Lowering High Blood Sugar

Mar 10, 2021
BEE BREAD for anyone interested in my earlier post

First pic shows the relative amounts of honey:pollen, second pic is once it's mixed, 3rd pic is after a week or so. I stir it every couple of days for 2 or 3 weeks until it's just quite a solid and chewy block. I've got two big jars like this on the go for winter.

I pulled out my bee pollen to make you goo bread Sefton10 and noticed how high the pollen is in iron!


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Feb 12, 2020
It’s weird that so many people are flaring up from grapes. I assume you’re consuming organic grapes. Grapes need and accumulate a lot of pesticides because they suffer a lot from fungal disease. organic agriculture uses copper sulfate and I can see this compound being problematic in large doses
Grapes also accumulate a lot of fluoride naturally
Mar 10, 2021
It’s weird that so many people are flaring up from grapes. I assume you’re consuming organic grapes. Grapes need and accumulate a lot of pesticides because they suffer a lot from fungal disease. organic agriculture uses copper sulfate and I can see this compound being problematic in large doses

Yes definetly organic, the seedless red grapes.


Jul 8, 2014
Thank you, @Rafe. I appreciate that. ❤️ Thankfully, the tinnitus and vertigo are gone, the latter verified with a pirouette test during my ballet practice. :) My sumo appetite gets me into trouble sometimes. It’s a case of big eyes, little stomach, and honey is my kryptonite. I tell myself just a few spoonfuls but realistically, I know I’ll be full-on Pooh in the honey pot in a matter of minutes.

Thanks, @Rinse & rePeat. :) That’s crazy! I’m glad you were able to figure out it was the grapes. Do you think your histamine intolerance made you sensitive to the grapes. I do think my symptoms were allergy related. It all started with intestinal irritation from consuming large volumes of certain varieties of honey and fruit that I’ve since discovered I have an oral allergy to. It wasn’t until this last crop of grapes and some halloumi that the tinnitus and vertigo became chronic. I bought a particular brand of halloumi because rennet was listed in the ingredients and it was only after I had been consuming it daily for weeks that I noticed “suitable for vegetarians” on the front of the package, which meant the rennet was vegetarian and that kind irritates my intestines.
Mar 10, 2021
Thank you, @Rafe. I appreciate that. ❤️ Thankfully, the tinnitus and vertigo are gone, the latter verified with a pirouette test during my ballet practice. :) My sumo appetite gets me into trouble sometimes. It’s a case of big eyes, little stomach, and honey is my kryptonite. I tell myself just a few spoonfuls but realistically, I know I’ll be full-on Pooh in the honey pot in a matter of minutes.

Thanks, @Rinse & rePeat. :) That’s crazy! I’m glad you were able to figure out it was the grapes. Do you think your histamine intolerance made you sensitive to the grapes. I do think my symptoms were allergy related. It all started with intestinal irritation from consuming large volumes of certain varieties of honey and fruit that I’ve since discovered I have an oral allergy to. It wasn’t until this last crop of grapes and some halloumi that the tinnitus and vertigo became chronic. I bought a particular brand of halloumi because rennet was listed in the ingredients and it was only after I had been consuming it daily for weeks that I noticed “suitable for vegetarians” on the front of the package, which meant the rennet was vegetarian and that kind irritates my intestines.

Glad to hear you recovered. I don't think I have any allergy because or histamine issues with grapes because I ate them all the time, just one day I ate a bunch of them and I had no hearing. Who knows? Maybe like ursidae said, they're doing something different with grapes nowadays. I have cut out my cheese habits since drinking raw milk. The raw milk is safer, not knowing what the cultures are that they are making cheese with. What brand of halloumi were you buying?
Mar 10, 2021
I could see that might be a concern if someone was getting lots of red meat too.

It’s full of lots of other good stuff though, pretty much a superfood really Bee Pollen: Chemical Composition and Therapeutic Application

I know it is! I took it for decades and never had menstrual cramps. I don't eat a lot of red meat, maybe once a week, but I really try to keep the iron out of my diet for my skin sake. I just didn't know it was high in iron and wondered if you did.


Jul 8, 2014
Glad to hear you recovered. I don't think I have any allergy because or histamine issues with grapes because I ate them all the time, just one day I ate a bunch of them and I had no hearing. Who knows? Maybe like ursidae said, they're doing something different with grapes nowadays. I have cut out my cheese habits since drinking raw milk. The raw milk is safer, not knowing what the cultures are that they are making cheese with. What brand of halloumi were you buying?

Thank you. :) How strange. I questioned the cultures too, but I don’t seem to react to them, thankfully, as I’m addicted to a goat cheese (Capricho de Cabra—Mitica brand) I get from Whole Foods that has the consistency of dense mousse. This is the halloumi I was buying:

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Jul 8, 2014
Let me know if it works, those two have been my achilles heel for the last year.

This may be obvious, but has your doctor looked in your ears? While fasting on the milk and coconut water, the tinnitus and vertigo vanished but I had some cheese yesterday and my ears completely blocked up. Pressure was building in my head and the room started spinning and I could feel syncope coming on. I suspected wax buildup so I saw my doctor today and she confirmed it. The nurse flushed my ears with warm water and peroxide and out popped huge chunks of wax. It felt like I was breathing for the first time in forever and everything became so visually clear. It was trippy. I think the reason for the vertigo whenever I had certain foods like the grapes was due to the buildup of gas in my intestines, which caused pressure in my sinuses and ears because it always happened in conjunction with bloating and a stuffy nose. I’m not positive but I believe my earbuds may be to blame for the wax buildup—I wear them constantly, even fall asleep with them at night while listening to music. The nurse mentioned an earwax softener, Debrox. Not sure if you’re dealing with the same thing but thought I’d mention it, just in case. :)


Oct 19, 2019
This may be obvious, but has your doctor looked in your ears? While fasting on the milk and coconut water, the tinnitus and vertigo vanished but I had some cheese yesterday and my ears completely blocked up. Pressure was building in my head and the room started spinning and I could feel syncope coming on. I suspected wax buildup so I saw my doctor today and she confirmed it. The nurse flushed my ears with warm water and peroxide and out popped huge chunks of wax. It felt like I was breathing for the first time in forever and everything became so visually clear. It was trippy. I think the reason for the vertigo whenever I had certain foods like the grapes was due to the buildup of gas in my intestines, which caused pressure in my sinuses and ears because it always happened in conjunction with bloating and a stuffy nose. I’m not positive but I believe my earbuds may be to blame for the wax buildup—I wear them constantly, even fall asleep with them at night while listening to music. The nurse mentioned an earwax softener, Debrox. Not sure if you’re dealing with the same thing but thought I’d mention it, just in case. :)
Thanks for getting back, Jennifer. Yes I’ve had my ears checked a few times now and they are always clear. The doctor diagnosed Ménière’s disease and the symptoms do match. I haven’t had the vertigo for a while now (it’s always transitory and manifests in acute attacks), but the tinnitus and hearing loss in my left ear is chronic. I’ve been referred to the ENT but don’t expect much as Ménière’s is just viewed as idiopathic. I’m approaching it as a metabolic/energy problem and doing my best from that angle. I’m a lot more tuned in to different foods and lifestyle triggers now, but still a long way to go.


Jul 8, 2014
You’re welcome, @Sefton10. I’m glad you haven’t had vertigo in a while, but sorry to hear the tinnitus and hearing loss persist. Not to get off topic, but may I ask what foods and triggers you have noticed worsen the condition?

@Progesterone, I know @Dutchie uses berberine. Maybe she’ll chime in with her experience.


Nov 21, 2012
anyone use Berberine?
Yes, I've started using it a couple months ago.
I normally take 1 capsule a day of 400mg, which is much lower than recommended for diabetics (from what I've seen online).

However I didn't start taking it for diabetes. I'd read about it on the croissant diet site,that it lowers SCD1. That's why I initially wanted to try it.
Since starting,most of the time, my bowel movements became much easier and I have the feeling that it's helping my liver (where things like milk thistle and dandelion previously barely seemed to make a difference).
Most nights I also sleep longer before I wake to get up to pee,due to uncomfortable bladder.
I don't know if it's a coincidence, but I now also seem to tolerate a small amount of lactose in goatmilk.


Feb 8, 2017
Yes, I've started using it a couple months ago.
I normally take 1 capsule a day of 400mg, which is much lower than recommended for diabetics (from what I've seen online).

However I didn't start taking it for diabetes. I'd read about it on the croissant diet site,that it lowers SCD1. That's why I initially wanted to try it.
Since starting,most of the time, my bowel movements became much easier and I have the feeling that it's helping my liver (where things like milk thistle and dandelion previously barely seemed to make a difference).
Most nights I also sleep longer before I wake to get up to pee,due to uncomfortable bladder.
I don't know if it's a coincidence, but I now also seem to tolerate a small amount of lactose in goatmilk.

Thank you!

What time of day do you take it? Is it from Swanson btw?


Oct 19, 2019
Not to get off topic, but may I ask what foods and triggers you have noticed worsen the condition?
Foods wise just anything that causes gut irritation, I imagine via serotonin/endotoxin. Dates were bad and I used to eat a lot of them and any unripe fruit (melons especially). Still not sure if there is a histamine component to it so I'm careful with cheese now and I avoid things like leftover meat that has been in the fridge after cooking. The other biggest trigger is exercise so I have to be careful I don't overdo lifting weights especially. I'd liken it to having a threshold for stress and anything that tips me into the red will worsen symptoms (sinus congestion, dizziness, tinnitus etc.), culminating in a vertigo attack if it goes too far.


Nov 21, 2012
Thank you!

What time of day do you take it? Is it from Swanson btw?
You're welcome :)

I usually take it before my main (biggest) meal,which typically is somewhere between 13.00 and 15.00.
No,it's not from Swanson, It's from NOW.


Oct 19, 2019


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Jul 8, 2014
Thank you for your response, @Sefton10. We seem to have similar food triggers. What I find concerning is that I ate plenty of unripe fruit and dates while following a fruitarian diet and never had any of the symptoms I’ve been experiencing lately. While checking my ears, the doctor mentioned allergies as a potential cause and my list of safe foods has dwindled so I’m now questioning if the one food I consume regularly is making me sensitive to other foods. I may have to try my old fast to see. I didn’t realize that exercise could be a trigger, but it makes sense. I’ll pay attention during my dance practice. Thanks again! :)

@Progesterone, you’re welcome! :)

Thank you, @Dutchie. :)
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