Jordan Peterson Is Recovering From A Severe Addiction To Benzodiazepine Tranquilizers


Sep 17, 2022
West Coast USA
This thread might be of some help.
Thank you, I will check it out.


Aug 12, 2020
I started typing and unfortunately got way too long winded as I listed potential complications, and the different stages of side effects over the years. So I guess I'll save it for its own thread and keep it simple and focus just on the side effects that I still have currently.
I was prescribed Clonazepam (klonopin generic) for PTSD at the age of 19. Prior to this, I had great erection quality, quite far above average semen volume and penis size and a seemingly quite high libido despite my anxiety/stress issues and my horrible diet full of grain and pufa, sedentary lifestyle, and underweight physique. While I was on the drug I had no issues with these areas either. I got taken off cold turkey twice, in the span of a few weeks and experienced kindling (intensifying of post withdrawal syndrome by shocking the body with cold turkey withdrawals repeatedly) since my idiot doctor went on vacation for a month and refused to pick up the phone and benzos are regarded as dangerous narcotics that make it impossible to get refills during emergencies.

It's been around 6 or 7 years and these are the symptoms that are still with me.

Exercise intolerance: easy to ramp up my cortisol and hard to bring it back down. Stay sore longer than seems reasonable and hard to bring my body temp back down after exercise.
Very little drive to seek out the opposite sex or date, (may be mostly psychological due to years of sexual dysfunction side effects robbing me of confidence.)
Generally low motivation (again, likely ties to low expectations for relationship success due to lost sexual confidence and feelings of hopelessness)
Very weak to mild libido (sometimes seems high, but may be just me seeking stimulation in hopes that the right stimulation may psychologically prove to myself I can return to former level of erectile function)
Initially zero morning erections/nocturnal erections, but nowadays I generally get both but they are not half as strong/full as before.
Anhedonia, at least partially. Complication: I've smoked marijuana off and on and to some degree it helps with this (and seemingly with libido/sexual function) but may be part of why I experience anhedonia still.
Greatly weakened sensation in penis.
Erectile dysfunction, severe at first, now I can mostly reliably get a partial erection but it doesn't feel right... by this I mean, I don't get as long or full & engorged and it doesnt feel as though my erection is extending to the portion of my penis that is within my body like before, seems as though most of the erect tissue is near the middle of my penis, and little is at the base and tip. Also requires constant stimulation to maintain whereas before I didn't need any manual stimulation to maintain.
Penile shrinkage, both erect and flaccid. Hard to determine how much is due to erectile dysfunction, sometimes I get very close to my former healthy size. (greatly effects me psychologically and as a result makes it hard to determine to what degree my condition is psychological vs physical)
Testicular atrophy, primarily on my left testicle, right may be nearly the same as before or slightly smaller, but hard to tell.
Change in semen consistency and reduced volume. Thick white consistency had changed to watery consistency on average. Distressing as I generally had an unusually 'healthy' volume and consistency prior.
Occasional feelings of stifled or difficult urination seemingly indicating a prostate issue.
Hair loss/thinning - seemingly brought on by the stress of all this. Seems to have stabilized after the first year but has not returned to original thickness
Seborrheic dermatitis - scalp, beard and eyebrow area. (worsened by sweating, and probably by eating grain)
Regularly feeling as though my body is

I'll probably elaborate in a dedicated thread about what I have tried so far and any potential complication. I feel that I've been very, very slowly restoring my ability to get an erection but things are still not quite right.

Pertaining to Peterson: the red flags for me besides his quick rise to fame are that he was employed by the UN as I recall, and if you are Christian, then his sympathies for Christianity aren't exactly worth much because he, at least in the past, seemed to view Christianity purely in a Jungian point of view. Maybe this has changed in recent years, I haven't paid much attention to him in a long time.
Damn friend, your symptoms are EXACTLY the same as many PFS victims. The "watery semen" is also a very common symptom in PFS.

Ever tried any serious treatments like TRT, serms, steroids,...?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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