How to Lawfully Avoid Masks, Tests and Quarantines During Travel - Prof. Dolores Cahill




Dr Peat linked this video to an email reply to @jamies33 with this reponse

"Those are still in the experimental stage, and to coerce someone to submit to a medical experiment is a crime. In all the US states, coercion is a crime punishable by prison, and personal liability of the employer for damages is another thought that tends to get their attention. In some of Dolores Cahill’s videos she explains how to do it without a lawyer, but I know several people who just had a lawyer make the law clear to their employer, leading to their dropping the mandate. The present official figures for vaccine-associated death and disability are very clear, but the long-range dangers aren’t known; experience with RNA treatments in animals suggests that they could be terrible."

I have been saying all along to challenge all the mandates they are not legal. We just need courage, some people say balls, I like to stick with courage.
Mar 10, 2021
Dr Peat linked this video to an email reply to @jamies33 with this reponse

"Those are still in the experimental stage, and to coerce someone to submit to a medical experiment is a crime. In all the US states, coercion is a crime punishable by prison, and personal liability of the employer for damages is another thought that tends to get their attention. In some of Dolores Cahill’s videos she explains how to do it without a lawyer, but I know several people who just had a lawyer make the law clear to their employer, leading to their dropping the mandate. The present official figures for vaccine-associated death and disability are very clear, but the long-range dangers aren’t known; experience with RNA treatments in animals suggests that they could be terrible."

I have been saying all along to challenge all the mandates they are not legal. We just need courage, some people say balls, I like to stick with courage.

Thanks for this one Pina and Jamies33! I am gonna pass it on!



Fighting Vaccine Mandates - #SolutionsWatch James Corbett​


What’s Going on in Japan? – Questions For Corbett #078

Japan’s vaccine passports: Here’s what you need to know

Suga challenger in LDP leadership race vows huge COVID relief package (Kishida calls for vaccine passport)

UK Government drops plans for domestic vaccine passports

Did Ayn Rand defeat vaccine passports?

President Biden Announces Vaccination Mandate for Employers

Australian Premier Dan Andrews: “we are going to lock out the unvaccinated”

Italy makes COVID-19 pass mandatory for all workers | DW News

Surging Delta variant: France and Greece introduce mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers

Alberta to launch proof-of-vaccination program, declares health emergency

Introducing #SolutionsWatch

Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

HomeRemedySupply comment on September Open Thread

America’s Frontline Doctor’s Legal Team’s “Vaccines and the Law” page

Vaccine religious exemption template downloads from

Doctors for COVID Ethics example forms, templates, letters and other resources

Legal principle of non discrimination

The COVID-19 “Vaccine” and the Nuremberg Code. Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide

No, COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the Nuremberg Code

Bioethics and the New Eugenics
United Airlines warns of unpaid leave for staff given religious vaccine exemptions

Religious exemption to vaccine mandates may be difficult to obtain, as Amish case shows

How To Meet Like-Minded People



The No Vax Mandate Job Board

Here’s How To Still Dine At A Restaurant UNVAXXED!! Suss Them Out & Find Out Who’s Cool!!

Together Declaration

1000s take over Time Square in NYC for the protest against the mandatory shot

“This Is Not Political!” — Thousands Gather At “Freedom Rally” In New York City To Oppose Vaccine Passport

Beware of Fake “Resistance” to Mandates

Executive Orders and How to Stop Them

James Corbett – Ernest Hancock with Arizona Dara (Solutions;

The Revolution of the Mind
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Sep 17, 2020
Julia Hartley Brewer will do no such thing. She is just a puppet playing to the tunes sung by the ones above her.
All she's done for the last 18 months is to say how unfair everything is: lockdowns, mask wearing, restrictions, testing school children etc etc ..yet she mentions at every opportunity in her radio programme that she is fully vaxxed and she has nothing against it.


Julia Hartley Brewer will do no such thing. She is just a puppet playing to the tunes sung by the ones above her.
All she's done for the last 18 months is to say how unfair everything is: lockdowns, mask wearing, restrictions, testing school children etc etc ..yet she mentions at every opportunity in her radio programme that she is fully vaxxed and she has nothing against it.
Yes, I've heard her say this which is why I made my comment. Her station talkRadio is owned by news corp via news uk


Feb 26, 2016
I’m doing airline travel soon. Last time was almost a year ago & no vax or test was required at my regional airport.

Am I right that I can travel unvaxxed within US states without testing?

The airlines were scheduled (so says the media) to drop the mask mandate this Friday, but they (I don’t know who, but united airlines says they are “following” cdc guidelines) extended them.

That airlines has some kind of questionnaire you take at check-in, but apparently its contents is secret. Not posted anywhere I can find.

The language about travel restrictions on airline & travel advice websites is totally sketch, with no specifics at all. You are supposed to just be subject to whatever you are willing to do without a fuss, it looks like.

Asking: anyone traveled within US states lately by air & what’s happening?
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