Mass formation by Mattias Desmet, or why the people still believe the COVID narrative no matter how absurd

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
tldr video:


Full video:


And a written explanation:

Mass Formation – Crowd Formation​

Professor Mattias Desmet came to the conclusion that society was suffering from mass formation or crowd formation. This is a specific type of group formation that emerges under certain circumstances. Society needs to meet 4 certain conditions for mass formation to occur in society.

These four conditions are:
  1. Lack of social bond. Or a lack of meaningful relationships in their lives
  2. A large amount of society feels a lack of meaning in the world (for example, more than 40% of people within a society feel that their job was completely meaningless)
  3. Free floating anxiety in society. And in some cases, anxiety that the society cannot point to a specific reason for what exactly is causing this anxiety (overuse of anti-depressants etc)
  4. Free floating frustration and aggression.
If a society meets all these conditions, it will become increasingly susceptible to Mass Formation.

Main Stream Media causes Mass Formation​

If under these conditions, mass formation can be caused by the main stream media. If the main stream media was to push a narrative that indicates an object of anxiety and a strategy to beat this anxiety. These two narratives through the mass media are :
  • Main stream media tells society what the object of their anxiety is. The mass media identifies what the specific object of their anxiety is. (flu)
  • And at the same time gives a clear strategy to deal with this object of anxiety.
For instance, if there is an object of our anxiety (virus) and what the strategy to deal with that anxiety is (lockdowns).

New Solidarity – Social Bond Emerges​

At this point, all the disconnected people in society, all suffering from free floating anxiety, connect their anxiety to a specific object of that anxiety. Then a new solidarity emerges, where all these disconnected people from all areas of society can become a part of a new group, a bond amongst them emerges. Many of these people are willing to join together by participating in a faulty strategy pitched by the main stream media narrative, so that they can deal with this object of anxiety together.

Regardless of how damaging the strategy may be, people engaged in this new solidarity with feel better about their own anxiety by simply engaging in a strategy (mass formation) regardless of the serious side effects of such a poorly devised strategy that the main stream media has created a narrative for.

It’s as if everyone engaged in this new social bond are fighting a heroic battle together against this object of anxiety. They begin a new solidarity, a new meaning for life, a new social bond emerges over this heroic battle against this object of anxiety. Which they are all fighting in solidarity.

The reason why people within this mass formation (mass hypnosis) all need to participate in the lockdowns, wear a mask, social distancing or take a vaccine. Is because if you don’t do it, you are not showing solidarity to the new group that has been formed. Almost as if all the measures to defeat the object of anxiety are really just to prove to everyone else that you are a part of the new cult like social group. Which has no real ability to defeat the pandemic, is not backed in science and is only designed to identify who is a part of their new cult like social group and nothing more.

You can not persuade them with intellectual arguments, because they are not motivated by them. They need this pandemic to manage their own emotions.


Oct 5, 2014
tldr video:


Full video:


And a written explanation:

Mass Formation – Crowd Formation​

Professor Mattias Desmet came to the conclusion that society was suffering from mass formation or crowd formation. This is a specific type of group formation that emerges under certain circumstances. Society needs to meet 4 certain conditions for mass formation to occur in society.

These four conditions are:
  1. Lack of social bond. Or a lack of meaningful relationships in their lives
  2. A large amount of society feels a lack of meaning in the world (for example, more than 40% of people within a society feel that their job was completely meaningless)
  3. Free floating anxiety in society. And in some cases, anxiety that the society cannot point to a specific reason for what exactly is causing this anxiety (overuse of anti-depressants etc)
  4. Free floating frustration and aggression.
If a society meets all these conditions, it will become increasingly susceptible to Mass Formation.

Main Stream Media causes Mass Formation​

If under these conditions, mass formation can be caused by the main stream media. If the main stream media was to push a narrative that indicates an object of anxiety and a strategy to beat this anxiety. These two narratives through the mass media are :
  • Main stream media tells society what the object of their anxiety is. The mass media identifies what the specific object of their anxiety is. (flu)
  • And at the same time gives a clear strategy to deal with this object of anxiety.
For instance, if there is an object of our anxiety (virus) and what the strategy to deal with that anxiety is (lockdowns).

New Solidarity – Social Bond Emerges​

At this point, all the disconnected people in society, all suffering from free floating anxiety, connect their anxiety to a specific object of that anxiety. Then a new solidarity emerges, where all these disconnected people from all areas of society can become a part of a new group, a bond amongst them emerges. Many of these people are willing to join together by participating in a faulty strategy pitched by the main stream media narrative, so that they can deal with this object of anxiety together.

Regardless of how damaging the strategy may be, people engaged in this new solidarity with feel better about their own anxiety by simply engaging in a strategy (mass formation) regardless of the serious side effects of such a poorly devised strategy that the main stream media has created a narrative for.

It’s as if everyone engaged in this new social bond are fighting a heroic battle together against this object of anxiety. They begin a new solidarity, a new meaning for life, a new social bond emerges over this heroic battle against this object of anxiety. Which they are all fighting in solidarity.

The reason why people within this mass formation (mass hypnosis) all need to participate in the lockdowns, wear a mask, social distancing or take a vaccine. Is because if you don’t do it, you are not showing solidarity to the new group that has been formed. Almost as if all the measures to defeat the object of anxiety are really just to prove to everyone else that you are a part of the new cult like social group. Which has no real ability to defeat the pandemic, is not backed in science and is only designed to identify who is a part of their new cult like social group and nothing more.

You can not persuade them with intellectual arguments, because they are not motivated by them. They need this pandemic to manage their own emotions.

I find it a bit unfair that we blame MSM for inducing fear and anxiety on the population whereas what I percieve is the opposite : Those who believe the official narrative (let's say vaxxed) are much more calmed than us (unvaxxed) who are seeing what they are really doing and suffering a lot psychologically because of that.

Now, we can argue that it is better to have 2 years of anxiety rather than a life of clots, myocarditis and autoimmune diseases, but... as of today, we are the ones suffering most. Way much more. That's what I can see around me.

In fact I have been trying to stay away from ALL kind of covid related news, either MSM or alt like here, but I can't. I am so serotonized by this 2 years satanic psyop that I am in their net. I must admit it.

It is extremely addictive somehow and the more you see what they are doing, the more difficult is going to get back to society in a normal way. Scary, sad and true. I am worried about myself because of that. I mean... it has huge moral consequences. How can I after that still use a windows computer, put my money on a normal bank or order through Amazon? They are the satanists and I am giving them my money. Dunno how to solve this moral dilemma honestly.


Mar 26, 2014
I find it a bit unfair that we blame MSM for inducing fear and anxiety on the population whereas what I percieve is the opposite : Those who believe the official narrative (let's say vaxxed) are much more calmed than us (unvaxxed) who are seeing what they are really doing and suffering a lot psychologically because of that.

Now, we can argue that it is better to have 2 years of anxiety rather than a life of clots, myocarditis and autoimmune diseases, but... as of today, we are the ones suffering most. Way much more. That's what I can see around me.

In fact I have been trying to stay away from ALL kind of covid related news, either MSM or alt like here, but I can't. I am so serotonized by this 2 years satanic psyop that I am in their net. I must admit it.

I do wonder if I will ever feel the same again. But then, no one feels the same all the way through life, we all go through our own "ages"


Oct 5, 2014
I do wonder if I will ever feel the same again. But then, no one feels the same all the way through life, we all go through our own "ages"
Same here man. It is scary what psychological consequences seeing with so much clarity could have.
Hugh Johnson

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I do wonder if I will ever feel the same again. But then, no one feels the same all the way through life, we all go through our own "ages"
Don't worry. You won't.

But if you face your feelings and feel them, eventually they are resolved and you will find a new level of clarity and serenity in your life.


Oct 5, 2014
I do wonder if I will ever feel the same again. But then, no one feels the same all the way through life, we all go through our own "ages"
Most importantly I think is not take it against the vaxxed. If we start a psychological hate against them, that's gonna hurt us a lot.


Dec 8, 2016
tldr video:


Full video:


And a written explanation:

Mass Formation – Crowd Formation​

Professor Mattias Desmet came to the conclusion that society was suffering from mass formation or crowd formation. This is a specific type of group formation that emerges under certain circumstances. Society needs to meet 4 certain conditions for mass formation to occur in society.

These four conditions are:
  1. Lack of social bond. Or a lack of meaningful relationships in their lives
  2. A large amount of society feels a lack of meaning in the world (for example, more than 40% of people within a society feel that their job was completely meaningless)
  3. Free floating anxiety in society. And in some cases, anxiety that the society cannot point to a specific reason for what exactly is causing this anxiety (overuse of anti-depressants etc)
  4. Free floating frustration and aggression.
If a society meets all these conditions, it will become increasingly susceptible to Mass Formation.

Main Stream Media causes Mass Formation​

If under these conditions, mass formation can be caused by the main stream media. If the main stream media was to push a narrative that indicates an object of anxiety and a strategy to beat this anxiety. These two narratives through the mass media are :
  • Main stream media tells society what the object of their anxiety is. The mass media identifies what the specific object of their anxiety is. (flu)
  • And at the same time gives a clear strategy to deal with this object of anxiety.
For instance, if there is an object of our anxiety (virus) and what the strategy to deal with that anxiety is (lockdowns).

New Solidarity – Social Bond Emerges​

At this point, all the disconnected people in society, all suffering from free floating anxiety, connect their anxiety to a specific object of that anxiety. Then a new solidarity emerges, where all these disconnected people from all areas of society can become a part of a new group, a bond amongst them emerges. Many of these people are willing to join together by participating in a faulty strategy pitched by the main stream media narrative, so that they can deal with this object of anxiety together.

Regardless of how damaging the strategy may be, people engaged in this new solidarity with feel better about their own anxiety by simply engaging in a strategy (mass formation) regardless of the serious side effects of such a poorly devised strategy that the main stream media has created a narrative for.

It’s as if everyone engaged in this new social bond are fighting a heroic battle together against this object of anxiety. They begin a new solidarity, a new meaning for life, a new social bond emerges over this heroic battle against this object of anxiety. Which they are all fighting in solidarity.

The reason why people within this mass formation (mass hypnosis) all need to participate in the lockdowns, wear a mask, social distancing or take a vaccine. Is because if you don’t do it, you are not showing solidarity to the new group that has been formed. Almost as if all the measures to defeat the object of anxiety are really just to prove to everyone else that you are a part of the new cult like social group. Which has no real ability to defeat the pandemic, is not backed in science and is only designed to identify who is a part of their new cult like social group and nothing more.

You can not persuade them with intellectual arguments, because they are not motivated by them. They need this pandemic to manage their own emotions.

This is excellent.

With that:
Bonhoeffer had a much much simpler conclusion.

I agree with both.

This data at a sociological, psychological level.
Bonhoeffer at at societal, spiritual level.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I find it a bit unfair that we blame MSM for inducing fear and anxiety on the population whereas what I percieve is the opposite : Those who believe the official narrative (let's say vaxxed) are much more calmed than us (unvaxxed) who are seeing what they are really doing and suffering a lot psychologically because of that.

Now, we can argue that it is better to have 2 years of anxiety rather than a life of clots, myocarditis and autoimmune diseases, but... as of today, we are the ones suffering most. Way much more. That's what I can see around me.

In fact I have been trying to stay away from ALL kind of covid related news, either MSM or alt like here, but I can't. I am so serotonized by this 2 years satanic psyop that I am in their net. I must admit it.

It is extremely addictive somehow and the more you see what they are doing, the more difficult is going to get back to society in a normal way. Scary, sad and true. I am worried about myself because of that. I mean... it has huge moral consequences. How can I after that still use a windows computer, put my money on a normal bank or order through Amazon? They are the satanists and I am giving them my money. Dunno how to solve this moral dilemma honestly.
I can relate to a lot of what you write. I think in the beginning I felt a little bit vindicated, because I have been so on the deep end of alt world theories for most of my life, that the psyop coming to fruition in its most obvious form was somehow validating to me. But now I’m just exhausted by it.
However, I think the hope we carry has real world effects and change. As crazy as it may sound sometimes, I believe there is an ultimate good in all of this.


Oct 5, 2014
I can relate to a lot of what you write. I think in the beginning I felt a little bit vindicated, because I have been so on the deep end of alt world theories for most of my life, that the psyop coming to fruition in its most obvious form was somehow validating to me. But now I’m just exhausted by it.
However, I think the hope we carry has real world effects and change. As crazy as it may sound sometimes, I believe there is an ultimate good in all of this.
I recently felt that the massive protests against globalism around 2000 (if I am not mistaken) were for a reason. Those people that fighted in Genova in Italy, in Davos, the Black block thing... you remember right? That infamous policeman that shot an italian protester in the head.

Well... I think those people knew what was coming. Hence the so violent protests. Not the plandemic, no. But the fact that due to globalisation now exists a global mafia of satanists with their tentacles everywhere and are basically unstoppable an unjudgable in a court because they are not under any jurisdiction.

I think that might be what those antiglobalization saw coming. And they were right.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I recently felt that the massive protests against globalism around 2000 (if I am not mistaken) were for a reason. Those people that fighted in Genova in Italy, in Davos, the Black block thing... you remember right? That infamous policeman that shot an italian protester in the head.

Well... I think those people knew what was coming. Hence the so violent protests. Not the plandemic, no. But the fact that due to globalisation now exists a global mafia of satanists with their tentacles everywhere and are basically unstoppable an unjudgable in a court because they are not under any jurisdiction.

I think that might be what those antiglobalization saw coming. And they were right.
September 11, 1990



Sep 13, 2012
It doesn't always calm anxiety. Many vaxxed people still are afraid of the virus.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It doesn't always calm anxiety. Many vaxxed people still are afraid of the virus.

I don't think they are afraid of the virus. They are simply afraid of life - i.e. a new condition soon to be entered into the DSM V known as "vitaphobia". Infantilized zombies that they are, when they are faced with reality they freeze and cannot move unless daddy comes to hold their hand and take them across the street. There is no hope for such people. We need to move on and build a new life without them.
Hugh Johnson

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I don't think they are afraid of the virus. They are simply afraid of life - i.e. a new condition soon to be entered into the DSM V known as "vitaphobia". Infantilized zombies that they are, when they are faced with reality they freeze and cannot move unless daddy comes to hold their hand and take them across the street. There is no hope for such people. We need to move on and build a new life without them.
They are afraid, and then seek to justify the fear. Emotions often work like that, you have an emotion and then you make up a justification for it. This is the case with chronic emotions.

They are not a lost cause either. If taught basic emotional skills, such a breathing or letting go, they would quickly calm down. Of course, one can only lead the horse to water.


I found this Paul McCartney's gig so depressing with all the "latest thing" flags and then the virtual duet with John Lennon felt like trying to erase the past - erasing the fact that he is dead. I know it is not a new trick, Natalie Cole built her whole career on the virtual duet with her dead father, just now it strikes me in a different way.



Sep 13, 2012
everything has covid.
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