I tried microdosing psilocybin for OCD and it worked... but may be triggering hair loss

Dec 4, 2022
Time for an update.

I shaved my head. I seem to lose less hair when my head is shaved. Is this just an illusion? I run my hand through my prickly short hairs and no little short hairs end up in my fingers. I would appreciate feedback from fellow balding lads here.

My verdict so far is that microdosing psilocybin does work for severe OCD, but only during the "high" and the afterglow. The following day I'm back to being a prisoner of my own neuroses, immobilized by guilt. So the solution would be chronic psilocybin consumption, which sounds not very ideal for several reasons:

- It's expensive and tolerance ramps up really really fast.
- It might fry your brain. This is a powerful substance. You can feel the neuronal connections dissolving and rearranging. It feels good and liberating but who knows what would happen if you do it long term.
- The hair loss, of course, which was pretty significant when my hair was longish. Some sort of stress or inflammatory reaction, it would seem. Not negligible. Doing shrooms long term might mean the loss of my hair. I still have pretty much a full head of hair.
- Psilocybine is sort of spiritual. It's a not a mere molecule that tickles your brain. Since I stick to microdoses I haven't experienced anything too spooky or paranormal, but I did get a few spooky and paranormal blips here and there. Vivid hypnagogic hallucinations, spooky dreams, spooky thoughts. You are tapping into the beyond with this stuff.

I wish I could just surgically remove the part of my brain that's responsible for OCD. I'm willing to try abilify at this point. I'll try anything. F%ck OCD. I hope the abilify doesn't make me fat like the cypro always does.
Could you be experiencing high histamine? Cleanse the liver? The bowel?
Dec 4, 2022
Time for an update.

I shaved my head. I seem to lose less hair when my head is shaved. Is this just an illusion? I run my hand through my prickly short hairs and no little short hairs end up in my fingers. I would appreciate feedback from fellow balding lads here.

My verdict so far is that microdosing psilocybin does work for severe OCD, but only during the "high" and the afterglow. The following day I'm back to being a prisoner of my own neuroses, immobilized by guilt. So the solution would be chronic psilocybin consumption, which sounds not very ideal for several reasons:

- It's expensive and tolerance ramps up really really fast.
- It might fry your brain. This is a powerful substance. You can feel the neuronal connections dissolving and rearranging. It feels good and liberating but who knows what would happen if you do it long term.
- The hair loss, of course, which was pretty significant when my hair was longish. Some sort of stress or inflammatory reaction, it would seem. Not negligible. Doing shrooms long term might mean the loss of my hair. I still have pretty much a full head of hair.
- Psilocybine is sort of spiritual. It's a not a mere molecule that tickles your brain. Since I stick to microdoses I haven't experienced anything too spooky or paranormal, but I did get a few spooky and paranormal blips here and there. Vivid hypnagogic hallucinations, spooky dreams, spooky thoughts. You are tapping into the beyond with this stuff.

I wish I could just surgically remove the part of my brain that's responsible for OCD. I'm willing to try abilify at this point. I'll try anything. F%ck OCD. I hope the abilify doesn't make me fat like the cypro always does.

You can try tcm formulas.
Chai hu jia long gu mu li tang
Zuo gui wan
Make a combo. 50%each.
Ex: whichever the dose the label says,reduce in half in both and take the 2 together.
was i clear?
in tcm perspective you are lacking blood to both stable the mind and also the body peryphery. Wich can also be sign of hipothyroidism i guess.


May 6, 2021
You can try tcm formulas.
Chai hu jia long gu mu li tang
Zuo gui wan
Make a combo. 50%each.
Ex: whichever the dose the label says,reduce in half in both and take the 2 together.
was i clear?
in tcm perspective you are lacking blood to both stable the mind and also the body peryphery. Wich can also be sign of hipothyroidism i guess.

Thanks dude. You're a kind man. I'll look into this stuff.

As for histamines, liver, &c., yes, maybe.

The psilocybine seems to trigger a reaction similar to what I get with gluten. Inflamed scalp and dandruff.
Dec 4, 2022
Thanks dude. You're a kind man. I'll look into this stuff.

As for histamines, liver, &c., yes, maybe.

The psilocybine seems to trigger a reaction similar to what I get with gluten. Inflamed scalp and dandruff.
Im tcm perspective you mau have excess heat,probably inflamation.
I think focusing on liver foods and keep the gut in check litle by litle things will fall into place. Maybe you.need a lifestyle change,a bigger strategy, and being carefull not to be entangled in the details or short improvements tactics that relief in the instant but long term not.
You can also try an shen ding zhi pian,its.specific for the mind.
Checking with a tcm practioner who can read pulse diagnosis would be great. In pulse diagnosis one imediatly knows whats wrong. Tcm is complex and sinple,very strong medicine,it can really change your life. Qi gong would definetly raise co2 levels.


Dec 25, 2022
@madman I had a coworker that's a regular shroom taker and he seems to have lost his hair on the top and he's only in his early 40's. He doesn't low dose but takes 4g and up to 8g in one setting. He definitely have lots of crazy experience! But that's his thing that he does on weekends or days off, at his home and in nature. I hope you can find something to help with your OCD.


Aug 30, 2012
Cypro helped me.
The first week taking 1mg at night just to start and i felt kinda sedated but then it passed.
Now i take 1mg morning and 1mg night
Sometimes i feel like a nootropic effect being more focused.
I am amazed with.
I tried 1cp-lsd for microdose but didnt improved, only got slightly depressed some days.
But my friends loved it.
Microdosing with hallucinogetics has rules.
James Fadiman is the guy if you want to go deeper.
He is studying this since the 70 and came with a protocol
based on is data wich is still collecting from people around the world.
The initial protocol is take one day then 2 days off,repeat.
Take it for a month and stop 15days to a month,restart.
The idea is to start with a low dose and increment slowly.
100mcg seems a lot. It should be a dose with no hallucinating effects. With lsd it was only for me 10mcg but my girlfriend 8mcg
When you start seeing things kinda distorted you took too much.
Reduce. It should be sub perceptional.
But with shrooms maybe something like 50mcg to start maybe less.
Taking everyday is a no from his perspective.
Diet helps.
I only started to be slightly ocd after panic attacks.
So Peats principles are helping, but its a process.
Base CO2 should make a difference so incresing levels
with buteyko might help, i feel better,so maybe there is something
with oxidative metabolismnin the brain and blood circulation.
High dose b1 helped me also.
And i guess androgen levels should be involved.
Excess cortisol probably is involved.
I mentioned diet because i know honest shamans direct people in a special diet before taking ayuasca, and they sing special songs.
And coffe for some reason is a no.
Mindful exercise helps like tai chi,chi gong.
Actually, 250 mg of psilocybin is the upper limit of a microdose. 100 mg is the low, recommended starting dose. LSD is in mcg, mushroom is in mg. Remember that the mg used for mushrooms is weight, not the mg of the actual psilocybin content. There is no way of knowing for sure how much psilocybin is in any amount of mushroom, so it is an approximation. Also it depends on the type of mushroom - eg. Penis Envy is one of the strongest strains whereas Golden Teacher is medium strength. Also it may vary person to person. If you feel any effect, even if it's not necessarily halucinogenic--eg. sleepiness, etc.-- reduce the dose until you don't feel anything. Having two days in between doses prevents building up a tolerance. Anyone interested can check out Third Wave guidelines here: Ultimate Guide to Microdosing Mushrooms (Backed By Research)

I have to say, after having microdosed with LSD first and later on with mushrooms, that I find LSD better for cognitive performance (eg. at work) than mushrooms, though both have the rewiring effect. With mushrooms, I don't feel like getting anything done! I just want to chill out and do something fun and creative, whereas with LSD microdose I can focus very well and problem-solve much better.
Dec 4, 2022
Actually, 250 mg of psilocybin is the upper limit of a microdose. 100 mg is the low, recommended starting dose. LSD is in mcg, mushroom is in mg. Remember that the mg used for mushrooms is weight, not the mg of the actual psilocybin content. There is no way of knowing for sure how much psilocybin is in any amount of mushroom, so it is an approximation. Also it depends on the type of mushroom - eg. Penis Envy is one of the strongest strains whereas Golden Teacher is medium strength. Also it may vary person to person. If you feel any effect, even if it's not necessarily halucinogenic--eg. sleepiness, etc.-- reduce the dose until you don't feel anything. Having two days in between doses prevents building up a tolerance. Anyone interested can check out Third Wave guidelines here: Ultimate Guide to Microdosing Mushrooms (Backed By Research)

I have to say, after having microdosed with LSD first and later on with mushrooms, that I find LSD better for cognitive performance (eg. at work) than mushrooms, though both have the rewiring effect. With mushrooms, I don't feel like getting anything done! I just want to chill out and do something fun and creative, whereas with LSD microdose I can focus very well and problem-solve much better.
Funny,i got kind of the oposite efect.
Lsd made me depressed and lethargic.
Mushrooms like speedy gonzalez.
Dec 4, 2022
Thanks dude. You're a kind man. I'll look into this stuff.

As for histamines, liver, &c., yes, maybe.

The psilocybine seems to trigger a reaction similar to what I get with gluten. Inflamed scalp and dandruff.
Found this projects,from growing your own shrooms to suplements.



May 6, 2021
Found this projects,from growing your own shrooms to suplements.

Thanks fren.


May 6, 2021

Mentally this is sustainable long term. At one gram a day one reaches a plateau where it works just fine as a mood-enhancing, neurosis-alleviating drug. No hallucinations except for closed-eyed visuals being more vivid than usual, but I've had those for almost two decades now and that's without taking any drugs. I literally see psychedelic swirly patterns when I close my eyes at night. It started in 2007.

However, I'm getting mad eye floaters. To the point where I can't ignore it anymore. Now I feel like an idiot for ingesting shrooms knowing it will make the 3D show of floating thingies all over my field of vision worse. Now I have to choose between neurotic guilt or seeing squiggly floating things every second of my waking life.

Pretty cool.
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