MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL - YouTube


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
china and russia are the two nations who profit most from assisting america into the retirement village. china's economy didn't slow down at all, they maintained profit right through 2020-2021 despite unprecedented investment into africa, which also had immense growth. i can't speak to russia

it's true - the uk for example will be hammered until they can get their renewable fairy kingdom up and running, comparatively ireland was the only country in the western world to have positive growth during 2020 because despite suffering the harshest lockdowns in europe, they also became the only native english speaking nation in the eu, so they are now a hot spot for tech giants to set up european hq's which is ironic af

obedience training. socialism requires the submission of individual liberties, teaching people to be compliant and dependent on the state by creating division and fear within the people

in the meantime, it's a lawsuit proof way of making a lot of money, killing off the old to leverage their pensions, and it's setting legal precedent for emergency health acts both now and in the future

everyone has an agenda, but the simplest explanation is that those with power want more power, and since our western overlords can no longer compete with the chinese overlords, the most logical thing for them to do is cooperate for profit - it's like, if a slave owner suddenly lost the land he worked his slaves on, does he just shoot all the slaves and become homeless, or does he sell the slaves and settle for a big fish, small pond scenario?

powerful people are pragmatists, otherwise they wouldn't endure. keeping the economy subdued in order to facilitate china's rise benefits them in the long term, and the vaccine is the best propaganda they have, considering the entire lockdown was predicated on an invisible monster that couldn't kill anyone under the age of life expectancy, but be afraid, and trust the vaccine, because it is real, and that means the monster is real, and that means this is all justified.

In some posts you say starvation will be massive and will kill much more than the vaccine. Then you say starvation will be avoided for most people. You also said the elderly will be killed (or at least attempted to be killed) as their pension obligations cannot be met and the state/elite can use all the money it can find by getting rid of "useless eaters" (which includes well-off retirees). But then you said the vaccine is a harmless placebo and the political charade around mandating it is just training for incoming socialism. These options are not really compatible, so which ones do you are think are the more likely?
As far as vaccine deaths, look at the graph below. No other vaccine ever released has had such spike in deaths after being released. The sheer number and the "velocity" of deaths is astounding. I know 12,500 deaths does not sound like much, but the closest by death toll is one vaccine attempted in the 1980s, which caused just 25 deaths and was immediately withdrawn. Nothing of the sorts is happening with this vaccine, so do you think that the explanation again is training for socialism and that the vaccine is largely harmless? And this is just the immediate death count. We know nothing of the long-term side effects, some of which have already started to materialize in the form of autoimmune conditions, prion diseases, miscarriages, etc.


Oct 6, 2020
do you have any numbers suggesting covid isn't a routine injection?

I guess you ment covid vaxxines in that quote? Claiming that is incredibly bold. Getting medication without all the necessary safety studies is just playing russian roulette.

This argument is something one could argue about if we actually were able to determine wether someone has died 100% conclusively from covid and covid alone (pro vaxxers just love to ignore the multitude of other factors that fall into illness) - which is not being done, especially not on a worldwide scale. The numbers in that regard are complete bull**** considering how they are acquired in the first place.

So in a sense thoose getting the experimental jab risk it for no actual reason other than "freedom" which is literally accepting dictatorship that overrules existing laws by trusting numbers that most of them can't interpetrate nor can they check the validity of them. By inoculation you basicly accept that thoose in power can do to you w/e they want. Ofcourse im happy if the vaxxed have no health issues, but again, how is that data acquired? How many did not report? How many issues will be dismissed as "not related to vaxxine"? Saying the vaccine adverse effects/deaths are statistically insignificant does not automaticly equate to the vaccines being safe.

Lets hope it won't end up to be another Contergan like scandal.

Everyone is getting e-boners off their data/numbers but does not even question the methods trough which they are determined. This holds true for both "sides" but while there cannot be made a 100% correct statement, everything at the moment points towards unvaxxed being on the "safer side".

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
I guess you ment covid vaxxines in that quote? Claiming that is incredibly bold. Getting medication without all the necessary safety studies is just playing russian roulette.
i don't disagree, i'm just asking for proof that there's actually bullets in the gun
This argument is something one could argue about if we actually were able to determine wether someone has died 100% conclusively from covid and covid alone (pro vaxxers just love to ignore the multitude of other factors that fall into illness) - which is not being done, especially not on a worldwide scale. The numbers in that regard are complete bull**** considering how they are acquired in the first place.

i calculated the death rate for covid in 2020 based on american demographics and omitting those who were terminally ill to be around 9000 as of june 2020, which works out around 0.00002% fatality - or basically non-existent

people can argue that the official numbers are bs all day and all night, but if they aren't interesting in working out the reality of the situation, i would assume such people are just as useless as the people spreading the bs in the first place
So in a sense thoose getting the experimental jab risk it for no actual reason other than "freedom" which is literally accepting dictatorship that overrules existing laws by trusting numbers that most of them can't interpetrate nor can they check the validity of them. By inoculation you basicly accept that thoose in power can do to you w/e they want.
yes, people are idiots and you cannot reason with idiots, so it is best to leave them be and profit from their mistakes so at least you don't have to suffer with them

Ofcourse im happy if the vaxxed have no health issues, but again, how is that data acquired? How many did not report? How many issues will be dismissed as "not related to vaxxine"? Saying the vaccine adverse effects/deaths are statistically insignificant does not automaticly equate to the vaccines being safe.

the problem with reporting vaccine problems is that they are done voluntarily and it is up to the cdc and fda to determine whether it's valid, and since both the cdc and fda have no problem lying to protect the state, it would be stupid to trust the official figures - however it is also stupid to assume the figures are 200 times higher than the official stats, for no reason at all

Lets hope it won't end up to be another Contergan like scandal.

Everyone is getting e-boners off their data/numbers but does not even question the methods trough which they are determined. This holds true for both "sides" but while there cannot be made a 100% correct statement, everything at the moment points towards unvaxxed being on the "safer side".

i determine my own, that way i know where the data came from, why i picked it, how it is relevant and what conclusions can be drawn from it

hence why i always ask people for the facts they base their opinions on, so i can contrast data, then lol when those people say they won't discuss facts, only opinions

but yes, so far all the data i've seen suggests vaccines are fairly safe, though as i said, the cdc doesn't have to provide any real evidence proving this

but yes, i agree

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
In some posts you say starvation will be massive and will kill much more than the vaccine. Then you say starvation will be avoided for most people.
i don't think i've said starvation will be massive once since i joined this forum

i said that starvation has 100% kill rate, so it's far more efficient than a vaccine - and since the entire western economy is on life support, it actually takes more effort to stop people from starving, right now, than it does to just sit back and let people die

i also said starvation will be avoided because nobody profits from the destruction of america. i said this like 5 times over various different posts, specifically to you :<

You also said the elderly will be killed (or at least attempted to be killed) as their pension obligations cannot be met and the state/elite can use all the money it can find by getting rid of "useless eaters" (which includes well-off retirees).
nope, i said i can understand wanting to kill the old in order to leverage their pensions against a hyperinflating economy. i never said they would be killed, or attempt to be killed. i just understand why them dying isn't exactly a net loss for the economy.

But then you said the vaccine is a harmless placebo and the political charade around mandating it is just training for incoming socialism.
yes for the most part i believe the vaccine is a sugar pill and the virus never existed in the first place. totally open to discussing it, but that's my opinion.

These options are not really compatible, so which ones do you are think are the more likely?
i've been fairly specific about all of this tbh.

i think the virus is made up
i think the vaccine is at worst a regular vaccine, that can cause blod clots, seizures and death, like a regular vaccine
i think old people are dying and this is great publicity for the lockdowns
i think pensions are untapped resources that the state will steal
i think america is beyond saving and asia will keep it as a pet
and i think if you want to kill a population effectively, starve it - don't lock it down and spend trillions of dollar feeding it while you force them to get an injection that has a less than 0.1% kill rate

As far as vaccine deaths, look at the graph below. No other vaccine ever released has had such spike in deaths after being released. The sheer number and the "velocity" of deaths is astounding. I know 12,500 deaths does not sound like much, but the closest by death toll is one vaccine attempted in the 1980s, which caused just 25 deaths and was immediately withdrawn. Nothing of the sorts is happening with this vaccine, so do you think that the explanation again is training for socialism and that the vaccine is largely harmless? And this is just the immediate death count. We know nothing of the long-term side effects, some of which have already started to materialize in the form of autoimmune conditions, prion diseases, miscarriages, etc.
nope that's a fair point, i think this vaccine is being pushed heavily despite lack of safety - they are currently not considered vaccines, though - that is, legally they are injectibles, so lack of safety means nothing as the state will be exempt from legal ramifications once the fda officially classify them as vaccinations

my point though, is i can see them pushing this for solid economic reasons, and the facts remain the facts - this isn't killing millions of people, not even tens of thousands...poverty alone will kill more people than the vaccine has done over the next few years, and like i said - so long as there is a vaccine they can hold up and say "look, it's in my hand, it's clearly real" people will continue believing the virus is real, and won't even think to question the lockdowns - the vaccine is just the symbol they can hold up to justify the lies that preceded my opinion :P


Oct 6, 2020
i don't disagree, i'm just asking for proof that there's actually bullets in the gun

I think that is something noone can proove or disproove completly as of right now. Not realy but there are reports and studys showing short term damage, if you deem them statistically insignificant, you have to decide for yourself. Lets hope there aint any more issues down the road.

i calculated the death rate for covid in 2020 based on american demographics and omitting those who were terminally ill to be around 9000 as of june 2020, which works out around 0.00002% fatality - or basically non-existent

So unless i read this wrong you'd agree "covid" does not require a vaccine?

people can argue that the official numbers are bs all day and all night, but if they aren't interesting in working out the reality of the situation, i would assume such people are just as useless as the people spreading the bs in the first place

Well that is the issue. If the places/instances that have the tools and "expertice" to aquire the data do not actually do so in a way to display the reality, how can thoose not having the money/tools - in this case the opposition against the vaxx mandates - provide the necessary studys/numbers to counter the argument on which all the political actions are taken on?

In essence we would be talking about bs vs bs and you would be right. The problem is the bs that came in the first place shoudln't even have managed to get any meaningfull attention in the first place.

the cdc doesn't have to provide any real evidence proving this

Not just the cdc but neither do the other respective organizations on this planet ... and that is the realy scarry thing about the pandemic ...

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
So unless i read this wrong you'd agree "covid" does not require a vaccine?

i don't believe covid is real at all. i've seen zero evidence, and i've been looking for it since december 2019. so there is definitely no need for a vaccine, imo

i just don't see any logic in the argument that the vaccine is somehow intended to kill us all, so i'm more than sceptical when i see someone not only insisting the virus is real, but also that the vaccine is ushering in an apocalypse with absolutely no evidence or reason to back it up - just anger and ignorance.

Well that is the issue. If the places/instances that have the tools and "expertice" to aquire the data do not actually do so in a way to display the reality, how can thoose not having the money/tools - in this case the opposition against the vaxx mandates - provide the necessary studys/numbers to counter the argument on which all the political actions are taken on?
use the data they publically announce -

for example, the uk media told the nation that there were 80,000 excess deaths in 2020 based on the 5 year rolling average. this data went back to 2000, when the population was around 59 million

what they didn't mention, though;

the population increased by around 13% between 2000- 2020 (not including illegal immigrants which could honestly push that number over 20%) so when one considers the population went up by to 70+ million in that time, but the excess deaths were only 80,000, statistically, 2020 was one of the best years for uk mortality on record, because 80,000 works out at less than 0.1% of the population difference between 2000 and 2020

smart people don't openly lie - they just omit the truth, knowing that dumb people cannot or will not verify it. that way, if other smart people call them out on what should be obvious obfuscation, the "liars" can simply say "well, we didn't know that" and all the stupid people can then sympathize lol

In essence we would be talking about bs vs bs and you would be right. The problem is the bs that came in the first place shoudln't even have managed to get any meaningfull attention in the first place.

Not just the cdc but neither do the other respective organizations on this planet ... and that is the realy scarry thing about the pandemic ...

my argument is that the more national institutes supporting this, the less likely it is to be some kind of sinister attack on society because the logistics of running it smoothly seem astronomical

however, i can't deny that many people are dumb af, even in positions of authority, so in theory it would be possible to infiltrate all of these institutions and manipulate them into doing what you want, even if that did lead towards darker machinations....i just don't see the point in doing so


Jan 25, 2014
As far as vaccine deaths, look at the graph below. No other vaccine ever released has had such spike in deaths after being released. The sheer number and the "velocity" of deaths is astounding. I know 12,500 deaths does not sound like much, but the closest by death toll is one vaccine attempted in the 1980s, which caused just 25 deaths and was immediately withdrawn. Nothing of the sorts is happening with this vaccine, so do you think that the explanation again is training for socialism and that the vaccine is largely harmless? And this is just the immediate death count. We know nothing of the long-term side effects, some of which have already started to materialize in the form of autoimmune conditions, prion diseases, miscarriages, etc.

That graph is insane. You rarely see a rocket upwards like that in any chart, and to go from about 600 to over 12,000 in about 7 months time is just crazy.

If you look down in the breakdown stats, J&J Janssen is "only" 657 deaths. Still, that tops all combined deaths from any previous year on the chart, and Janssen was the latest approved and least used so called "vaccine" in the group, and in still did it in half a year's time.

That also has to expose the complete hypocrisy of the FDA. Around 100 cases of Guillain-Barre was enough to pull it from the market for a few days and give it a black box warning. But six times the number of deaths (or 31 or 85 in the case of Moderna and Pfizer) doesn't get any similar action at all. No, if anything, they are looking at expanding use.


Jan 25, 2014
nope that's a fair point, i think this vaccine is being pushed heavily despite lack of safety - they are currently not considered vaccines, though - that is, legally they are injectibles, so lack of safety means nothing as the state will be exempt from legal ramifications once the fda officially classify them as vaccinations

If you have something to back this up, please post it, or the source where you got it from (like if you got it from a Black's Law Dictionary 9th Edition). I looked for this legal definition, but could not find it. If you know of a supreme court case that makes this distinction, Google Scholar allows you to search and read them, so it we could all benefit from having that case on hand.

The only thing I could find was this definition in the US code, which would mean these drugs could indeed quality as "vaccines."

The term “vaccine” means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases.


Jan 25, 2014
i'm saying that 6000 deaths per 200 million is not unusual for a vaccine, because the people dying are already old and sick

I mean, we have proved over and over again that it is unusual. Very unusual. More deadly than any so-called "Vaccine" in the past 30 years. In fact, 10 times more deadly than all vaccine deaths combined in any given year in the past 30 years.

Again, this is all based on VAERS data. It's quite possible that numbers are underreported, so there could be vaccines that have more than 6000 deaths. Of course, this underreporting would apply to the COVID shots as well. If the flu shot in 2019 was underreported by a factor of 100, that would mean about 2000 flu shot deaths. The Covid "underreported" base number is still over 3 times higher than that.


Aug 10, 2012
An MD friend of ours just announced enthusiastically that he is about to get the booster. My husband has been sending articles since early 2020. He recently sent him a Dr. Malone article, and this guy responded that Malone's opinions are "outside the medical consensus." Well, that's true. :):

The VAERS numbers mean nothing to him. He hears what the group tells him to hear. One thing he said was that there is no evidence of future problems for the vaxxed.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
i think the virus is made up
i think the vaccine is at worst a regular vaccine, that can cause blod clots, seizures and death, like a regular vaccine
i think old people are dying and this is great publicity for the lockdowns
i think pensions are untapped resources that the state will steal
i think america is beyond saving and asia will keep it as a pet

Agree on most of these. Btw, Hungary and some other EU countries already "nationalized" private pension funds that were performing well with the excuse of closing "budget gaps" (read: insolvency). They told the retirees they will be getting state pensions instead...but from what I see the payment of pensions is yet to start, and even if it happens the projected payments for most people would be at best 1/3 of what they would have gotten from their private funds. Don't see why the same nationalization would not happen elsewhere, especially with the rolling out of a national digital currency, which can make dollar-denominated pension funds worthless.
As far as the last option - I don't think one can reliably keep a pet with the biggest nuclear arsenal on a leash. Too many opportunities for things to go wrong and the pet to ruin the entire Earth for everybody. What smart person/country would want such a pet? That's why I think a direct de-population event is the more likely plan (and not just for the US), which could easily lead to an all-out civil (world?) war. Another likely option is a multi-polar world of rivalry and proxy wars. As far as Asia - yes, they may be the dominant industrial power now but I have not seen much progress in fundamental science come out of that region. It is even more reductionist in its approach to life, with genetics at the forefront of Chinese biotechnology/medicine. Ironically, most of the basic science on which Asian and Western economies are based today came out of pre-1950s America and also the USSR. So, it just seems the center of profit-generating is shifting, but while profit <=> quality of life, profit != progress. How many chronic diseases have Russia or China cured over the last 20 years? Zero.

I understand your economic optimism for China, but I don't share the belief that it offers anything substantially different as a model of world/social/scientific development. It's just a giant factory that will improve the quality of life of its citizens, so if all one wants is more profit then China is a good bet. A step up from the neofeudalism currently besetting the West, but essentially a reincarnation of 1950s mechanistic (albeit more profitable) approach to life/economy. The world needs something radically new as a developmental model and I am afraid nobody currently has a good idea/offer. Certainly not the transhumanists with their sick (and scientifically wrong) cyborg/singularity ideas, and not the Asians with their ruthless mercantilism. Both models are nothing but thinly veiled nihilistic attitude/approach to life. If history is any guide, such attitude never leads to a "Renaissance" (paradigm-shift) type structural changes in mankind simply because everybody is too busy competing/surviving in a dog-eat-dog world.
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Jan 25, 2014
One thing he said was that there is no evidence of future problems for the vaxxed.

Lol, how could there be? The long term effects are unknown at this point. They even mention it in the consent form-


Even in trials, the initial vaxxed have only been so for 1 year. Who would know the 2 year, 5 year, 10 year, or generational effects at this point? Other than someone with a time machine.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
No, if anything, they are looking at expanding use.

At this point, I think the FDA has completely lost it, or are actively stoking the fire. People are ready to grab doctors by the throat over even mask mandates. Imagine what would happen if the death toll from vaccines continues and some court case agrees there is evidence of "culpability" on behalf of FDA/CDC...

Recently, a number of people from the FDA advisory panel (including the Chief Scientist), which reviews new drug applications and recommends refusing/granting approval resigned as FDA decided to go against the recommendation of its own scientific panel (which it has apparently done only 2-3 times in its entire history) and approve an Alzheimer drug that was demonstrably ineffective, just to ensure the pharma company makes money.
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Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Agree on most of these. Btw, Hungary and some other EU countries already "nationalized" private pension funds that were performing well with the excuse of closing "budget gaps" (read: insolvency). They told the retirees they will be getting state pensions instead...but from what I see the payment of pensions is yet to start, and even if it happens the projected payments for most people would be at best 1/3 of what they would have gotten from their private funds. Don't see why the same nationalization would not happen elsewhere, especially with the rolling out of a national digital currency, which can make dollar-denominated pension funds worthless.

currently i think of pensions, the bond market and inflated debt as pure monopoly money. i imagine politicians and banks are doing what they can to profit because once deflation occurs anyone worth anything will abandon the banks and sit on hard assets

this raises the issue of how does the state maintain an economy when the banks can't trade because the rich are sitting on land due to negative interest rates...obviously they take the land, or tax it so heavily that they are compensated.

so to answer your question, i think short term, nationalizing money could work as a novel bridge into a digital world, but unless it is hard backed by collateral which they must invariably steal from the citizens, it retains all of the problems the current fiat system does, and thus it will be subject to the dominion of hard digital assets like bitcoin, the antichrist of fiat

it almost makes more sense for states to just buy bitcoin as it is it's own store of value. proxy currencies could still be used for trade, since bitcoin would be abysmal, but really, it's going back to an era where dollars were backed by gold - now it would be the usdc backed by btc...functional and deflationary and extremely volatile, just like the wild west should be

As far as the last option - I don't think one can reliably keep a pet with the biggest nuclear arsenal on a leash. Too many opportunities for things to go wrong and the pet to ruin the entire Earth for everybody. What smart person/country would want such a pet?
imagine a world where one half of the codes to that arsenal were in your pocket, and the other in your pet, which you elect for 4-8 years at a time. a nice, compliant, easily paid off little sycophant who doesn't mind standing in front of a television and telling half a billion pacified citizens how good life is, now that nobody has to work, and everyone can do what they like thanks to america! long as they follow the rules that allow this wonderful new world to exist...

sure, your pet might get some flack at first. the older generations might not appreciate euthanasia, but you control the media, the administration, education,'re head of the armed forces, the largest armed forces in the world. so you deal with it.

the people are educated, medicated and assimilated year after year, connected and marketed via digital uplinks implemented right into their brain, free of charge, so that they can enjoy all the pleasures of virtual reality, while china will graciously pay them for their online data in order to further dominate global trade.

and even if something bad happens, and your pet dies...well, just get a new pet. the world is full of self-interested opportunists who will say and do whatever you tell them to, so long as they're rewarded. that's politics.

That's why I think a direct de-population event is the more likely plan (and not just for the US), which could easily lead to an all-out civil (world?) war. Another likely option is a multi-polar world of rivalry and proxy wars.

if i was using a vaccine for population control, it would be specific. targeting reproduction, for example.

there are so many ways to kill people, i just don't understand why the west is taking such extreme measures to maintain an economy, if the end result is making it redundant, because everyone is dead.

As far as Asia - yes, they may be the dominant industrial power now but I have not seen much progress in fundamental science come out of that region.
they are currently winning the race for fusion

i think in 2018 they achieved it for a few seconds

It is even more reductionist in its approach to life, with genetics at the forefront of Chinese biotechnology/medicine. Ironically, most of the basic science on which Asian and Western economies are based today came out of pre-1950s America and also the USSR. So, it just seems the center of profit-generating is shifting, but while profit <=> quality of life, profit != progress. How many chronic diseases have Russia or China cured over the last 20 years? Zero.

I understand you economic optimism for China, but I don't share the belief that it offers anything substantially different as a model of world/social/scientific development. It's just a giant factory that will improve the quality of life of its citizens, so if all one wants is more profit then China is a good bet. A step up from the neofeudalism currently besetting the West, but essentially a reincarnation of 1950s mechanistic (albeit more profitable) approach to life/economy. The world needs something radically new as a developmental model and I am afraid nobody currently has a good idea/offer. Certainly not the transhumanists with their sick (and scientifically wrong) cyborg/singularity ideas, and not the Asians with their ruthless mercantilism. Both models are nothing but thinly veiled nihilistic attitude/approach to life. If history is any guide, such attitude never lead to a "Renaissance" (paradigm-shift) type structural changes in mankind.

even if it's just a giant factory, it will be a big step up from just a giant tank rambling into every country it decides it wants to steal from

a century of business instead of war might not be super innovative, but it will be a chance for mankind to catch up with our technology


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
the people are educated, medicated and assimilated year after year, connected and marketed via digital uplinks implemented right into their brain, free of charge, so that they can enjoy all the pleasures of virtual reality, while china will graciously pay them for their online data in order to further dominate global trade.

Do you see this in store just for the Western/US population? The way things have been going in China it seems just as likely to happen there. In fact, many of the human-brain interfaces Musk and his ilk are promoting on TV are (illegally) trialed on humans in China before being announced in the West. Why subject the Western/US population to that while leaving your own population intact to see the horrors that ensue when this bizarro transhumanism is implemented elsewhere. A smart Chinese will think "if they can do this elsewhere, they can do it here too". The first rule of military analysis is "look at capabilities, not intentions". So, either this has to be done to the entire world (i.e. no control group that can surmise the atrocities and revolt) or nowhere, no? Speaking of this, it may explain the relentless push for the vaccine acceptance in the West - no control group that can quickly show the difference in health outcomes (viral or otherwise) between vaxxed/unvaxxed.

In regards to Bitcoing - WEF is planning cyber attack "drills" over the next year. What value is a digital currency if there is no Internet or it is severely damaged/compromised, or access to it is tied to authentication that can then be used to identify and tax/confiscate your digital treasure cache (similar to the land taxation/confiscation of the rich you mentioned)?

even if it's just a giant factory, it will be a big step up from just a giant tank rambling into every country it decides it wants to steal from

I have a gnawing suspicion the same people who built and control the tank also now control (or getting closer) the factory. After all, they are the ones that outsourced the factory to China from its former position in tank-land.
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Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Do you see this in store just for the Western/US population? The way things have been going in China it seems just as likely to happen there. In fact, many of the human-brain interfaces Musk and his ilk are promoting on TV are (illegally) trialed on humans in China before being announced in the West. Why subject the Western/US population to that while leaving your own population intact to see the horrors that ensue when this bizarro transhumanism is implemented elsewhere. A smart Chinese will think "if they can do this elsewhere, they can do it here too". The first rule of military analysis is "look at capabilities, not intentions". So, either this has to be done to the entire world (i.e. no control group that can surmise the atrocities and revolt) or nowhere, no? Speaking of this, it may explain the relentless push for the vaccine acceptance in the West - no control group that can quickly show the difference in health outcomes (viral or otherwise) between vaxxed/unvaxxed.

the west is being purposefully neutered both psychologically and literally, whereas china is making a concerted effort to push masculinity on their nation, presumably to tend to the incoming tsunami of retiree's

it doesn't make sense to pacify a nation you're trying to man-up, but it does make sense to pacify a nation of people you want to subjugate for profit - which is exactly how america and britain used opium to control china for over a century...

they didn't spread crank through their own nations, because it makes people unproductive and politically useless, so i do think there is precedent for china to purposefully keep america under control and milk it like a cow

I have a gnawing suspicion the same people who built and control the tank also now control (or getting closer) the factory.

well, even if they aren't the same people, there is no reason to think that the leaders of china will be any less corrupt than the leaders of america, but they are still known as a very peaceful nation


Jan 25, 2014
At this point, I think the FDA has completely lost it, or are actively stoking the fire. People are ready to grab doctors by the throat over even mask mandates. Imagine what would happen if the death toll from vaccines continues and some court case agrees there is evidence of "culpability" on behalf of FDA/CDC...

Recently, a number of people from the FDA advisory panel (including the Chief Scientist), which reviews new drug applications and recommends refusing/granting approval resigned as FDA decided to go against the recommendation of its own scientific panel (which it has apparently done only 2-3 times in its entire history) and approve an Alzheimer drug that was demonstrably ineffective, just to ensure the pharma company makes money.

I got the feeling when they declined the booster that the FDA didn't want to get any more involved in the Covid nonsense than they already were. This makes me think that there are at least two major factions working at the FDA (and by extension, all federal health agencies)- Those that believe in the supposed stated purpose of the agency (to protect public health), and those there to serve drug company profits and usher in the final stages of the WRM/NWO.

Looks like those on the "protect public health" side, like Dr. Aaron Kesselheim, are getting disabused of that notion. Nice to see them resigning, and speaking out.

Also, this caught my eye on the Zerohedge Mask Mandate article you posted-

One of the pro-mask experts at the meeting, Meredith Duke, a surgeon at Vanderbilt University Medical Center - who also has children at Williamson County schools, told a local news affiliate that she was directly threatened: "There were people screaming and threatening me, and I just couldn’t believe it." Other school board supporters said the scene was "hard to fathom". Inside the meeting nearly a dozen parents spoke before the board on either side.

I have to wonder just how ignorant and stupid this Meredith Duke is. She has to know, at the very least, that some people consider this sort of forced masking child abuse (because it is). While I can't condone any threats of violence against her, I can certainly understand why she is being threatened. She's willing to compromise children's health and even lives all to usher in a dark agenda of totalitarian control. If she can't understand why parents might be upset, and even get potentially violent about that, she is just incredibly dumb.

It's like someone leaving their keys in the ignition of their car with the door wide open on a sketchy street, and not being able to believe that their car got stolen. Or playing with a rattlesnake and being shocked that it bit you.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
In regards to Bitcoing - WEF is planning cyber attack "drills" over the next year. What value is a digital currency if there is no Internet or it is severely damaged/compromised, or access to it is tied to authentication that can then be used to identify and tax/confiscate your digital treasure cache (similar to the land taxation/confiscation of the rich you mentioned)?

access to it is tied to nothing - you can memorize your bitcoin and keep it in your mind if you need to, simply by storing it on a hard drive and memorizing the keys

even if someone steals your hard drive, you can seed it onto a new hard drive and access it with the same keys

if the internet is severely damaged in a way to compromise the blockchain, then we've already lost international telecommunications, transport, media and in all likelihood electricity, so it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen
Mar 10, 2021
For anyone thinking the shots are just placebo please read

The Hank Aaron link doen't work.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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