Identifying controlled opposition: Russell Brand, Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, DeSantis/Abbott, David Icke, CAF

Mar 21, 2014
For mRNA vaccines to integrate into the genome it would need to be reverse transcribed into DNA, and there are not normally any enzymes active in human cells which can do this. There is a retrotransposon called LINE1 that expresses and reinserts itself over and over historically in the human genome, and can reverse transcribe itself.... and has copied itself so much that copies of itself makes up a big percentage of our genome, but reverse transcription is not a normal capability or part of our biology.

However, it isn't normally active in human cells, except in some unusual diseases or situations. They have looked, and not found evidence of mRNA vaccines or SARS-COV-2 actually integrating into human genomes, except in one paper where they had to intentionally modify human cells to get LINE1 to express.
Mar 21, 2014
If you have the time these threads are worth reading

This seems to be mostly tons of accounts of people having health problems at some point after vaccination, just like people do all the time if they're not vaccinated... you have to do a controlled study, or at least compare rates between vaccinated and non-vaccinated people to see what the risks are. Basically everyone I know has had the covid vaccine, and everyone where I work has had the covid vaccine to come back on site. Nobody I know has had any health issues plausibly attributed to virus, yet the impacts of the virus are huge, tons of people I know personally affected. I'm not losing co-workers and colleagues to mysterious health problems that suddenly came about after widespread vaccination... this just doesn't pass any basic sanity or common sense tests. If there are some real risks and negative health outcomes (there probably are), they must still be orders of magnitude smaller than the risks the vaccines mitigate, or else the impacts would be obvious and commonly observed like the virus is.

Even if the most egregious vaccine conspiracy theories were all 100% true, they would pale in comparison to the actual obvious massive impacts of the viruses they eradicated.

I'm sorry, but none of this stuff you guys are talking about- from New World Order to vaccines makes any sense.
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Mar 26, 2014
I've been away from this forum for a decade... really shocked to come back and see Ray Peat has been embraced by followers of this crazy conspiracy stuff. Ray Peat taught people to be critical thinkers and independent problem solvers... that requires not just independent ideas but also some intellectual responsibility. This whole thread is incredible nonsense... if you can be made to believe stuff like this, and you are oriented towards taking responsibility for your own health, you are likely to be duped into doing things that could seriously harm or kill you.

Everyone in politics is a bunch of Machiavellian "smily glad-hands" enacting a dishonest conspiracy of one to make themselves more popular while shifting blame to anyone else they can. They couldn't conspire together to keep a goldfish fed on holidays. None of these people are "controlled" they are just selling fake opposition for their own personal benefit, and it sells. Throughout human history, the loudest fear mongering idiots always get attention like this. Read "The Flies in the Market-Place" by Nietzsche and you will understand the whole dynamic here.

Maybe you should look into what Ray thought about the "vaccines"...and vaccines in general.

If we're doing critical thinking we could talk about the 99% survival rate and suppressed therapeutics but it's all a bit 2021 tbh. Boring.


Jul 25, 2022
Maybe you should look into what Ray thought about the "vaccines"...and vaccines in general.

If we're doing critical thinking we could talk about the 99% survival rate and suppressed therapeutics but it's all a bit 2021 tbh. Boring.
Im starting to wonder if bots are invading... should I dig up the study where the Pfizer shots reversed transcribed in liver cells in vitro?

If someone has made it this far without seeing what’s happening, I feel it it may be pointless.


Jul 25, 2022
This seems to be mostly tons of accounts of people having health problems at some point after vaccination, just like people do all the time if they're not vaccinated... you have to do a controlled study, or at least compare rates between vaccinated and non-vaccinated people to see what the risks are. Basically everyone I know has had the covid vaccine, and everyone where I work has had the covid vaccine to come back on site. Nobody I know has had any health issues plausibly attributed to virus, yet the impacts of the virus are huge, tons of people I know personally affected. I'm not losing co-workers and colleagues to mysterious health problems that suddenly came about after widespread vaccination... this just doesn't pass any basic sanity or common sense tests. If there are some real risks and negative health outcomes (there probably are), they must still be orders of magnitude smaller than the risks the vaccines mitigate, or else the impacts would be obvious and commonly observed like the virus is.

Even if the most egregious vaccine conspiracy theories were all 100% true, they would pale in comparison to the actual obvious massive impacts of the viruses they eradicated.

I'm sorry, but none of this stuff you guys are talking about- from New World Order to vaccines makes any sense.
If a vaccine doesn’t stop infection and transmission of a virus.... how does it eliminate the virus?


Sep 9, 2019
My personal thoughts are that exposure to really low viral loads (e.g. variolation) of SARS-CoV-2 is probably equally safe and effective at protecting people from covid as the vaccine. Repeated frequent re-exposure also probably is effective in keeping immunity up, so you want to be in public and not isolated once you're vaccinated, or have already been infected.
The "immune system" doesn't exist in isolation, it's quite non-specific, "viral load" is a nonsense concept, energy is king and in virology, there's no such thing as a universally virulent pathogen. What does that tell you. Assuming you have appropriate cognitive function to chew on it.

Away for 10 years huh. Where on earth have you been.


Mar 26, 2014
Im starting to wonder if bots are invading... should I dig up the study where the Pfizer shots reversed transcribed in liver cells in vitro?

If someone has made it this far without seeing what’s happening, I feel it it may be pointless.

It really is weird. To log in after a decade and start spewing every tired cliched talking point. I'm surprised he didn't call us all GRANNY KILLERS.

Maybe @charlie can check the IP address or something.
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I see @CellularIconoclast contribution as valuable not least because it forces us, me, to reflect on my position on the topic of vaccines and the “pandemic”. Having done that, I believe he is wrong and needs to spend more time reviewing some of the data here. I also suggest a book by Susan Humphries: Dissolving Illusion


Jul 2, 2022
I wonder what he ( @CellularIconoclast ) would think if he hears the interview with Danny and Haidut in which Ray Peat said he suspects that 5% of the batches are lethal and are being primarily distributed to red states ? : D

It is very hard to have a constructive conversation with a vaxxed person these days. It is like they are under a spell and not seeing the obvious.


I wonder what he ( @CellularIconoclast ) would think if he hears the interview with Danny and Haidut in which Ray Peat said he suspects that 5% of the batches are lethal and are being primarily distributed to red states ? : D

It is very hard to have a constructive conversation with a vaxxed person these days. It is like they are under a spell and not seeing the obvious.
Did Ray say that or was he asked about it by Danny who was reporting the findings of the enigma team?


Jul 2, 2022
Did Ray say that or was he asked about it by Danny who was reporting the findings of the enigma team?
Quote Ray Peat "The evidence coming out that 5% of the vaccines according to their lot number are either lethal or non lethal. And according to the lot numbers you can see a very concentrated mortality from those of the 5%..." He was not asked by Danny, he started saying this as a response regarding food supply chain question by Haidut. Episode #78 30min mark.

As a response to Danny regarding the concentration towards the red states Ray said " That would probably be the preference of a lot of the people controlling the distribution, but I think they have to make it look even handed to make it seem fair".


Quote Ray Peat "The evidence coming out that 5% of the vaccines according to their lot number are either lethal or non lethal. And according to the lot numbers you can see a very concentrated mortality from those of the 5%..." He was not asked by Danny, he started saying this as a response regarding food supply chain question by Haidut. Episode #78 30min mark.

As a response to Danny regarding the concentration towards the red states Ray said " That would probably be the preference of a lot of the people controlling the distribution, but I think they have to make it look even handed to make it seem fair".
Thank you. I think I remember that episode.
Mar 21, 2014
I am going to quote my favorite passage from Ray Peat, which I think embodies his whole paradigm and why he dislikes the culture of modern medicine. This is from Karen Mcc's interview with Peat... Karen was someone I considered a friend that also left the community and I lost contact with her.

Knowledge isn’t a commodity, especially not a fungible commodity, as the medical business sees it. Consciousness and culture are part of the life process. It is exactly the commoditization of medical knowledge that makes it dangerous, and generally stupid. Doctors buy their knowledge, and then resell it over and over; it’s valuable as a commodity, so its value has to be protected by the equivalent of a copyright, the system of laws establishing the profession. Without its special status, its worthlessness would be quickly demonstrated. When A.C. Guyton wrote his textbook of medical physiology (the most widely used text in the world) in the 1950s, it was trash; as it was studied and applied by generations of physicians, it was still trash. The most compliant patients who bought their treatment from the most authoritative, Guytonesque, doctors were buying their own disability and death.

Each time you learn something, your consciousness becomes something different, and the questions you ask will be different; you don’t know what the next appropriate question will be when you haven’t assimilated the earlier answers. Until you see something as the answer to an urgent question, you can’t see that it has any value. The unexpected can’t be a commodity. When people buy professional knowledge they get what they pay for, a commodity in a system that sustains ignorance.

So we see this dynamic in modern society everywhere now where people are self organizing into little echo chambers where they share the same conspiracy theories over and over, and dehumanize and straw man anyone not part of their group. Go to basically any subreddit about anything, and you will see this. What these groups get is a phenomena called social evaporative cooling- only the most aggressive and unreasonable people remain... people able to tolerate nuance and question their own views bounce out. What you are left with is an authoritarian prescription where everyone believes the same commodified knowledge, that none of them actually understand in depth or can question.

This, sadly is what has happened to this Ray Peat forum in the decade I've been gone... which is ironic because the entire point of Ray Peats ideas and teachings is to give people tools to avoid this. You guys hang on every word he says as some authoritarian prescription, a commodified knowledge, while not understanding what led him to believe it. If you guys had the power to do so, you would create your own system structured exactly like the medical system we have, but with even worse information and a shallower understanding of biology as its basis. None of you are putting in the decades of research and study Ray did to understand things at this depth on his own. For the most part, Ray's actual views on things are no longer useful. About half of them are no longer controversial in modern science and medicine- the central role of metabolic function in disease is actually a mainstream concept nowadays with ideas like the "Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness" gaining widespread popularity. Much of the other half is outdated, and not updated with recent information. What he did leave you is a blueprint to become a deep thinker that can solve problems on your own, but you aren't seeing the forest for the trees.

It's not helpful to you, or to me for me to argue with you guys about vaccines. You don't know what you don't know, and you aren't going to think about what I say, you are just going to be angry because you've made this nice little bubble where you all agree with each other, and now I'm threatening that. The things you are telling me have no information content or thought behind them, they are empty nonsense at best. Even Ray's quotes you are sharing, you are not understanding. Acting like this is a disgrace to the ideas and legacy of Ray Peat, and will prevent you from ever having real understanding, or making your own or others lives and health better.
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Jul 2, 2022
It's not helpful to you, or to me for me to argue with you guys about vaccines. You don't know what you don't know, and you aren't going to think about what I say, you are just going to be angry because you've made this nice little bubble where you all agree with each other, and now I'm threatening that. However, acting like this is a disgrace to the ideas and legacy of Ray Peat, and will prevent you from ever having real understanding, or making your own or others lives and health better.
You are only threatening your own health by injecting the body with experimental liquids my friend. And probably your kid you mentioned, unfortunately. You are trying to rationalize your stupidity rather than trying to convince anyone that they are wrong. You gave ZERO evidence that the so called "vaccines" stopped the virus. What stopped the virus was the War in Ukraine and the media stopped reporting on COVID.

The fact that you were scared shitless, hid in your home, wore the face diapers and injected yourself with poison truly shows how little you actually know.


Dec 8, 2016
I am going to quote my favorite passage from Ray Peat, which I think embodies his whole paradigm and why he dislikes the culture of modern medicine.

So we see this dynamic in modern society everywhere now where people are self organizing into little echo chambers where they share the same conspiracy theories over and over, and dehumanize and straw man anyone not part of their group. Go to basically any subreddit about anything, and you will see this. What these groups get is a phenomena called social evaporative cooling- only the most aggressive and unreasonable people remain... people able to tolerate nuance and question their own views bounce out. What you are left with is an authoritarian prescription where everyone believes the same commodified knowledge, that none of them actually understand in depth or can question.

This, sadly is what has happened to this Ray Peat forum in the decade I've been gone... which is ironic because the entire point of Ray Peats ideas and teachings is to give people tools to avoid this. You guys hang on every word he says as some authoritarian prescription, a commodified knowledge, while not understanding what led him to believe it. If you guys had the power to do so, you would create your own system structured exactly like the medical system we have, but with even worse information and a shallower understanding of biology as its basis. None of you are putting in the decades of research and study Ray did to understand things at this depth on his own. For the most part, Ray's actual views on things are no longer useful. About half of them are no longer controversial in modern science and medicine- the central role of metabolic function in disease is actually a mainstream concept nowadays with ideas like the "Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness" gaining widespread popularity. Much of the other half is outdated, and not updated with recent information. What he did leave you is a blueprint to become a deep thinker that can solve problems on your own, but you aren't seeing the forest for the trees.

It's not helpful to you, or to me for me to argue with you guys about vaccines. You don't know what you don't know, and you aren't going to think about what I say, you are just going to be angry because you've made this nice little bubble where you all agree with each other, and now I'm threatening that. The things you are telling me have no information content or thought behind them, they are empty nonsense at best. Even Ray's quotes you are sharing, you are not understanding. Acting like this is a disgrace to the ideas and legacy of Ray Peat, and will prevent you from ever having real understanding, or making your own or others lives and health better.
You are educated
You appear intelligent
But you are not wise

Very shallow postmodern thinking

There is a thing out there called Truth
Too bad you have missed it


A man who has probably just made the biggest mistake of his life says we are threatened by him. Not in the least. Just a reminder

The problem is that our bodies can copy foreign RNA and DNA and incorporate the copies into our chromosomes. If they are genes for viral proteins, it’s possible that during a future stress, those foreign genes could be expressed throughout our body, creating overwhelming amounts of those toxic proteins. The copies could be inserted into sperm cells and eggs as well as body cells, forming part of future generations. No sane person would consider doing it, if they understood how our cells respond to alien nucleic acids.- Ray Peat
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Jul 25, 2022
I am going to quote my favorite passage from Ray Peat, which I think embodies his whole paradigm and why he dislikes the culture of modern medicine. This is from Karen Mcc's interview with Peat... Karen was someone I considered a friend that also left the community and I lost contact with her.

So we see this dynamic in modern society everywhere now where people are self organizing into little echo chambers where they share the same conspiracy theories over and over, and dehumanize and straw man anyone not part of their group. Go to basically any subreddit about anything, and you will see this. What these groups get is a phenomena called social evaporative cooling- only the most aggressive and unreasonable people remain... people able to tolerate nuance and question their own views bounce out. What you are left with is an authoritarian prescription where everyone believes the same commodified knowledge, that none of them actually understand in depth or can question.

This, sadly is what has happened to this Ray Peat forum in the decade I've been gone... which is ironic because the entire point of Ray Peats ideas and teachings is to give people tools to avoid this. You guys hang on every word he says as some authoritarian prescription, a commodified knowledge, while not understanding what led him to believe it. If you guys had the power to do so, you would create your own system structured exactly like the medical system we have, but with even worse information and a shallower understanding of biology as its basis. None of you are putting in the decades of research and study Ray did to understand things at this depth on his own. For the most part, Ray's actual views on things are no longer useful. About half of them are no longer controversial in modern science and medicine- the central role of metabolic function in disease is actually a mainstream concept nowadays with ideas like the "Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness" gaining widespread popularity. Much of the other half is outdated, and not updated with recent information. What he did leave you is a blueprint to become a deep thinker that can solve problems on your own, but you aren't seeing the forest for the trees.

It's not helpful to you, or to me for me to argue with you guys about vaccines. You don't know what you don't know, and you aren't going to think about what I say, you are just going to be angry because you've made this nice little bubble where you all agree with each other, and now I'm threatening that. The things you are telling me have no information content or thought behind them, they are empty nonsense at best. Even Ray's quotes you are sharing, you are not understanding. Acting like this is a disgrace to the ideas and legacy of Ray Peat, and will prevent you from ever having real understanding, or making your own or others lives and health better.
I was pro vaccine prior to covid... it required an opened mind, (Perhaps my curiosity was peaked due to blatant lies we were being fed via the media and supposed “experts”) to change my mind and it came with a lot of denial and anguish as well as relationships being ruined along the way.

Waking up to the lies we’ve been fed, which runs so much deeper than just quacksines, our minds create a lot of cognitive dissonance in response, so I understand why many people refuse to start the process.


Apr 19, 2020
I am going to quote my favorite passage from Ray Peat, which I think embodies his whole paradigm and why he dislikes the culture of modern medicine. This is from Karen Mcc's interview with Peat... Karen was someone I considered a friend that also left the community and I lost contact with her.

So we see this dynamic in modern society everywhere now where people are self organizing into little echo chambers where they share the same conspiracy theories over and over, and dehumanize and straw man anyone not part of their group. Go to basically any subreddit about anything, and you will see this. What these groups get is a phenomena called social evaporative cooling- only the most aggressive and unreasonable people remain... people able to tolerate nuance and question their own views bounce out. What you are left with is an authoritarian prescription where everyone believes the same commodified knowledge, that none of them actually understand in depth or can question.

This, sadly is what has happened to this Ray Peat forum in the decade I've been gone... which is ironic because the entire point of Ray Peats ideas and teachings is to give people tools to avoid this. You guys hang on every word he says as some authoritarian prescription, a commodified knowledge, while not understanding what led him to believe it. If you guys had the power to do so, you would create your own system structured exactly like the medical system we have, but with even worse information and a shallower understanding of biology as its basis. None of you are putting in the decades of research and study Ray did to understand things at this depth on his own. For the most part, Ray's actual views on things are no longer useful. About half of them are no longer controversial in modern science and medicine- the central role of metabolic function in disease is actually a mainstream concept nowadays with ideas like the "Brain Energy Theory of Mental Illness" gaining widespread popularity. Much of the other half is outdated, and not updated with recent information. What he did leave you is a blueprint to become a deep thinker that can solve problems on your own, but you aren't seeing the forest for the trees.

It's not helpful to you, or to me for me to argue with you guys about vaccines. You don't know what you don't know, and you aren't going to think about what I say, you are just going to be angry because you've made this nice little bubble where you all agree with each other, and now I'm threatening that. The things you are telling me have no information content or thought behind them, they are empty nonsense at best. Even Ray's quotes you are sharing, you are not understanding. Acting like this is a disgrace to the ideas and legacy of Ray Peat, and will prevent you from ever having real understanding, or making your own or others lives and health better.
Very excellent examination of the commodified (science tm) medical knowlege phenomenon. I also have noticed there is a tendency to make Ray Peat the saviour, and to take his word as Gospel. But it is ridicule - ous of you, yes contemptious of you, to say we (the forum people nowadays) don't know jack sh*t about vaccines. There has never been isolation/purification taken directly from a host animal/person. Full stop.

Here is a great summary- a comment from something I was reading yesterday:
“Viruses” cannot be shown to exist as defined, which in simple terms means a sub-microscopic protein-covered length of RNA or DNA that can infect a host, reproduce and subsequently be transmitted by the host’s own biological mechanisms to infect again.

It simply is not good enough to point to imagery of objects or sequences of RNA/DNA and declare “this is the virus” without showing, end to end, that it actually does everything they claim it can do.

The “isolation” process for viruses is completely different to that for other protein-sized substances, and involves contaminating the sample rather than purifying it; this in itself is utter madness, and a fine example of the backwards pseudoscientific thinking of virology.

This fact alone ought to be problematic enough, given that reliable techniques do exist to routinely isolate other proteins that closely resemble viruses in all but name.

The main reason why a radically different technique is used for viruses seems to be that pathogenicity experiments always fail otherwise.

Also to go further/lateral/upwards with the essence of @ThinPicking stated above somewhere, is that there are many ways 'supposed' mRna cannot enter a cell and integrate into nucleus DNA.
Excerpt from above=Torsten Engelbrecht and Stefano Scoglio:
Torsten Engelbrecht: Everybody seems to agree that the mRNA injections work by teaching our cells to make spike proteins. The only dispute is whether these spike proteins produced are harmless or harmful. But in your opinion, it is not the spike proteins that do these health damages. In fact, you say that the idea that spike proteins are produced is a kind of a chimera. What evidence is there to support your thesis?

Stefano Scoglio: This is scientifically evident already from the fact that it’s impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and produce anything. Anybody who talks about spike proteins and embraces the story diffused by the pharmaceutical companies just accepts that as given. But nobody is reading the damned scientific literature.

In my book Apandemia: Dalla Falsa Scienza alla più Grande Truffa della Storia (“No Pandemic: From False Science to the Greatest Scam in History”, cover see below), I report all the scientific literature up to 2021. That is at the same time that the Corona “vaccines” were released.

TE: Why, then, is it impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and cause it to produce spike proteins?

SS: The first thing the researchers in the field state is that the living cell is a “formidable barrier”, very difficult if not impossible to penetrate. And then they list 5 factors that prevent the mRNA to enter cells, getting into the ribosomes where the spike protein is supposed to be produced:

First: As soon as the genic material is injected, it is attacked by specific enzymes called extra-cellular ribonucleases, which degrade any foreign genetic material. Pharmaceutical companies claim that the lipid nanoparticles are supposed to protect the mRNA from the enzymatic attack: But nobody knows how much protection is offered. As the Pfizer “vaccine” injects 30 micrograms of mRNA, let’s say that about half, 15 micrograms, survive.

Second: At this point, the mRNA/lipids blend has to enter the cell, supposedly through endocytosis, i.e. the cell is forming an external pouch that brings in the material. But, the researchers state, often instead of endocytosis the cell produces exocytosis, that is the pouch is used to keep the foreign material outside: Let’s say that half enters and so we now have 7.5 micrograms inside the cell.

Third: At this point enters the endosomes/lysosome system: all scientists in the field know that this enzymatic endocellular system attacks, degrades and eliminate at least 98 percent of any foreign material entering the cells. We are now down to 0.15 micrograms, that 150 nanograms, an infinitesimal quantity.

Fourth: If this were the end, you could at least claim that a very minuscule dose would enter the ribosomes. But alas, the ribonuclease enzymes are also inside the cell, they are called endocellular ribonucleases, and they would dispose very quickly of the minuscule amount of mRNA.

Finally, the researchers mention a fifth element, the most important, the one that makes all the processes described so far completely useless and unnecessary. And that also explains why this material is so toxic without needing to introduce any spike protein. They indicate that these “vaccines” are so highly immunogenic. Indeed, they use this word immunogenic.

Immunogenic means able to irritate the immune system so much that it reacts very violently. So immunogenic means highly toxic. In fact, they describe the mRNA and synthetic lipids as “self-adjuvants.”

Whereas in other vaccines such as the ones for children, you have to introduce aluminum, for instance, to make the immune system respond. But here, you don’t need to add anything because this material is as toxic as aluminum or worse. It’s so highly toxic that as soon as you inject it the immune system attacks it and then it explodes into millions of nano-particles in the body.

This is actually what has been proven afterwards. Because the only study that has evaluated the biodistribution of the Pfizer Corona “vaccine” is a Japanese study done by the government in co-operation with Pfizer.

Pfizer tried to secrete this study, but it was released through a Freedom of Information Act, in short FOIA, request.

And in this study they found that in the mice into which they injected the material, especially the lipids were found unaltered, unmodified, unchanged. That means, if they had entered the cells, they would’ve been metabolized and you wouldn’t have found them in the same way you have injected them. That means they have not entered into any cell, but they diffused in all organs of the body, and particularly liver, spleen, female ovary and kidneys.

So accepting that viruses are real, and the evidence shown by actual scientific papers which Scoglio is referring to, illustrate the cognitive dissonance which is inherent in the system.... and it also illistrates the actual conspiracy to mislead and OWN the space of "scientific medicine as commodity" etc.. . There simply is no proof of a virus anywhere, anytime in the real world we live in. Adding and mixing multiple DNA sources in the purification/isolation process of 'virology' is anti-scientific if one is performing science.

Side note: I did have dinner the other week with a former TGA authority figure (CDC) here in Australia, and he could not provide any proof that exosomes alone are what are considered viruses. No studies done, no interest towards this, and oh yeah, the funding for the CDC comes from the Federal budget the medical/pharmaceutical industry: A private/public partnership. Just Sayin'.

One more thing relating to this thread: controlled Op. Name says it all.

Over and out


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
What he did leave you is a blueprint to become a deep thinker that can solve problems on your own,
I’ve personally been doing this in the 9-10 years since you left and wholeheartedly agree that Peat first and foremost wanted to teach us to think for ourselves.
Mar 21, 2014
I’ve personally been doing this in the 9-10 years since you left and wholeheartedly agree that Peat first and foremost wanted to teach us to think for ourselves.
Hi Blossom, good to see you again. I remember really enjoying talking with you.
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