Has Anyone Here Successfully Resolved "SIBO" Or Major Stomach Bloating? With Peating Or Anything Els


Aug 31, 2016
Vancouver, BC
I've always found there are 2 reasons someone has bloating: Eaten the wrong thing or they've eaten too much (usually combined with the wrong thing).

Easiest way i've ever removed any type of bloating is simply fasting for a period of time. Either skip breakfast, or skip breakfast and lunch. This doesn't mean go down the rabbit hole of "ok I'll just fast until dinner time indefinitely for ever and ever". No, just simply lower your food intake until the bloating has subsided; it may be a day or 2. Best way to remove unwanted bacteria, starve them.

Foods that commonly cause bloating or issues in people: Dairy, Sugar, Grains, and Nightshade Vegetables. Again this doesn't mean going down the rabbit hole and removing all these foods indefinitely, it just means you probably have a threshold of what your body can handle before saying "no more". This will change on a daily basis given your activity. Are you a sedentary couch potato one day and tearing it up in the gym the next? Requirements will change, listen to your body.

Remember we're built on balance, moderation if you will. We're not built to go "rabbit holing" as I call it; going too far down one path screwing ourselves up, only need some sort of drastic intervention in the other direction to correct things. An example would be someone who construed the paleo/primal diet as low carb and subsequently has gone either extreme low carb (or 0 carb) for too long, requiring a complete metabolic reset.

Sometimes the best course of action is to simply not eat anything at all.


Apr 17, 2013
Actually leave out the taurine. It can also cause high cortisol/blood sugar and bloating if not taken correctly.
Stick with niacinamide and coffee with meals. This alone completly fixed my bloating.

The bloating is from high blood sugar/cortisol. This slows up your digestion leaving food longer in the small intestine. Left too long and gut bacteria multiply causing bloating.

How much niacinamide and coffee did you use?

Can you elaborate on the high blood sugar comment? I thought bloating was from low blood sugar, because sometimes eating certain things fixes it for me. But other times, it just gets worse.


Apr 17, 2018
The biggest pattern I see for people bloating / having SIBO / not digesting foods anymore is having gone through too many rounds of antibiotics and killed most of their gut flora.

And most of the success stories I have read (permanent cure with no relapse) are after performing fecal matter transplants.

I am trying them myself now (DIY via enema, not spending 10kUSD to get it done at a clinic), getting the poo from a friend's son who is 3 years old and in perfect health.

I will do 10 of them and see if it resolves my food intolerance / bloating..


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Nov 29, 2017
Magnesium oxide is a great intestinal cleanser I’ve found. I think I’ll include it one weekend every 3 months to keep things moving


Feb 26, 2019
I cured it with rifaximin 4 days use. But 2 3 weeks it feels good, after sibo, gasses, bloating come back again. I feel so calm when i use rifaximin.


May 21, 2018
The biggest pattern I see for people bloating / having SIBO / not digesting foods anymore is having gone through too many rounds of antibiotics and killed most of their gut flora.

And most of the success stories I have read (permanent cure with no relapse) are after performing fecal matter transplants.

I am trying them myself now (DIY via enema, not spending 10kUSD to get it done at a clinic), getting the poo from a friend's son who is 3 years old and in perfect health.

I will do 10 of them and see if it resolves my food intolerance / bloating..
It’s exactly my thought as well. I think antibiotics (in large doses) drastically reduces the variety of bacteria. The bad bacteria seem to get the upper hand after that due to bad diet and stress. I saw once a documentary on gut health and the compared twins. One if them was overweight and surely after inspection they say she had much less of a variety in gut bacteria. I heard positive things about stool transplants. Although problems seem to come back afterwards; but maybe that’s just bad diet. Keep us updated!
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Apr 22, 2019
My stomach is always very bloated... I think this is "SIBO" or some kind of bacterial overgrowth. I think it prevents me from being able to eat a lot of things... and I suspect that not being able to eat of lot of things inevitably has a bad effect on my overall health.

Has anyone used Peating or any other technique and successfully resolved chronic stomach bloating? What did you do?

I've never committed to a Peat-inspired diet beyond daily carrots in the past, but I've recently spent time learning about it's inner workings. Based on that, I've most recently landed here and this thread was motivation enough to take an hour and a half to do this write up, so for that I owe it the honor of posting it here. Truthfully I hope that it isn't plagiarized, however, my hope that it genuinely helps someone sort out their own dilemmas outweighs this (likely irrational) fear. Much embarrassment and imaginary confidence precedes the gathering of this information.

*Been dealing with psoriasis due to SIBO for about 5 years. After relapsing time and time again, I think I've got a full grasp on how to permanently solve it. I didn't realize it was SIBO until about a month ago, but since then I'm now confident to say that I've put the pieces together.

1) Stop eating grains, rice, beans, pasta, bread, fruit, milk, cheese, tubers (except carrot juice) and whatever other complex carbohydrate I forgot to mention. Leafy greens are the only exception and don't go crazy with them either. Like 4 cups a day max and thoroughly cooked at that to break down the plant cellulose.

2) Firebomb the gut with combination herbs and antifungals. Herbs I've used are, in order of perceived effectiveness: triphala, ginger root, garlic, licorice root, turmeric, skullcap, myrrh, dandelion root, skullcap, fenugreek, boswellia serrata/frankincense, clove, grape seed extract, cumin, thyme, coriander. I used the organic powders and alcoholic tinctures to make random teas. Bring the water to a hot steam, add whatever you want, let it steep for 15-20 mins and enjoy. Never experienced any adverse side effects from varying amounts of these herbs, using up to a 1/2 teaspoon of 5 or 6 of them at once, even. Adding a full teaspoon of triphala to any concoction is especially effective. The more potent the mixture, the more black crud that's likely to be witnessed.

3) Follow the tea with 16-32oz of carrot juice. Adding apple cider vinegar, ginger, or garlic is further helpful. Juicing fresh with a cold-press juicer is ideal.

4) Doing steps 2-3 on an empty stomach is better than after meals.

5) Stay hydrated and take adequate salt. Excessive bowel movements will cause a loss of salt. At the very least I'd recommend drinking half of your body weight in ounces plus another 32 ounces on top of that.

6) Make meat the bulk of calories with some leafy greens occasionally. Cycle meats on a 4-day rotation to quell the immune system. I.e. Ground beef on Monday means nothing derived of a cow until Friday.

7) Keep hitting the herbs and carrot juice as long as you're close to the restroom, heh.

8) Once the SIBO is cleared, the teas/herbs won't cause such excessive bowel movements. They'll basically just... like... stick in the gut, I guess. At some point the bowel movements stop regardless of tea/herb consumption is what I'm trying to say.

9) Repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria. I've read that raw goat milk and/or kefir does this job but because I've had relapses even with raw milk in the past I'm very hesitant to commit to this as I stand here now in an upward swing. Instead, I grabbed Grace Liu's Bifido Maximus. Stuff is legit. I've taken up to 8 quarter teaspoons on an empty stomach throughout the day with no adverse side effects, just positive results. Link: The Gut Institute BIFIDO|MAXIMUS Histamine-Free and D-Lactate Free Probiotic Blend 200 B CFU Daily for Microbiome Management (TWO MONTH SUPPLY)

Other things that helped: 1 = big deal, 2 = moderate, 3 = minor

1 -GutRight by ATP Science GutRight - But First, Get Your Gut Right!

1 -Raw, wild caught oysters

1 -Raw, pasture-raised beef liver

1 -Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation anywhere from 5,000-25,000IU in a day. I had no feelings of adverse effect but don't get it twisted: sunlight will forever be the supreme ideal here. For dudes, if able, get your balls in contact with the sun. Goes even better with vitamin K2 MK4 supplementation or consumption of liver (due to synergy with vitamin A/retinol). Also... if you burn easily, stop consuming vegetable/seed oils and this will get you 70% of the way towards resolving this issue.

2 -Prescript Assist Soil-based probiotic (Light) https://www.amazon.com/Prescript-As...script+assist&qid=1562981919&s=gateway&sr=8-3

2 -500mg niacinamide daily

2 -30 minute triphala mouthwashes, consistent flossing and keeping on top of oral health

2 -Cold showers for the anti inflammatory effect

2 -Coffee enemas as frequently as once every 4 days depending on how many leafy greens have been consumed.

2 -Fatty fish [don't burn me at the stake just reporting the anecdote]

3 -Vitamin K2 MK4 @ 30mg every 2 days

3 -Whole foods multivitamin supplement taken as a means of assisting electrolyte depletion

3 -Activated Charcoal taken away from meals or 15 minutes before sauna

3 -Krill oil supplementation

3 -Green montmorillonite clay face masks

3 - Ashwagandha

That's all of the factors that come to mind.

Credits: Paul Chek, Grace Liu, Doug Kaufmann, Jeff/Matt/Toni of ATP Science, Ben Greenfield, Frank Tufano, Georgi Dinkov, Danny Roddy, Nadine Artemis, Bryan Walsh, Tucker Goodrich, Christopher Walker, Ali Kuoppala (and to Ray Peat for the existence of this forum!)


Aug 9, 2019
My main endotoxin issue is that I get bad allergies (runny nose/sneezing) from starchy foods, and I don't think I absorb nutrients well.... also the related weak liver
I have the same experience as you


Aug 30, 2012
I don't know if I had a particularly stubborn case of it, but it took a week on monocycline to get rid of it after 3 years of struggling with SIBO symptoms.


Aug 9, 2019
I've always found there are 2 reasons someone has bloating: Eaten the wrong thing or they've eaten too much (usually combined with the wrong thing).
This is really such a naive approach, not worth considering. Also the whole stress theory. Obscure and very particular cases.
15 pages and OP has not even once mentioned his temps. FFS...

That said, I'm starting the raw garlic cure today.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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