Help Wanted: Curate this forum (part-time, paid)


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Oct 16, 2023
Help Wanted: Curate this forum (part-time, paid)

I'm new here: hundreds of topics, thousands of posts ... it's overwhelming.
So I'm looking for a curator to read and condense posts here.
Then send me a weekly “digest” by email – just a few pages – along the lines of “Readers' Digest” magazine.

I'll provide a list of topics of interest to me.
Examples: glycine and coconut oil, yes, but not Israel Palestine or whatever else is the mainstream news du jour.

I'll ask for all the drivel to be removed.
Every public forum has endless drivel.
Easy to identify and delete, but takes time to do that.

Then distill down to essential 10% of the topic.
Eliminate the wordy, wandering style that is so common on public forums.

PayPal or a bank check in the mail – up to you.
Amount? We'll have to discuss, because this is very unusual kind of work.
Not a lot: you won't get rich doing this, but you can get paid for reading this forum.
And I'll send money to you frequently, so you needn't worry about getting paid by a stranger far away.


1 – Clear thinking
2 – Fluent English (but not required that English be perfect, or even be your first language)
3 – Ability to cut-and-paste. (Or more accurately: cut, cut, cut, and then paste)

And that's about it.
I don't care at all if you have a PhD in molecular biology.
In fact, probably a disadvantage.
(Dr. Peat's writing style was … well ... I admire his ideas, but I would not hire him for this job.)
I'm looking for clear, concise writing.
So if you studied “Strunk and White” in high school or college, that would be a big plus.

Your questions are welcome on any aspect of this.
Questions will help me to refine my idea of hiring a personal curator for this forum.

Thank you.

- Larry


Sep 12, 2015
Are you wanting to pay someone to rip off this site's original content for your financial benefit? What's your intended use for this site's content?


Forum Supporter
Oct 16, 2023
Are you wanting to pay someone to rip off this site's original content for your financial benefit? What's your intended use for this site's content?

Thanks, @Ras, for asking about that.
It's a fair question and I'll do my best to answer, but even then, why should you believe what I say?

I'm an old man: 80 years old.
My eyes are not so good any more ... spending hours staring at a computer screen is not fun.
Reading a few pages on paper, I can do.
My patience is not so good either ... spending more hours scrolling past drivel is not fun either.
This forum seems to have much less drivel than average, but still too much for my taste.
(I'm hoping, in future, the paid membership plan will reduce that problem.)

I live on a pension.
It is a modest amount, but every month I manage to have a little left over.
You can, I'm sure, see the trade-off that I'm willing to make by hiring someone.


Apr 19, 2020
Thanks, @Ras, for asking about that.
It's a fair question and I'll do my best to answer, but even then, why should you believe what I say?

I'm an old man: 80 years old.
My eyes are not so good any more ... spending hours staring at a computer screen is not fun.
Reading a few pages on paper, I can do.
My patience is not so good either ... spending more hours scrolling past drivel is not fun either.
This forum seems to have much less drivel than average, but still too much for my taste.
(I'm hoping, in future, the paid membership plan will reduce that problem.)

I live on a pension.
It is a modest amount, but every month I manage to have a little left over.
You can, I'm sure, see the trade-off that I'm willing to make by hiring someone.
My first suggestion Larry is to focus on which topics interest you. I would go to the website, and slowly go through Ray Peat's essays that you have some energy for, and read those essays. It may take a few readings to get through the technical aspects if you are not familiar with biochem etc.. .
That way you gain an understanding of how Ray's approach to health/cellular metabolism/energy metabolism is different to the standard view by medico's today. He was wholistic in his understanding of Thyroid health, and Liver health, and how our entire system works. It doesn't mean that we all need to take a certain supplement. Etc. . Also search this forum for interviews with Ray Peat himself. There are many with Patrick Timpone as well.

I am an acupuncturist/TCM practitioner for over 30 years, and I 'get' that Ray 'gets' his wholistic approach/orientation. That to me is more important aspect, more than most threads on this forum. But this forum does have lots of great info, and people who are definitely experimenting (with Ray's ideas) and getting results. And yes I get that staring into the computer is not great. Anyhow, good luck! and keep asking questions.

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
Seems to me like a big ask in this new era of tight labor markets. Next best thing, though - The forum software automatically sends out daily digest emails of the most popular threads. They were turned on by default when I signed up. It's in preferences under your user name.

Also I would suggest going to YouTube and searching for "Ray Peat interview." His writing can be informationally dense and requires a lot of time and focus, but anyone can put on an interview any time and not be glued to a screen. The old radio interviews on the channel "Ray Peat Clips" are especially good.
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May 13, 2015
Thanks, @Ras, for asking about that.
It's a fair question and I'll do my best to answer, but even then, why should you believe what I say?

I'm an old man: 80 years old.
My eyes are not so good any more ... spending hours staring at a computer screen is not fun.
Reading a few pages on paper, I can do.
My patience is not so good either ... spending more hours scrolling past drivel is not fun either.
This forum seems to have much less drivel than average, but still too much for my taste.
(I'm hoping, in future, the paid membership plan will reduce that problem.)

I live on a pension.
It is a modest amount, but every month I manage to have a little left over.
You can, I'm sure, see the trade-off that I'm willing to make by hiring someone.
Hi LarryinBangkok, Here's a few additional suggestions that might help:

You can type into a search engine "" and then a word or two that you want to learn more about, for example: fats or inflammation. Then choose a link that is from

example of search using for fats:

I have found that reading many of Ray Peat's articles online that are on his website can be difficult for me especially in the beginning of my health journey because I could not get my eyes to track all the way across the screen. Or all the way across a page of printing for that matter. So I used some software (Microsoft Word) that I had and copied and pasted the article(s) into a Word document and formatted it to have two columns with nice margins for writing notes in. I found that it helped me a lot because many times I would read the printed article (and my notes) multiple times.

Here's a link to a collection of Ray Peat interviews and articles (audio shows, etc.) you may find helpful:

You can also choose to search VIDEOS using by doing the search (explained above), then click VIDEOS at the top of the screen.

edit: actually, simply searching for Ray Peat Fats worked better for searching for videos.
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Apr 8, 2016
I think separating the wheat from the chaff in any forum is a much bigger undertaking than most people would imagine. I don't think it can be done effectively.

I think it would be more effective to find a good YouTube channel to follow.


I think separating the wheat from the chaff in any forum is a much bigger undertaking than most people would imagine. I don't think it can be done effectively.

I think it would be more effective to find a good YouTube channel to follow.
To use the forum effectively it helps to read/or listen to Ray's work.


Forum Supporter
Oct 16, 2023
I think separating the wheat from the chaff in any forum is a much bigger undertaking than most people would imagine.

Agree with you @nomoreketones; In any public forum, a big undertaking.
But, after 30 years of experience doing exactly that (on various forums), I have some methods to do it with reasonable efficiency.
It is just that I'm tired of doing it myself.
And no need to "winnow" every post in every topic: only topics of interest to me.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Jay Feldman Wellness has podcasts he practices bio-energetics and coaches people one on one as well.
start with #1 of his podcasts that will help you and move on to #2, etc.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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