How To Explain Excess Deaths This Year?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Aug 18, 2015
May I ask what are you basing this on? Infectiousness aside, according to CDC's official data COVID-19 is actually about as or even less deadly than the flu for all age groups except the 70+ year olds.
CNN: Covid-19 Death Rate Is Under 1% For Everyone But People Over 70

Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States — 2019–2020 Influenza Season | CDC ~40k flu deaths vs ~250k from corona Covid in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count


Jul 8, 2020
Aug 18, 2015
Come on man, have you not read any of this forum since March? Any death with covid is registered from covid, so whatever the actual figure is instead of 250k is anyones guess.

Why should I trust you saying its anyone's guess vs what the new york times ?


Mar 6, 2020
Unfortunately the MSM will only provide the official narrative. All dissenting views are quickly demonitised, deplatformed off youtub etc. Any doctors that speak out are sacked/marginalised and have their webpages removed. To have any understanding of whats going on with COVID you need to move off MSM and find people like del bigtree, whitney webb, london real, corbett, mercola,... and this forum.
Jun 16, 2017
Why should I trust you saying its anyone's guess vs what the new york times ?
Exactly, why not trust the NYT?

From Good Fats, Bad Fats (Published 2018) :
"In an interview, Dr. Sacks said the advice derived from the best research “is pretty straightforward: consume few saturated fats like butter, full-fat dairy, beef and pork fat, and coconut, palm and palm kernel oils and replace them with natural vegetable oils high in polyunsaturates — corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower, peanut, walnut and grapeseed oils.” Also healthful are canola and olive oil, rich in both monounsaturates and polyunsaturates."

Are you loading up on those heart-healthy PUFAs yet? Because you should, according to the NYT.


Oct 1, 2019

COVID deaths are people who died with a positive test, not people who died of COVID (if you want to learn about the test: search "PCR" in the forum).

Why should I trust you saying its anyone's guess vs what the new york times ?

Here is the White House™ telling you how the COVID deaths are counted.



May 8, 2017
Lets say you had a positive COVID test last week and then you die in a traffic accident. You are a COVID case.

Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida: Report
Agreed the death count could easily be overstated since hospitals have an incentive for reporting deaths and cases. How much it is overstated, nobody knows. That's why it's helpful to look at all-cause mortality data (which is clearly up in the US, assuming the data isn't fabricated). Whether that's due to covid, lockdowns, increases in other diseases or something else, is also anybody's guess right now. My hunch is, covid probably has some role.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Total deaths does not fairly represent the picture. If a lot of people are dying in the 70+ age group then you will have higher total death count. I did acknowledge that there is data for COVID-19 being more dangerous for the elderly. However, for ALL age groups except the 70+ year olds, COVID-19 is on par or less deadly than the flu. See the CDC link I sent you.
The number of people in the US that are 70+ years old is about <15% of the population. So, for the 85%+ of the population COVID-19 is either less or as deadly as the flu. Actually, there is now some data that for 85+ year olds, flu and COVID-19 may be equally deadly. So, we could be looking at as much as 90% of the population basically facing the risk of a typical flu. This exact same opinion is also presented in the BMJ editorial on which the post below is based - i.e. for the vast majority of the public, COVID-19 is just another "flu".
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Essentially Pointless
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Jan 25, 2014
Why should I trust you saying its anyone's guess vs what the new york times ?

I don't know why anyone here would trust the New York Times, or really anything reported in the Mass Satanic Media, when it comes to anything about nutrition or health. This goes double, triple, quadruple and any other "-ruple" you want to throw at COVID, which is an obvious 11 month Propaganda campaign that they are willingly partaking in.

Having said that....... when you "trust" the NYT, do you understand what they are reporting? They are reporting data that comes from the CDC, and then maybe putting their spin on it. And do you understand that the data the CDC reports comes from individual states, all of whom may have different testing and standards? And that the CDC itself is very careful to not imply any causality........ but know that most people will infer causality?

And even within states themselves, there may be doctors or coroners who code more aggressively COVID than others?

Not to mention all of these "COVID deaths" are based on tests that have a whole host of problems, not the least of which that they were never calibrated against a live sample of said virus in the first place.

So I will be very clear-

I trust the NYT to repeat any numbers given to them by the CDC. I don't trust anything they have to say when they interpret those numbers, because I don't think anyone on that paper understands them.

I don't trust the CDC at all. They have been proven to lie, lie, and lie again, about every one of these fake media pandemics. Sheryl Attkisson did a great job of exposing how criminal the CDC is back in 2009- Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?

I don't trust any of the "COVID" diagnostic tests. And anyone who's read the manufacturer's disclaimer probably wouldn't either. I also don't trust that any "novel coronavirus" was discovered in China in the first place, seeing as I still haven't seen any electron micrographs or a paper satisfying Koch's postulates.

Worded another way, I trust the New York Times to correctly report numbers that are inherently meaningless from a government agency that has been proven to lie about such things. I certainly don't trust them to do anything beyond that.

What sort of trust are you putting into the NYT?


Nov 6, 2015
Here's a good explanation for why so many elderly died since the lockdowns; it has nothing to do with a virus!

Sweden Did in Fact Lock Down When it Came to Care Homes – Lockdown Sceptics

And here you can see that excess deaths in each and every case happened RIGHT AFTER the lockdowns, which is a very unlikely scenario if it was really about a deadly virus:

Questions for Lockdown Apologists

Questions for Lockdown Apologists: Why was the virus late to Mexico?



Aug 30, 2012
What were the symptoms you had? I know a few people here who were told they have covid-19 and claim it was quite bad. But when they describe how they felt, it sounds just like a bad flu (and they are now perfectly fine). I remember my family having a bad flu and it often felt like you are dying and every bone in your body hurt. I think there is a big psychological element here because if you are told you have a horrible, deadly illness, you will be much more conscious and suspicious of the bad symptoms as you would be if you were told you just have the flu. Plus people avoid you like the plague and you are left alone with these symptoms in many cases.

My best friend and a bunch of her family members all have it. One died, another is asymptomatic, the rest are somewhere in between. The others who have symptoms all report that it hurts to breathe. My friend described it as having a lot of pain in her ribs when she breathes in. Her sister describes it as having an anvil on her chest. If there are any notable developments, I'll let you know.
Dec 18, 2018
What about radiologic evidence? Do we have members proficient at reading radiologic images? What about the 'crazy weave pattern', 'ground glass opaqueness' reported early on in the literature and so on. I am undecided about the true impact of Covid- 19, but there is a respiratory illness going on, and the possibility exists that long term damage is just underreported to avoid societal disturbance; if the true damage would be revealed, individuals would straight up refuse of going to work. Can't know for sure at all if that's the case, but the uphold of societal order becomes dominant if challenged in applied political thought& action.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Talking to a friend about covid and he asked how do you explain expected deaths if covid is nothing unusual?

Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19, by Age and ...

At least a third of them (in the US) are NOT from the virus. I suspect the non-COVID-19 death share is actually much higher, but it would be a political suicide for any person in power to say that the lockdowns and their residual effects killed more people than the virus...
No Excess Deaths In Sweden In 2020 Compared To The Last 10 Years


What about radiologic evidence? Do we have members proficient at reading radiologic images? What about the 'crazy weave pattern', 'ground glass opaqueness' reported early on in the literature and so on. I am undecided about the true impact of Covid- 19, but there is a respiratory illness going on, and the possibility exists that long term damage is just underreported to avoid societal disturbance; if the true damage would be revealed, individuals would straight up refuse of going to work. Can't know for sure at all if that's the case, but the uphold of societal order becomes dominant if challenged in applied political thought& action.
That kind of "evidence" is too broad in scope. One can't specify that only convid causes such conditions. This journal goes to say " a rather unspecific radiologic feature seen in a number of clinical conditions involving different pathologic processes."


Feb 13, 2016
I think there is something definitely going on. Nearly everyone I know is feeling off (including myself), suddenly developing chronic fatigue and vertigo.


I think there is something definitely going on. Nearly everyone I know is feeling off (including myself), suddenly developing chronic fatigue and vertigo.
Stress and gaslighting is a helluva thing.
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