How To Explain Excess Deaths This Year?


Oct 1, 2019
Some symptoms were similar to the flu (fever, body aches, fatigue) but also had shortness of breath (I couldn't walk my dog without almost passing out) and completely lost my sense of taste and smell which still hasn't fully returned. It also took me ~10 days to feel more normal. I have had the flu before, and this was a little different, at least for me.

Yeah, it was probably........ a coronavirus infection. Coronaviruses exist since thousands of years, nothing new happening this year except fearmongering from news, politicians and billionaires.
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Oct 1, 2019
All Cause Mortality During COVID 19 Is Likely Signature Of Mass Homicide By Government Response
"The current COVID-19 pandemic itself and the economic impact of mitigation efforts imposed to control it are both expected to result in direct increases in rates of mental health and substance use disorders (MHSUD), including deaths associated with suicide, overdose, and violence (especially domestic violence)."

"I. Projected Increases in Deaths from Suicide
Using data from many countries and different recessionary periods, researchers have consistently found that reduced per capita GDP and associated rises in unemployment are directly associated with increases in suicide. It is also important to keep in mind that, for every person who dies from suicide, many more experience suicidal thoughts and even more experience MHSUD associated with suicide, especially depression. Based on U.S. state-level data from 1997 to 2010, which includes the 2007–2009 recession, each percentage point increase in the unemployment rate results in a 1.6% increase in the suicide rate. MMHPI estimates that a COVID recession on par with the 2007–2009 recession (in which U.S. workers experienced a 5% increase in unemployment) would result in the loss of a nearly 4,000 additional Americans per year to suicide because of unemployment alone. To the extent that this relationship is linear, with each additional percentage point increase in the rate of unemployment, approximately 775 more Americans would be lost to suicide. If the unemployment rate were to increase by 20%, just exceeding the 23% unemployment rate during the Great Depression, MMHPI estimates that approximately 18,000 more Americans could die from suicide."

"II. Projected Increases in Deaths Due to Overdose and Substance Use Disorders Increases in unemployment rates are also associated with increased rates of substance use disorders (SUD) and overdose deaths. Brown and Wehby19 used state-level data from 1999 to 2014 to estimate the association between unemployment and drug overdose-related deaths. They found that each one percentage point increase in unemployment was associated with an increase of 0.334 overdose deaths per 100,000 people.20 Using this effect size, each 5% increase in unemployment would result in an additional 5,500 overdose-related deaths across the U.S. per year. If the unemployment rate increases by 20%, MMHPI estimates that more than 22,000 Americans could lose their lives from drug overdoses related to unemployment alone."
"Text messages to the federal government’s disaster distress hotline increased by more than 1,000 percent in April — a month most Americans spent under lockdown because of the novel coronavirus.
Quarantined Americans are seeking help for domestic violence, mental illness and substance abuse at higher rates than normal. Dozens of states and locally run distress hotlines have reported sizable increases in call volume. Sales of alcohol are surging. Nearly half of Americans sheltering in place have reported a worsening of their mental health."

KFF Health Tracking Poll – Early April 2020: The Impact Of Coronavirus On Life In America
"People are also increasingly reporting that coronavirus is having a negative effect on their mental health. More than four in ten adults overall (45%) feel that worry and stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health, up from 32% in early March."

"About one in five (19%) say it is has had a “major impact” including about one-fourth of women (24%), Hispanic adults (24%), and black adults (24%). Large shares across demographic groups report that worry or stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health."

We all know what stress does to our health and especially to already compromised people. | Questions for Lockdown Apologists

„We now have mortality data for the first few months of 2020 for many countries, and, as you might expect, there were steep increases associated with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in each one.

Surprisingly, however, these increases did not begin before the lockdowns were imposed, but after. Moreover, in almost every case, they began immediately after. Often, mortality numbers were on a downward trend before suddenly reversing course after lockdowns were decreed.“

Children are thinking about suicide now because of the fearmongering and the measures.

French children traumatised by coronavirus crisis, expert warns
Benjamin Landman, chief of psychiatry at Paris’s Robert-Debré paediatric hospital, told French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche that lockdown measures and new social distancing norms have had a significant impact on children’s mental health.

Young children were experiencing developmental regression, such as bedwetting, difficulty falling asleep and separation anxiety, while older children were showing behavioural problems, signs of agitation, sudden withdrawal and a fear of going back to school.

“Some children who have never had any particular difficulties are now presenting acute mental disorders linked to the health crisis,” Landman told JDD.
“For the past two weeks we’ve seen an influx of some serious situations...such as children and adolescents with suicidal ideas.”

And everything else that was said. The intense stress and fear might have concentrated the deaths that would have occured over a longer period of time into a smaller window in 2020. I expect the coming years to be rather mild regarding all cause mortality because of that.

Many were also killed with the "lifesaving" ventilation: (Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate), but that probably happens all the time. A hospital in Germany has 0% COVID mortality rate because they don't ventilate immediately (as the officals still recommend).
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Mar 22, 2017
particulary in Poland, if you do not have ,,covid 19", they wont let you into in many hospitals. gov refund mostly covid patients. so for example you live in city x where is only one hospital, you need urgently removal of appendix, but this hospital wont let you go, so ambulance is cruising to find some hospital, during this cruising, patient dies.
you have broken hand, they wont let you in many hospitals, without signing document where is phrase ,,suspected for coronavirus".
it's genocide, systemic.
btw 1.if you think that Poland have right wing gov... stop listening to massmedia. they are socialists. prime minister is bankster. they do same what left side would do but in slower pace. today this a*** (prime minister) share his list of consultants (he want to share his responsibility) - almost all of them are prof. of medicine ! they advise him to close economy. logical conclusion - today medicine is based not on evidence or science but on bribes.


Oct 1, 2019
From the BMJ
Covid-19: “Staggering number” of extra deaths in community is not explained by covid-19

"Only a third of the excess deaths seen in the community in England and Wales can be explained by covid-19, new data have shown."
"Of those 30 000, only 10 000 have had covid-19 specified on the death certificate. While Spiegelhalter acknowledged that some of these “excess deaths” might be the result of underdiagnosis, “the huge number of unexplained extra deaths in homes and care homes is extraordinary. When we look back . . . this rise in non-covid extra deaths outside the hospital is something I hope will be given really severe attention.”

He added that many of these deaths would be among people “who may well have lived longer if they had managed to get to hospital.”"


Mar 6, 2020
lol, you are trying to tell me what symptoms I had from an illness over the internet? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I'm not even sure shortness of breath is that common among people infected with covid. Most people seem to be asymptomatic

he is preparing you for the joys of telemedicine


Nov 6, 2015
lol, you are trying to tell me what symptoms I had from an illness over the internet? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I'm not even sure shortness of breath is that common among people infected with covid. Most people seem to be asymptomatic

I heard a few people say shortness of breath is a covid symptom. I don't know about it but hypoxia can definitely be caused by fear or stress which is a big element in covid.

I heard people say they lost sense of smell and taste with covid. But in my experience people have been getting strangely ill already before covid. Many of my friends (around 35 years old) who appear of average or even above average health had labs done and literally all of them had many results abnormal - liver function deranged, iron high or low, cholesterol high or low, inflammation markers elevated etc. So from this I know people have been very unhealthy lately. One (a very fit guy) lost sense of smell completely for a while due to some strange "sinus issue", then got hepatitis and almost died last year, just before covid. Another friend has a completely blocked nose half of the time for two years now. Two friends and myself were coughing for months the last couple of winters, and we were never coughing before. My mother in law has had a dreadful cough constantly since February (and she claims her whole village is coughing) and she was negative for covid. I think it may simply be that we are getting sicker and sicker in this polluted world. I just wish the problems would for once be blamed on the right thing - pollution and unhealthy lifestyle - instead of blaming a scapegoat which really isn't helpful at all.

I also wonder how much the disinfectants are contributing to respiratory issues we see now. I just read a post by a woman who used a hand sanitizer for a while in April which caused the skin on her hands to start peeling in one spot. She stopped using sanitizer completely already back then, but the spot continued to spread and now her whole hand is red and peeling and it won't go away. Imagine what it can do to the airways when the same stuff is inhaled...
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Jan 25, 2014
lol, you are trying to tell me what symptoms I had from an illness over the internet? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I'm not even sure shortness of breath is that common among people infected with covid. Most people seem to be asymptomatic

Um, he wasn't. He was offering a possible explanation for a symptom. He clearly didn't say "You had shortness of breath, you just didn't realize it."


Mar 21, 2018
I believe this is the data you are looking for. This is total mortality and represents all deaths from Jan 1 - Sept 30 in the US. Not sure why the file was labeled weekly excess deaths. Total mortality in the U.S. in 2018 was 2,839,205 which is why this data is ~3/4 of that (since it is 9 months)
No mate, from what I read on CDC page this is statistical model.
Does CDC issue death certificates in US? I don't think they do.
Who can tell me which department issues death certificates in US? Or keeps track of all death certificates issued in all the states.


May 19, 2017
lol, you are trying to tell me what symptoms I had from an illness over the internet? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I'm not even sure shortness of breath is that common among people infected with covid. Most people seem to be asymptomatic
I haven't said what symptoms you had. You have said it yourself few posts above.

Some symptoms were similar to the flu (fever, body aches, fatigue) but also had shortness of breath (I couldn't walk my dog without almost passing out) and completely lost my sense of taste and smell which still hasn't fully returned. It also took me ~10 days to feel more normal. I have had the flu before, and this was a little different, at least for me.


Mar 21, 2018
Some symptoms were similar to the flu (fever, body aches, fatigue) but also had shortness of breath (I couldn't walk my dog without almost passing out) and completely lost my sense of taste and smell which still hasn't fully returned. It also took me ~10 days to feel more normal. I have had the flu before, and this was a little different, at least for me.
In 1994 I had really bad flu (was 14 at that time). Could not do anything but laying down, could not taste or smell (even onion) and even had hallucinations caused by high fever. Novel Corona was not around.


May 8, 2017
No mate, from what I read on CDC page this is statistical model.
Does CDC issue death certificates in US? I don't think they do.
Who can tell me which department issues death certificates in US? Or keeps track of all death certificates issued in all the states.
What?? The OP's original link is a statistical model as it is comparing actual deaths vs. expected deaths for 2020. The data I shared is simply looking at total mortality by month from 2017-2020. There is no statistical model to's not that difficult


May 8, 2017
In 1994 I had really bad flu (was 14 at that time). Could not do anything but laying down, could not taste or smell (even onion) and even had hallucinations caused by high fever. Novel Corona was not around.
Sorry you had to experience that. Not sure why it seems to trigger people on this forum that I tested positive for covid and had some symptoms...


Mar 21, 2018
Sorry you had to experience that. Not sure why it seems to trigger people on this forum that I tested positive for covid and had some symptoms...
No worries. It's part of life.
You've tried to exaggerate the severity of corona. Hence people try to balance it.


Mar 21, 2018
What?? The OP's original link is a statistical model as it is comparing actual deaths vs. expected deaths for 2020. The data I shared is simply looking at total mortality by month from 2017-2020. There is no statistical model to's not that difficult
1.The link you've share does not lead to the file you mention. (At least I could not find it).
2.I'd like to see the number of actual death certificates issued. CDC does not issue death certificates, does it?


May 8, 2017
1.The link you've share does not lead to the file you mention. (At least I could not find it).
2.I'd like to see the number of actual death certificates issued. CDC does not issue death certificates, does it?
If you click and search around on the CDC's website, you can find historical all cause mortality data, as I was able to pretty easily a few weeks ago. I'm not going to do it for you


May 8, 2017
No worries. It's part of life.
You've tried to exaggerate the severity of corona. Hence people try to balance it.
All I have done is shared some actual data and explained some symptoms I had from covid, that's it.


Mar 21, 2018
All I have done is shared some actual data and explained some symptoms I had from covid, that's it.
All we've done is pointed that your symptoms were nothing out of the ordinary for a typical flu. Have a nice day.


Oct 21, 2013
lol, you are trying to tell me what symptoms I had from an illness over the internet? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I'm not even sure shortness of breath is that common among people infected with covid. Most people seem to be asymptomatic

I didn't take it that way. Poster JanP said *they* meaning the CDC or whoever makes the universal lists of symptoms, added shortness of breath because it's easy to get a LOT of people to have that symptom, whether or not it is actually induced by the illness. It seemed like a general comment. Most people I've seen online who claimed a positive COVID test due to having symptoms, said it was like a bad flu case. It fits with what you are reporting.
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