Worried About My Low Cholesterol After Reading Dr. Peat's Latest Newsletter


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
My current theory is that nearly all fatty issues are lipase related.

LIPASE – The Universal Remedy

Lipase is what is supposed to manage fats and cholesterol esters. Without it, you are a big glob of fat soon to die.

See wolman disease. CESD. and the $500k per year magic treatment that is probably just the same lipase used in detergents and cheese-making.


Apr 15, 2013
I have low cholesterol too. Just last week I started eating 2 eggs a day with lots of OJ and I have been feeling better, less depressed, tired and brain fog.
Im going to keep at it and hopefully that was the problem. Unfortunately when I try something new, it seems to work for a few days and then I go back to baseline.


Jun 29, 2018
so I decided to try reverse psychology and see what they say lowers “bad” cholesterol and it was interesting: oats, fruits with a lot of pectin (ie apples, grapes, strawberries), and this juicy nugget:
8. Foods fortified with sterols and stanols. Sterols and stanols extracted from plants gum up the body's ability to absorb cholesterol from food. Companies are adding them to foods ranging from margarine and granola bars to orange juice and chocolate. They're also available as supplements. Getting 2 grams of plant sterols or stanols a day can lower LDL cholesterol by about 10%.
Here’s the rest of the article if you want to read it:
11 foods that lower cholesterol - Harvard Health


Jun 29, 2018
Also, I wonder if people with lower cholesterol would benefit from taking CoQ10 This article discusses statin use specifically but it states that because ldl cholesterol is what helps transfer CoQ10into cells if one is low in ldl then possibly it would be beneficial to have higher blood levels of CoQ10 to ensure enough gets into cells.
Fighting Statin-Induced Diabetes with CoQ10 - Life Extension
Apparently CoQ10 is “a potent antioxidant that can decrease ROS and free radicals produced by the reaction with lipid or oxygen radicals through a direct reduction back to the tocopherol,12 which in turn would result in a decreased oxidative stress and a decreased generation of PCO.”
The effects of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on cardiometabolic markers in overweight type 2 diabetic patients with stable myocardial infarction: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Jun 16, 2017
I didn't realize how big a deal low cholesterol was until after reading this newsletter. I think it might be the root of the issues I have with focus and fatigue, since apparently low cholesterol causes excessive brain excitation and cholesterol levels are directly correlated with the ability of the mitochondria to produce ATP.

My cholesterol is at 120 with only a very small amount of thyroid supplementation, so it's not exogenous thyroid that's making it drop so low. The lower end of normal is 160 and Peat recommends at least 180-200.

I know Peat says fructose increases cholesterol, but basically all of my daily carbs already come from sucrose, so it's not possible for me to increase fructose any further.

The only other thing he mentions in the newsletter as a cause of declining cholesterol synthesis with age is excess cortisol relative to thyroid, but I already do all I can to lower cortisol (high sugar intake, occasional pregnenolone and progesterone supplementation, occasional red light exposure, regular vitamin A/D/E/K intake).

Is there any other way to raise cholesterol?

Since I have several symptoms of hypothyroidism, I'm certain the issue is that the cholesterol is not actually getting synthesized, and not that my thyroid is working so well that it's converting all the cholesterol into hormones extremely efficiently.

I already saw a physician about this and he told me I should be "proud of my healthy heart" and basically ignored all of the things I told him about the negative effects of low cholesterol. So that was no help at all.
Hey @lampofred, have you seen this thread?

Manganese And Its Unimportance In Health

Maybe it's a lack of manganese that is causing you to be unable to increase your cholesterol levels.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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