Jordan Peterson Is Recovering From A Severe Addiction To Benzodiazepine Tranquilizers


Sep 7, 2018
I’m sorry, I missed the details on the alternative treatment. The story itself seems fishy although I truly mean no disrespect to the Peterson family or anyone who has suffered from benzo withdrawals.

Some details here:

and in the earlier update:


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Some details here:

and in the earlier update:

Thanks Lynne. I had seen those videos but thought most of the treatments described for both of her parents sounded pretty mainstream. It’s a very tragic situation and I wish them all the best.


Mar 27, 2015
Imagine Dr. Boris Petrovsky pumping Dr. Peterstein with massive amounts of Cytoflavin, Mildronate, and obscure actoprotectants used by Afghanistan era Spetsnaz commandos, all while the former carnivore slumbers in a Afobazole induced “coma” (aka ultra strong simga-1 receptor activation for supraphysiological synaptic plasticity, and mega-rapid endoplasmic reticulum stress alleviation).

In the background, Zizeck awaits with the forbidden racetams, never released to the public due to their enourmos power.

Suddenly, Peterstein awakenes. The man hath crossed the rope, and is no more.

Der übermensch ist hier.


Aug 20, 2020
I am 8 months off benzos,the withdrawal is pure hell,i have taken a derivative of benzo for 4 years,at least i have kept the dosage at minimum for all those years, i cut the tablet at 4 and i taken 5 mg every other day instead of 2 tablets per day total 40mg that i have been prescibed by my doctor.To anyone thinking to start this remember this drug is not for long term and the withdrawal could be very difficult to handle.Sure it works but you must be on it for life,and tolerance can build very quickly so some individuals.In the end do your research before you put something to your self.


Jul 10, 2016
The Benzos are pretty much to blame for his condition. It isn't even controversial. They are an absolute hellish class of drug. Go to youtube and look up people tapering off benzos. It's really depressing. I think they might be a far worse class of drug than SSRIs.

Hellish indeed, tell me after gradually coming down from 2mg a day to. 0.25mg over two ******* years thanks only to my dedication and Progesterone/pregnenolone... They can kill you if you withdraw from them too abruptly but the same doctors prescribing them to 21 year olds (as was my case) don't appear to know ***t about a proper withdrawal from them years after.

I'm 28 now, thank God I found Peat.


Aug 20, 2020
Hellish indeed, tell me after gradually coming down from 2mg a day to. 0.25mg over two ******* years thanks only to my dedication and Progesterone/pregnenolone... They can kill you if you withdraw from them too abruptly but the same doctors prescribing them to 21 year olds (as was my case) don't appear to know ***t about a proper withdrawal from them years after.

I'm 28 now, thank God I found Peat.
I know what you talk about,i was on diazepam about 4 years after i quit it,i felt the hell.Could you tell me more about preg and prog,i searching to find something to help me with this hell,i am 8 months off benzo right now


Jul 10, 2016
I know what you talk about,i was on diazepam about 4 years after i quit it,i felt the hell.Could you tell me more about preg and prog,i searching to find something to help me with this hell,i am 8 months off benzo right now

Hi outcast,

Sorry for the long text below lol.

Progesterone, which you can buy as Progest - E or as progestene from Idealabs... Or whatever USP micronized high quality solution you can get your hands on from a reputable seller is probably the best in this scenario and later adding in the Pregnenolone.

Progesterone is the Hormone of adaptation, healing, and growth in an organised and biologically coherent way, especially the brain. Men naturally produce 12-14 mg of progesterone as well most of it coming from the Testicles (this is why testicular androgens are more protected from getting wasted into estrogen than the adrenal androgen. ) but it's produced everywhere from Pregnenolone as it's the organism most protective hormone. Especially highly concentrated in the brain where it acts positively on GABA in a coherent way unlike Benzos .

It does not create a lethal dependence because it's Gaba actions are mediated though regulated reductions so even if you provide your body with a big extra it will be utilized for healing rather than creating more addiction, it helped me almost come clean from 3 years at 2mg of ******* clonazepam and I can stop taking it (I've tried) with no repercussions expect a decrease in appetite and anabolism for muscle which sucks .. But for that it can be eventually replaced with Pregnenolone (read below)

Progesterone acts on its own and is converted by the Enzyme 5Alpha reductase into the most brain-protective and regenerative and anti-exitatory neurosteroids that exist. This is one of the reasons Young Women have a bit of an easier time coming off this monstrosities (Benzos) than men, they produce a massive amount of P4 during their Luteal phase.

Another of P4's (progesterone)'s biological actions is to flush estrogen from tissues and put it in harmless circulation to be excreted by the liver, it in fact forms part of the Cell at an individual level hence I think that to only call it a "hormone" is a bit misleading.

Even a small dose of (example) 6mg per day will aid your brain's gaba sensitivity to rebuild and heal the damage caused to neuronal signaling from 4 years of Devil-Zepam...

Massive doses of Progesterone oppose Androgens while still tanking estrogens to 0 but we don't need that as men so it's best kept in the 6-20mg range. I chose 30mg out of my desperate need to come off these things.

Estrogen is itself excitatory by it's action of increasing Glutamate to GABA ratio in the brain, by inhibition of respiration in the cell, this increases intracellular calcium and nervous system over activity.

But I have to give you the advice I always give that on your first use of p4 you take a large dose (40-50mg) to help the first cellular estrogen flush be faster and then, over the next few days settle at 6-9mg , a dose you will reap the benefits of without suppressing DHT and might even increase it from enhanced 5Alpha activity and less estrogen.

It can make you so relaxed and sleepy on your first dose that I advice you take it at home in the evening without having to drive or anything of the sort until the next day, you might even feel anesthesia and extreme bliss followed by some moodiness but this will regulate as you settle on 6 to 12mg (my advice only. )

Increase all minerals including sodium and calories, it's a very anabolic substance that's even helped me gain 20lbs muscle using it properly.

Now for Pregnenolone... Pregnenolone is progesterone's precursor but has actions of its own that are quite different and is also precursor to the androgen and estrogen... So It would be a good idea to try it later, after a few months you can begin to replace the Progesterone with Pregnenolone because it's a further upstream precursor that can convert into progesterone but also go down the path of the excitatory Estrogen which when the healing is beginning you don't wanna mess with.

But a re-organized brain that has regained sensitivity will know how to handle the first precursor better. So after six months or a year you can, as you feel, drop the progesterone slowly and replace it with Pregnenolone (it's precursor and of all other hormones.)

I began my withdrawal 2.2 years ago and exactly September of 2018 I started progesterone, (Progest-E applied to gums) the taper was super slow but with no long lasting damage thanks to it, just 5 months ago I introduced Pregnenolone (300mg/week or 40mg/day) to have that precursor ready for once I start dropping the progesterone to 10mg in this upcoming spring, once the longer days will naturally favour it's conversion to Progesterone more than to DHEA as is optimal... I will keep Pregnenolone at 100mg/ week just for the protection it offers from the poisons of the modern world.

For more info regarding all this search the forum for Progesterone+brain recovery and adaptability/Plasticity (adaptation and healing) anti-excitation.... Then search Ray peat 's articles on it and all he's written on about GABA as well as Pregnenolone and Estrogen etc, read Haidut's countless studies and you will get 100x more insight into this than you can from me, I'll just say that without Progesterone my adaptation to the massive drop in Klonopin would have been hell yet here I am almost fully out and I have to say you "re-discover" who you used to be before this things without the excitation that a fast and aidless withdrawal would give you.

Even with progesterone and many other supplements at my disposal I tapered it as slow as possible to give my brain time to read adapt and re-discover itself.

Sorry for the long post again, hope it helps.
Last edited:


Aug 20, 2020
Hi outcast,

Sorry for the long text below lol.

Progesterone, which you can buy as Progest - E or as progestene from Idealabs... Or whatever USP micronized high quality solution you can get your hands on from a reputable seller is probably the best in this scenario and later adding in the Pregnenolone.

Progesterone is the Hormone of adaptation, healing, and growth in an organised and biologically coherent way, especially the brain. Men naturally produce 12-14 mg of progesterone as well most of it coming from the Testicles (this is why testicular androgens are more protected from getting wasted into estrogen than the adrenal androgen. ) but it's produced everywhere from Pregnenolone as it's the organism most protective hormone. Especially highly concentrated in the brain where it acts positively on GABA in a coherent way unlike Benzos .

It does not create a lethal dependence because it's Gaba actions are mediated though regulated reductions so even if you provide your body with a big extra it will be utilized for healing rather than creating more addiction, it helped me almost come clean from 3 years at 2mg of ******* clonazepam and I can stop taking it (I've tried) with no repercussions expect a decrease in appetite and anabolism for muscle which sucks .. But for that it can be eventually replaced with Pregnenolone (read below)

Progesterone acts on its own and is converted by the Enzyme 5Alpha reductase into the most brain-protective and regenerative and anti-exitatory neurosteroids that exist. This is one of the reasons Young Women have a bit of an easier time coming off this monstrosities (Benzos) than men, they produce a massive amount of P4 during their Luteal phase.

Another of P4's (progesterone)'s biological actions is to flush estrogen from tissues and put it in harmless circulation to be excreted by the liver, it in fact forms part of the Cell at an individual level hence I think that to only call it a "hormone" is a bit misleading.

Even a small dose of (example) 6mg per day will aid your brain's gaba sensitivity to rebuild and heal the damage caused to neuronal signaling from 4 years of Devil-Zepam...

Massive doses of Progesterone oppose Androgens while still tanking estrogens to 0 but we don't need that as men so it's best kept in the 6-20mg range. I chose 30mg out of my desperate need to come off these things.

Estrogen is itself excitatory by it's action of increasing Glutamate to GABA ratio in the brain, by inhibition of respiration in the cell, this increases intracellular calcium and nervous system over activity.

But I have to give you the advice I always give that on your first use of p4 you take a large dose (40-50mg) to help the first cellular estrogen flush be faster and then, over the next few days settle at 6-9mg , a dose you will reap the benefits of without suppressing DHT and might even increase it from enhanced 5Alpha activity and less estrogen.

It can make you so relaxed and sleepy on your first dose that I advice you take it at home in the evening without having to drive or anything of the sort until the next day, you might even feel anesthesia and extreme bliss followed by some moodiness but this will regulate as you settle on 6 to 12mg (my advice only. )

Increase all minerals including sodium and calories, it's a very anabolic substance that's even helped me gain 20lbs muscle using it properly.

Now for Pregnenolone... Pregnenolone is progesterone's precursor but has actions of its own that are quite different and is also precursor to the androgen and estrogen... So It would be a good idea to try it later, after a few months you can begin to replace the Progesterone with Pregnenolone because it's a further upstream precursor that can convert into progesterone but also go down the path of the excitatory Estrogen which when the healing is beginning you don't wanna mess with.

But a re-organized brain that has regained sensitivity will know how to handle the first precursor better. So after six months or a year you can, as you feel, drop the progesterone slowly and replace it with Pregnenolone (it's precursor and of all other hormones.)

I began my withdrawal 2.2 years ago and exactly September of 2018 I started progesterone, (Progest-E applied to gums) the taper was super slow but with no long lasting damage thanks to it, just 5 months ago I introduced Pregnenolone (300mg/week or 40mg/day) to have that precursor ready for once I start dropping the progesterone to 10mg in this upcoming spring, once the longer days will naturally favour it's conversion to Progesterone more than to DHEA as is optimal... I will keep Pregnenolone at 100mg/ week just for the protection it offers from the poisons of the modern world.

For more info regarding all this search the forum for Progesterone+brain recovery and adaptability/Plasticity (adaptation and healing) anti-excitation.... Then search Ray peat 's articles on it and all he's written on about GABA as well as Pregnenolone and Estrogen etc, read Haidut's countless studies and you will get 100x more insight into this than you can from me, I'll just say that without Progesterone my adaptation to the massive drop in Klonopin would have been hell yet here I am almost fully out and I have to say you "re-discover" who you used to be before this things without the excitation that a fast and aidless withdrawal would give you.

Even with progesterone and many other supplements at my disposal I tapered it as slow as possible to give my brain time to read adapt and re-discover itself.

Sorry for the long post again, hope it helps.
Thank you very much sir for your response,my theory was to not take hormones cause of fear of the negative feedback loop,but when a hormone missing from our body i believe that anyone can try it.I will give it a shot.


Oct 3, 2016
He always was so proud of his "neurochemistry " and I remember an interview where he asked the interviewer if he really wanted to challenge him on that topic.
Looks like he was way off on that topic . He was talking about serotonin beeing the good /happy hormone and we all know how wrong that is.
So I guess he has to feel it on his body how it is when his biochemistry is of . I'm sure serotonin plays a big part in the symptoms that he momentarily has.

I wish he would realize the facts about serotonin/ carnivore diet . I think he and his family have big serotonin / endotoxin problems and that's why the carnivore diet worked for him - at least at the start.

Imagine if a public figure with his reach would talk about the serotonin -endotoxin- depression connection . That would be a game changer.

Nevertheless much love and support to him and his family !!
I think thats why that guy has always rubbed me the wrong way, before i knew his views on serotonin, he always struck me as a high serotonin individual, and despite how intellegent he seems from a first glance, i always detected like there was some lack of conscioussness in him,
High serotonin societies work in a hierachy, since hes in a higher position it makes sense that hed be able to pull the blanket over only high serotonin people who just listen absorb, follow and dont create their own things, i sort of question him and his following, ive noticed alot of these so called "intellegent people" always seem to have this sort of distaste to their personality, sort of like how doctors are and other high professions, alot of them seem to have an intellectual complex, or this idea that they are more intellegent than others so they have the gift to speak to masses and create an immense following.

As soon as i heard him speak positively about serotonin it sort of put alot of my suspicions to rest, given he thinks serotonin is good id imagine he actively tries to raise it and thats reflected in his personality.

I find he does sort of gives off like a bug parasitical energy, similar to a narcissist but i wouldnt really call him that without knowing more,

But does anyone else just get the feelings that hes not all what hes cracked up to be? Ill admit alot of the things he says do provoke my interest, but ive noticed theyre things that tend to be obvious that regular person without a degree could say with much more simple words that wouldnt be taken as seriously because theyre not JP

Not tryna hate on the guy, just offering my skepticisms

Ive always been one to side with the underdog and i consider guys like Ray Danny and Georgi to be those kind of guys.

Generally in a high serotonin society amongs high serotonin people, those people will tend to flock towards other high serotonin role models like obedient slaves,

Everyone **** rides Joe Rogan podcasts and his guests on there but i could never buy it...

Almost everyone i know thinks Ray is crazy and nobody pays attention to him,

But if you notice throughout history repeating itself, its always the guy who everyone said their opinion is trash who ends up being correct all along but people were too high serotonin (ignorant low conscioussness) to see.

Like i said no hate on him, just my opinion, if i got anything wrong about him you know is a fact feel free to let me know, im just curious if anyone else has ever thought the same thing i have


May 10, 2018
I think thats why that guy has always rubbed me the wrong way, before i knew his views on serotonin, he always struck me as a high serotonin individual, and despite how intellegent he seems from a first glance, i always detected like there was some lack of conscioussness in him,
High serotonin societies work in a hierachy, since hes in a higher position it makes sense that hed be able to pull the blanket over only high serotonin people who just listen absorb, follow and dont create their own things, i sort of question him and his following, ive noticed alot of these so called "intellegent people" always seem to have this sort of distaste to their personality, sort of like how doctors are and other high professions, alot of them seem to have an intellectual complex, or this idea that they are more intellegent than others so they have the gift to speak to masses and create an immense following.

As soon as i heard him speak positively about serotonin it sort of put alot of my suspicions to rest, given he thinks serotonin is good id imagine he actively tries to raise it and thats reflected in his personality.

I find he does sort of gives off like a bug parasitical energy, similar to a narcissist but i wouldnt really call him that without knowing more,

But does anyone else just get the feelings that hes not all what hes cracked up to be? Ill admit alot of the things he says do provoke my interest, but ive noticed theyre things that tend to be obvious that regular person without a degree could say with much more simple words that wouldnt be taken as seriously because theyre not JP

Not tryna hate on the guy, just offering my skepticisms

Ive always been one to side with the underdog and i consider guys like Ray Danny and Georgi to be those kind of guys.

Generally in a high serotonin society amongs high serotonin people, those people will tend to flock towards other high serotonin role models like obedient slaves,

Everyone **** rides Joe Rogan podcasts and his guests on there but i could never buy it...

Almost everyone i know thinks Ray is crazy and nobody pays attention to him,

But if you notice throughout history repeating itself, its always the guy who everyone said their opinion is trash who ends up being correct all along but people were too high serotonin (ignorant low conscioussness) to see.

Like i said no hate on him, just my opinion, if i got anything wrong about him you know is a fact feel free to let me know, im just curious if anyone else has ever thought the same thing i have
He takes Wellbutrin (dopamine reuptake inhibitor?) so doesn't exactly practice what he preaches in terms of serotonin.


Oct 3, 2016
He takes Wellbutrin (dopamine reuptake inhibitor?) so doesn't exactly practice what he preaches in terms of serotonin.
Im curious about wellbutrin because most drugs even though their main known effect might be for example pro dopamine, usually thats only true for sometimes even one receptor type, for example LSD is called an anti serotonin drug however on certain serotonin receptors its actually an agonist, so i wonder if wellbutrin also has any pro serotonin effects, caffeine is anti serotonin but it also apparently has pro adrenergic receptor effects and gaba antagonism, so most drugs seem to be a mixed bag of good and bad and it can be situational.

My ex was on wellbutrin and from my point of view i think she was borderline sociopathic maybe even somewhat narcissistic, of course that could have nothing to do with her taking wellbutrin but she was very emotionally disconnected at times, maybe ill look it up more and see,

But yeah idk ive just always got like a weird vibe from JP


Mar 22, 2022
I think thats why that guy has always rubbed me the wrong way, before i knew his views on serotonin, he always struck me as a high serotonin individual, and despite how intellegent he seems from a first glance, i always detected like there was some lack of conscioussness in him,
High serotonin societies work in a hierachy, since hes in a higher position it makes sense that hed be able to pull the blanket over only high serotonin people who just listen absorb, follow and dont create their own things, i sort of question him and his following, ive noticed alot of these so called "intellegent people" always seem to have this sort of distaste to their personality, sort of like how doctors are and other high professions, alot of them seem to have an intellectual complex, or this idea that they are more intellegent than others so they have the gift to speak to masses and create an immense following.

As soon as i heard him speak positively about serotonin it sort of put alot of my suspicions to rest, given he thinks serotonin is good id imagine he actively tries to raise it and thats reflected in his personality.

I find he does sort of gives off like a bug parasitical energy, similar to a narcissist but i wouldnt really call him that without knowing more,

But does anyone else just get the feelings that hes not all what hes cracked up to be? Ill admit alot of the things he says do provoke my interest, but ive noticed theyre things that tend to be obvious that regular person without a degree could say with much more simple words that wouldnt be taken as seriously because theyre not JP

Not tryna hate on the guy, just offering my skepticisms

Ive always been one to side with the underdog and i consider guys like Ray Danny and Georgi to be those kind of guys.

Generally in a high serotonin society amongs high serotonin people, those people will tend to flock towards other high serotonin role models like obedient slaves,

Everyone **** rides Joe Rogan podcasts and his guests on there but i could never buy it...

Almost everyone i know thinks Ray is crazy and nobody pays attention to him,

But if you notice throughout history repeating itself, its always the guy who everyone said their opinion is trash who ends up being correct all along but people were too high serotonin (ignorant low conscioussness) to see.

Like i said no hate on him, just my opinion, if i got anything wrong about him you know is a fact feel free to let me know, im just curious if anyone else has ever thought the same thing i have
can you elaborate on this? I believe I know what you're talking about moreover haven't really seen this described as pertaining to serotonin, I'm wondering.
Last edited:


Oct 3, 2016
I dont think hes a bad guy or anything like that but i just have this general sense of skepticism about him, ive noticed at times when hes debating with people he will talk over them or cut them off and sometimes appear like hes trying to belittle them, im not sure if its bad intentions or not, but sometimes for some reasons he comes across as somewhat emotionally disconnected? Almost callus maybe if thats the word?

I always am skeptical too in a situation like where you have somebody who is identifying themselves as intellegent and speaking to people in an educative manor in front of crowds and such, he seems to have an extremely large following like a bandwagon,

A good example would be ted talkers, they always have an immense crowd, and the ted talkers generally seem to have this sense of self righteousness and they could say anything philosophical even if its something anyone could say but use fancy words and the audience would be like wow!! Cause the speaker identifies as "woke"

Listening to him speak alot of the things he says spark my interest and seem rational but i sort of detect this sense of self righteousness in him, like a ego? Like someone who loves to hear themselves speak

And hey i could be totally wrong about the guy and im not trying to make judgment on him too quickly, so i dont mean to offend anyone if theyre a fan of him or his work, its just an observation.

I watched one video where i think he was right about what he was saying but it seemed like he went out of his way to sort of crush the person debating with him,

Sort of like how Donald Trump will cut people off mid speech and just talk over people, thats always a bad sign when someone completely ignores what the other person says and interrupts just to hear their own voice

But it was nothing like DT that guy is a whole other level of rude but just my observation

He also apparently thinks serotonin is good and essential for elevating yourself in the social hierarchy, but @haidut made a post/comment one time in a nutshell saying essentially that the more serotonin you have, yes the more likely you will be higher up on the industry chain like a CEO but the more likely you will also be a psychopath or a narcissist as well with an ego complex, Haidut if you ever find time to participate in this if it interests you i would love to hear your perspective on JP if you think he exhibits traits of high serotonin, i feel confident you would agree, maybe, maybe not, but he apparently purposefully took substances to increase serotonin almost as if his aim was to use that to elevate his own serotonin (in his mind thinking it will give him the edge in the hiearchy)

Like i said its just an observation i dont mean to bash the guy if anyone likes him


Nov 27, 2016
I dont think hes a bad guy or anything like that but i just have this general sense of skepticism about him, ive noticed at times when hes debating with people he will talk over them or cut them off and sometimes appear like hes trying to belittle them, im not sure if its bad intentions or not, but sometimes for some reasons he comes across as somewhat emotionally disconnected? Almost callus maybe if thats the word?

He also apparently thinks serotonin is good and essential for elevating yourself in the social hierarchy, but @haidut made a post/comment one time in a nutshell saying essentially that the more serotonin you have, yes the more likely you will be higher up on the industry chain like a CEO but the more likely you will also be a psychopath or a narcissist as well with an ego complex, Haidut if you ever find time to participate in this if it interests you i would love to hear your perspective on JP if you think he exhibits traits of high serotonin, i feel confident you would agree, maybe, maybe not, but he apparently purposefully took substances to increase serotonin almost as if his aim was to use that to elevate his own serotonin (in his mind thinking it will give him the edge in the hiearchy)

Like i said its just an observation i dont mean to bash the guy if anyone likes him
He’s emotionally disconnected because he’s extremely anxious and nervous without the benzodiazepines. His doctor gave him benzodiazepines and he got addicted, then he went to Russia and they put him in an induced coma and stopped the benzos, he’s fried his brain with benzos and carnivore diet.

The lobster and serotonin stuff makes no sense


Sep 17, 2022
West Coast USA
Hi outcast,

Sorry for the long text below lol.

Progesterone, which you can buy as Progest - E or as progestene from Idealabs... Or whatever USP micronized high quality solution you can get your hands on from a reputable seller is probably the best in this scenario and later adding in the Pregnenolone.

Progesterone is the Hormone of adaptation, healing, and growth in an organised and biologically coherent way, especially the brain. Men naturally produce 12-14 mg of progesterone as well most of it coming from the Testicles (this is why testicular androgens are more protected from getting wasted into estrogen than the adrenal androgen. ) but it's produced everywhere from Pregnenolone as it's the organism most protective hormone. Especially highly concentrated in the brain where it acts positively on GABA in a coherent way unlike Benzos .

It does not create a lethal dependence because it's Gaba actions are mediated though regulated reductions so even if you provide your body with a big extra it will be utilized for healing rather than creating more addiction, it helped me almost come clean from 3 years at 2mg of ******* clonazepam and I can stop taking it (I've tried) with no repercussions expect a decrease in appetite and anabolism for muscle which sucks .. But for that it can be eventually replaced with Pregnenolone (read below)

Progesterone acts on its own and is converted by the Enzyme 5Alpha reductase into the most brain-protective and regenerative and anti-exitatory neurosteroids that exist. This is one of the reasons Young Women have a bit of an easier time coming off this monstrosities (Benzos) than men, they produce a massive amount of P4 during their Luteal phase.

Another of P4's (progesterone)'s biological actions is to flush estrogen from tissues and put it in harmless circulation to be excreted by the liver, it in fact forms part of the Cell at an individual level hence I think that to only call it a "hormone" is a bit misleading.

Even a small dose of (example) 6mg per day will aid your brain's gaba sensitivity to rebuild and heal the damage caused to neuronal signaling from 4 years of Devil-Zepam...

Massive doses of Progesterone oppose Androgens while still tanking estrogens to 0 but we don't need that as men so it's best kept in the 6-20mg range. I chose 30mg out of my desperate need to come off these things.

Estrogen is itself excitatory by it's action of increasing Glutamate to GABA ratio in the brain, by inhibition of respiration in the cell, this increases intracellular calcium and nervous system over activity.

But I have to give you the advice I always give that on your first use of p4 you take a large dose (40-50mg) to help the first cellular estrogen flush be faster and then, over the next few days settle at 6-9mg , a dose you will reap the benefits of without suppressing DHT and might even increase it from enhanced 5Alpha activity and less estrogen.

It can make you so relaxed and sleepy on your first dose that I advice you take it at home in the evening without having to drive or anything of the sort until the next day, you might even feel anesthesia and extreme bliss followed by some moodiness but this will regulate as you settle on 6 to 12mg (my advice only. )

Increase all minerals including sodium and calories, it's a very anabolic substance that's even helped me gain 20lbs muscle using it properly.

Now for Pregnenolone... Pregnenolone is progesterone's precursor but has actions of its own that are quite different and is also precursor to the androgen and estrogen... So It would be a good idea to try it later, after a few months you can begin to replace the Progesterone with Pregnenolone because it's a further upstream precursor that can convert into progesterone but also go down the path of the excitatory Estrogen which when the healing is beginning you don't wanna mess with.

But a re-organized brain that has regained sensitivity will know how to handle the first precursor better. So after six months or a year you can, as you feel, drop the progesterone slowly and replace it with Pregnenolone (it's precursor and of all other hormones.)

I began my withdrawal 2.2 years ago and exactly September of 2018 I started progesterone, (Progest-E applied to gums) the taper was super slow but with no long lasting damage thanks to it, just 5 months ago I introduced Pregnenolone (300mg/week or 40mg/day) to have that precursor ready for once I start dropping the progesterone to 10mg in this upcoming spring, once the longer days will naturally favour it's conversion to Progesterone more than to DHEA as is optimal... I will keep Pregnenolone at 100mg/ week just for the protection it offers from the poisons of the modern world.

For more info regarding all this search the forum for Progesterone+brain recovery and adaptability/Plasticity (adaptation and healing) anti-excitation.... Then search Ray peat 's articles on it and all he's written on about GABA as well as Pregnenolone and Estrogen etc, read Haidut's countless studies and you will get 100x more insight into this than you can from me, I'll just say that without Progesterone my adaptation to the massive drop in Klonopin would have been hell yet here I am almost fully out and I have to say you "re-discover" who you used to be before this things without the excitation that a fast and aidless withdrawal would give you.

Even with progesterone and many other supplements at my disposal I tapered it as slow as possible to give my brain time to read adapt and re-discover itself.

Sorry for the long post again, hope it helps.

Hello, I am glad I found your post. I know it's about 2 years old but hopefully you're still around to help. I was on Clonazepam (klonopin generic) for around 5 years and have suffered extremely debilitating and crushing side effects from my hellish cold turkey withdrawal and Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome that are with me even now 6-7 years later, perhaps now as their own independent condition caused by the shock of the whole affair. Unfortunately, I had a really evil, spiteful, idiotic, narcissist of a doctor who frequently tried to push pills on me for minor conditions like heartburn (in my early 20's) and behaved punitively towards me for not attending regular appointments. She had zero understanding of benzodiazepines and long story short, I had to get off of them cold turkey because she went off on vacation, refused to pick up the phone and I could not get anybody to authorize a refill since they've apparently instituted some absurd rule that only ones primary care doctor or a psychiatrist can approve them, and I no longer had access to my psychiatrist so I was screwed.

Anyway, I've been looking into Progesterone and Progest-E, and being that you've been on more or less the same medication as me, I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to consult with you directly over discord or something maybe? Either way, thanks for sharing was has helped you.

Regarding the topic at hand, I was simultaneously shocked and sadly not exactly surprised to find that Jordan Peterstein had no clue about the danger of benzodiazepine drugs. Some people hate him or look down on him for this whole thing, but frankly, the medical establishment largely sweeps this issue under the rug and cases like mine and the rest of those who've been incredibly injured by these poisons are hidden or treated as some sort of extreme rarity or product of 'weakness'; so I found this whole thing to be a very good way of bringing this issue to light and showing that even the 'professionals' can't handle what we have handled without any special Russian therapy.


Aug 12, 2020
Hello, I am glad I found your post. I know it's about 2 years old but hopefully you're still around to help. I was on Clonazepam (klonopin generic) for around 5 years and have suffered extremely debilitating and crushing side effects from my hellish cold turkey withdrawal and Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome that are with me even now 6-7 years later, perhaps now as their own independent condition caused by the shock of the whole affair. Unfortunately, I had a really evil, spiteful, idiotic, narcissist of a doctor who frequently tried to push pills on me for minor conditions like heartburn (in my early 20's) and behaved punitively towards me for not attending regular appointments. She had zero understanding of benzodiazepines and long story short, I had to get off of them cold turkey because she went off on vacation, refused to pick up the phone and I could not get anybody to authorize a refill since they've apparently instituted some absurd rule that only ones primary care doctor or a psychiatrist can approve them, and I no longer had access to my psychiatrist so I was screwed.

Anyway, I've been looking into Progesterone and Progest-E, and being that you've been on more or less the same medication as me, I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to consult with you directly over discord or something maybe? Either way, thanks for sharing was has helped you.

Regarding the topic at hand, I was simultaneously shocked and sadly not exactly surprised to find that Jordan Peterstein had no clue about the danger of benzodiazepine drugs. Some people hate him or look down on him for this whole thing, but frankly, the medical establishment largely sweeps this issue under the rug and cases like mine and the rest of those who've been incredibly injured by these poisons are hidden or treated as some sort of extreme rarity or product of 'weakness'; so I found this whole thing to be a very good way of bringing this issue to light and showing that even the 'professionals' can't handle what we have handled without any special Russian therapy.
What are the side effects you experience? A friend of mine has post benzo syndrome and has the same typical side effects as post finasteride syndrome. Zero libido, anhedonia, no more drive, etc. He took Xanax for years btw.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This thread might be of some help.


Sep 13, 2012
I think thats why that guy has always rubbed me the wrong way, before i knew his views on serotonin, he always struck me as a high serotonin individual, and despite how intellegent he seems from a first glance, i always detected like there was some lack of conscioussness in him,
High serotonin societies work in a hierachy, since hes in a higher position it makes sense that hed be able to pull the blanket over only high serotonin people who just listen absorb, follow and dont create their own things, i sort of question him and his following, ive noticed alot of these so called "intellegent people" always seem to have this sort of distaste to their personality, sort of like how doctors are and other high professions, alot of them seem to have an intellectual complex, or this idea that they are more intellegent than others so they have the gift to speak to masses and create an immense following.

As soon as i heard him speak positively about serotonin it sort of put alot of my suspicions to rest, given he thinks serotonin is good id imagine he actively tries to raise it and thats reflected in his personality.

I find he does sort of gives off like a bug parasitical energy, similar to a narcissist but i wouldnt really call him that without knowing more,

But does anyone else just get the feelings that hes not all what hes cracked up to be? Ill admit alot of the things he says do provoke my interest, but ive noticed theyre things that tend to be obvious that regular person without a degree could say with much more simple words that wouldnt be taken as seriously because theyre not JP

Not tryna hate on the guy, just offering my skepticisms

Ive always been one to side with the underdog and i consider guys like Ray Danny and Georgi to be those kind of guys.

Generally in a high serotonin society amongs high serotonin people, those people will tend to flock towards other high serotonin role models like obedient slaves,

Everyone **** rides Joe Rogan podcasts and his guests on there but i could never buy it...

Almost everyone i know thinks Ray is crazy and nobody pays attention to him,

But if you notice throughout history repeating itself, its always the guy who everyone said their opinion is trash who ends up being correct all along but people were too high serotonin (ignorant low conscioussness) to see.

Like i said no hate on him, just my opinion, if i got anything wrong about him you know is a fact feel free to let me know, im just curious if anyone else has ever thought the same thing i have
I hope no one was following his views on hormones! He definitely was in the wrong there, but his following wasn't based on serotonin it was based on the fact that young men are floundering and they need a 'king' so to speak to give them a purpose in life. His entire message was take responsibility for your life! I don't see how that creates hierarchies in society. If you mean that men will not be the little boys still getting money from their mommy and daddy at 27 and playing video games all night then I'd say Jordan Peterson is a godsend for our world.
I don't see a narcissist at all in this video:

"I've heard this all many, many times, “That wasn't real communism,” you know what that means? That means that “if I would have been the benevolent dictator in the place of Stalin, then I would have brought in the utopia.” There isn't a more narcissistic and toxic and inexcusable statement that you can possibly make."

He is a godsend for our marxist leftist liberal turning society.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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