I have decided to stop masturbating



May 6, 2021
Nomane mentioned "incest" and "homosexuality" up there, and well, as is the case with many OCD people I actually struggle with all sorts of dirty, disturbing intrusive sexual thoughts, incest and homosexuality among them.

I'm pretty sure I was abused as a kid, but I don't think it was a family member. But this degree of guilt and disgust around sexuality seems to usually involves incest. There's a thread by a girl on Reddit who has incest trauma and she feels so dirty she sometimes sleeps in the bathtub.

In my case this manifests as disgust/guilt over my own semen, which is to say disgust/guilt over my own masturbation, which is to say (possibly) disgust/guilt over my own (potentially incestuous) pleasure. I feel guilty/nervous about pleasure in general (whether it's from drugs, food, a movie), it's a kind of self-punishment/masochistic thing. Lacan wrote a lot about jouissance and the stuff he wrote about jouissance and neurosis rings a bell with me. I should dig deeper into Lacan.


May 6, 2021
It doesn't help that I was raised in a Protestant neighbourhood and even went to a sort of boy's Bible Study when I was 16 that centered around the "masturbation is wrong" theme. I actually think those cowards thought we were smoking weed but were too spineless to confront us so they picked "masturbation" as a theme. The study was me and my friends and an older guy from church would conduct it and the whole study was arranged by him and my friend's dad.

I wish that guy would have taught us about leading an actual righteous life and given us some actual good advice about how to achieve professional success as a man (the way a good pastor would do, what I most lacked back then was direction), but no, whole thing was about "not masturbating". Just dedicate all your energies to not masturbating. That was the gist of the thing. You take a bunch of young, lost men and you don't make men out of them, you teach them to be neurotic about touching themselves. Terrific.

Now here I am, ruining my life with scruples about my cum.
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May 6, 2021
My idea is to go NoFap until the end of the year and see if it actually makes me more functional.

Part of me just wants to jack off and be done with this whole thing but I've tried that before many times and I always end up feeling guilty/filthy, so I'll stick to the plan for a while.


Sep 27, 2018
Have you tried taking NAC for your OCD?

Also did you have sex yet? Do you feel the same way about your coom when with another person?


Don't be fooled by the gynocentric slave morality Zeitgeist brought to the world by Christian doctrine.
This assumes that these qualities were not as present in the pre-Christian Germanic and Celtic cultures (and presumably Slavic).

I make no apologies for my devout Christian Faith, but truth be told, the pro-woman, near-reverence, exhibited in Northern European cultures (however perverted they have become today), have existed since recorded Roman observations of the Germanic and Celtic peoples.

I've had this conversation with an Italian girl friend who lives in Scandinavia at the moment. Historically, the abuse against women in the Mediterranean was terrible (up until quite recently), and were quite literally second class citizens. The Mediterraneans also considered the male barbarians to be the archetype of masculinity. There existed myths of the utero in Northern Europe. Such myth persisted as folk wisdom and the sort of tantalization that women posed, well into the medieval period.

I strongly contest that, the stronger the uniformities and social segregations in a society (aka, women are hyper feminine, and men are hyper masculine, with little overlap in duty), the greater the mutual respect and love, the greater the happiness, etc.

For at least 2000 years, women in Northern Europe have had more codified, legal rights, and access to more, than women any where else in the history of the world, yet have consistently chosen stereotypical femininity over careers and education, more than any other woman on the planet.

In the Roman Era, a high society man could quite possibly be found with a young shaven boy for sexual companionship, rather than with a woman - that was an offense that sent one to be crushed into a peatbog in Northern Europe until 100 years ago. It's been observed for some time, that feminist men are more consistently mean and abusive to women, than "average" or conservative men. Women in my own life, don't feel safe around men who wear makeup.

PS: the shamelessly staunch, hierarchical Patriarchy, and staunch moral divisions of the Bible, jived quite perfectly with Northern Europeans.


May 6, 2021
Have you tried taking NAC for your OCD?

Also did you have sex yet? Do you feel the same way about your coom when with another person?

Yes, I've had sex, but not a lot of it. My incelism must be pretty glaring so that's a fair question. Sex feels different than masturbation, yes. But I don't know, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's stupid. I wish sex didn't exist. I miss being a pre-pubescent kid. I got good grades and rode my bike and read books and cumming was not a thing.

We live in an age where if you don't have sex you are a worthless weirdo, but I was raised in a Christian milieu where if you have sex before marriage you are a hellbound sinner, and that's a lovely combination right there.

Anyway, I'll give NAC a shot.


Sep 27, 2018
Yes, I've had sex, but not a lot of it. My incelism must be pretty glaring so that's a fair question. Sex feels different than masturbation, yes. But I don't know, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's stupid. I wish sex didn't exist. I miss being a pre-pubescent kid. I got good grades and rode my bike and read books and cumming was not a thing.

We live in an age where if you don't have sex you are a worthless weirdo, but I was raised in a Christian milieu where if you have sex before marriage you are a hellbound sinner, and that's a lovely combination right there.

Anyway, I'll give NAC a shot.

I wasn't asking this in a condescending manner. I was asking this because I thought it might have a curative effect on your psyche to see someone else being fine with having your coom inside them/on their body.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Yes, I've had sex, but not a lot of it. My incelism must be pretty glaring so that's a fair question. Sex feels different than masturbation, yes. But I don't know, it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's stupid. I wish sex didn't exist. I miss being a pre-pubescent kid. I got good grades and rode my bike and read books and cumming was not a thing.
a person can,including you, reach back an asexual child like state with some foods such as liver,high fruits(acessory milk for some),not to much meat,and a low stress life style
We live in an age where if you don't have sex you are a worthless weirdo, but I was raised in a Christian milieu where if you have sex before marriage you are a hellbound sinner, and that's a lovely combination right there.
in most cases peoples wont demean another person because he does not have sexe in it self,peoples will potentially demean him if the person is not confident with her reasons to not have sex,therefore they will exploit the insecurity to demean him,ideally you feel good enough to not care about these worthless perspectives from others if you know why you are doing it


Sep 10, 2019
I suggest looking into sexual transmutation if you’re serious about this. Simply going NoFap based on willpower alone will result in many relapses in my experience. I believe there is a spiritual component to it. Tomorrow will be four weeks of NoFap for me and it has been nearly effortless compared to past attempts. Lifestyle changes that I have made recently that I feel make it easier are practicing sexual transmutation and earthing for at least 30 minutes every day. Also, I’ve adopted a mindset that fapping isn’t even something that should be considered. As in it’s such an unnatural act that one shouldn’t even have the idea to do it. Like you, I’m trying to regain that sense of childhood wonder, novelty and genuine youthfulness. I believe this is a crucial step in regaining those qualities.


Sep 10, 2019
Same here. For better or worse, I haven't found any other way to attain this sense of wonder.

One thing that's helped me do long SR stretches is the 6 Tibetan Rites [redditors provide a nice overview here].

The Rites only take about 10 minutes a day, and they are fantastic for harnessing and transmuting sexual energy.

Best of luck/many blessings with everything!
This! Highly recommended. Occam, you’re the one who set me on this path by introducing me to the rites. Thanks again.


Oct 3, 2016
My contamination OCD centers on my masturbation habit. The only substance I feel icky about is my own semen, and even then only if I ejaculate as a result of masturbation. Nocturnal polutions are fine.

My COCD involves all the usual COCD foibles. Compulsive showering, hand-washing and cleaning? Yes. Occasionally throwing objects away, even objects good and new or old and cherished? Yes. Regarding one's pet and one's mother as contaminated. Thinking that touching contaminated object A and then touching uncontaminated object B will carry the contamination over to B, and that touching recently contaminated B and then as-of-yet uncontaminated C will further expand the realm of filth, and so on indefinitely, until your entire home is a red zone.

I'm so tired of trying to grow used to my own sinfully spilt seed. If I do the deed on a given computer chair and in front of a given laptop and desk, those objects will feel icky to me until I clean them down with a wet cloth followed by a dry one. That is the ritual.

In the first volume of Freud's works he advises a patient to stop masturbating. It turned out that his unspecified mental illness was a result of his masturbation habit. Freud also advised couples undergoing certain mental health problems to stop having sex in certain outré positions.

This all sounds quaint and puritanical today, but maybe he was right? We're living in an age of nigh-unprecedented libertinism, but maybe that's a bad thing. Doesn't everyone today seem to harbor a combo of depression and anxiety? Could these be related to our perverted lifestyles? Let's face it, as far as the old Christian mores are concerned we're all perverts today. I'm reminded of Chesterton's quote that went something like "One may almost say that men only attain sanity when they attain sanctity."

Yes, sanctity. I remember how clean I felt as a child and how magical the world seemed. Going NoFap for extended periods of time seems to bring the magic back. That Christmas magic. Innocence. There's something wonderful about innocence. There's something horrible about lechery. There's another Chesterton quote which can be paraphrased as "For every woman with whom you fornicate the world grows a little drearier."

Whatever, I'm getting carried away. What do you guys think of my plan? Do my ideas make sense? Our parents grew up in the age of rock n roll and hippies and the pill, and we're even more libertine than they are. We live in the age in which every guy masturbates to xvideos and every girl has a dildo in her bedroom. Maybe that's not normal? Maybe masturbation is not ok? Maybe that's the reason so many of us are neurotic these days?

Just do a search on Reddit for "masturbation" and "guilt" and see how many people feel terrible after masturbating. Maybe we really are not meant to be touching ourselves like that.

All I know is I feel better when I stop masturbating, so that's what I'm going to do. It's the only thing that gives me contamination anxiety, and even during the times I managed to overcome this anxiety I still felt bad for masturbating. There's not a single masturbation session I look back on fondly, not a single one that makes me go "now that was worth it." All those countless moments are tinged with a sense of guilt and filth. It's just not worth it. I'd gladly live the rest of my life without doing it.
Ah cringe! quitting masturbating! thats lame and no fun! come on boyyyyz it aint gonna kill us to bust a nut once in a while, bahahahahaha jk makes me think of this video though

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mU6USTBRE

Weird al Fat when the guys be like whutchu mean you some on kinda diet huh? you aint wanna hang wit us no more? but switch fat for masturbating lmfao

Leave me alone man stop it!
i said do you FAP


Feb 13, 2021
This! Highly recommended. Occam, you’re the one who set me on this path by introducing me to the rites. Thanks again.
Awesome man! Glad they are working for you.

There's definitely something about them, something magical/mystical...and the benefits only get better with time.


Feb 13, 2021
One of the 'problems' (or benefits, depending on how you look at it lol) of sexual transmutation is that women will become increasingly attracted to you the longer you stay with it. You will begin looking younger, your face will get shinier, your eyes will get clearer, and you will be obnoxiously stared at by pretty young womens!

And while not masturbating is easy, not having sex with such obviously interested women is much more difficult. This is what I've been going through recently and I am considering moving to a remote location for a few months to focus on my fitness & career.

On the plus side, I believe several months of sexual transmutation would make it much easier for any given guy to find an attractive long-term partner/wife.


Oct 7, 2020
If you feel mental illness after ejaculating there is a high chance you may have POIS post-orgasmic illness syndrome r/POIS


Oct 18, 2016
Sexual transmutation can be performed most effectively during sex. Understandably tough to digest for those on semen retention …


May 10, 2018
Sexual transmutation can be performed most effectively during sex. Understandably tough to digest for those on semen retention …
Please can you help me learn more about this, I’m extremely interested. Thank you.


Jan 11, 2019
Im the opposite. I frequently have sex with my s/o, but i cant expect her to really be in the mood more then once a day, everyday. Sometimes i get anxious and have no clue why. Then i orgasm. Then i feel better. So? I masturbate and its helpful for me. I was against the idea of masturbating for a while since i thought that i should save my sexual motivations for my gf, but I was just super horny and anxious sometimes, and then when she was on her period it got intense, then i rubbed one out, and then BAM i felt better. So now i jerk off as needed.


Oct 7, 2020
POIS Is a made up term + you've been banned from r/POIS because of dumb posts
POIS is real, it describes any negative symptoms after ejaculating that can be due to various causes

And no, I have made a lot of contributions to the subreddit and brought in many new people who previously thought what they feel is normal.

Also, stop stalking me.
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