicted you would live longer. What's more, they suggested that waist-to-height ratio was a more accurate predictor of longevity than BMI.

How BMI can fool you​

BMI has been used as a measure of health since the 19th century, and it’s a much more complicated calculation than waist-to-height ratio. To get it, you have to multiply your weight in pounds by 703, divide by your height in inches, then divide that number by your height in inches again.

Your final calculation then places you in one of five different groups:

  • Below 18.5 means you’re underweight
  • Between 18.5 to 24.9 is healthy
  • Between 25 and 29.9 is overweight
  • Between 30 and 39.9 is obese
  • 40 and over is extremely obese
The problem is, BMI doesn’t take muscle mass into account, which can put someone into the overweight or obese categories even if he or she isn’t carrying extra fat. It also neglects to measure belly fat, which indicates a larger waistline and may be particularly dangerous for your heart.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“A 2010 study of nearly 105,000 people published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggested that people with larger waistlines (more than 47 inches for men and 43 inches for women) were twice as likely to die during the study period than people with smaller waistlines (less than 35 inches in men and less than 30 inches in women). Bigger waists are also associated with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, cholesterol problems and coronary heart disease.

Researchers aren’t exactly sure what makes belly fat so dangerous, but it may have something to do with how fat is distributed throughout your body. If you’re pear shaped, your fat is located mostly in your lower half; it's also subcutaneous, meaning it sits right under the skin. People who are apple-shaped have more fat in their abdomen. That fat, called visceral fat, is deeper and collects around the organs. Researchers think visceral fat produces chemicals that lead to inflammation, a culprit in heart disease and cancer.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
UPDATE: @Morten here is a cleaned up version of my stack for that poster of yours! I added a few extra things I remembered too @TucsonJJ

In another thread I was asked for a list of what my stack is and here is the list I made.

I cook occasionally with coconut oil, but usually I use butter or tallow. My usual foods are listed below:

- two to three cups of raw milk a day, which I skim the cream off the top for other uses
-two egg yolks a day, or a just a boiled egg sometimes, room temperature with wasabi
-raw honey
-coffee with milk or with the cream I skimmed and maple syrup or white sugar
-homemade candied orange and lemon peels
-homemade marmalade or maple syrup on toasted and buttered manna date bread
-sprouted brown rice cereal with milk
-sprouted oats that I make cookies, pancakes and such with
-organic beef, lamb & liver
-boiled (to get the PUFA out), then cooked chicken, mostly wings
-all shellfish, especially shrimp & scallops, but I wish for more oysters, mussels, lobster and crab
-soups made with my homemade chicken bone broth, and beef stew and French onion soup made with my beef one
-Epic pork rinds for cooking or 4505 for snacking (not the BBQ ones though because of the citric acid)
-organic white sweet potatoes and regular red potatoes
-cheeses made with grass-fed milk, or rennet only cheese, and grass fed sour cream
-fresh squeezed organic juiced oranges and frozen berries mostly, but peaches, mangos and guavas too in the summer
-fresh pressed apples, watermelon and rainbow carrots
-well cooked artichokes, broccoli, asparagus, onions, sometimes baby lettuce, fresh nettles, parsley and sweet potato leaves, tomatoes and various peppers that I grow
-sometimes macadamias and defatted peanut powder
-condiments like organic ketchup, coconut aminos, wasabi, sometimes olive oil, and various hot sauces
-organic black tea, cascara sometimes, and on occasion an organic Mexican Coke
-sometimes coconut oil made dark chocolate or my homemade ice cream or baked custard
-supplements on occasion: pure MSM crystals and stinging nettle leaf

-my splurge is sometimes an organic pasta or organic saltine crackers made with olive oil and brewers yeast, or olive oil potato chips


Aug 2, 2023
UPDATE: @Morten here is a cleaned up version of my stack for that poster of yours! I added a few extra things I remembered too @TucsonJJ

In another thread I was asked for a list of what my stack is and here is the list I made.

I cook occasionally with coconut oil, but usually I use butter or tallow. My usual foods are listed below:

- two to three cups of raw milk a day, which I skim the cream off the top for other uses
-two egg yolks a day, or a just a boiled egg sometimes, room temperature with wasabi
-raw honey
-coffee with milk or with the cream I skimmed and maple syrup or white sugar
-homemade candied orange and lemon peels
-homemade marmalade or maple syrup on toasted and buttered manna date bread
-sprouted brown rice cereal with milk
-sprouted oats that I make cookies, pancakes and such with
-organic beef, lamb & liver
-boiled (to get the PUFA out), then cooked chicken, mostly wings
-all shellfish, especially shrimp & scallops, but I wish for more oysters, mussels, lobster and crab
-soups made with my homemade chicken bone broth, and beef stew and French onion soup made with my beef one
-Epic pork rinds for cooking or 4505 for snacking (not the BBQ ones though because of the citric acid)
-organic white sweet potatoes and regular red potatoes
-cheeses made with grass-fed milk, or rennet only cheese, and grass fed sour cream
-fresh squeezed organic juiced oranges and frozen berries mostly, but peaches, mangos and guavas too in the summer
-fresh pressed apples, watermelon and rainbow carrots
-well cooked artichokes, broccoli, asparagus, onions, sometimes baby lettuce, fresh nettles, parsley and sweet potato leaves, tomatoes and various peppers that I grow
-sometimes macadamias and defatted peanut powder
-condiments like organic ketchup, coconut aminos, wasabi, sometimes olive oil, and various hot sauces
-organic black tea, cascara sometimes, and on occasion an organic Mexican Coke
-sometimes coconut oil made dark chocolate or my homemade ice cream or baked custard
-supplements on occasion: pure MSM crystals and stinging nettle leaf

-my splurge is sometimes an organic pasta or organic saltine crackers made with olive oil and brewers yeast, or olive oil potato chips
Oh, thanks. You seem to have endless energi:)


Jun 19, 2023
UPDATE: @Morten here is a cleaned up version of my stack for that poster of yours! I added a few extra things I remembered too @TucsonJJ

In another thread I was asked for a list of what my stack is and here is the list I made.

I cook occasionally with coconut oil, but usually I use butter or tallow. My usual foods are listed below:

- two to three cups of raw milk a day, which I skim the cream off the top for other uses
-two egg yolks a day, or a just a boiled egg sometimes, room temperature with wasabi
-raw honey
-coffee with milk or with the cream I skimmed and maple syrup or white sugar
-homemade candied orange and lemon peels
-homemade marmalade or maple syrup on toasted and buttered manna date bread
-sprouted brown rice cereal with milk
-sprouted oats that I make cookies, pancakes and such with
-organic beef, lamb & liver
-boiled (to get the PUFA out), then cooked chicken, mostly wings
-all shellfish, especially shrimp & scallops, but I wish for more oysters, mussels, lobster and crab
-soups made with my homemade chicken bone broth, and beef stew and French onion soup made with my beef one
-Epic pork rinds for cooking or 4505 for snacking (not the BBQ ones though because of the citric acid)
-organic white sweet potatoes and regular red potatoes
-cheeses made with grass-fed milk, or rennet only cheese, and grass fed sour cream
-fresh squeezed organic juiced oranges and frozen berries mostly, but peaches, mangos and guavas too in the summer
-fresh pressed apples, watermelon and rainbow carrots
-well cooked artichokes, broccoli, asparagus, onions, sometimes baby lettuce, fresh nettles, parsley and sweet potato leaves, tomatoes and various peppers that I grow
-sometimes macadamias and defatted peanut powder
-condiments like organic ketchup, coconut aminos, wasabi, sometimes olive oil, and various hot sauces
-organic black tea, cascara sometimes, and on occasion an organic Mexican Coke
-sometimes coconut oil made dark chocolate or my homemade ice cream or baked custard
-supplements on occasion: pure MSM crystals and stinging nettle leaf

-my splurge is sometimes an organic pasta or organic saltine crackers made with olive oil and brewers yeast, or olive oil potato chips
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