Homeless Guys Have Tons Of Hair

Apr 24, 2017
For topical solution it's usually a mix of ethanol and distilled water. It would be good to have a member with skills in chemistry to chime in and help with a formula.

I'm not necessarily convinced that allo is the solution because as far as I know finasteride prevents conversion of progesterone into its metabolites, but there is no harm in trying, and I think topical solutions with ethanol show a lot of promise.
Blaming baldness to the lack of allopregnenolone is just as reductionist as blaming DHT. Don't think itt will work, maybe to some limited extent. It's worth to try nevertheless.


Nov 22, 2017
Blaming baldness to the lack of allopregnenolone is just as reductionist as blaming DHT. Don't think itt will work, maybe to some limited extent. It's worth to try nevertheless.

That's my view as well. Baldness is a complex stress pathology, and I don't think it's reasonable to think that it's caused by one thing in particular. However, no harm in trying different things.


Nov 21, 2019
Would be funny if the carrier for topicals would be proven to be more effective then what it transports


Nov 21, 2019
As has been mentioned in many threads here, topical progesterone can in some cases completely cure baldness. The effectiveness might be dependent on how readily you convert progesterone to allopregenolone. Not as was theorized to be from estrogen antagonism.

Interestingly, the conversion efficiency is greatly affected by 5-ar activity. So people with high DHT might benefit more from progesterone.

Who regrew significant amounts with progesterone?


Aug 6, 2017
That's my view as well. Baldness is a complex stress pathology, and I don't think it's reasonable to think that it's caused by one thing in particular. However, no harm in trying different things.
I was not trying to say that the cause is lack of allo, just that artificially increasing allo seems to be one of the most healing interventions that can be made to a severely stressed body. I believe the cause is chronic postural damage leading to fascial tension on the scalp.

Can you find one devoted yogi with MPB or weak beard? Here is one famous yogi who claimed to live mostly without any food. Great hair, a little gray due to lack of protein etc and the age of 90:

No, because in yoga one of the most basic concepts is to straighten the spine to remove all tension from the body, this is one of the first requirements for enabling access to deep meditative states in most people.

Just look at his posture and flexibility.

Who regrew significant amounts with progesterone?
I was not making any specific reference, just that when you read threads about this topic online you sometimes find mentions of success with progesterone, and the mechanism has been debated also on this forum.
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Aug 6, 2017
1: do you have some sources showing him to have MPB? Or is he just shaved clean?
2: that's not a yogi, i assume. That's a new-age gymnast. Also the shaved head hints against yogi, instead being a religious practitioner.

If you try to become flexible like people in the modern age do (ballet dancers etc) we know it is unhealthy and damaging to the body. You use force and stretch your supporting structures trying to increase flexibility. In yoga the practice is the opposite. Being flexible through having loose support has nothing to do with being flexible through having perfectly balanced fascial tension.


Jun 7, 2016

Kirsten does finds some great people. That guy is very lean, as he eats lots of lamb fats

I went on his YouTube channel and he has had issues with police which would be stressful. It’s such a mad world that people like him get trouble from police because of the mentally ill masses.

I would be so interested in his earlier life leading up to what he does now.


Sep 13, 2012
This has been debunked many times: athletes are not healthy, even when they're young. Baldness is always a sign that something is wrong.

The 50 year-old alcoholic has lower levels of stress, and he's using the little knowledge about nutrition he has to deal with his pain, by using alcohol, cigarettes, masturbation, etc.

Your situation is similar to haidut's. He lost all his hair during his low carb period, and of course, he was also going through lots of stress, which just compounded the issue.

You felt better when you ditched those coping mechanisms because, yes, they themselves are toxic if used for a long time, and the additives they put in cigarettes are a big issue, not to mention the PUFA you were probably eating through junk food, but also because of STRESS hormones. Most people feel great when they start a ketogenic diet, they feel very euphoric and energetic, and they may feel like they have more stamina and can breath better, but it's just cortisol and adrenaline, which degenerate the body over time. Alcohol and cigarettes can be very valuable to reduce stress when you don't have much knowledge of nutrition, and the fact that you started balding after you made the "healthy changes" is an argument against your statement that balding has nothing to do with metabolism.

Also, it's not true at all that women can't get MPB. Lack of protein, too much estrogen and hypothyroidism can cause MPB in women too. My aunt started losing her when she was going through some tough times, and the hair loss stopped very soon after the she solved the problem.

Danny Roddy has talked about the contradictions regarding the mainstream idea that androgens cause MPB.
My Grandpa here with type 2 diabetes well controlled by not eating any sugar, raised 9 kids and worked in a factory. Had thick black hair most of his life.


Sep 13, 2012
My understanding of the carrot salad was that at least part of the benefit came from the fiber, which helps keep matter moving through the digestive tract. I never received any benefits from the carrot itself. The carrot itself tastes pretty gross to me and it’s consumption usually causes a headache.

All those foods I listed above have a high water content, as well as complement each other very well for a variety of different nutrients. Each one eaten on its own doesn’t really do, but when combined with each other, and especially with the lemon juice/vinegar added on top, becomes quite the refreshing dish. I have a sensitive gut as well, but I never once noticed digestive distress from that combo.
Yeah carrots are nasty and cause headaches.


Jun 13, 2019
My Grandpa here with type 2 diabetes well controlled by not eating any sugar, raised 9 kids and worked in a factory. Had thick black hair most of his life.
View attachment 27175
broadly speaking, those that deal with chronically elevated blood sugar that's relatively stable seem to be in a better condition then those with low blood sugar and big blood sugar swings


Sep 13, 2012
broadly speaking, those that deal with chronically elevated blood sugar that's relatively stable seem to be in a better condition then those with low blood sugar and big blood sugar swings
I came to the same conclusion.


Jun 22, 2021
I think it seems reasonable for the homeless to have good hair from what I've observed

1. They drink a lot of coffee (tends to be cheap)
2. They get in a lot of sun and are stress-free from a job or school
3. They tend to smoke, drink alcohol or do drugs (alcohol in moderate doses seems to do a good job of lowering serotonin for me and many of the drugs I see them do seem to also seem to oppose estrogen/serotonin)

I think for the most part they tend to have an unbothered digestion given I don't expect them to eat a lot and when they do eat - all of the other stuff they do tends to keep strong digestion and lowered serotonin/estrogen


Sep 19, 2018
Could it be due to low body fat? How many of you guys who are losing hair are bellow 12% body fat? I started losing mine when I was trying to bulk up on gym and gained a lot of fat (mostly belly fat). I haven't lost that fat ever since (and don't really know how to do it without stress and lowering my metabolic rate).

We all know fat comes with estrogen, and everything else goes havoc when estrogen is abnormally high.

Of course, everyone is different and there are definitely exceptions, but I see this pattern everyday. Guys around my age (24) who are skinny still have all their hair, while the ones like me (beer belly/skinny fat type) have receding hairlines.

This is probably not the only factor into play. Bodybuilders lose their hair because of steroids. Some very very fat guys have a full head of hair (maybe so much estrogen that the body can't even handle it?). Also, you get fat when your metabolism is low, so maybe, in the end, it's all about metabolism?

Everyone knows that aging comes with getting fatter. The "dad body". And what else comes with aging? Baldness.

I'm probably wrong about this, but I've been thinking a lot about it lately and thought I could share it and see what you guys think.
Apr 22, 2019
Could it be due to low body fat? How many of you guys who are losing hair are bellow 12% body fat? I started losing mine when I was trying to bulk up on gym and gained a lot of fat (mostly belly fat). I haven't lost that fat ever since (and don't really know how to do it without stress and lowering my metabolic rate).

We all know fat comes with estrogen, and everything else goes havoc when estrogen is abnormally high.

Of course, everyone is different and there are definitely exceptions, but I see this pattern everyday. Guys around my age (24) who are skinny still have all their hair, while the ones like me (beer belly/skinny fat type) have receding hairlines.

This is probably not the only factor into play. Bodybuilders lose their hair because of steroids. Some very very fat guys have a full head of hair (maybe so much estrogen that the body can't even handle it?). Also, you get fat when your metabolism is low, so maybe, in the end, it's all about metabolism?

Everyone knows that aging comes with getting fatter. The "dad body". And what else comes with aging? Baldness.

I'm probably wrong about this, but I've been thinking a lot about it lately and thought I could share it and see what you guys think.
If the carbohydrate sources are mostly fruit and milk, becoming lean seems inevitable.

Old people who live past 85 are invariably thin. (Healthy) aging shouldn't trend towards weight gain.

It IS all about metabolism. Peat's work helps to make it faster.


Sep 19, 2018
If the carbohydrate sources are mostly fruit and milk, becoming lean seems inevitable.

Old people who live past 85 are invariably thin. (Healthy) aging shouldn't trend towards weight gain.

It IS all about metabolism. Peat's work helps to make it faster.
Yeah, I was just talking about what happens to most guys when they age (at least where I live).

One of my neighbors has a full head of hair at 70 years old. He is skinny as hell, probably bellow 10% body fat, and has been like this his whole life.

In my family, all of the old men are balding, except for one uncle who is also very skinny.

The problem with this is that bald(ing) guys who lose their fat don't really get their hair back. Maybe something really hard to undo happens to the body.
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