Liver Flush - Experiences?


Jun 7, 2016
From Dr Hulda Clark:

"Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or x-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on x-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The black ones are full of wheel bearing grease and motor oil, which turns to liquid in a warm place. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile. Other stones are composites—made of many smaller ones—showing that they regrouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse."

When I did it 5 years ago I had heaps of green ones and a few larger tan ones. (more volume than a good bowel movement)

I had been a mechanic for 9 years at this point and nothing black came out. (Its common sense to think the body is warm enough to keep engine oil highly vicious)

I am sceptical because the volume of these stones coming out was far larger than the size of my gall bladder and possibly liver. Could be fat from the liver as well.

I didn't dissect any of this stuff to find out what was inside. I wondered if the green and tan was the salt and olive oil binding the bile together to form around a small stone or there was nothing inside and it was all produced by the process itself.

I didn't have any therapeutic improvements afterwards.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Even if it is not what is said, many people say to have been improved.
I remember a neighbour singing her joy around and talking much about it!
(she has Lyme and goutte)
And my result this week with much less than a real liver flush, suggests that whatever is related to my liver and gall bladder feels much better.
Now I keep my olive oil intake up to taste!


Sep 16, 2017
Did people improve from these liver flushes because it cleansed the liver and gallbladder and removed "stones" or is it simply the fact that they are clearing out the colon/intestines. Can you have similar effects with enemas, drinking coffee, taking laxatives? Maybe the benefits from the liver flush is just the clearing of the intestine/colon and maybe it has nothing to do with liver cleansing. Maybe the therapeutic benefits are from removing debris and other toxic matter from the colon, which ends up taking a load off of the liver? Not sure just speculation.


Oct 11, 2015
Did people improve from these liver flushes because it cleansed the liver and gallbladder and removed "stones" or is it simply the fact that they are clearing out the colon/intestines. Can you have similar effects with enemas, drinking coffee, taking laxatives? Maybe the benefits from the liver flush is just the clearing of the intestine/colon and maybe it has nothing to do with liver cleansing. Maybe the therapeutic benefits are from removing debris and other toxic matter from the colon, which ends up taking a load off of the liver? Not sure just speculation.

Something to consider...

Intrahepatic stones. The transhepatic team approach.

There was a more concise explanation on this blog but it was removed
Liver "Gallstones" Explained And Proven


Mar 1, 2017
Just wondering, are you monolingual? How well do you do expressing yourself 'normally ' in you 2nd, 3rd, or 4th languages?
I sometimes have to work to understand too, but there is something valuable in a perspective that is not so locked into the limitations and unconscious biases baked into the English language.
(Personally, I can sometimes find it helpful when key words are bolded in a long post, but that's me.)
I speak Finnish and English. How well I express myself in English, well you tell me. I like to think I'm adequate.

I agree, emphasizing KEYWORDS can be very effective, and I encourage it. It's presenting semi-irrelevant words as keywords that makes reading difficult.


Jan 5, 2016
I speak Finnish and English. How well I express myself in English, well you tell me. I like to think I'm adequate.

I agree, emphasizing KEYWORDS can be very effective, and I encourage it. It's presenting semi-irrelevant words as keywords that makes reading difficult.
Very well!


Sep 4, 2016
The Netherlands
I've done around 15 flushes in 1,5 year, planning to do one again next month after a break for some months. Last times I only had a few green ones, as around my 10th I had a couple big dark ones next to the usual green stuff.

The way the apple juice in the days before the liver flush already affected my overall emo state, every flush reconnected me with older memories/burden. I'm more then sure that the flushes helped me to be able to eat Peat style for the last few months. I'm thriving on sugars and fruits, I wasn't able to do so 2 years ago.

As one already mentioned; it could be quite the ride, and especially around the 3th and 4th I was feeling like crap the days afterwards. But as I probably had some disfunctional liver since my childhood, it's all quite reasonable. I know people who done them without any real hassle.

And yes; read the book by Moritz carefully, and follow the protocol by the letter. There are allot of people on the web who are doing 24 flushes in a year and complaining about feeling crap...


Jan 27, 2017
Because of a few things :
1st - the epsom salts assure your bile ducts are dilated so the stones do not get stuck there.
2nd - the epsom salts kind of clear the colon so no stones (full of toxic waste) get stucked in the colon
3rd - the colon cleanse a few days after the flush assures nothing remains there which will cause toxin reabsorption.

It's just better to read Andreas book.

1.- Where did you take this information?
2.- Stones are not toxic just cholesterol.
3.- ????


Jan 27, 2017
@Jennifer recently posted this extract from The Lancet April 16 2005 in another thread.

It suggests that the liver detox itself creates the green stones it is supposed to "release". The stones are effectively soap!

"From the medical literature: A 40-year-old woman was referred to the outpatient clinic with a 3-month history of recurrent severe right hypochondrial pain after fatty food. [Note: Here “hypochondrial” means “below the ribcage,’ not “hypochondriac.”] Abdominal ultrasound showed multiple 1-2 mm gallstones in the gallbladder. She had recently followed a “liver cleansing” regime on the advice of a herbalist. This regime consisted of free intake of apple and vegetable juice until 1800 h, but no food, followed by the consumption of 600 mL of olive oil and 300 mL of lemon juice over several hours. This activity resulted in the painless passage of multiple semisolid green “stones” per rectum in the early hours of the next morning. She collected them, stored them in the freezer, and presented them in the clinic. Microscopic examination of our patient’s stones revealed that they lacked any crystalline structure, melted to an oily green liquid after 10 min at 40°C, and contained no cholesterol, bilirubin, or calcium by established wet chemical methods. Traditional faecal fat extraction techniques indicated that the stones contained fatty acids that required acid hydrolysis to give free fatty acids before extraction into ether. These fatty acids accounted for 75% of the original material. Experimentation revealed that mixing equal volumes of oleic acid (the major component of olive oil) and lemon juice produced several semi solid white balls after the addition of a small volume of a potassium hydroxide solution. On air drying at room temperature, these balls became quite solid and hard. We conclude, therefore, that these green “stones” resulted from the action of gastric lipases on the simple and mixed triacylglycerols that make up olive oil, yielding long chain carboxylic acids (mainly oleic acid). This process was followed by saponification into large insoluble micelles of potassium carboxylates (lemon juice contains a high concentration of potassium) or “soap stones”."

Is this the soap making equivalent of civet coffee?

Yeah I presented this information + other in the Q & A thread and I got banned from the thread! -_-


May 3, 2015

I think the Lancet article's authors are saying that the green soap stones were likely formed in the stomach or intestines. They are not products of the liver or gallbladder!

If so, it is probably good that all of that oil did not get absorbed into the bloodstream!

It sounds pretty dangerous to me. Even 1 tablespoon of oil is a lot!


Oct 5, 2014
1.- Where did you take this information?
2.- Stones are not toxic just cholesterol.
3.- ????

1- it's on the andreas book and all over the place on the internet. Not only dilate the ducts, they are kind of laxative making all the debris go down the intestines for better expulsion. The first two doses are mainly for dilating, the two doses the day after help to force bowel movements and expulsion. Trust me I investigated all this thorougly when I was doing them.
2- this is a very controversial aspect. My current understanding is that the green/brown big stones are indeed a mix of bile, the oil and the juice. However, sometimes they carry inside smaller stones that are debris feom the liver, gb, ducts, etc. It is obvious the liver don't have 2cm stones inside. Hiwever it has small gravel or sand. I have experienced this first hand. Brownish small gravel and also small white stones (1mm) that I really think come from inside the liver (when I say liver in this context I mean all biliar system, the ducts, the gb, the liver itself, etc)
3- what don't you understand about point 3?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
So many problems because of a bad choice of words, and as we know this problem is unavoidable, then the solution is to think about it more.
They should not have been named STONES.
They are just FATTY BALLS.
With maybe some sand in it, whatever the size.
the green soap stones were likely formed in the stomach or intestines. They are not products of the liver or gallbladder!
Of course you are right in a way, and if my logic is right, what you drink or eat never goes through your bile or pancreas ducts.
So the fatty balls are made likely where the bile joins the oil. The protocole makes you have a reserve of bile, and then this sudden big amount of fat makes your system flush the reserve of bile, and all will mix. The bile is supposed to emulsify the fats we eat, so that they can be absorbed. If we eat more fats than we can emulsify, they logically come out undigested... But the protocole is not normal life, and something different happens that makes those fatty balls. They are not stones, they were thus badly named. They are fatty balls!
But what's in it?
Maybe sometimes nothing, because there was nothing to flush, or because it could not come out...

What is important is what will come out WITH the bile, In the fatty balls. And we can guess that the pressure due to the process will be more powerful than the daily use of some oil. And just make some resarch about what is bile about. It is not made only to digest fats, it is also a way for the body to put garbage inside, coming from the liver. Maybe a low fat diet is not made for intoxicated people?

What puzzles me more is WHY sometimes we do not make those fatty balls at all?
Somebody thought about this?


Oct 5, 2014
So many problems because of a bad choice of words, and as we know this problem is unavoidable, then the solution is to think about it more.
They should not have been named STONES.
They are just FATTY BALLS.
With maybe some sand in it, whatever the size.
LOL Xisca!!! Totally agree.
Nov 26, 2013
Well that was like 10 years ago. It doesn't feel like anything so there is nothing to share. It did calm my duodenitis for some reason. My bilirubin also went down during that, but anything might have caused that.


May 3, 2015
@Xisca, ok so several spoons of olive oil causes much bile to flow from the gallbladder hopefully bringing some waste with it.

So while the green stones are not the waste according to the Lancet article, any gravel or other items in the stool may be!

I'm not sure how swallowing a lot of oil in one 'meal' differs from eating a little coconut oil or macadamia every day for a week...

Max and Christine Gerson encouraged coffee enemas as this was supposed to cause the liver to dump unwanted toxins into the gallbladder to be flushed out through the intestines!

Has anyone tried this method or better yet, both methods?
Last edited:


Oct 11, 2015
@Xisca, ok so several spoons of olive oil causes much bile to flow from the gallbladder hopefully bringing some waste with it.

So while the green stones are not the waste according to the journal article, any gravel or other items in the stool may be!

Max and Christine Gerson encouraged coffee enemas as this was supposed to cause the liver to dump unwanted toxins into the gallbladder to be flushed out through the intestines!

Have you tried this method?
The lancet article mention potassium hydroxide but potassium hydroxide usually comes in pellets to begin with. The question is whether there is conditions alkaline in the intestines enough to make soap with olive oil. I wonder what the pH of bile is? Potassium hydroxide and lye ( used to make soap ) have very high pH. 11 and 13 respectively. I passed some small globs that look like the others just from taking epsom salts my very first flush so I know for a fact they exist in the liver. On the other hand I have seen someone fill up a toilet bowl with stones that just could not have been in their body I don't think. So this is what I think is the case:

1. You can pass "stones" from liver and gallbladder
2. You can create globs in your intestine from the mixture
3. You do not always pass anything from liver and gallbladder
4. You do not always pass soap globs
5. Liver flush should not be done unless it really resonates with how you are feeling at the time
6. "Softening" of stones is very misunderstood and more involved than drinking apple juice or taking malic acid capsules
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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