Methylene Blue


Jul 22, 2012
haidut said:
narouz said:
haidut said:
Such_Saturation said:
If the brain half life is thirty hours, shouldn't you have like a pound of it by now?

I'd second this. Higher doses of MB are only meant to be used for short periods of time. It will build up in the brain and it starts becoming toxic at 5uM. The depression study in humans used 15mg for 2 weeks.
I stopped my high dose experiment after 1 week and now I take high doses only as needed and space it out by several days.
Most people should aim for 1mg-2mg daily as that is the amount producing the optimal concentrations in cells.

What do you make of the study
showing max effectiveness for dementia
at 60mg x 3/day dosage.
As I recall the subjects took that dose for a long time...many months.

In the interview called "Nitric Acid" (I think) w/ The Herb Doctors
Peat personally seemed persuaded of MB's safety,
even when taken at very high levels over a long period of time.
Can't remember exactly what the high levels were now,
but they registered with me at the time as ridiculously high....

*edit: just replied to haidut's earlier post without noting these intervening similar posts.....

Then I would like to see that statement from Peat b/c from the things I have heard from him it sounds like he thinks the OPTIMAL dose would be <=1mg per day. Why the studies used more than that I am not sure about. Maybe a higher dose would get quicker response in serious diseases like AD.

I've been taking it at doses similar to you for a while.
But I'm giving it to my dad (dementia) at about 30-60mg x 3/day.
So...I've got a dual focus here.

I just listened to that "Nitric Oxide" interview today,
so I'll try to see over the weekend if I can get you Peat's words.
I have read (your?) reports about Peat saying mcg doses probably being most effective for most. the interview, at least, he came across as very okay with the high dose/safety aspect.
And he tends to be cautious/conservative....


Jul 22, 2012
haidut said:
Then I would like to see that statement from Peat b/c from the things I have heard from him it sounds like he thinks the OPTIMAL dose would be <=1mg per day. Why the studies used more than that I am not sure about. Maybe a higher dose would get quicker response in serious diseases like AD.

I saw that they have the transcript here,
so here's the part of the interview where Peat discusses safety/dosages,etc:

HD: I did read an article, I think there were several references to methylene blue and its use, either promoting or suppressing, depending on a dose, and it seems like very small amounts of methylene blue were having this favourable suppressive activity where larger amounts could actually cause...

RP: Yeah, some of the toxicity experiments have been kind of ridiculous in which they feed rats the equivalent for a person, it would be, an ounce or two of crystalline methylene blue which it would, just that amount of concentrated any chemical is going to be harmful. But it’s been twenty-five years ago, someone did a very well-controlled study of severe depressed people, 15mg per day was all it took to relieve severe depression. The side effects of even many times higher doses than that are essentially zero. Two studies, one by the NIH, 6 years ago and one more recent, gave greater doses, up to what would be the equivalent of about 4 or 5 or 6 grams a day for a person of the crystalline material, many times higher than the curative, anti-depressive dose, and they did it for the whole lifespan of rats and mice and saw no life-shortening effects in either rats or mice but in female mice, in both studies, they saw an extension of the maximum lifespan with the highest dose. And so in these ridiculously high doses many times, I guess about, 5-10x higher than the dose Paul Ehrlich used more than a hundred years ago to treat malaria – and he cured two cases of malaria in a period of just a couple of weeks - giving 5 doses a day of 100mg each time orally. But with very much smaller doses you see changes in the brain and reduced stress and curing depression and so on. At several times higher doses than he used to cure malaria you still don't see any harmful effects and in animal experiments, it took one of the gigantic doses, equivalent to, I think it was about 8g a day for a person, before it stopped doing the simple anti-depressive actions.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
narouz said:
haidut said:
Then I would like to see that statement from Peat b/c from the things I have heard from him it sounds like he thinks the OPTIMAL dose would be <=1mg per day. Why the studies used more than that I am not sure about. Maybe a higher dose would get quicker response in serious diseases like AD.

I saw that they have the transcript here,
so here's the part of the interview where Peat discusses safety/dosages,etc:

HD: I did read an article, I think there were several references to methylene blue and its use, either promoting or suppressing, depending on a dose, and it seems like very small amounts of methylene blue were having this favourable suppressive activity where larger amounts could actually cause...

RP: Yeah, some of the toxicity experiments have been kind of ridiculous in which they feed rats the equivalent for a person, it would be, an ounce or two of crystalline methylene blue which it would, just that amount of concentrated any chemical is going to be harmful. But it’s been twenty-five years ago, someone did a very well-controlled study of severe depressed people, 15mg per day was all it took to relieve severe depression. The side effects of even many times higher doses than that are essentially zero. Two studies, one by the NIH, 6 years ago and one more recent, gave greater doses, up to what would be the equivalent of about 4 or 5 or 6 grams a day for a person of the crystalline material, many times higher than the curative, anti-depressive dose, and they did it for the whole lifespan of rats and mice and saw no life-shortening effects in either rats or mice but in female mice, in both studies, they saw an extension of the maximum lifespan with the highest dose. And so in these ridiculously high doses many times, I guess about, 5-10x higher than the dose Paul Ehrlich used more than a hundred years ago to treat malaria – and he cured two cases of malaria in a period of just a couple of weeks - giving 5 doses a day of 100mg each time orally. But with very much smaller doses you see changes in the brain and reduced stress and curing depression and so on. At several times higher doses than he used to cure malaria you still don't see any harmful effects and in animal experiments, it took one of the gigantic doses, equivalent to, I think it was about 8g a day for a person, before it stopped doing the simple anti-depressive actions.

Here is where he says doses <1mg are optimal.


Jul 22, 2012
haidut said:

Yeah...I know.
And I think the bit you cite came after the radio interview I quoted.
So maybe the latter view represents where his view has evolved to.
Or maybe it represents what he thinks the best dosage might be for most.

I don't know.
I just wondered how you put the two together.

The study showing 60mg x 3 for dementia
would seem to be a pretty good study.
The protocol had patients taking 15mgx3, 30mgx3, 60mgx3, and 100mgx3,
and it was carried out over several months as I recall.
Results pointed pretty clearly toward the 60mg dose for dementia.

As I said,
for myself I'm taking the lower doses like Peat noted in your citation.
I'm giving my dad, who has dementia, the 60mgx3 dose,
based upon the study,
and I guess it doesn't seem too dangerous considering Peat's statements in the radio show.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
narouz said:
haidut said:

Yeah...I know.
And I think the bit you cite came after the radio interview I quoted.
So maybe the latter view represents where his view has evolved to.
Or maybe it represents what he thinks the best dosage might be for most.

I don't know.
I just wondered how you put the two together.

The study showing 60mg x 3 for dementia
would seem to be a pretty good study.
The protocol had patients taking 15mgx3, 30mgx3, 60mgx3, and 100mgx3,
and it was carried out over several months as I recall.
Results pointed pretty clearly toward the 60mg dose for dementia.

As I said,
for myself I'm taking the lower doses like Peat noted in your citation.
I'm giving my dad, who has dementia, the 60mgx3 dose,
based upon the study,
and I guess it doesn't seem too dangerous considering Peat's statements in the radio show.
How is your father responding? It's been a little while now. Are you perchance also trying coconut oil?


Jul 22, 2012
Gl;itch.e said:
How is your father responding? It's been a little while now. Are you perchance also trying coconut oil?

Hey Gl;-

It's taken a while to really get him going with it
at that 60mgx3 dosage.
I started him on small doses as I did so myself
just to observe him and see how he was handling it., it is a pain in the butt to measure and assemble capsules of the stuff.
Even if I'm super careful and use gloves and blah blah blah...
it gets all over.
Pretty amazing just in that one aspect of its properties.

So, it's only been really now a couple of weeks at the high dosage.
Can't say I can see anything really one way or the other.

I have tried and am trying the coconut oil (refined!),
but it has been problematic at the doses recommended
because it gives him diarrhea.


Apr 17, 2015
My pharmacist gave me 3 g of MB, I'd dissolve it in purified water but, for convenience reasons, I'd like to keep a relatively highly concentrated "mother" solution (3000 mg/l) from which I'll take one ml from time to time to dissolve again in one liter or so (3000 µg/l) in order to have a solution easy to dose with a dropper.
With a dosage of approximately 20 µg/day, the"daughter" solution would last almost half a year and the "mother" solution would last for at least the rest of my life!
Tl;dr: Is it ok to store MB dissolved in purified water for a very long time?
Thanks ;)


Nov 9, 2012
I've read some people dissolved some vitamin C in Methylene Blue. This yields a reduced form of MB. There seems to be a patent for it.

Two benefits: no coloration (of your urine or kitchen stains), and increased blood brain barrier crossing. On a related note, intravenous injection seems to be better for brain access too - something to keep in mind when studies show good effects, it's often intravenous not oral. I also read as anecdote that it was better tolerated.

Toxic effects seem to appear only somewhere above 0.7mg/kg. That's quite high and even higher than the old Malaria 100mg a few times a day treatment if you weight 80kg.

EDIT: I've seen a treatment for Malaria in children at 60mg/kg orally over 3 days :eek:. Since oral dose of MB has a long half life, 10 hours, the serum MB would keep increasing too. However, maybe the short duration of the treatment makes it's ok.


Mar 29, 2014
Does anyone know if the supposed antifungal effects of MB are direct - ie the MB kills (or slows down) the fungii, or indirect, ie the MB supports the human tissue that is then better able to control the fungi?


Mar 29, 2014
Greg says said:
I have been experimenting with a mixture of neat Methylene Blue mixed with Flowers of Sulphur and applying it to my stubborn ringworm toenails I picked up inIndia. I also sit under a incandescent lamp for 30 mins.

Not sure if its effecting the fungus but after 5 days I am staring to notice the same effect I felt when I used to take SSRIs. That is an anti-depressant effect. My mood sharply increased... It must be absorbing through my skin. But with a decease in libido, which was the same deal as when I took SSRIs, and St.Johns Wort. So it must have a MAO serotonin increasing effect. This is not what I want, as I use Tianetine to lower serotonin.

As well as blue toes, I have a yellow stomach from applying Energin topically (I usually put it in my mouth). It kept me awake when I tried to go to sleep that evening, showing that it does have a longer lasting effect when applied topically.

Hi Greg,
If you feel like telling -
Did this work to clear the ringworm from your toenails?
Did you just apply this once to each toe, or repeatedly? For how long? How much?
After you stopped applying it, how long till your nails and skin returned to normal colour (if they have), or did they grow out clear?
I've been cautious so far - only been putting a drop on my skin a couple of times a week for a month or so to see if I could tell a difference. But if it was effective I'd consider trying more of it, and directly on the nails, though maybe less to avoid strong MAOI effects.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
Hi Tara,

I was just mixing up some (lots) MB with Flowers of sulphur and applying the paste to each toe, sometimes every night, but mostly twice a week. i did this for maybe 3 months. It definitely was inhibiting the fungus. Some nail has grow back normally, but over all.. i would say the fungus is still there, very stubborn. I have excess cortisol.

'Excess cortisol can lead to fungal infections". - John Lee MD


Mar 29, 2014
Greg says said:
Hi Tara,

I was just mixing up some (lots) MB with Flowers of sulphur and applying the paste to each toe, sometimes every night, but mostly twice a week. i did this for maybe 3 months. It definitely was inhibiting the fungus. Some nail has grow back normally, but over all.. i would say the fungus is still there, very stubborn. I have excess cortisol.

'Excess cortisol can lead to fungal infections". - John Lee MD
Thanks Greg, Given your report, I think I might skip the blue toenails.
Yeah, I've thrown a lot of things at mine for 3 decades - stubborn is right. I can slow or stop it with various things - vinegar/ oregano/tea tree/ sulphur from but so far not eradicate it - if I miss a single day of treating it, it starts to spread again.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
...that sounds encouraging :( . i used 40% urea as well but nothing noticeable. the fungus is actually inside the nail, so you need to file down the top layer of the nail i read. I have gotten really use to blue nails though, looks great!


Mar 29, 2014
Greg says said:
...that sounds encouraging :( . i used 40% urea as well but nothing noticeable. the fungus is actually inside the nail, so you need to file down the top layer of the nail i read. I have gotten really use to blue nails though, looks great!

Hmm, I generally use nail clippers every week or two to remove as much as I can, but maybe I should try filing to get more poison into it. Yes, well and truly inside and through the nail. I typically have 2-4 mm growing out clear on my big toe, but it hasn't grown clear to the end where I can trim it off since I was a teenager.

On the other hand, if you are looking for hope, there are others here who claim to have dealt with theirs easily. Maybe you will be one of them.
Aug 21, 2013
Quick update. Taking 2 drops 3-4 times a day now. Added in 400 mg caffeine. Energy is incredible. Feeling very well rested every morning and experiencing very little fatigue after work. Post lunch crash significantly improved. On top of this all, i started doing some low repitition weight training this week due to the energy abundance. Just finished a workout a couple hours ago. Normally i would be wiped out with less work. But i still feel good. I simply couldn't work out before because of debilitating depression in the following days after a workout. So far so good :)


Oct 31, 2012
I've been drinking a glycine soda morning and evening for a couple of weeks. A can of soda water, a tablespoon of glycine, half a gram vitamin c, half a gram of aspirin powder, and five mg MB. Definitely getting that warm feeling with lots of energy.
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