High Cholesterol & Triglycerides



So I went to see my doctor for a checkup. He also presrcribes me cyproheptsdine so it's necessary I see him every so often. He ran my blood tests and called me and said my cholesterol and triglycerides are very high. He asked me about eating dairy and I told him I eat a lot. I will admit I eat a decent amount of ice cream as part of a refeeding process. I've always had high stress hormones and low appetite. I've always been underweight. So now that I'm taking cyproheptadine I'm eating a lot more and consequently cholesterol has gone up. So I'm not sure what to do. ICe cream is a good source of calories and I think it can be helpful in my recovery but it's high in fat and my doctor wants me to cut back and retest in 10 days. Otherwise he'll probably give me a statin which I would never take. He's the nicest guy, he has good intentions. But I'm just not sure what to do here. Any insight would be appreciated. I also take both t4 and t3.


Jan 22, 2013
probly lower fat a little bit, and get more vitamin A in your diet. Vit A helps dispose of cholesterol by convert to hormones. Ice cream is ok but you don't want to live on it, its not quite balanced in that sense, theres a bit too much sugar in it in ratio to the nutrients it has, and the fat could potentially add up especially if youre on a high calorie diet. If you eat lower end of calories most fat will be used for fuel, if you eat as much or more than you need, fat is a lesser priority than sugar which the body prefers. Would be hard to say exactly without knowing your whole diet. For a minute just eat like mostly or a good amount really nutrient rich things


Dec 19, 2014
How high is your cholesterol? And how old are you? Ray says thyroid lowers cholesterol...how much T3 and T4 are you taking?

I'm glad to hear you wouldn't take statins. They are poison.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Taking 500mg pregnenolone daily brought down my cholesterol from 230 to 201 - in just one week!
I can post my results if you want, but it seems that Ray is right once again - pregnenolone powerfully stimulates its own synthesis from the endogenous cholesterol. There is probably a negative feedback mechanism as well - i.e. the body lowers cholesterol synthesis due to the extra pregnenolone it senses floating around.
Also, in a human study 400mg magnesium daily for 30 days brought down trigs by 47%. High trigs mostly means you are not metabolizing sugar well. Caffeine and aspirin both stimulate sugar metabolism and lower trigs as a result. I am not sure what is the mechanism of action for magnesium.

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
My sister inlaw (a Doctor) flamed me for even considering pregnenolone. She said that messing with hormones is a disaster waiting to happen and in my case (really high cholesterol and really high triglycerides) can result in a heart attack.

I am not sure what to think...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Renky said:
post 98497 My sister inlaw (a Doctor) flamed me for even considering pregnenolone. She said that messing with hormones is a disaster waiting to happen and in my case (really high cholesterol and really high triglycerides) can result in a heart attack.

I am not sure what to think...
As much as you probably love, trust and respect you sister-in-law Renky I urge you to do your own research. Doctors are just people like everyone else and unfortunately they are often influenced by pharmaceutical marketing strategies designed to sell drugs. As much as I respect anyone who devotes their life's work to trying to helping others I do not think they deserve the unquestioned privileged status they've achieved.

There is way more to the cholesterol story than we've been led to believe. I'm still exploring the topic so I can't say what others should do but for myself I've opted to not take statins. Beyond having cholesterol levels that are higher than the current guidelines consider optimal I enjoy better health than I have had in decades. Rewind to the 1988 criteria and my cholesterol would have been considered normal-borderline high. The guidelines were changed to create more 'need' for the drugs. I also do not have heart disease but what conventional medicine considers a risk factor for heart disease. It's a lot to process because we are heavily marketed to but I think in a situation that isn't life or death it behooves us to do our own research before blindly submitting to treatment that may or may not be in our best interest. Even when we go to a doctor of our own volition seeking help we still have autonomy and the right to to refuse treatment that we are unsure about for whatever reason. She steps off her soapbox.
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Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
Hi Blossom,

I appreciate your candidness, thank you.

To be honest, I do agree with you. I question Doctors and their profession. I married into a family with two nurses, one surgeon, one Doctor and one Physical Therapist :eek: . So, you can imagine the comments when they hear my blood tests results and then how I am exploring other natural options. I am actually deciding to not tell them about this stuff anymore. My sister inlaw used a bit of scare mongering the other night and I did not appreciate it.

Where I live, the high side of the range for Cholesterol is 5.5. I was 8.8 and have come down to 7.4. I would feel more at ease if I got down to 5 or 5.5. I would probably live with that. My triglycerides seem to be an even bigger issue.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Renky said:
post 98544 Hi Blossom,

I appreciate your candidness, thank you.

To be honest, I do agree with you. I question Doctors and their profession. I married into a family with two nurses, one surgeon, one Doctor and one Physical Therapist :eek: . So, you can imagine the comments when they hear my blood tests results and then how I am exploring other natural options. I am actually deciding to not tell them about this stuff anymore. My sister inlaw used a bit of scare mongering the other night and I did not appreciate it.

Where I live, the high side of the range for Cholesterol is 5.5. I was 8.8 and have come down to 7.4. I would feel more at ease if I got down to 5 or 5.5. I would probably live with that. My triglycerides seem to be an even bigger issue.
That sounds like an excellent plan Renky. I used to be one of those well meaning medical workers that would harp on my family all the time. I did it out of love but that didn't mean I was right!
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Mar 2, 2015
Taking 500mg pregnenolone daily brought down my cholesterol from 230 to 201 - in just one week!
I can post my results if you want, but it seems that Ray is right once again - pregnenolone powerfully stimulates its own synthesis from the endogenous cholesterol. There is probably a negative feedback mechanism as well - i.e. the body lowers cholesterol synthesis due to the extra pregnenolone it senses floating around.
Also, in a human study 400mg magnesium daily for 30 days brought down trigs by 47%. High trigs mostly means you are not metabolizing sugar well. Caffeine and aspirin both stimulate sugar metabolism and lower trigs as a result. I am not sure what is the mechanism of action for magnesium.


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Mar 2, 2015
I guess I am trying to reconcile my cholesterol labs with the RP lifeestyle I have embarked on. 2 months ago I started eliminating PUFA to the max extent possible, began nonfat goats milk, OJ, fruit like oranges, grapefruit, apples, started 2 aspirin a week and bought pansterone, oxidal, energain, and estroban. I included 1-2 two bottles of pepsi per week and some blue bunny vanilla bean ice cream, Ok so here are the labs. I was pretty happy overall with the Dec 2015 labs. But look at the difference to April labs. TG have doubled and frankly, I am pretty disappointed overall. I don't feel bad and I am playing hockey and working out about 4 days a week. Just looking for some feedback as to RP's way of dealing with labs as they may not conform to interpretations that I have been accustomed to.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
What other labs were drawn? Thyroid levels? Did you gain weight over that time frame? I don't think I know enough to assist you, but more information would be helpful for those that do have the knowledge.


Mar 2, 2015
What other labs were drawn? Thyroid levels? Did you gain weight over that time frame? I don't think I know enough to assist you, but more information would be helpful for those that do have the knowledge.


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Mar 2, 2015
This was my last thyroid lab. I was taking 1 grain S Thyroid at the time. I ensure adequate protein daily at about 140-160 grams from milk, fish, protein powder on occassion, grassfed beef or liver 1-2 times per week. I am getting ready to get off TRT, arimidex and HCG in 2.5 weeks.

As far as my weight...sticking right about the same 5'9" 226lbs...heavily muscled with some love handle but not terrible. My SKULPT bodyfat calculator says my belly is 19%, thighs, triceps and chest are between 8%-12%. Total bodyfat is just over 17% at almost 52 years old.

I guess the main question is....SHOULD I BE INTERPRETING THESE LABS THE SAME WAY I ALWAYS HAVE??? Are the totals being so high really bad..??


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I guess I am trying to reconcile my cholesterol labs with the RP lifeestyle I have embarked on. 2 months ago I started eliminating PUFA to the max extent possible, began nonfat goats milk, OJ, fruit like oranges, grapefruit, apples, started 2 aspirin a week and bought pansterone, oxidal, energain, and estroban. I included 1-2 two bottles of pepsi per week and some blue bunny vanilla bean ice cream, Ok so here are the labs. I was pretty happy overall with the Dec 2015 labs. But look at the difference to April labs. TG have doubled and frankly, I am pretty disappointed overall. I don't feel bad and I am playing hockey and working out about 4 days a week. Just looking for some feedback as to RP's way of dealing with labs as they may not conform to interpretations that I have been accustomed to.

The high trigs usually mean liver is not dealing well with a lot of sugar but trigs are less dangerous then the NEFA. Trigs are more or less neutral but can fatten up the liver. Taking some niacinamide or biotin usually gets rid of the problem. However, the underlying problem is usually hypothyroidism. Have you done any tests on that? Are you tracking pulse and temps?


Mar 2, 2015
Yes I am zeroing in on that for the last week my pulse has been good between 80-85 day and night. Now the temps are consistently 97.1-97.5 or lower every time AM and PM. The 1st and only time I went above 98 (98.5) was last night and the only thing I did differently was take the the Idealabs Thyroid at 8 drops in the AM! Checked my temps 1 hour after dinner and it was 98.5. That was a shock to me!! I will also add in some Biotin. I do use niacininide 3x/day at 100mgs. The attached Thyroid lab was from January and I was taking 1 pill (Grain) TR thyroid (the little pink sugar pill from Thailand)
The high trigs usually mean liver is not dealing well with a lot of sugar but trigs are less dangerous then the NEFA. Trigs are more or less neutral but can fatten up the liver. Taking some niacinamide or biotin usually gets rid of the problem. However, the underlying problem is usually hypothyroidism. Have you done any tests on that? Are you tracking pulse and temps?[/QUOTE


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yes I am zeroing in on that for the last week my pulse has been good between 80-85 day and night. Now the temps are consistently 97.1-97.5 or lower every time AM and PM. The 1st and only time I went above 98 (98.5) was last night and the only thing I did differently was take the the Idealabs Thyroid at 8 drops in the AM! Checked my temps 1 hour after dinner and it was 98.5. That was a shock to me!! I will also add in some Biotin. I do use niacininide 3x/day at 100mgs

OK, then I would keep taking the thyroid until temps and pulse can be kept up for at least 2 hours post meal without getting cold and shivery. Eventually you want to get to a point where waking temps are in the 98 range and rise to 98.5 when you eat.


Mar 2, 2015
This was a January lab. I was taking 1 pill (Grain) of TR thyroid at the time.


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Mar 2, 2015
OK, then I would keep taking the thyroid until temps and pulse can be kept up for at least 2 hours post meal without getting cold and shivery. Eventually you want to get to a point where waking temps are in the 98 range and rise to 98.5 when you eat.
Perfect...thanks much. You may or may not remember, but I am making an attempt to stop TRT in 2 weeks. I will use clomid at 12.5mgs (eod) and Arimidex (0.25mg eod) in the protocol. I just want to see what my body NORMALLY does without the help!! Anything else you can think of to help??? My doctor seems to think if I stop the clomid I may crash and he is now thinking low dose long term use of clomid is safe..??? I am not so sure....


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Perfect...thanks much. You may or may not remember, but I am making an attempt to stop TRT in 2 weeks. I will use clomid at 12.5mgs (eod) and Arimidex (0.25mg eod) in the protocol. I just want to see what my body NORMALLY does without the help!! Anything else you can think of to help??? My doctor seems to think if I stop the clomid I may crash and he is now thinking low dose long term use of clomid is safe..??? I am not so sure....

Why is he so hellbent on the clomid? There are so many other ways to regulate estrogen. Why would not progesterone and/or vitamin E be just as effective without the serious estrogenic side effects of clomid in the brain and liver?? The term SERM is just a marketing gimmick, these chemicals are still estrogens.
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