""Low Serum AM Cortisol The Cause Of My Problems?""


Feb 25, 2018
Try maybe upping potassium? i read somewhere that our ancestors were eating way more potassium than were eating now.

Have you done a saliva cortisol test?

Im still waiting for my cortisol/dhea results, as well as my hydrocortisone
I have already tried to raise potassium to 7000 mg, it did nothing, perhaps if the body doesn't absorb it but excrete the excess, then this only loads the kidneys. Not this time, because it took less than a month after the previous test, I probably won't check it again for the next 3 months, or until I achieve some kind of improvement in practice.
I will order hydrocortisone in pils today, I don't trust cream, however I even was try to disolve it in DMSO for better absorbtion, but it not work seems.
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Jan 18, 2020

My todays results, its almost flat line from 12:00, hopefully, 5mg Hydrocortisone is what I need to tolerate a sufficient amount of thyroid.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hi all,

Wanted to share post i found that might be interesting for peoples who do not tolerate thyroid due to low cortisol, as below:

"""Hello, everyone.

Thought I'd drop back in with a final update as I've managed to fix all of my problems. It turned that whilst my cortisol was high-normal / slightly elevated without medication, even tiny doses of exogenous thyroid were causing it to drop into adrenal crisis territory - three days of 1/8th of a grain of armour caused serum am readings to drop to 100 nmol/l; a week of 1/4 grain of armour caused it to drop to 45 nmol/l. This explains my severe reaction to thyroid I had back in May (which this post was initially based upon), as all of the symptoms are in-line with the onset of adrenal crisis.

When I discovered this, I start with 10mg of hydrocortisone split 5mg upon waking, 2.5mg mid-afternoon and 2.5mg early evening. This has removed all of my side effects from thyroid use and has allowed me to slowly work up the dose to 1.5 grains. Along with this, every single one of my symptoms - freezing cold 24/7, low body temperature and pulse, rapid hair thinning, severe fatigue, brain fog, inability to exercise, palpitations, crippling anxiety and depression, etc - have more or less gone, too.

Feels great to have finally fixed this issue after almost four years of feeling like I was dying. This just goes to show that labs alone cannot be used to determine thyroid and/or adrenal issues, as my TSH was always 2-3, fT3 top of the range, ft4 just below mid-range, rT3 very low and serum am cortisol at the top of the range, yet I had almost every symptom of adrenal insufficiency / low thyroid, and taking NDT + hydrocortisione has fixed them all.

I understand the dangers of hydrocortisone use - even with a dose as low as 10mg per day - so I am hoping to be able to slowly taper off after a few more months of keeping things stable."""

source: https://www.tpauk.com/forum/threads...cause-of-my-problems.19862/page-4#post-209236

What about his PM cortisol? Many people with health issues have the "inverted pattern" - low AM and high PM values, when it should be the other way around. Testing cortisol should always be done with 2 blood draws on the same day - one in the morning and the other one around 3pm-4pm. Without that information, single cortisol values are meaningless unless they are way above or below the normal ranges.


Jan 18, 2020
What about his PM cortisol? Many people with health issues have the "inverted pattern" - low AM and high PM values, when it should be the other way around. Testing cortisol should always be done with 2 blood draws on the same day - one in the morning and the other one around 3pm-4pm. Without that information, single cortisol values are meaningless unless they are way above or below the normal ranges.
Thanks for popping in Mr.

I understand what your saying and while it might be true for many peoples, another problem for many hypothyroid peoples that dont tolerate thyroid is too low cortisol - I believe its due to unaddressed properly hypothyroid in many cases. This guy was suffering for years until he started taking 10mg hydrocortisone along the NDT and suddenly started tolerating thyroid and feeling better, so to me it looks like it was cortisol problem.
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Jun 10, 2020
I really dont know, theoretically yes, but i wouldnt think, i wish we could take progesterone or pregnenolone and body would shove it into cortisol but in reality it doesnt help much in my experience, adrenal cortex seemed to work initially but eventually seemed that i build tolerance to it, it most likely depends on how suboptimal your cortisol is.
Ah, I saw in another thread that you tried pregnenolone in early December for low cortisol. Did it not raise your cortisol?


Jan 18, 2020
Ah, I saw in another thread that you tried pregnenolone in early December for low cortisol. Did it not raise your cortisol?
It didint, at least not to the point of tolerating thyroid, hopefully i start hydrocortisone next week and i will write my experience in this post. I do feel that rehmannia is working to some extend and i dont build that much tolerance as with liquorice root.


Jan 18, 2020
"""30) If I take HC or ACE, will it put my adrenals to sleep? We are not talking about taking massive doses that would shut down one’s adrenal function. We are talking about taking the amount your body needs, called a physiologic dose. The latter is determined by doing your DATS aka Daily Average Temps, as outlined by Dr. Rind.

And another way to look at it: If the doctor tested the adrenals, he may find that patient is already suffering from low levels of adrenal hormone. They may already be “asleep” to a degree.

In his book “Safe Uses of Cortisol” Dr Jefferies says “It has been demonstrated that when subjects with intact adrenals receive less than full replacement dosages of cortisol, endogenous adrenal function is suppressed only sufficiently to achieve a normal glucocorticoid level. For example, subjects receiving 20 mg (5 mg. four times) daily of cortisol have their endogenous adrenal steroid production decreased by approx. 60%, and subjects receiving 10 mg. (2.5 mg. four times) daily have their adrenal steroid production decreased by approx. 30%.”Endogenous” means “originating within or produced by the body”;”glucocorticoid” means “any of a group of corticosteroids (as cortisol) that are involved especially in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, that are anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive, and that are used widely in medicine (as to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis)” (Websters).

But what if you do not HAVE a normal glucocorticoid level? There have been studies on Chronic Fatigue patients taking “hydrocortisone – 25 to 35 mg per day: leads to a 20 to 35% decrease in endogenous ACTH and cortisol production… After stopping, it may take several days to several weeks to recover the previous adrenocortical status.


Jan 18, 2020
""Since hypothyroidism adversely affects every cell, every tissue, every gland, in the
body it is clear that the endocrine system as a whole will be also similarly
affected. The adrenals will be subject firstly to lowered efficiency resulting
from a lowered vitality primary to hypothyroidism, and secondarily, to reduced
ACTH stimulation from the pituitary. As a result, in general, patients with a
protracted and / or severe hypothyroid state will have some degree of adrenal
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Jun 10, 2020
""Since hypothyroidism adversely affects every cell, every tissue, every gland, in the
body it is clear that the endocrine system as a whole will be also similarly
affected. The adrenals will be subject firstly to lowered efficiency resulting
from a lowered vitality primary to hypothyroidism, and secondarily, to reduced
ACTH stimulation from the pituitary. As a result, in general, patients with a
protracted and / or severe hypothyroid state will have some degree of adrenal
Excellent. This information gives me hope, as someone who responds poorly to thyroid. However I will note that since using progesterone/pregnenolone/DHEA for a week, and starting with a tiny dose of Tyromax (2 drops total), I’m responding without a stress reaction so far


Jan 18, 2020
Excellent. This information gives me hope, as someone who responds poorly to thyroid. However I will note that since using progesterone/pregnenolone/DHEA for a week, and starting with a tiny dose of Tyromax (2 drops total), I’m responding without a stress reaction so far
I believe that if we dont tolerate thyroid due to too low cortisol, even tho it might not be that low, we have got low adrenal "reserve" , my saliva cortisol isnt as bad as i though as well as my DHEA, but my adrenlal reserve must be bad as i do not tolerate any physical activity etc, i can over doo walking also LOL.


Jun 10, 2020
I believe that if we dont tolerate thyroid due to too low cortisol, even tho it might not be that low, we have got low adrenal "reserve" , my saliva cortisol isnt as bad as i though as well as my DHEA, but my adrenlal reserve must be bad as i do not tolerate any physical activity etc, i can over doo walking also LOL.
I’m the same way with exercise. Do you think cortisol is the best way to replenish adrenal reserve? Or perhaps it just takes time with low stress to replenish?


Jan 18, 2020
I’m the same way with exercise. Do you think cortisol is the best way to replenish adrenal reserve? Or perhaps it just takes time with low stress to replenish?
i personally think that these hormone precursors will only tickle you if your adrenal reserve is low, there are millions of ways to lower cortisol but to increase seems like there are very few ways. I will be talking with the endocrinologist first time ever this Friday, and i sent him all of my history as well as that I'm pretty much decided on taking hydrocortisone, well see what he says and recommends.


Jan 18, 2020
"One of the first glycosides isolated from the herb was Catalpol, which appears to stimulate production of adrenal cortical hormones"

"Primarily, rehmannia is the number one most important herb in the Chinese system for disorders related to the kidneys and adrenal glands."

"rehmannia hinders the breakdown of cortisone products in the body, prolonging the effect of this drug when used."

i recommend this one, it doesn't seem that i build tolerance to it as to liquorice root, and i clearly urinate less during the day and night.



Jan 18, 2020
"""Rehmannia, which is often used in herbal formulas as a complementary herb, is said to help regulate the activity of the adrenal cortex by promoting the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and the release of steroid hormones"""



Jun 10, 2020
"""Rehmannia, which is often used in herbal formulas as a complementary herb, is said to help regulate the activity of the adrenal cortex by promoting the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and the release of steroid hormones"""

Nice man! I’ve been focusing on herbs recently as well. I got one called “Adrenal Edge” on Amazon, and another called “Vital Adapt,” and I also slowed down on the OJ in place of solid fruit. So far, I’m peeing less and I feel more stable.

Frequent urination is a helpful symptom to track.


Jan 18, 2020
Frequent urination is a helpful symptom to track.
yes I used to piss so much for so long, it has to be due to low adrenal reserve in my case.

Also i have rather weird symptom connected to frequent urination/water retention problem, whenever i pee unusually more and i am dehydrated i guess, my chest bones, my "bridge" bones are getting dislocated sort of and i cant click them into the place, it falls back into place once i stop excessively urinating, its really weird, i used to have clicked in my lower back too for a little while when i was in the worse situation too which was very unusual and i never have had it.
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Jan 18, 2020
"Jefferies would use dosages of up to 40 mg/day, excepting in severe conditions requiring very strong short-term intervention. 40mg/day is the amount that in unstressed circumstances will temporarily shut down the endogenous production of cortisol by negative feedback to the pituitary gland. Dosages below this, in unstressed circumstances, result in only partial shut down of endogenous production, and when gradually reduced do not impair long-term or medium-term endogenous production."



Feb 25, 2018
@FitnessMike Hi, how are you? I have been taking Cortef for about 2 weeks at a dose of 10 mg/day. At first I divided the tablet into 4 equal parts of 2.5 mg, and from these 10 mg I didn't feel anything especially, then I tried to divide into 3 parts 5/2.5/2.5 and it seems that the first dose of 5 mg gives a better effect than 2.5, so I think I will try to gradually rise to 15-20 mg. for the experiment and if it doesn't give affect, then just as gradually go down. Also I try to balance these hydrocortisone with 5-10 mg of DHEA, although I didn't test my levels, so I don't know is that good idea because it can suppress my already low cortisol.
Also on the background I try again to add 1-2 mg of T3 witch I stopped, it seems it take away my brain fog a little.


Jan 18, 2020
@FitnessMike Hi, how are you? I have been taking Cortef for about 2 weeks at a dose of 10 mg/day. At first I divided the tablet into 4 equal parts of 2.5 mg, and from these 10 mg I didn't feel anything especially, then I tried to divide into 3 parts 5/2.5/2.5 and it seems that the first dose of 5 mg gives a better effect than 2.5, so I think I will try to gradually rise to 15-20 mg. for the experiment and if it doesn't give affect, then just as gradually go down. Also I try to balance these hydrocortisone with 5-10 mg of DHEA, although I didn't test my levels, so I don't know is that good idea because it can suppress my already low cortisol.
Also on the background I try again to add 1-2 mg of T3 witch I stopped, it seems it take away my brain fog a little.
Hi mate, i started 2,5 mg twice a day now and also barely feel anything from it but its just my third day, i would rather stay on 5mg split into morning and early afternoon, but if i will have to go to 10mg a day in order to tolerate thyroid i will. Im waiting for the mag/selenium/zinc results also.

Are you still taking thyroid? i think it's a bad idea to take any thyroid before you finish establishing HC dose, in Dr peatfields book when he suggests trying the Adrenal cortex as supplementation to sort of building adrenal reserve i guess, he suggests taking it for two weeks before you take any thyroid( i would think this would be the case for HC too). this problem in my case would be tht if i stop taking even these two drops of tyromix, my gut won't move and again i have got undigested food from the nr 2. You should have tested DHEA from saliva before starting HC i think, this would be a good indicator of adrenal reserve if it would be low.

I spoke with endo and when i said that hypothyroidism lowers cortisol output with time, he said its not entirely how it works, and he never treated peoples with hydrocortisone in order to tolerate thyroid meds... he supposedly was specialist in adrenal/thyroid problems.


Jun 10, 2020
in Dr peatfields book when he suggests trying the Adrenal cortex as supplementation to sort of building adrenal reserve i guess, he suggests taking it for two weeks before you take any thyroid( i would think this would be the case for HC too).
When you tried adrenal cortex, is this what you did? I know you said you built a tolerance to it or something
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