How2 Raise Cholesterol?


Sep 22, 2014
jb116 said:
ravster02 said:
Greta said:

Except my blood test results before and after eating eggs say otherwise.

how in the world do you narrow it down to the eggs raising the cholesterol?

1) After following a specific diet for 4-6 weeks I got blood work done which showed my cholesterol was low.

2) I then followed the same diet again for 4-6 weeks but with the addition of 2 eggs a day

3) At the end of this I had blood work done again and this time my cholesterol had increased and was within the desired Peat range.

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Feb 20, 2013
I remember reading some where that body decreases internal production of cholesterol if there
is increased dietary ingestion. Body tries to maintain a steady level of cholesterol.
If someone is unable to produce required cholesterol then dietary cholesterol will raise it
and if someone does not have that problem body will keep cholesterol level steady.
RP mentioned about an experiment where people ate large amount of egg yolk without
raising cholesterol.
It is also possible that nutrients in egg improving liver function and over all
health that results in healthy cholesterol level. Vitamin A in egg is a very powerful nutrient.


Aug 19, 2015
I did something similar, and my cholesterol didn't raise at all, plus there are more variables than just the food... But I have read that little percentage of the population has that problem, but it's not common. As soon as they raise the high cholesterol food, their cholesterol will raise. But yet again is an exception, that's why experiments aren't made with a single person, but with a lot, and using placebo in half of them... Placebo effect is pretty powerful


as mentioned, too many other variables and too linear of a testing methodology. I don't think you can say point blank "the eggs raised my cholesterol." At best, testing in this fashion one could say as mittir mentioned that there is some systematic causality by virtue of introducing eggs into the diet.


Jul 31, 2015
Low cholesterol may be due to an infection of one type or another most definitely including parasites. Paul Jaminet has explored low cholesterol and infection well on his website and his book.

Edit: I should add I think it is not wise to just see what you can eat to "raise cholesterol". That approach is more than a little reductionist in thinking and a kin to big Med prescribing statins to "lower cholesterol ".

I hope you can find out why your cholesterol is low. Good luck.


Aug 19, 2015
How are your vitamin levels? D and B12
I still think that a malabsortion problem is more posible than a thyroid problem, yet this can cause a thyroid problem in the long term


Sep 22, 2014
Greta said: I did something similar, and my cholesterol didn't raise at all, plus there are more variables than just the food... But I have read that little percentage of the population has that problem, but it's not common. As soon as they raise the high cholesterol food, their cholesterol will raise. But yet again is an exception, that's why experiments aren't made with a single person, but with a lot, and using placebo in half of them... Placebo effect is pretty powerful

jb116 said: as mentioned, too many other variables and too linear of a testing methodology. I don't think you can say point blank "the eggs raised my cholesterol." At best, testing in this fashion one could say as mittir mentioned that there is some systematic causality by virtue of introducing eggs into the diet.

Yes the human body is complex and just because you take x doesn't mean it will increase the body's level of x.

But in this context, since the level of cholesterol is in an unhealthy range, it is recommended to raise the body's level of cholesterol by eating eggs. Peat recommends levels to be between 180 and 230 if you're not on a thyroid supp and above 160 if you are.

According to the both of you, a person can't attribute their increased levels of vitamin D because of the vitamin D tablets they were taking because there are "too many other variables".

With that line of thinking both of you should just give up in the field of science altogether.

But anyway, back to the main point of this thread.

supercoolguy said: My Cholesterol is 123.
Drop from 2012 of 133.
RP mentions Need sufficient cholesterol Before taking Thyroid supps.
I fatigue easy and think im on the right track raising cholest & thyroid. Low Vit D also.
Not sure how to 'fix' my diet. Appreciate the input.

I was in a very similar situation to you. My level of cholesterol was too low and through a strict diet and testing I managed to increase it following Ray Peat's advice.

You too can fix your low cholesterol by eating 2 eggs a day.

This will increase your body's endogenous level of cholesterol to a healthy range which according to Ray Peat is 180 - 230 since you're not on any thyroid.

By doing this your body will now be able to produce the good hormones and your thyroid levels should improve.
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Nov 28, 2014
ravster02 said:
You too can fix your low cholesterol by eating 2 eggs a day.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I think the original poster is already eating eggs. Here is his diet from the previous page:

Diet typical: 10oz OJ. Raw Coconut oil fry 3egg w/swiss. 16oz coffee whipping cream & sugar.
Ice cream & fruit snack. Rinsed Cottage Cheese & Greek yogurt with 1/2tsp baking soda combo. Honey. 1/2 asprin. (300mg pregnalone in COil 1per week)
Shredded Carrot Salad w/canning salt
Plain white Rice. Steak and cheese. Coffee or some coke. Bed time ice cream and good sleep. Salted Macadamian Nuts. Experimenting w/cascara. Just bought Vit D gel cap. That's really about it. Chicken
Once week. Random ripe Fruit. Don't panic it's organic as much as possible. Moderate hikes outdoors 4x/wk


Sep 22, 2014
Giraffe said: Ravster, just curious... Do you still need to eat two eggs a day?


Ray Peat said:
In a study of the effect of dietary cholesterol on the atherogenicity of the blood lipids, 52 people were given either an egg diet (with 640 mg. of extra cholesterol per day) or a placebo diet for 30 days. Those whose LDL increased the most on the high cholesterol diet had the largest LDL particle size (Herron, et al., 2004). They concluded that "these data indicate that the consumption of a high-cholesterol diet does not negatively influence the atherogenicity of the LDL particle." A similar study in Mexico found that "Intake of 2 eggs/d results in the maintenance of LDL:HDL and in the generation of a less atherogenic LDL in this population of Mexican children" (Ballesteros, et al., 2004).
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Aug 19, 2015
ravster02 said:
Greta said: I did something similar, and my cholesterol didn't raise at all, plus there are more variables than just the food... But I have read that little percentage of the population has that problem, but it's not common. As soon as they raise the high cholesterol food, their cholesterol will raise. But yet again is an exception, that's why experiments aren't made with a single person, but with a lot, and using placebo in half of them... Placebo effect is pretty powerful

jb116 said: as mentioned, too many other variables and too linear of a testing methodology. I don't think you can say point blank "the eggs raised my cholesterol." At best, testing in this fashion one could say as mittir mentioned that there is some systematic causality by virtue of introducing eggs into the diet.

Yes the human body is complex and just because you take x doesn't mean it will increase the body's level of x.

But in this context, since the level of cholesterol is in an unhealthy range, it is recommended to raise the body's level of cholesterol by eating eggs. Peat recommends levels to be between 180 and 230 if you're not on a thyroid supp and above 160 if you are.

According to the both of you, a person can't attribute their increased levels of vitamin D because of the vitamin D tablets they were taking because there are "too many other variables".

With that line of thinking both of you should just give up in the field of science altogether.

But anyway, back to the main point of this thread.

supercoolguy said: My Cholesterol is 123.
Drop from 2012 of 133.
RP mentions Need sufficient cholesterol Before taking Thyroid supps.
I fatigue easy and think im on the right track raising cholest & thyroid. Low Vit D also.
Not sure how to 'fix' my diet. Appreciate the input.

I was in a very similar situation to you. My level of cholesterol was too low and through a strict diet and testing I managed to increase it following Ray Peat's advice.

You too can fix your low cholesterol by eating 2 eggs a day.

This will increase your body's endogenous level of cholesterol to a healthy range which according to Ray Peat is 180 - 230 since you're not on any thyroid.

By doing this your body will now be able to produce the good hormones and your thyroid levels should improve.

I don't know how your previous diet was, but maybe your body was lacking of the nutrients to make enough cholesterol, and when you changed it, it was able to rise it to normal levels.

For me the easiest way to rise my cholesterol is stop the thyroid meds... xD It would get through the roof.

Plus "healthy cholesterol levels"... Nowadays ranges have to be changed, and they depend on the person's age, gender, which type of cholesterol is higher... etc.
For example someone with a total cholesterol of 279, with high HDL and low LDL has a better cholesterol number, and less risks than someone who has a total cholesterol of 130, low HDL and high LDL.
Plus there are studies that have linked high cholesterol (<200) with longevity in the elders and viceversa (with very low levels)

And also, they change pretty fast ;)
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Aug 19, 2015
ravster02 said:
Giraffe said: Ravster, just curious... Do you still need to eat two eggs a day?


Ray Peat said:
In a study of the effect of dietary cholesterol on the atherogenicity of the blood lipids, 52 people were given either an egg diet (with 640 mg. of extra cholesterol per day) or a placebo diet for 30 days. Those whose LDL increased the most on the high cholesterol diet had the largest LDL particle size (Herron, et al., 2004). They concluded that "these data indicate that the consumption of a high-cholesterol diet does not negatively influence the atherogenicity of the LDL particle." A similar study in Mexico found that "Intake of 2 eggs/d results in the maintenance of LDL:HDL and in the generation of a less atherogenic LDL in this population of Mexican children" (Ballesteros, et al., 2004).

From that study I get these conclusions:
"Those whose LDL increased the most on the high cholesterol diet had the largest LDL particle size"

1 There are 2 types of LDL,
LDL particles vary in size and density, and studies have shown that a pattern that has more small dense LDL particles, called Pattern B, equates to a higher risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) than does a pattern with more of the larger and less-dense LDL particles (Pattern A)

So... You want the big ones, then eggs, are cool for that! This mean that the size of the particles got bigger, but not the quantity.
Their LDL, was increased but it says nothing about the total cholesterol.

2 Eating 2 eggs they maintaned the LDL HDL ratio
From here I understand that the ratio between LDL and HDL was the same, plus they got more big LDL particles, and lost some of the small ones, which is great while maintaning the ratio.

Yet still I can't see where it says that the total cholesterul serum levels grow.
But 'm sure you'll able to find a lot of studies from the 70-90 that arrived to that conclusion.
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Aug 19, 2015
Greta said:
ravster02 said:
Greta said: I did something similar, and my cholesterol didn't raise at all, plus there are more variables than just the food... But I have read that little percentage of the population has that problem, but it's not common. As soon as they raise the high cholesterol food, their cholesterol will raise. But yet again is an exception, that's why experiments aren't made with a single person, but with a lot, and using placebo in half of them... Placebo effect is pretty powerful

jb116 said: as mentioned, too many other variables and too linear of a testing methodology. I don't think you can say point blank "the eggs raised my cholesterol." At best, testing in this fashion one could say as mittir mentioned that there is some systematic causality by virtue of introducing eggs into the diet.

Yes the human body is complex and just because you take x doesn't mean it will increase the body's level of x.

But in this context, since the level of cholesterol is in an unhealthy range, it is recommended to raise the body's level of cholesterol by eating eggs. Peat recommends levels to be between 180 and 230 if you're not on a thyroid supp and above 160 if you are.

According to the both of you, a person can't attribute their increased levels of vitamin D because of the vitamin D tablets they were taking because there are "too many other variables".

With that line of thinking both of you should just give up in the field of science altogether.

But anyway, back to the main point of this thread.

supercoolguy said: My Cholesterol is 123.
Drop from 2012 of 133.
RP mentions Need sufficient cholesterol Before taking Thyroid supps.
I fatigue easy and think im on the right track raising cholest & thyroid. Low Vit D also.
Not sure how to 'fix' my diet. Appreciate the input.

I was in a very similar situation to you. My level of cholesterol was too low and through a strict diet and testing I managed to increase it following Ray Peat's advice.

You too can fix your low cholesterol by eating 2 eggs a day.

This will increase your body's endogenous level of cholesterol to a healthy range which according to Ray Peat is 180 - 230 since you're not on any thyroid.

By doing this your body will now be able to produce the good hormones and your thyroid levels should improve.

I don't know how your previous diet was, but maybe your body was lacking of the nutrients to make enough cholesterol, and when you changed it, it was able to rise it to normal levels.

For me the easiest way to rise my cholesterol is stop the thyroid meds... xD It would get through the roof.

Plus "healthy cholesterol levels"... Nowadays ranges have to be changed, and they depend on the person's age, gender, which type of cholesterol is higher... etc.
For example someone with a total cholesterol of 279, with high HDL and low LDL has a better cholesterol number, and less risks than someone who has a total cholesterol of 130, low HDL and high LDL.
Plus there are studies that have linked high cholesterol (>200) with longevity in the elders and viceversa (with very low levels)

And also, they change pretty fast ;)
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Aug 5, 2015
Am I just burning it up? Or just that efficient? remember RP taking about OJ to bring Cholestrol up. I'd like to see a 200 range. Dunno what's going on I'm no stranger to sugar or eggs, beef, milk cheese. When I can get one of the interview shows to originate the topic of cholesterol being too low it will be awesom:
1. What is potentially the causes & Remedies. Then let Dr P. run with it. Then request callers that have the issue. Ray will extrapolate even more if given a chance to re-visit the issue


ravster02 said: According to the both of you, a person can't attribute their increased levels of vitamin D because of the vitamin D tablets they were taking because there are "too many other variables"

No that is not a good analogy at all. The issue here is that there needs to be a basic idea of causality with food. Now I understand that it is intuitive to think that eating cholesterol leads to higher serum cholesterol by virtue of that cholesterol itself but cholesterol and the whole cholesterol process is not as simple as that. And in fact peat has mentioned Oj several times to increase cholesterol. That is all our point is here: no direct causation, but perhaps systematic causation based on introducing pro-metabolic material.
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Aug 19, 2015
jb116 said:
ravster02 said: According to the both of you, a person can't attribute their increased levels of vitamin D because of the vitamin D tablets they were taking because there are "too many other variables"

No that is not a good analogy at all. The issue here is that there needs to be a basic idea of causality with food. Now I understand that it is intuitive to think that eating cholesterol leads to higher serum cholesterol by virtue of that cholesterol itself but cholesterol and the whole cholesterol process is not as simple as that. And in fact peat has mentioned Oj several times to increase cholesterol. That is all our point is here: no direct causation, but perhaps systematic causation based on introducing pro-metabolic material.
:hattip +1
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Mar 29, 2014
I think I have read a quote from Peat somewhere (just had a quick search and haven't found it yet) to the effect that eating more cholesterol may be helpful for old people whose levels are too low.


Aug 5, 2015
tara said: I think I have read a quote from Peat somewhere (just had a quick search and haven't found it yet) to the effect that eating more cholesterol may be helpful for old people whose levels are too low.
Its tought o remember all the different things. Then on later interviews i hear more info and gain context. Thats how i learned about adding Thyroid too Low Cholesterol persons. 1wk into thyroid @ 2grains. Almost asleep... I woke up real quick, grabbed my labs and replayed the interviews. I dont care what the current normal cholest is....i want up toward 200+. Or im gonna buy some pure and figure out the administration. or i could actually do it by diet!
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Mar 29, 2014
Hi super,
I'm not sure if I've raised this to you already, so apologies if I'm repeating myself. (I seem to mention it so often that I can't keep track of who I say it to. :lol: ).
Did you just suddenly start taking 2 grains of NDT with no gradual lead up?
I would strongly recommend a slower, more cautious approach (unless someone is in obvious and urgent need of more).
I suggest that people generally start by monitoring temps and heart rate for a couple of weeks, then start with a small dose of eg. 1/4 grain, keep monitoring temps and pulse, and consider whether an increment is warranted after 3-4 weeks when the T4 levels are likely to have stabilised. It may seem slow, but people seem to get into some tricky tangles if they take too much too fast, and it can then take longer to find a suitable dose.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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