Haidut Interview Is fasting worth it? With Georgi Dinkov and CarnivoreMD


Sep 26, 2022
“we all now salt is bad but mineral rich Himalayan salt is great”
Also he never said salt was bad, he always promoted sodium

And he never promoted Himalayan salt.

He said he personally consumes Redmond’s to avoid sea pollution, which is a valid concern with sea salt.

Ray is very specific about what salt he eats/promotes too, I don’t see the problem


Dec 28, 2021
Also he never said salt was bad, he always promoted sodium

And he never promoted Himalayan salt.

He said he personally consumes Redmond’s to avoid sea pollution, which is a valid concern with sea salt.

Ray is very specific about what salt he eats/promotes too, I don’t see the problem
From an old video description of his:

"Imagine that! Food might actually be more complex than just calories, and macronutrients! It might actually have different effects on your body when it’s a “whole” food like honey or even sea salt vs refined sodium chloride." -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vrJjWytffU&t=883s

I don't see a problem either, as long as people realize he's a salesman first, "nutritional expert" or whatever second


Sep 26, 2022
he's a salesman first

below I am posting some videos that give more background on Paul and his mission

Link” (this one especially)

“The remembering”

“This is my Why”

“Why I live in Costa Rica “

Who is Paul Saladino”

Western medicine needs to look at the root cause

The problem with western medicine

Why is it so hard to believe that someone would be making educational content on health and nutrition for the benefit of others?

Paul has been doing his best to Red Pill people, and doing a very good job at it. For that, he is a hero in my eyes.
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Dec 15, 2022

View: https://youtu.be/ACRank3xHpY

Have you all seen this? Albeit posted by a vegan. But it is mortifying all around; with all involved.

1- Strong Sistas are on it. They too have made a huge change diet wise.
2- these other Doctors should be ashamed of themselves. Their behavior is appalling. Absolutely disgusting.
3- Paul needed the balls to either get up and excuse himself (hard to do; but warranted and great TV) OR saying
“You can not speak to me this way. I am a guest on your show.” And mean it.
Talk about a missed opportunity to gain respect as a carnivore / testosterone fueled male.

Overall -
Im unimpressed with him. I align with Joy above. It’s obvious to me what he is good at and what he lacks. And that’s ok.

I’ve enjoyed the conversation. Thank you all.


Apr 6, 2023
I really don’t see how Paul was being dogmatic.

dogmatism- “the tendency to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true, without consideration of evidence or the opinions of others”

Since the beginning Paul has done things such as debate people he disagreed with.

Having the opinion that a zero carb carnivore diet is the optimal diet for humans then then pushing this message to your audience is not “dogmatic” just because he wrong. Dogmatic would be refusing to look at opposing scientific literature, creating an echo chamber by never debating anyone, etc.

It seems to me Paul have been in search of the Truth since the beginning, and just because he made some wrong turns in his journey doesn’t mean he’s a bad person/ a charlaton. Even in his old videos about keto he’s really delving into research articles to try to explain in laymans terms the science behind his argument. This is the opposite of “dogmatic”
He had a negative bias on fruit, honey, sugar, fructose, and he discarded some people experience and theories, even some of the people he talked to on his youtube channel when he was "hardcore carnivore ",While he already mentioned Ray peat and he was already influenced by some of his ideas, it's already too high a degree of dogmatism;

then when he started to suffer from symptoms according to him, there he reintroduced honey and later fruits, and suddenly the same theories and experiences he had discarded, became "evidences".

The reason he didn’t stop using this term is because he still eats organs- the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, meat- a very high quality protein with some b vitamins too, and animal fats, the proper fats
He call his diet "animal based" independently of the ratio of animal foods to plants foods, whever in term of volume, or in term of "nutrition", even if he eats a pound of muscle meat, no organs or half an once of liver, plenty of fruits and coconut water, he still calls it "animal based"even if it reaches a stage where animal foods no longer provide "the majority of nutrients" in his diet, that is a fraud

What’s wrong with that?

Sounds like perceive think act to me
it's the même because it's paradoxical to claim that while at the same time the way he spoke and part of what he said was opposed to that

@Sapien I specify I do not think that he is a villain
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Dec 8, 2016
Paul is being defended here?


Here’s my quick reasoning:

Had a dear friend interview personally with the Liver King.
I had zero idea who this was
Looked him up
And zero point three seconds knew the guy was juiced

Took Paul how many years to figure this out?

Oh please

This guy is all about an opportunity
Offers nothing of substance to me
Has as much to offer as a clip from Ray’s toenail
Piggy toenail at that

Very surprised he is defended and embraced by those that follow Peat


Dec 28, 2021
below I am posting some videos that give more background on Paul and his mission

Link” (this one especially)

“The remembering”

“This is my Why”

“Why I live in Costa Rica “

Who is Paul Saladino”

Western medicine needs to look at the root cause

The problem with western medicine

Why is it so hard to believe that someone would be making educational content on health and nutrition for the benefit of others?

Paul has been doing his best to Red Pill people, and doing a very good job at it. For that, he is a hero in my eyes.
You're right, maybe I'm being too critical. It's just that I have had tendencies myself to go all in into different concepts - whether it be health, nutrition, conspiracy theories, philosophies etc etc. It's easy to disregard ones own context and specific situation for pre packaged formulas.


Sep 26, 2022
And zero point three seconds knew the guy was juiced

Took Paul how many years to figure this out?
Honestly liver king claiming to eat bull testicles instead of doing steroids is not that outlandish. They are both essentially just testosterone. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Paul gave him the benefit of the doubt.


Sep 26, 2022
Offers nothing of substance to me
Kind of a selfish argument

What about the 20k+ people he exposed to Georgi Dinkov?

He’s one of the only people working to get these ideas about pufa and animal vs plant nutrition to the mainstream.


Sep 26, 2022
He call his diet "animal based" independently of the ratio of animal foods to plants foods, whever in term of volume, or in term of "nutrition", even if he eats a pound of muscle meat, no organs or half an once of liver, plenty of fruits and coconut water, he still calls it "animal based"even if it reaches a stage where animal foods no longer provide "the majority of nutrients" in his diet, that is a fraud
Your argument is null because in his videos you can clearly see that all of his nutrients/ fats/ proteins come from animal food


Apr 6, 2023
Your argument is null because in his videos you can clearly see that all of his nutrients/ fats/ proteins come from animal food
No i can not see that, and his videos do not show what he eats every single days, in every quantity and every ratios, ratios and quantities than even him said that that he has been varying, mentionning 1 pound of meat of day


Sep 26, 2022
his videos do not show what he eats every single days, in every quantity and every ratios, ratios and quantities
He has several “what I eat in a day” and even plugs it into Cronometer in one of them

(Note: I am not endorsing his diet advice. He is consuming 2x more fat calories than carbs, and his iron intake is high. The purpose of my posts has been to defend his character not his diet advice. He needs to read some more Ray Peat. But I think his heart is in the right place)

Are you claiming that he’s secretly stuffing his face with plants when the cameras go off?
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Apr 6, 2023
He has several “what I eat in a day” and even plugs it into Cronometer in one of them

Are you claiming that he’s secretly stuffing his face with plants when the cameras go off?
No I'm not saying that, Already I have no way of knowing if Paul does what he says and eats what he shows in these videos, so I don't claims nothing at all, I'm saying that Paul himself mentioned that he varied the amounts/ratios of what he ate and sometimes during certain times, and in one of those videos he mentioned that at that time he was eating 1 pound of muscle meat, and potentially a very small amount of liver, when you reach this stage, at this point the "nutrient" intake is roughly equivalent between animal and plant foods, potentially in favor of plant

What does it matter if it’s one pound or 2 pounds. He’s still eating an “animal based”diet

whether you define "based" in terms of nutrients, or volume, at a certain point it is no longer an "animal base diet",

anyway this term is used in a fraudulent way


Sep 26, 2022
plant foods, potentially in favor of plant

No I'm not saying that, Already I have no way of knowing if Paul does what he says and eats what he shows in these videos, so I don't claims nothing at all, I'm saying that Paul himself mentioned that he varied the amounts/ratios of what he ate and sometimes during certain times, and in one of those videos he mentioned that at that time he was eating 1 pound of muscle meat, and potentially a very small amount of liver, when you reach this stage, at this point the "nutrient" intake is roughly equivalent between animal and plant foods, potentially in favor of plant

whether you define "based" in terms of nutrients, or volume, at a certain point it is no longer an "animal base diet",

anyway this term is used in a fraudulent way
How is it fraudulent lmfao. All his protein, micronutrients besides vitamin c and potassium, and fat come from animal foods every single day. He’s eating 270 grams of animal fat a day for god sakes. If that’s not “animal based” I don’t know what is.

At this point the nutrient intake is equivalent between plant and animal foods
You had a valid argument earlier of him using the “animal based” term as a way to weasel out of the “carnivore” diet.

Now you have shifted it for some reason to claim he is not always eating an animal based diet. This is simply not true so I am defending this specific point, not your other argument which I agree with actually
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Apr 6, 2023
How is it fraudulent lmfao. All his protein, micronutrients besides vitamin c and potassium, and fat come from animal foods every single day. He’s eating 270 grams of animal fat a day for god sakes. If that’s not “animal based” I don’t know what is.
I invite you to think about why calling his diet "animal-based" and not calling it "omnivorous" when fruit was necessary for him to be symptom-free, when honey alone was not sufficient (according to his own speech), and continuing to call it "animal-based" regardless of the quantity and proportions, whether in terms of volume or "nutrition", is wrong, potentially dishonest if he realise that it is wrong,

He doesn't pretend to eat 270 grams of fat every single day, I doubt he's still forcing himself to eat big hard blocks of grass fed raw suet when he has access to other much more palatable and digestible foods

You had a valid argument earlier of him using the “animal based” term as a way to weasel out of the “carnivore” diet.

Now you have shifted it for some reason to claim he is not always eating an animal based diet. This is simply not true so I am defending this specific point, not your other argument which I agree with actually

Neither of these "claims" is opposed to the other, I invite you to reread, I do not want to repeat too much with some nuances and make the post less fruitful and more boring to read

It seems that you sometimes read too fast and rush to answer point by point without reading the whole, this truncates your understanding of what the person is saying, and makes you answer something that is not specifically relevant or related to what the person said, so I invite you to be more attentive
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Mar 21, 2021
Not sure why you're unable to understand context. Never mentioned the food pyramid.
When he originally started he was carnivore and the only other big carnivore out there was Shawn baker who ate strictly muscle meat. Where Paul said we needed the organs and really pushed organ meats and was letting his audience know about the dangers of PUFAs and the benefits of saturated fats.

And then added honey after two years of being carnivore , then started adding some fruits later.

He is still anti vegetable.
So he built his brand name as carnivore md

but he has evolved, he went where the evidence lead him. But I guess you were born with this knowledge


Mar 21, 2021
I wanna how all of you were born with knowledge and where not frauds. Tell me or shut up
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