Allithiamine (TTFD) Powder Group Buy


Jul 13, 2014
I've been taking niacinamide for a little while now and am seeing powerful results. In the meantime I've been reading recent discussions here about the effects of supplementing thiamine (B1) in tandem with niacinamide (as well as B6). It seems that the safest and most bioavailable form of fat soluble thiamine is tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD) in the form of allithiamine (thanks to haidut for pointing that out).

The only allithiamine product that seems to be available is made by Ecological Formulas and comes in capsule form. Ingredients in addition to allithiamine are: dicalcium phosphate, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, and gelatin. I'm not a big fan of excipients and if I can, I usually try and avoid them. I called Ecological Formulas and they're willing to sell me 250 grams of the bulk allithiamine powder for around $200. If I've done the math right, in addition to being free of the excipients, I'd be getting a lot more of the product for my $ by buying the bulk powder.

250 grams = 200,000 mg. haidut, you said you take around 1500 mg three times daily (I realize this number would differ slightly for each individual as one dialed in the right amount for one's needs). But using that dose as an average, that's 4500 mg per day, so 250 grams is around 44 days worth of allithiamine. Contrast that against buying the retail product of 250 capsules (50 mg each) at a price that seems to hover between $40-$50, and you can see that it's a way better deal to buy a whole lot of powder at once.

So what I'm getting at is: is anyone interested in a group buy on this allithiamine? I'd be willing to facilitate it, just need to know how much people want. I'm waiting on the supplier to see if they can tell me if there are any additional substances in the powder other than the allithiamine. My guess is that the dicalcium phosphate is in there, but that's no big deal to me. I'm more looking to avoid the other excipients in the capsules.
Did you do this?


Sep 22, 2013
No, I never did. Eventually Thiamax came into existence and I used that instead.


Sep 22, 2013
Not currently, no.


Jul 13, 2014
Loess, in my other post I explained how there is a misconception that a person needs the fat soluble thiamine analogs b/c thiamine hydrochloride is somehow inferior. A study I posted shows that this is not the case and in fact, 1500mg of thiamine hydrochloride is very well absorbed and achieves very high plasma concentrations. It also happens to be dirt cheap. You can buy thiamine hydrochloride USP for couple of dollars per pound. That price is hard to beat I think.
Finally, I saw this post by accident. If I hadn't read it, I would not have known that you are asking me a question. Since you are the author of the post, there is no way for me to get notified when it first gets posted. So, in the future if you have something addressed to me just drop me a PM please so I know to go read the post.
Btw, I have taken TTFD and it is fine but there is no justification for its higher price.
Just my 2c.
Doesn't energin now contain fat soluble b1?
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