Ray Peat Interview March 6, 2020 - Danny Roddy + Ray Peat + Georgi Dinkov



Can I say "thanks" to you? I would like to be able to give more to Ray, I subscribe to his newsletter but that is all I can afford, so I have much appreciation for those who can and do let him know financially how much his work is appreciated.
I regularly give amounts like that for this reason, personal thanks, and because he goes out of his way to answer 1000's of emails of which he does out of kindness, never asking for anything in return. You're welcome :thumbright


Dec 10, 2016
When is estrogen on its highest? At ovulation?

Figure 1 | Scientific Reports


Jul 29, 2014
@haidut in the recent podcast with Ray and Danny, you mentioned something which I found quite interesting. You said (and forgive me if I transcribed this improperly)...

Georgi: "I was reading some older studies, and they were all showing that basically the more hydrophilic the cell is the greater its susceptibility to a viral infection. And then I thought "Okay, doesn't that suggest that the presence of polyunsaturated fats in the blood would increase susceptibility to the virus?" And unsurprisingly, or surprisingly, there are quite a few studies published before the 1950's that made that exact same claim, that if you have high levels of unsaturated fats in the blood they will increase the affinity of the cell for water and also these viral particles. But if the level of free fatty acids in the blood are low then cells were extremely resilient to even lethal viruses like the rabies."

I've been studying endotoxin in relation to viruses recently just by going through studies on Pubmed, but also by re-listening to all the podcasts on endotoxin with Ray in them as well as his newsletters. One thing I have been trying to figure out is how, or even if, LPS in its pure form is toxic. I know the body recognizes that bacteria is present, or that there is some malfunction, if LPS is floating around, but I wasn't exactly sure if the LPS was toxic itself, especially since when studies block TLR4 it is generally beneficial, even though I would assume that doesn't really directly deal with the LPS (although it might in a roundabout way by creating some sort of order). I was pretty excited when I heard your little remark about PUFA causing the cell to become more hydrophilic and this increasing susceptibility to viruses. Ray said something remarkably similar about LPS, which has to do with its sugar/fat structure.

KMUD: Bowel Endotoxin

Ray [approximately 10 minutes in]: "The whole structure of the cell, the cytoplasm, as it takes up water, instead of being fat-like and tending to exclude water and prefer to absorb fats, the introduction of this sugar connected to a fat acts like a soap and makes the cell tend to admit not only more water but pretty much anything that's in its environment. So the whole substance of the cell becomes kind spongy and leaky. When this starts affecting the whole organism that kind of change occurs all through the body. Once this stuff has passed through the lining of the intestine and crosses across capillaries and gets into the blood stream, then the endotoxin starts doing the same thing to any cell it comes to. And so it will leak out of capillaries, no matter where it is in the blood stream, if the liver hasn't filtered it. So if it happens to reach the brain, it will cause the brain capillaries to leak whatever is in the blood stream. So it can contribute to MS. And the endotoxin leaking into the brain does the same thing. It triggers the release of nitric oxide and a whole chain of chemical reactions. Every organ has its particular way of responding to the endotoxin, but there's a generality, no matter what the organ, there are basic defense reactions that will occur not only to endotoxin but to any radical threat to the survival of the cell so that x-rays and gamma rays will produce essentially the same kind of change in brain cells or bowel cells that endotoxin does."

So I guess it is toxic in and of itself.

Do you happen to have any links to the studies you were referring to? I would enjoy reading them.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
It’s not charity shaming because it isn’t charity... money is a tool that can be put to practical use. If you’re looking to show love and appreciation there are better ways. That’s what my point is.

Buy Ray’s newsletter, buy haidut supps and the products and services they offer sure. But I don’t see how just donating thousands to them is the best use of our money


It’s not charity shaming because it isn’t charity... money is a tool that can be put to practical use. If you’re looking to show love and appreciation there are better ways. That’s what my point is.

Buy Ray’s newsletter, buy haidut supps and the products and services they offer sure. But I don’t see how just donating thousands to them is the best use of our money
My money was for Ray exclusively, not Danny or Haidut. I have been subscribed to Ray's newsletter for years, the newsletter money pays for the newsletter, not interviews or personal emails. I have bought $100's worth of Haidut's supplements.

Using " our " implies you yourself are involved with the donating which is nonsensical, considering your argument. I always find it very interesting when I come across people who try and control/derail harmless acts performed by others.

No matter what you do to earn money in life, it basically boils down to exchanging your own time/work/knowledge, etc.. for currency. If Ray spends countless hours doing interviews and answering emails, why is it so terrible to send him some money? ( Considering that the information he's shared has been life changing for the individual whose donating )

For ME PERSONALLY saying a simple thank you, does not cut it. If I could go to his home and mow his lawn or do anything that would make his life easier to show appreciation I would, but thats not possible, so sending money is the best I can do.

Once again, its MY money.. how I use it should be of ZERO concern to you.
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Mar 9, 2018
For ME PERSONALLY saying a simple thank you, does not cut it. If I could go to his home and mow his lawn or do anything that would make his life easier to show appreciation I would, but thats not possible, so sending money is the best I can do.
Once again, its MY money.. how I use it should be of ZERO concern to you.
Few people put their money where their mouths are, and I admire and thank you for that. :thumbsup:


Feb 25, 2015
@tca300 i have had so many email with Ray myself and i also asked for his details to pay him but he never answears. So can u give me the deatils so i can send him money.


Oct 1, 2019
@tca300 i have had so many email with Ray myself and i also asked for his details to pay him but he never answears. So can u give me the deatils so i can send him money.
The $300 donation was through a superchat (you can send those during youtube livestreams). Whenever Danny is live with Ray he forwards all superchats (donations) to Ray.


Jun 13, 2019
I think people underestimate how rich Ray is. If I had to guess he probably has around 5000 subscribers to his newsletter (maybe more or less), but at 5000 subscribers for 28 dollars every two years thats 70k a year. I don't think its a lot per say (certainly way less then famous health gurus), but Ray's humility makes it seem like he makes much less.


Dec 3, 2015
I think people underestimate how rich Ray is. If I had to guess he probably has around 5000 subscribers to his newsletter (maybe more or less), but at 5000 subscribers for 28 dollars every two years thats 70k a year. I don't think its a lot per say (certainly way less then famous health gurus), but Ray's humility makes it seem like he makes much less.

Think you miss the point it's not how rich he it's appreciation for what he does...


Jun 13, 2019
Think you miss the point it's not how rich he it's appreciation for what he does...

so you can subscribe to his newsletter to support him...there's stories on the facebook page I think of Ray never cashing in checks that people send him for questions because he doesn't like it. I don't know how comfortable he is receiving a couple hundred dollars from someone to ask him a question that the inevitable answer will be "have you checked vitamin D and thyroid". The reason he doesn't answer certain emails is not because the person didn't send him money but because he simply didn't like or feel the question was worthwhile. There's nothing wrong with donating to him, but paying him to answer your emails is kind of strange, because all of his advice can be found in his articles, talks, and other peoples emails.


Oct 1, 2019
I think people underestimate how rich Ray is. If I had to guess he probably has around 5000 subscribers to his newsletter (maybe more or less), but at 5000 subscribers for 28 dollars every two years thats 70k a year. I don't think its a lot per say (certainly way less then famous health gurus), but Ray's humility makes it seem like he makes much less.

Really hard to guess how many there actually are. But if 5000 persons is right, what is left after taxes isn't that much.


Jul 13, 2014
Did a debate between Danny + Georgi VS Jim + Morley ever happen???
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