Let's Discuss Sudden, Morphological Changes


Jul 2, 2017
TBH there’s no way one dose of Vit K changed your face. Maybe over several months
Just noticed. At a certain age, every adolescent's skull suddenly expands in all directions or something, it's so subtle I can't really point at it and say "there it is" but we're like supercomputers for facial recognition. It's like their eyes move in closer to the center of their face and there's more matter on the outskirts of their face. This happens to literally everyone regardless of K2 consumption so I wonder if this is the deposition of calcium, and maybe if subcutaneous facial fat atrophy contributes to a more sculpted look which defines the bones holding everything together, leading to more of an awareness of the whole structure of the face instead of just the presentation (eyes, mouth, nose). Plus, everyone's midface slowly expands, creating a longer face through life, however it seems like this is GREATLY and temporarily accelerated during that adolescent period where everyone's head just gets bigger.


Oct 29, 2016
I apologize in advance if I've talked about any of the following too often prior to this thread, but they are far too remarkable to keep quiet about. Herein I list a bunch of structural, anatomical attributes that have measurably changed for me since doing various Peat things.

Gonial angle - The angle that your jaw makes, when viewed from the side. This angle reaches 90° for me when I feel good, which is pretty directly correlated with how much sugar, fruit, and milk I'm consuming, and the amount of stress that I perceive that I'm under. In addition to the angle, the underside of my mandible undergoes considerable decalcification when I feel really good, usually with feelings of empathy and sympathy for others. This picture adequately demonstrates it. Note how there is a region of concavity in between his jaw angle and his chin.

Occipital bun - The bump at the back of your skull. Some people (especially males) have a very prominent one, which is very obvious upon tactile examination. When I feel good, this flattens out a lot, and it has flattened out many times before taking vitamin K2, when I ate oysters and liver together (I suspect the combination of zinc and B6, as it is known to powerfully affect DHT, and potentially estrogen). Before Peat, mine was probably always "hook" shaped, like in the linked picture.

Canthal tilt - The angle that your eye fissure makes. Angles that are positive are associated with youth, negative ones with age. My canthal tilt has increased several times before, but it is less easy to observe than the other two (you need to be looking in the mirror somewhat carefully), and seems harder to accomplish. It only happened, afaik, in conjuction with feelings of high confidence and superiority, and usually followed some type of major progress, either with girls, work, or project deadlines (girls also seem to dig me a lot more in this state). This picture accurately represents what my eyes and facial hair look like when I'm in this state (I have different pigmentation, more head hair, and a thinner nose).

Mentally, I feel the opposite of empathetic--I felt completely secure, but with no regard for others, and no regard for what others do or say to me. I remember @CoolTweetPete mentioning that he associates a high canthal tilt with a "savage energy", and that's an appropriate moniker for my mental state during those situations.

When I develop a positive tilt, the "concavity" that I mentioned above with the gonial angle always becomes less pronounced. The jawline doesn't "curve up" before reaching the chin.

I experience the softest, slowest growing facial hair (more on that later) in this state.

I've also noticed it increase slightly in the late morning, after having coffee with cream and sugar, a large bowel movement, and being in a fasted state.

Skull breadth - When I first started taking vitamin K2, it seemed like the circumference of my skull (breadth or widthwise), was getting larger. This was before I started taking aspirin.

Crunchiness -
When I take aspirin, and sometimes when I take K2, I experience a "crunchiness" in the joints of my spine and lower back. This happens very consistently with aspirin. Two threads, here and here, mention similar effects. It's likely related to my growing ~1.5 inches at the age of 24. @Peata @CoolTweetPete @Lecarpetron

Lips -
When I take the LifeExtension K complex supplement, my lips get bigger and much pinker temporarily. The supplement contains K1 and both forms of K2, MK-4 and MK-7.

Pigment -
My hair and skin both look lighter and redder in tone. I think my eyes may have lightened a bit, but they're naturally dark, so it's hard to tell.

Facial hair -
My facial hair is soft and slow growing when in a good mood. It's usually coarse upon waking, and becomes noticeably much softer after coffee and a bowel movement. Taking extra vitamin K2 makes it softer, and it is softest when I have a high canthal tilt.

Scalp hair -
Baldness reversed. Some recovery on the temples, complete recovery on main scalp, and the texture of hair became much finer, softer, shinier, and less wiry. I suspect that the hair follicle density on my beard also increased. Less oiliness, I can shower without shampoo now.

Sebum - Less oily skin and hair, as mentioned above. Oily skin is usually accompanied by hair loss in the shower, and coarser beard hair.

Nearly all of these traits can change within a matter of seconds, minutes, or hours. For example, if I have to deal with a sudden deadline, or I perceive that a certain task is more difficult than I thought it was, I get very quick calcification. If I have a bowel movement, my facial hair gets softer immediately after.

A lot of these traits only became observable to me after I started taking vitamin K2. Jaw width and reversal of hair loss, in particular, changed drastically after just a couple of days of K2. I had been following certain Peat things, like avoiding PUFAs, eating some liver/oysters, occasional carrot, coconut oil, for about two years before this. I didn't really make an effort with avoidance of fermentable fibers, excess starch, plenty of sugar, until recently, and it coincided with these changes
Glad you mentioned about the lips..I was wondering what happened to my lips, specially the lower one as it got bigger!


Mar 15, 2014
Glad you mentioned about the lips..I was wondering what happened to my lips, specially the lower one as it got bigger!

with vitamin K you mean? Which brand?

And yeah, it happens more with the lower lip.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
@Ivysaur and everyone, do you have an opinion on braces, and specifically on the metal permanent retainers that remain?

I had braces almost 15 years ago. My teeth were mildly cramped.

Recently, the permanent retainer has started falling off. I have been taking 1+mg of K2 MK4 for ~8months. I wonder if my jaw has gotten wider? I know the space between my two front upper teeth is more noticeable. I feel like with good bone-building nutrition, I should remove the permanent retainer, as it may interfere with some natural growth. Do you have an opinion on this?
Apr 25, 2018
I apologize in advance if I've talked about any of the following too often prior to this thread, but they are far too remarkable to keep quiet about. Herein I list a bunch of structural, anatomical attributes that have measurably changed for me since doing various Peat things.

Gonial angle - The angle that your jaw makes, when viewed from the side. This angle reaches 90° for me when I feel good, which is pretty directly correlated with how much sugar, fruit, and milk I'm consuming, and the amount of stress that I perceive that I'm under. In addition to the angle, the underside of my mandible undergoes considerable decalcification when I feel really good, usually with feelings of empathy and sympathy for others. This picture adequately demonstrates it. Note how there is a region of concavity in between his jaw angle and his chin.

Occipital bun - The bump at the back of your skull. Some people (especially males) have a very prominent one, which is very obvious upon tactile examination. When I feel good, this flattens out a lot, and it has flattened out many times before taking vitamin K2, when I ate oysters and liver together (I suspect the combination of zinc and B6, as it is known to powerfully affect DHT, and potentially estrogen). Before Peat, mine was probably always "hook" shaped, like in the linked picture.

Canthal tilt - The angle that your eye fissure makes. Angles that are positive are associated with youth, negative ones with age. My canthal tilt has increased several times before, but it is less easy to observe than the other two (you need to be looking in the mirror somewhat carefully), and seems harder to accomplish. It only happened, afaik, in conjuction with feelings of high confidence and superiority, and usually followed some type of major progress, either with girls, work, or project deadlines (girls also seem to dig me a lot more in this state). This picture accurately represents what my eyes and facial hair look like when I'm in this state (I have different pigmentation, more head hair, and a thinner nose).

Mentally, I feel the opposite of empathetic--I felt completely secure, but with no regard for others, and no regard for what others do or say to me. I remember @CoolTweetPete mentioning that he associates a high canthal tilt with a "savage energy", and that's an appropriate moniker for my mental state during those situations.

When I develop a positive tilt, the "concavity" that I mentioned above with the gonial angle always becomes less pronounced. The jawline doesn't "curve up" before reaching the chin.

I experience the softest, slowest growing facial hair (more on that later) in this state.

I've also noticed it increase slightly in the late morning, after having coffee with cream and sugar, a large bowel movement, and being in a fasted state.

Skull breadth - When I first started taking vitamin K2, it seemed like the circumference of my skull (breadth or widthwise), was getting larger. This was before I started taking aspirin.

Crunchiness -
When I take aspirin, and sometimes when I take K2, I experience a "crunchiness" in the joints of my spine and lower back. This happens very consistently with aspirin. Two threads, here and here, mention similar effects. It's likely related to my growing ~1.5 inches at the age of 24. @Peata @CoolTweetPete @Lecarpetron

Lips -
When I take the LifeExtension K complex supplement, my lips get bigger and much pinker temporarily. The supplement contains K1 and both forms of K2, MK-4 and MK-7.

Pigment -
My hair and skin both look lighter and redder in tone. I think my eyes may have lightened a bit, but they're naturally dark, so it's hard to tell.

Facial hair -
My facial hair is soft and slow growing when in a good mood. It's usually coarse upon waking, and becomes noticeably much softer after coffee and a bowel movement. Taking extra vitamin K2 makes it softer, and it is softest when I have a high canthal tilt.

Scalp hair -
Baldness reversed. Some recovery on the temples, complete recovery on main scalp, and the texture of hair became much finer, softer, shinier, and less wiry. I suspect that the hair follicle density on my beard also increased. Less oiliness, I can shower without shampoo now.

Sebum - Less oily skin and hair, as mentioned above. Oily skin is usually accompanied by hair loss in the shower, and coarser beard hair.

Nearly all of these traits can change within a matter of seconds, minutes, or hours. For example, if I have to deal with a sudden deadline, or I perceive that a certain task is more difficult than I thought it was, I get very quick calcification. If I have a bowel movement, my facial hair gets softer immediately after.

A lot of these traits only became observable to me after I started taking vitamin K2. Jaw width and reversal of hair loss, in particular, changed drastically after just a couple of days of K2. I had been following certain Peat things, like avoiding PUFAs, eating some liver/oysters, occasional carrot, coconut oil, for about two years before this. I didn't really make an effort with avoidance of fermentable fibers, excess starch, plenty of sugar, until recently, and it coincided with these changes.

How much K2 have u been taking?


Mar 15, 2014
@Ivysaur and everyone, do you have an opinion on braces, and specifically on the metal permanent retainers that remain?

I had braces almost 15 years ago. My teeth were mildly cramped.

Recently, the permanent retainer has started falling off. I have been taking 1+mg of K2 MK4 for ~8months. I wonder if my jaw has gotten wider? I know the space between my two front upper teeth is more noticeable. I feel like with good bone-building nutrition, I should remove the permanent retainer, as it may interfere with some natural growth. Do you have an opinion on this?
Never had braces or anything, so can't say. The dental arch definitely changes for me.

How much K2 have u been taking?
a few mg every 3 days


Feb 13, 2016
Interestingly my skull shape has changed dramtically, from having a completely flat skull with no visible dome shape to having a dome shaped head. With this I've experienced severe hair loss. Really would wonder why. This is all before finding anything peaty. I can't seem to figure out if K2 would make this worse or better.

I think this is because of radiation. Have you noticed any difference in a remote, out-in-the-country place with no WiFi (especially 5G), 4G LTE, or anything of that kind? Or if it's not possible to go to a radiation-free place like that, have you ever tried sitting under intense red light (130V heat lamps running at 120V) like Peat recommends to combat radiation?


Aug 9, 2019
Is Vitamin K2 only effective for bone changes only in very high doses? How does one obtain such high doses?
I have a bottle of K2 - MK4 from Now Foods, but the dose seems low: 100 mcg (micrograms) or 0.1 mg.
Been taking like 200 mcg for the past 2 months, did not notice any changes :(


Feb 26, 2019
I think this is because of radiation. Have you noticed any difference in a remote, out-in-the-country place with no WiFi (especially 5G), 4G LTE, or anything of that kind? Or if it's not possible to go to a radiation-free place like that, have you ever tried sitting under intense red light (130V heat lamps running at 120V) like Peat recommends to combat radiation?

whitened amethyst stone in lab environment (lithium based, not purple one) can absorb the gama radiation waves. I forget the link. Amethyst stone can absorb gama radiation from tv, wifi, mobile phone. Purple amethyst is full of gama radiation. People know wrong. Gemstones can not have healing effect, only effect electrical and radiation absorbation.


Mar 15, 2014
Is Vitamin K2 only effective for bone changes only in very high doses?
No. I was 24 when I made this post, and I remember my dosage being around 1 pill or drop a week, maybe twice a week.
I was seeing these morphological changes with only 1-2 mg of K2.


Mar 15, 2014
I guess I'll bump this thread because I recently took antibiotics for the first time. I have stopped the K2 since March 2020, because I suffered from COVID and K2 may increase blood clotting (just to be safe).

Anyway, I took 1 week of antibiotics (amoxicillin), and after the first day I noticed a change in my hip and torso shape. My torso looked much "fuller" in the lateral direction, but not in an obese way. My hips looked "shorter" in the vertical direction. My wristbones were a bit thicker, and the left side of my body, which is usually a bit "shortened", became equal with the right. I will include a sketch later. My face was wider and bigger than usual, but I didn't have the gonial angle effects that K2 produces.

Mentally, I was calm, rather slow and steady, sex drive was calm and gentle, naturally had no compulsion to orgasm (but had an interest in sex). Erections were slow to come and lasted longer, were harder than usual, maybe partially because I didn't orgasm much. Penis was overall a bit bigger while hard. PC muscle wasn't clenched during orgasm.

It was easy to read things for a long time, wouldn't lose focus, eyes wouldn't dart around looking for new things.

Skin was pink/red tinted (rather than yellow) the entire time.

Appetite was steady, regular, and strong, with a persistent (but not too intense) hunger for red meat. Naturally wanted to eat beef/pork 2-3x a day, with some brown bread. No appetite for rice, only heavy fatty foods with a bit of fruit as dessert.
Last edited:
Nov 18, 2018
I guess I'll bump this thread because I recently took antibiotics for the first time. I have stopped the K2 since March 2020, because I suffered from COVID and K2 may increase blood clotting (just to be safe).

Anyway, I took 1 week of antibiotics (amoxicillin), and after the first day I noticed a change in my hip and torso shape. My torso looked much "fuller" in the lateral direction, but not in an obese way. My hips looked "shorter" in the vertical direction. My wristbones were a bit thicker, and the left side of my body, which is usually a bit "shortened", became equal with the right. I will include a sketch later. My face was wider and bigger than usual, but I didn't have the gonial angle effects that K2 produces.

Mentally, I was calm, rather slow and steady, sex drive was calm and gentle, naturally had no compulsion to orgasm (but had an interest in sex). Erections were slow to come and lasted longer, were harder than usual, maybe partially because I didn't orgasm much. Penis was overall a bit bigger while hard. PC muscle wasn't clenched during orgasm.

It was easy to read things for a long time, wouldn't lose focus, eyes wouldn't dart around looking for new things.

Skin was pink/red tinted (rather than yellow) the entire time.

Appetite was steady, regular, and strong, with a persistent (but not too intense) hunger for red meat. Naturally wanted to eat beef/pork 2-3x a day, with some brown bread. No appetite for rice, only heavy fatty foods with a bit of fruit as dessert.
What dose of amoxicillin?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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