Low Fat Diet/fasting Reverses 42 Yr Old Woman's Cancer, Published In British Medical Jounral

Feb 4, 2015
The British Medical Journal made the staff at the Truth North Health center in Santa Rosa, CA jump through hoops to get it published but they did to everyone's surprise. They were surprised they published it because diet and water fasting is viewed as quackery to the authorities. Before, the patients oncologists wanted to put her on chemo. She asked about water fasting. He told her "There are a lot of quacks and criminals out there." So she did it anyway. When she came back and he saw her CT scans he said "What did you do?" She said "I went to the quacks and did the fast and diet." The doctor said "I'm gonna have to give them a call." The term "SOS" below means salt, oil, and sugar. People who do the fast neural-adapt to the diet as to become highly sensitive to the naturally occurring SOS in the food. It's also a starch based diet.

"The water-only fasting period was followed by 10 days of supervised refeeding beginning with the consumption of 12 ounces of unsalted vegetable broth every 3 h for 9 h on the first day. On the second day, the patient consumed 12 ounces of juice made from fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, every 3 h for 9 h. On the third day, the patient consumed a diet of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables and was instructed to eat until comfortably full. Following this transitional period, a diet of minimally processed plant foods, including fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, steamed and baked vegetables, whole grains and legumes, and approximately 1 ounce/day of raw unsalted nuts and seeds, was introduced. Cooked meals were prepared with recipes that met specific guidelines and excluded all meat, fish, fowl, eggs and dairy products, as well as added sugar, oil and salt. Bread products and other highly processed foods were also excluded. The patient was allowed to eat this specific SOS free, plant foods diet, with the exception of nuts and seeds, ad libitum. The patient was encouraged to continue consuming this diet after leaving TNH."

"Outcome and follow-up

The patient did not experience any notable adverse side effects while fasting. Following the fast, her weight had reduced from 78.0 to 68.9 kg (table 1) at a rate of approximately 0.4 kg/day, her BMI had reduced from 28.62 to 25.29 kg/m2 (table 1) and her CBC remained unremarkable. A physical examination demonstrated that the patient's enlarged lymph nodes had reduced in size. She then underwent a follow-up CT scan on 11 March 2015, and it was confirmed that the right inguinal node had reduced from 45×20 to 26×3 mm (figure 1), left inguinal node had reduced from 21×15 to 11×2 mm (figure 2) and the axillary node had reduced from 28×19 to 15×10 mm. The inguinal nodes no longer demonstrated increased fluorodeoxyglucose uptake.

On 31 January 2015, at 6-month follow-up, the patient reported strict compliance with the exclusively plant foods, SOS-free diet. Her weight was 63 kg, BMI was 23.13 kg/m2 (table 1) and the lymph nodes were non-palpable. Similarly, at 9-month follow-up, on 2 August 2015, the patient reported diet compliance, her weight and BMI had further reduced to 59.9 kg and 21.96 kg/m2, respectively (table 1), and her lymph nodes remained non-palpable."

CT's before/after:


The study in BMJ here: Water-only fasting and an exclusively plant foods diet in the management of stage IIIa, low-grade follicular lymphoma -- Goldhamer et al. 2015 -- BMJ Case Reports

PDF version: http://www.healthpromoting.com/sites/default/files/Water Fasting and Lymphoma Case Study TNH.pdf

Her story here: Ivonne: Changing the Course of Lymphoma | TrueNorth Health

Alan Goldhamer video on fasting: Fasting: A Modern Application of an Ancient Practice - Dr Alan Goldhamer

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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Very interesting study. Dr. Stanley Bass is a huge proponent of fasting, and many of his recommendations center around a very limited, easy to digest diet.

Of course PUFA play a role, but I suspect that alleviating bacterial endotoxin may play a much greater part in the benefits of fasting and ketogenesis.
Westside PUFAs
Feb 4, 2015
Of course PUFA play a role, but I suspect that alleviating bacterial endotoxin may play a much greater part in the benefits of fasting and ketogenesis.

Well, seeing as the patient ate lots of starch and healed lemon-sized tumors, that really throws a monkey wrench in the starch = endotoxin concept. It's not as simple as starch = endotoxin. Peat has said that starch that is not digested quickly or properly, which is a process that involves thyroid thus digestive enzymes and the whole system, is the problem, not simply the starch itself. It's a digestion thing. We also make own own butter from the fibers of fruits and starch, butyrate, or more appropriately, our bacteria do. So we make our own butter in our gut. Fiber and resistant starch are the best ingredients for bacteria to make butyrate in your colon. Bacteria can make butyrate from proteins, mucous, and sloughed cells, but these ingredients lead to the formation of chemicals detrimental to your colon, like ammonia.

Fiber and Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Health Benefits

The cellulose-degrading microbial community of the human gut varies according to the presence or absence of methanogens. - PubMed - NCBI

Physiological Effects of Dietary Fibre

Butyrate production from dietary fibre and protection against large bowel cancer in a rat model.


Building scientific consensus: the importance of dietary fiber

If anyone read the article of Ivonne's story above, she didn't mentioned her first oncologist who said it was quackery in her article. But Alan Goldhamer talks about her first oncologist the video linked above at 1:00:08, one hour and eight seconds in the video.


Apr 30, 2015
Fasting and this kind of diet can be really helpful in most people's context. The people who I see it fail in are the ones who have been vegans and juicing for years, who are already kind of starving in a way. They live in kind of a constant state of semi starvation. If they get on the fasting train it is kind of more of the same that got them into that mess.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Feb 18, 2016
Well, seeing as the patient ate lots of starch and healed lemon-sized tumors, that really throws a monkey wrench in the starch = endotoxin concept. It's not as simple as starch = endotoxin. Peat has said that starch that is not digested quickly or properly, which is a process that involves thyroid thus digestive enzymes and the whole system, is the problem, not simply the starch itself. It's a digestion thing. We also make own own butter from the fibers of fruits and starch, butyrate, or more appropriately, our bacteria do. So we make our own butter in our gut. Fiber and resistant starch are the best ingredients for bacteria to make butyrate in your colon. Bacteria can make butyrate from proteins, mucous, and sloughed cells, but these ingredients lead to the formation of chemicals detrimental to your colon, like ammonia.

Fiber and Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Health Benefits

The cellulose-degrading microbial community of the human gut varies according to the presence or absence of methanogens. - PubMed - NCBI

Physiological Effects of Dietary Fibre

Butyrate production from dietary fibre and protection against large bowel cancer in a rat model.


Building scientific consensus: the importance of dietary fiber

If anyone read the article of Ivonne's story above, she didn't mentioned her first oncologist who said it was quackery in her article. But Alan Goldhamer talks about her first oncologist the video linked above at 1:00:08, one hour and eight seconds in the video.

It really doesn't throw any wrench in the starch/endotoxin relationship,this your strawman and hyperbole creating abilities at work.

Ray Peats response to you mentions fasting and intestinal toxins, your article covers water fasting mainly yet you turn it into starches curing lemon sized tumours.

You say ,"Peat says starches not digested quickly or properly,which is a process involving thyroid thus digestive enzymes and the whole system ,is the problem and not simply the starch itself,it's a digestion thing ".
So Peat says starches are a problem but you see this somehow as the starches not being a problem? Even though Peat has many articles on the negative of starch that cover more than fermentation in the gut.

You claim we make our own butter in our gut? How come we don't poop butter? I must be missing something in the "peaty" sphere? I'm curious as it would be hugely profitable to poop butter, this ties in perfectly with Peats ideas of minimum coherent action and maximum effect.

Can you clarify how "proteins ",create chemicals detrimental to your colon? the starches you advocate contain protein?

Starches did not cure cancer in this ladies case, everybody involved believes the fasting was the main factor for curing cancer.


May 31, 2015
^ You come out guns ablazing without bothering to do basic fact checking. Bacteria in our colons do produce butyric acid, this is a foregone conclusion that you ought to Google, and it's very silly to think we would literally excrete solid butter as a result. The woman in this study used both fasting and a high carb vegan diet to heal. If starch & fiber were really so evil and inherently endotoxin producing, the 6 months of starchy, fibrous vegan food would have negated any endotoxin-lowering benefits by the comparatively brief initial water fast.


Feb 18, 2016
^ You come out guns ablazing without bothering to do basic fact checking. Bacteria in our colons do produce butyric acid, this is a foregone conclusion that you ought to Google, and it's very silly to think we would literally excrete solid butter as a result. The woman in this study used both fasting and a high carb vegan diet to heal. If starch & fiber were really so evil and inherently endotoxin producing, the 6 months of starchy, fibrous vegan food would have negated any endotoxin-lowering benefits by the comparatively brief initial water fast.

I'm fully aware butyric acid is produced in the colon, I've mentioned it before. The op compared it to butter this is why I commented on it,butyric acid is present in many thing,human vomit also.

Ray Peat has spoken about the negative effects of starches in several articles. Fasting alone will lower endotoxin for obvious reasons.

If people choose to engage a vegan diet they are welcome to it, this is a public forum for engaging discussion based on the fulcrum of Ray Peats articles,the idea of posting is so people can engage the topic,I don't see where you get all guns blazing from.


Apr 26, 2014
Fasting alone will lower endotoxin for obvious reasons.
Hi Drareg, sorry if this is a stupid question. But why would fasting lower endotoxin? I thought RP said fasting would increase stress and endotoxin entering the bloodstream?


Feb 18, 2016
Hi Drareg, sorry if this is a stupid question. But why would fasting lower endotoxin? I thought RP said fasting would increase stress and endotoxin entering the bloodstream?

I think what I was getting at was somebody who consumed lots of poor food who then fasts would feel better,less endotoxin from the initial fast than with a colon full of poor foods.
Long term fasting would be like keto diet situation, initial feel good but long term not so good.
That's my guess.
Overall her situation is far from black and white as we don't have the full picture.
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