Is Allithiamine Holy Grail? Against The World With Smile?

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Hello all, so I bought some allithiamine by ecological formulas and its amazing. I am peating about almost 1 year and I still have some problems with it. To be honest, I think that alot of people are here because they want more energy, better health and overall better life. I can say that I tried alot of things like oxidal, kuinone, niacinamide, caffeine, p5p, thiamine hcl and combinations of this things for more energy. My case is that nothing worked like allithiamine and its ******* good feeling when I wake up with alot of energy, hurry for food and go happy to my bad work when there are all exhausted even its morning and they see me with big smile like the cat from Alice in the wonderland. So when they see me full of energy, they are trying to steal me it so they putted on me huge amount of work and thought that I will crash. But that didnt happen. I did it all so my boss was really proud on me. The better thing was that I went to home and I still had so much energy so I did all the boring work like cleaning dishes, making food on next day, taking my brother from school etc.... Read half of a book, wrote little bit with my girl and was thinking what I will do tomorrov. Only thing I am worried about is silicon dioxide, please, do you know what I can do against it? How I can minimize the harm from it? Its in gelatin capsules so can I dissolve it with coconut oil? Thank you.


Apr 16, 2013
Hello all, so I bought some allithiamine by ecological formulas and its amazing. I am peating about almost 1 year and I still have some problems with it. To be honest, I think that alot of people are here because they want more energy, better health and overall better life. I can say that I tried alot of things like oxidal, kuinone, niacinamide, caffeine, p5p, thiamine hcl and combinations of this things for more energy. My case is that nothing worked like allithiamine and its ******* good feeling when I wake up with alot of energy, hurry for food and go happy to my bad work when there are all exhausted even its morning and they see me with big smile like the cat from Alice in the wonderland. So when they see me full of energy, they are trying to steal me it so they putted on me huge amount of work and thought that I will crash. But that didnt happen. I did it all so my boss was really proud on me. The better thing was that I went to home and I still had so much energy so I did all the boring work like cleaning dishes, making food on next day, taking my brother from school etc.... Read half of a book, wrote little bit with my girl and was thinking what I will do tomorrov. Only thing I am worried about is silicon dioxide, please, do you know what I can do against it? How I can minimize the harm from it? Its in gelatin capsules so can I dissolve it with coconut oil? Thank you.
I sure know what you are experiencing, as that is what happened to me after trying other B1 supplements for several months without any energy gains and decided to try Allithiamine. I took one capsule at evening meal and overnight energy, and it continues. I think the transport mechanism was broken so the B1 was not crossing my BBB, but Allithiamine does. I take the same and decided not to worry about the silica, because anything that gave that much energy, I would be able to detoxify the fillers. You might not have to take it forever. My body does get lethargic if I stop, so I take a couple times weekly. I started Jan 2016, and at the time the research was it takes six months to get replete, so I took daily for six months.
Broken man

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I sure know what you are experiencing, as that is what happened to me after trying other B1 supplements for several months without any energy gains and decided to try Allithiamine. I took one capsule at evening meal and overnight energy, and it continues. I think the transport mechanism was broken so the B1 was not crossing my BBB, but Allithiamine does. I take the same and decided not to worry about the silica, because anything that gave that much energy, I would be able to detoxify the fillers. You might not have to take it forever. My body does get lethargic if I stop, so I take a couple times weekly. I started Jan 2016, and at the time the research was it takes six months to get replete, so I took daily for six months.
Yeah, its amazing but I am little scary about silica because I am celiac and I have problems with alot of fillers and anti caking agents.


Oct 15, 2016
Allithiamine is also very good. If you want to build tissue storage of thiamine then you probably need allithiamine since it is fat soluble and has much longer half-life. I think I saw a study with mice where after feeding them allithiamine for 1 week the mice did not get thiamine deficiency for more than 6 months during which they were made to binge drink massive amounts of alcohol that should have caused Wernicke encephalopathy. Alcohol depletes thiamine like a thirsty camel, so allithiamine managed to withstand that. Maybe regular thiamine would have done the same but it was not tested to compare with allithiamine. Vitamin Shoppe has an allithiamine product on sale. It is not their product but they sell it and since it does not sell very well they often cut the price by like 30%-50% at which point it is a very good buy.
Personally, after finding that study showing that thiamine Hcl is quite bioavailable I do not use allithiamine much either, but I still keep some leftover just in case I need to compare for things like endurance exercise or mental performance.

If regular vitamin B1 (the Hcl salt) is used then in some people it is not absorbed properly, and even it is absorbed it does not improve vitamin B1 status by converting into thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) which is what is needed for the enzyme PDH to work and lower pyruvate/lactate. This study compared oral allithiamine with IV regular thiamine and found that only the oral allithiamine and IV thiamine improved the red blood cell thiamine status. Oral regular thiamine had absolutely no effect.
Absorption, utilization and clinical effectiveness of allithiamines compared to water-soluble thiamines. - PubMed - NCBI

Incidentally, the human study with thiamine for Parkinson also used IM route:
Thiamine (B1) Reverses Parkinson Disease In Humans

In the past, human studies with oral thiamine Hcl for conditions such as Alzheimer and alcoholic dementia have used up to 8,000mg daily. I think it comes down to absorption and conversion into TPP. For someone who is in poor health taking oral thiamine will probably not be optimal due to absorption and poor conversion into TPP (ATP is needed for that). So, for those people I think taking oral allithiamine and some thyroid may be the only feasible option short of IV/IM in a clinical setting.

Excellent! Thank you so much.
So, this means they got about 25mg / L concentration, which is 83 uMol / L. That is not too high and is achievable with about 500mg oral thiamine taken for at least a week. There is a recent study which found that oral and IV thiamine actually achieve the same concentration at the same dose but the oral thiamine has to be taken for longer. So, taking 500mg oral thiamine daily for a week will achieve concentrations on the 7th day comparable to a single IV dose of 500mg thiamine. So, it looks like there is no need for even allithiamine or all the other expensive fat-soluble thiamines. Plain old thiamine Hcl will do just fine if used for a few days.

I just discovered that plain old thiamine Hcl achieves the same bioavailability as the fat-soluble thiamines provided you take it for at least 7 days. So, taking 300mg oral thiamine Hcl for a week will achieve the same blood levels as taking 300mg allithiamine. All thiamines may give you bad smell due to the sulfur they contain. So, use at your own risk but I think it is a small price to pay given the benefits.

You could ask cardiovascular research if it's possible to buy the powder directly from them rather than in the form of caps/tablets.


May 17, 2016
Glad to hear you found something that works. I have tried sulbutiamine with good results, have you tried it? I wanted to try allithiamine but it can get expensive. Which dose did you used?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Hello all, so I bought some allithiamine by ecological formulas and its amazing. I am peating about almost 1 year and I still have some problems with it. To be honest, I think that alot of people are here because they want more energy, better health and overall better life. I can say that I tried alot of things like oxidal, kuinone, niacinamide, caffeine, p5p, thiamine hcl and combinations of this things for more energy. My case is that nothing worked like allithiamine and its ******* good feeling when I wake up with alot of energy, hurry for food and go happy to my bad work when there are all exhausted even its morning and they see me with big smile like the cat from Alice in the wonderland. So when they see me full of energy, they are trying to steal me it so they putted on me huge amount of work and thought that I will crash. But that didnt happen. I did it all so my boss was really proud on me. The better thing was that I went to home and I still had so much energy so I did all the boring work like cleaning dishes, making food on next day, taking my brother from school etc.... Read half of a book, wrote little bit with my girl and was thinking what I will do tomorrov. Only thing I am worried about is silicon dioxide, please, do you know what I can do against it? How I can minimize the harm from it? Its in gelatin capsules so can I dissolve it with coconut oil? Thank you.
The Cheshire Cat smile is not typically associated with happiness. More like madness.
Broken man

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
You could ask cardiovascular research if it's possible to buy the powder directly from them rather than in the form of caps/tablets.
Thank you, I was taking really huge amounts of thiamine hcl with no effect. Last time I tried it, I had alot of lactate I think, my whole body was in pain, I had problems with just walking. I was eating thiamine hcl with teaspoon and nothing so I decided that I dont want this state again, I wanted try it and I can say that I really know what I will try get without fillers and other nasty stuff. This thing is really the one thing what I was looking for. The problem is that I found only their phone number.
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Broken man

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Glad to hear you found something that works. I have tried sulbutiamine with good results, have you tried it? I wanted to try allithiamine but it can get expensive. Which dose did you used?
I was doing 100 mg every day. I didnt try sulbutiamine but I will maybe.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
That could be true but Its because my coworkers were mad like never :D
Madness comes from god

Where as sober sense

Is merely human


Madness comes from Vit B

Where as sober sense

Is merely hypometobalic

~ Wholesome Woman


Apr 5, 2016
Having read through this thread I am still not sure if it is better to take thiamine or allithiamine.

Haidut sais that

haidut said:
"I just discovered that plain old thiamine Hcl achieves the same bioavailability as the fat-soluble thiamines provided you take it for at least 7 days. So, taking 300mg oral thiamine Hcl for a week will achieve the same blood levels as taking 300mg allithiamine. All thiamines may give you bad smell due to the sulfur they contain. So, use at your own risk but I think it is a small price to pay given the benefits."

But @Broken man you are saying that has not been your experience. Seems to me that if I have a choice between both that I should go for allithiamine due to the conflicting studies on Thiamine HCL absorption.
Broken man

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I would say experiment is the best way to know this. I like allithiamine but the only one is by ecological formulas and its with bad additives so I think that if you can buy thiamine hcl powder, try it first.


Nov 28, 2016
Hello all, so I bought some allithiamine by ecological formulas and its amazing. I am peating about almost 1 year and I still have some problems with it. To be honest, I think that alot of people are here because they want more energy, better health and overall better life. I can say that I tried alot of things like oxidal, kuinone, niacinamide, caffeine, p5p, thiamine hcl and combinations of this things for more energy. My case is that nothing worked like allithiamine and its ******* good feeling when I wake up with alot of energy, hurry for food and go happy to my bad work when there are all exhausted even its morning and they see me with big smile like the cat from Alice in the wonderland. So when they see me full of energy, they are trying to steal me it so they putted on me huge amount of work and thought that I will crash. But that didnt happen. I did it all so my boss was really proud on me. The better thing was that I went to home and I still had so much energy so I did all the boring work like cleaning dishes, making food on next day, taking my brother from school etc.... Read half of a book, wrote little bit with my girl and was thinking what I will do tomorrov. Only thing I am worried about is silicon dioxide, please, do you know what I can do against it? How I can minimize the harm from it? Its in gelatin capsules so can I dissolve it with coconut oil? Thank you.
@haidut I want to offer this as fyi...I believe thiamine deficiency is a bigger deal than we know. See link below,
The Way Up Newsletter -The Benefits of Fat Soluble Vitamin B1 - Allithiamne
A few years ago I tested very low for thiamine and thought little of it until I began having various neuro symptoms that I thought were low B12. I have some adverse genetics in this area. The worst was massive gerd and what felt like ibs/right side inflammation (cancer came to mind since it runs in my family). I ultimately had my gallbladder taken out (dx with mild chronic inflammation of the gallbladder) which has led to many other challenges. Chose to stop my digestive enzyme supplement because I thought the protease was making everything worse. I currently take a combination herbal powder from my Chinese MD/acupuncturist that is really helpful. I also am taking more niacinamide lately. The gerd and other sensations returned with a vengeance recently after experiment with pepcid. As I sat in misery last night (and was reading about thiamine helping against cancer etc.) my wife asked if I had taken any b vitamins lately. I immediately took some allithiamine I had on hand, and my symptoms were 90% better within a couple hours. Had a dece nights sleep, and am not feeling any of the miser this morning. Not saying this is a future, but I plan on taking a couple of these every day maybe forever as I seem to have assimilation problems with various B vitamins and may be other things as well. Plus there are so many things that can deplete it.
Broken man

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
How is this experiment going? @Broken man
I was forced to stop because I had digestive issues. To be honest, I am not using much supplements now, I found that when my digestion is okay, I dont need to supplement b vitamins or other stuff. I am using b vitamins only when I ate something that damaged my intestines.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut I want to offer this as fyi...I believe thiamine deficiency is a bigger deal than we know. See link below,
The Way Up Newsletter -The Benefits of Fat Soluble Vitamin B1 - Allithiamne
A few years ago I tested very low for thiamine and thought little of it until I began having various neuro symptoms that I thought were low B12. I have some adverse genetics in this area. The worst was massive gerd and what felt like ibs/right side inflammation (cancer came to mind since it runs in my family). I ultimately had my gallbladder taken out (dx with mild chronic inflammation of the gallbladder) which has led to many other challenges. Chose to stop my digestive enzyme supplement because I thought the protease was making everything worse. I currently take a combination herbal powder from my Chinese MD/acupuncturist that is really helpful. I also am taking more niacinamide lately. The gerd and other sensations returned with a vengeance recently after experiment with pepcid. As I sat in misery last night (and was reading about thiamine helping against cancer etc.) my wife asked if I had taken any b vitamins lately. I immediately took some allithiamine I had on hand, and my symptoms were 90% better within a couple hours. Had a dece nights sleep, and am not feeling any of the miser this morning. Not saying this is a future, but I plan on taking a couple of these every day maybe forever as I seem to have assimilation problems with various B vitamins and may be other things as well. Plus there are so many things that can deplete it.

It is quite possible that most people run low on thiamine. As I said in other posts, a week of 300mg regular thiamine Hcl daily achieves the same concentrations as 300mg IV thiamine, which is a massive dose even by hospital standards. The only advantage of allithiamine is that it can quickly boost B1 contents in RBC and other cells without having to wait for a week as with the regular B1 to achieve supraphysiological B1 levels in cells.


Nov 28, 2016
Thanks. I should add, I don't like the dicalcium phosphate that's in Ecological Formulas version though. So, my wife is getting me some regular hcl version today.

As a side note, I just wonder how many people that have neuro and digestive issues simply lack sufficient thiamine for whatever reason. IIRC antacids are the #1 otc medicine in the world. I really believe my latest gut flare directly related to low thiamine and more recent use of Pepcid and occasional baking soda.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thanks. I should add, I don't like the dicalcium phosphate that's in Ecological Formulas version though. So, my wife is getting me some regular hcl version today.

As a side note, I just wonder how many people that have neuro and digestive issues simply lack sufficient thiamine for whatever reason. IIRC antacids are the #1 otc medicine in the world. I really believe my latest gut flare directly related to low thiamine and more recent use of Pepcid and occasional baking soda.

Thiamine also provides Hcl in its regular form, which is also important for acid production. CO2 and Hcl are the biggest factors in good digestion and thiamine Hcl helps with both.
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