Hashimoto's, Low Salivary Cortisol, Muscle Twitches



Jan 25, 2016
Janelle and Bahaa.

I really appreciate your help. LOL I struggle to adjust to the cold climate of DC. Both South Africa and Hong Kong are warm and hot with sunny winters. I often used to do coffee enemas and mainly stopped drinking coffee due to gluten issues. Trying to find gluten free coffee and tea was a real task. I now use Bullet Proof coffee or some Italian roasts from Starbucks.

Bahaa well done to you for going back to university and doing engineering. That is a great achievement and something I am sure you are proud of.

Janelle coffee has a lot of benefits but for us with adrenal issues it often is a problem. What I now have learnt is that adrenal issues in my case is due to low thyroid and an improvement should be seen once I can maintain my body temp around 37 degrees C on a daily basis. Since Peating it has now gone up to 36.6 and hope that I can gradually increase my T3 supplement without getting adrenal crashes. I am adding my compounded T3 which is in powder form to my juice that I sip during the day to see if I take it that way that I can tolerate it without having the crashes. I would become very sleepy and tired after taking T3. I seem to do better on the slow release version.

Blessings and best wishes to both of you.

I will be going to South Africa for about 3 weeks next week but will be able to stay in touch. Will be back in the US begin Feb.


Nov 10, 2014
I have hashimoto thyroid issues. My cortisol levels are very low causing me to become very shaky. Adaptogens do not work for me as they lower my cortisol and makes me more shaky. Magnesium does the same. How can I stop the adrenal rush. I eat no dairy, gluten verrrrry little sugar, no soy or grains.


All I can say I had way worse symptoms. I was stuck in a constant high cortisol. I could take any supplements and certain foods/drinks made it even worse so I just listened to my body. What I carved the most and helped the most was carbs potatoes and ice cream helped me the best. I was extremely under weight and had mostly hyper mode. I got shakes with extremely high anxiety. So I actually started with 180 degree health, I forget his name. So I ate whatever I wanted that made me feel good, carbs.
Nov 21, 2015
Coffee can help but only when you drink it an hour after eating. And build a tolerance for it. I think low amounts of coffee causing jitters is related to poor liver function. Or just high sensitivity and low tolerance. But caffeine tolerance can build quickly.


Jul 13, 2014
I realized I was blunting my cortisol, which was already low to begin with. I'm still working on finding my optimal dose, but changing the timing of taking t4 has been a great improvement for me.
i read that t4 also keeps adrenaline low


Nov 28, 2014
i read that t4 also keeps adrenaline low
I don't think I've heard that before, but it could be. I think I remember Peat saying that taking thyroid can make you more sensitive to adrenaline, but he may have been referring to t3.
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