MitoLipin For Idiopathic Constipation?



Apr 14, 2013
Good to know. Just got back from the pharmacy, looks like I can get my liothyronine in liquid form to equal any microdose I want. So I suppose the thing to do would be to get at 1mcg per drop, start taking it in divided doses and track my temps and pulses.
Although today was weird; I ran out of my liothyronine yesterday morning, so didn't take my evening dose or my morning dose today, just took my temp and resting pulse, it's 98.4 F! And my pulse is 85 bpm. My temp is rarely above 98 F. Aside from my gut issues I feel so amazing today, like happy and positive, which is weird for me. So unexpected; especially since I was worried I'd have all sorts of awfulness today with no T3 but totally the opposite.
The only thing different I did, besides not taking T3, was take 10 drops Energin topically instead of orally.
Just thinking out loud I guess.
Thank you kindly for your input.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
"4) My bowel movements have always remained good, now with this supplement, they are more frequent and healthier.

5) Did not notice the "fishy" smell at first, but seems to increase with each day I use."

I read this post from you a while back. How are you doing with this now, if you don't mind my asking?

The fishy smell is a little off putting.

Also, what about this "Artemesin"? If you would be so kind... what does this help you with?

Where is the fishy smell coming from? The bottle?


Apr 14, 2013
@haidut ... I just got some. The liquid does have a slight scent right out of the bottle, I suppose it could be described as fishy. @lisaferraro ... is it the scent straight out of the bottle that you speak of?

Funny about the smell/taste. It changes over time, sometimes more fishy, sometimes nutty even. Same with Defibron actually. Says to me it has to do more with my chemistry and state of my body/diet. @haidut or anyone know why the smell changes over time? Kind of back and forth meaning sometimes fishy sometimes nutty sometimes not much?


@haidut ... I just got some. The liquid does have a slight scent right out of the bottle, I suppose it could be described as fishy. @lisaferraro ... is it the scent straight out of the bottle that you speak of?
Not really. A small smell but more nutty. It mainly appears when rubbing on my belly. Strange thing is that it varies - sometimes fishy, sometimes nutty. Currently mostly nutty.

I realize that this whole explanation might actually sound nutty - lol. The smell doesn’t really deter me and I definitely feel better using this product. One of my favs so far...


Apr 14, 2013
Not really. A small smell but more nutty. It mainly appears when rubbing on my belly. Strange thing is that it varies - sometimes fishy, sometimes nutty. Currently mostly nutty.

I realize that this whole explanation might actually sound nutty - lol. The smell doesn’t really deter me and I definitely feel better using this product. One of my favs so far...

Thanks! This affirms my thought that it is just the scent of the product and nothing more. Nothing nutty about that:D. I too notice different scents of things on different days... it seems subjective for me. I had a slight concern the PC would be hard to digest for someone like me with severe dysbiosis, but I admittedly don't understand all the biochemistry behind PC and choline supp's and digestion factors. Bottom line; if the smell came from oral use then that might mean something, but it's just from topical use so no problem there.

Thanks much!


Thanks! This affirms my thought that it is just the scent of the product and nothing more. Nothing nutty about that:D. I too notice different scents of things on different days... it seems subjective for me. I had a slight concern the PC would be hard to digest for someone like me with severe dysbiosis, but I admittedly don't understand all the biochemistry behind PC and choline supp's and digestion factors. Bottom line; if the smell came from oral use then that might mean something, but it's just from topical use so no problem there.

Thanks much!


Oct 8, 2012
Mitolipin also has this effect for me. It's one of a few things I need a lot of daily to keep the bowels uninflamed and moving with normalish stool.


Feb 22, 2014
Your success is very inspiring to me!

I take liothyronine 5MCG (Rx T3) 2x per day, morning and evening (resulting in about a 4:1 ratio of T4 to T3). My doc won't increase it anymore. I might try an additional non-Rx T3. Do you use the Blue Sky Peptides or prescription? Also, perhaps my dosing is not often enough. Do you take drops or "nibbles" throughout the day? I don't know how people manage to do this microdosing every hour or two, but if it works then I'll figure out how to somehow.

Thank you again for taking the time to help:D

I would not be taking any t4 if I were you. There are too many risks, and not enough benefits.
Have you read any of Ray peat's thoughts on t4? Most doctors do not know anything about fixing thyroid issues and t4 not only often doesn't help, it often hurts a person's progress.

Also would not take creatine. You can just use gelatin, or collagen, or glycine/taurine.

Have you read Ray's work on methionine? You don't want to ever add more of that to your diet. Tryptophan, serotonin, and aging

But even if you stayed on that, there's no reason not to take more cascara.

Constipation itself is very harmful, so you always want to keep things moving. If you don't, you're going to raise your stress hormones through endotoxin release.
This is likely a very simple solution.
Try taking more cascara until you get the results you need.
Keep in mind with cascara it can often take 12-20 hours to create a bowel movement but once you get going you can get it more predictable.

So if 1600mg isn't working, taking 3200. That stuff definitely works. Maybe stay near a bathroom while you get the exact dose figured out. I buy the powder in bulk, and have taken as much as 1/2 a tablespoon before.


Are you taking cascara these days? I really appreciated this discussion, as I'm struggling with off-and-on constipation. I do use CS but always stick to given label dose. This convo changed my mind- I need to ramp it up before things get worse. Are you still of the opinion that taking it for life is an ok thing-- since this thread was from a while back?
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