Help! Raw Carrots For Estrogen


Oct 4, 2018
Ok I’ve been fighting for my health for 5 months now after enduring benzo withdrawal healing for 4.5 yrs. I just can’t get a break! 5 months ago I experienced massive menstrual bleeding after my naturopath gave me glutathione believing it would a) detox my liver because I have a gene that doesn’t allow me to detox properly and b) hopefully give me mental clarity as glutathione was used succesfully with Parkinson's patients. must have triggered something like my hypothalamus and that caused my body to somehow produce more estrogen. Cue the bleeding and many ER visits. Gyno gave me high dose birth contol that set me back mentally and a whole new host of symptoms like these darn awful hot flashes and the inexplicable sinus congestion! Presently at 5 months off that birth control, i’m still experiencing mental anxieties/fear, crying spells, cognitive decline (brainfog/OCD like a broken record), hot flashes, congestion, gushing periods (except now timeframe improved between gushing but still worrisome). My body is trying to rectify itself but I need to assist it further.

I want to pursue this raw carrot diet but I may need some guidance. Because of my mental/physical state, sometimes I won’t be able to do all that grating or preparing. I will try my best as my health depends on it but is there a way to minimize the work at the beginning? Would consuming a bag of baby carrots in a pinch be effective? Can I just blend one carrot in a Magic bullet with some OJ? Does it need to be consumed with coconut oil or vinegar? Becus my gut has been torn due to these toxic medications over the years, I have many sensitivities. I may be allergic to coconut oil (i itch when applied to skin) and vinegar may give me the worst heartburn.

I just want to recover some mental clarity back because all of this is so much tougher to deal with when I cant even think straight. Does anyone know how long it will take for this to effectively lower my estrogen?

I recently tried a quarter dose of DIM and calcium d glucarate and the clarity of mind it caused was SO NOTICEABLE and the sinus congestion disappeared for a few days! But I paid for it with an uptick in hot flashes,headaches and mental anxiety. So I’m damned if I do damned if I don’t. I really appreciate any guidance on this. Does Ray Peat reply to emails? Thanks.
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Jun 29, 2018
Ok I’ve been fighting for my health for 5 months now after enduring benzo withdrawal healing for 4.5 yrs. I just can’t get a break! 5 months ago I experienced massive menstrual bleeding after my naturopath gave me glutathione believing it would a) detox my liver because I have a gene that doesn’t allow me to detox properly and b) hopefully give me mental clarity as glutathione was used succesfully with Parkinson's patients. must have triggered something like my hypothalamus and that caused my body to somehow produce more estrogen. Cue the bleeding and many ER visits. Gyno gave me high dose birth contol that set me back mentally and a whole new host of symptoms like these darn awful hot flashes and the inexplicable sinus congestion! Presently at 5 months off that birth control, i’m still experiencing mental anxieties/fear, crying spells, cognitive decline (brainfog/OCD like a broken record), hot flashes, congestion, gushing periods (except now timeframe improved between gushing but still worrisome). My body is trying to rectify itself but I need to assist it further.

I want to pursue this raw carrot diet but I may need some guidance. Because of my mental/physical state, sometimes I won’t be able to do all that grating or preparing. I will try my best as my health depends on it but is there a way to minimize the work at the beginning? Would consuming a bag of baby carrots in a pinch be effective? Can I just blend one carrot in a Magic bullet with some OJ? Does it need to be consumed with coconut oil or vinegar? Becus my gut has been torn due to these toxic medications over the years, I have many sensitivities. I may be allergic to coconut oil (i itch when applied to skin) and vinegar may give me the worst heartburn.

I just want to recover some mental clarity back because all of this is so much tougher to deal with when I cant even think straight. Does anyone know how long it will take for this to effectively lower my estrogen?

I recently tried a quarter dose of DIM and calcium d glucarate and the clarity of mind it caused was SO NOTICEABLE and the sinus congestion disappeared for a few days! But I paid for it with an uptick in hot flashes,headaches and mental anxiety. So I’m damned if I do damned if I don’t. I really appreciate any guidance on this. Does Ray Peat reply to emails? Thanks.
Yeah you can definitely just eat baby carrots. I would contact Ray Peat himself but I’m guessing he’s going to want you to get some bloodwork done looking at thyroid labs. And have you tried progesterone in the form of progest-e or something similar? Progesterone opposes estrogen and Peat recommends it much more highly than DIM or calcium d-glucarate. You might have to take fairly high doses but it’s probably good to get your thyroid figured out before you jump into progesterone supplementation. Hope this helps!


Oct 22, 2018
Your woes sound so familiar to what I went through and am finally getting on the other side of, but anyway, try to remain calm (I know that's easier said than done but very important), and get a single organic raw orange carrot and gnaw it very slowly maybe 1/4 of the carrot over the rest of that day. Small amounts of everything is best, and not too many 'curatives' being tried at the same time, either.

(I refer to it as gnawing it and that is what I typically do, but you can pretty it up by peeling it and using the peeler to make attractive strips and all that. Danny Roddy has a short video someplace showing making the Peat-inspired 'carrot salad' with the strips and coconut oil and vinegar and all that, which is nice in appearance and my husband will eat it up when it looks like that, but I digress.)

It is NOT for the vitamin A or beta-carotene or nutrients, this is to get the FIBER and you might as well just swallow it on down, and definitely do not cook it for this purpose. I say orange because the recent carrots showing up in stores I frequent -- such as purple ones with yellow centers, and various shades of burgundy and yellow ones -- in addition to the orange ones -- seem very strong in effect and it is best, from my experience, to not go too far, too fast, with fancy unfamiliar items.

Then I strongly suggest you look into Tom Brimeyer's Forefront Revolution material. He is on board with Peat concepts, has simple guidelines on taking one's temperature and assessing thyroid / metabolism, some fabulous recipes and a regular blog that comes out for people who sign up. No charge on blog links/information but does do consultations. I have not done any consultations with him.

I have only spent about $125 total as far as the initial info, over 3 years, and mainly that was $97 for his main book(s) on hypothyroidism including the recipes, and $30 for an exercise video he personally made of himself doing some simple body-weight exercises and also using a medicine ball.

He only recently started having any products at all, and they are such items as highly effective collagen protein powder, cascara sagrada, his own version of Progest-E, Vitamins ADK together, B vitamins (the vitamins are liquid form), organic coffee beans, and thyroid glandular capsules. I do buy some of those so it is additional but those are highly effective and they last a long time so much better than trying to get same from other purveyors.

I fell into the clutches of 'regular' [on my insurance plan I mean] doctors for awhile (really starting in 2000) and did not get out of the frightening, horrible, ensuing nonstop flooding and thyroid meltdown (that ensued due to estrogen dominance and taking generic T4 and various improper hormone prescriptions at their hands) until 2008 when I got into the capable hands of an endocrinologist who did NOT take insurance but actually listened to a patient and would prescribe NDT and so on.

Since February 2016 I've been on Brimeyer's method so to speak, Haidut's Tyronene (taking it very sparingly), lurking on this forum here until recently joined, and fighting my lifelong SIBO battle (another saga) but I am definitely getting on the good side of all that at long last. Don't waste 8 years more -- if I had known in 2000 what I've found out since 2016 I'd be a great deal ahead without having had to go through all that mess.

Good luck and hang in there! (IBT may be a good idea too but I feel like I had to get physically prepared to be able to take that on, which has only been recently, to very good effect -- thanks again Andrew Fletcher for all that!).


that whole bleeding thing means you need progesterone - add that and it will stop


Oct 22, 2018
Thanks @bluewren and absolutely true @danishispsychic !! Progesterone counters the estrogen dominance/imbalance splendidly. Cuts that faucet of mess right off!

I've been trying to get the word out on the Progesterone thing (and Progest-E being a very good one to use -- not ersatz 'yam creams' sold everywhere these days -- plus there being another choice these days, too, that I've tried to good effect, Tom B's new entry, a version featuring more MCT's, although I seem to keep going back to the Kenogen Progest-E myself).

I have kept telling this to a series of ladies I know, starting with immediate family, then in-laws, then co-workers, then wives of family friends, to no avail, it seems. I get back various responses ranging from 'My doctor says nothing about that or prescribed X'; 'It's not paid for by my insurance'; 'You are just lucky something worked for you [and you get your ideas from "Dr. Internet"... so not "legit"] '; you get the drift.

Over the years since 2000 I've seen a close family member go through hell and eventually get a hysterectomy to try to cut the flooding faucet off (with more side effects and repercussions from THAT of course); a beloved in-law (whose only "health crimes" were estrogen dominance and significant life stress -- not smoking, drinking or any other "factor" whatsoever) get breast cancer and go through the gamut of 'treatments' for several years, being praised for "survival" (but with no quality of life whatsoever), on the current medical model of "heroic methods," only to die a horrible death at the end; the co-workers and friends' wives get symptom after symptom and more and more prescriptions, side effects and additional symptoms (plus more and more obese in a lot of cases -- and I am talking huge gains on people who were slim and proportioned to their frames for years from the time I first knew them until the estrogen dominance meltdown began).

It is downright depressing but luckily reading the Forefront Health blog comments, I see people getting onto these new concepts more and more lately and taking their own health into their own hands when the traditional medical establishment has not been of any assistance at best (and sometimes downright making things worse!).


Jun 29, 2018
Thanks @bluewren and absolutely true @danishispsychic !! Progesterone counters the estrogen dominance/imbalance splendidly. Cuts that faucet of mess right off!

I've been trying to get the word out on the Progesterone thing (and Progest-E being a very good one to use -- not ersatz 'yam creams' sold everywhere these days -- plus there being another choice these days, too, that I've tried to good effect, Tom B's new entry, a version featuring more MCT's, although I seem to keep going back to the Kenogen Progest-E myself).

I have kept telling this to a series of ladies I know, starting with immediate family, then in-laws, then co-workers, then wives of family friends, to no avail, it seems. I get back various responses ranging from 'My doctor says nothing about that or prescribed X'; 'It's not paid for by my insurance'; 'You are just lucky something worked for you [and you get your ideas from "Dr. Internet"... so not "legit"] '; you get the drift.

Over the years since 2000 I've seen a close family member go through hell and eventually get a hysterectomy to try to cut the flooding faucet off (with more side effects and repercussions from THAT of course); a beloved in-law (whose only "health crimes" were estrogen dominance and significant life stress -- not smoking, drinking or any other "factor" whatsoever) get breast cancer and go through the gamut of 'treatments' for several years, being praised for "survival" (but with no quality of life whatsoever), on the current medical model of "heroic methods," only to die a horrible death at the end; the co-workers and friends' wives get symptom after symptom and more and more prescriptions, side effects and additional symptoms (plus more and more obese in a lot of cases -- and I am talking huge gains on people who were slim and proportioned to their frames for years from the time I first knew them until the estrogen dominance meltdown began).

It is downright depressing but luckily reading the Forefront Health blog comments, I see people getting onto these new concepts more and more lately and taking their own health into their own hands when the traditional medical establishment has not been of any assistance at best (and sometimes downright making things worse!).
I know what you mean by being ignored by people who you know could really benefit from progesterone (pretty much any female but especially those with hormone related issues!) It seems to be so “out there” for people! My sister in law just started taking SSRI and the pill after I gave her as much information as I could find on progesterone, including studies, how to use it, when and how much to apply. She just was like “thanks” and proceeded to go to the dr and get the two prescriptions because apparently if you’re not a doctor you are not competent to understand research, or explain logically why it’s so beneficial! I really don’t get it but I’ve stopped trying. I figure if someone asks me what I’m doing then I’ll tell them. But it’s annoying! People seriously act like you’re trying to sell them crack or something!


Jul 17, 2018
Can i just eat raw carrots without any preparation and can you have anything else with it, like coffee?
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