
New Member
Apr 5, 2014
I took antibiotics about six months ago for a different condition and ever since I am almost 100% sure I have SIBO (Small Bacterial Infection Overgrowth). I can't gain weight, in fact I am continuously losing weight. I am either not hungry at all or starving and when I eat a ton of food, I still don't fill up. I never get any quality sleep (I mean pretty much nill for the last six months). The depression and anxiety have taken over my life. Also, very nauseous at different times of the day. Energy levels have gone to ***t as well as slow breathing. This all started a six months ago. I found ray peat a few months ago and cut all starch and switched to pretty much all sugar for my carbs thru OJ, Maple Syrup, and honey. This helped the bloating pretty much go away completely but after awhile the sugar was starting to make things worse especially with the slow breathing/feeling like not getting air. I tried the regular gelatin at first but that caused me problems and switched over to hydrolyzed gelatin about a week ago and that helps better. Still I cant get the bacteria to go away. I can hear weird intenstional noises at different times of the day and just know there some kind of bacteria in there causing problems. I have tried all the supplements recommended on this site as well carrot salads to no avail. Also, oregano oil but that hasn't done anything either. I am wondering if anybody has any recommendations or have gotten thru this somehow. Has anyone tried rifaximin for SIBO? Suppose to be the go to antibiotic for this condition. Most websites that discuss SIBO say one needs to cut out sugar so that may be my next go to move as I am getting desperate. Also, have tried cyproheptadine with no success. Diet consists of maple syrup, butter, coconut oil, chicken, gelatin, OJ, honey are the basic staples (Do not handle dairy well but am taking eggshell calcium w/ magnesium). Thanks for any responses


Feb 20, 2013
Welcome to the forum
RP recommends vitamin K supplement with antibiotic course, as antibiotic
kills bacteria that makes vitamin K. This could be a possible source of problem.
SIBO is often a result of low thyroid function. You probably had sub normal thyroid
function before taking antibiotic. You can check your pulse and temperature
1-2 hours after break fast to see how your metabolism is.
Avoiding gut irritant and allergenic foods are essential in fixing
both SIBO and hypothyroidism. Honey can be allergenic and it depends mostly
on the source of honey. Heating honey can make it problematic.
RP also thinks Maple syrup is processed at high temperature and this
can be quite allergenic. If orange is not sweet and ripe then that can cause
gut irritation. RP recommends strained juice from sweet ripe oranges.
Some people has complained about irritation from egg shell powder.
You can use oyster shell powder or some safe calcium carbonate supplement.
Check for safe supplement list.
You can also make calcium supplement from chicken bones.
I have seen people making powder from shrimp shell.
You can try strained yogurt or washed cottage cheese or home made
farmer's cheese as a good source of protein. There is very little lactose
in these fresh cheese. You can try other sweet ripe fruits as sugar source.
I have been using sugar cane juice lately and it is amazing.
You can also use fruit-vegetable broth for extra potassium, magnesium
and other nutrients if your are relying on table sugar as carbohydrate source.
RP also recommends weekly serving of liver (3-6 oz) and seafood for
important vitamin and minerals.
Most important and effective tool in curing SIBO is regular use of daily
raw carrot salad, preferably between meals and in the afternoon.
You also can check your thyroid numbers to be sure if you are
hypothyroid or not. RP recommends TSH, Total T4 and total T3 tests
and if possible reverse T3.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
jjwall, :welcome


New Member
Apr 5, 2014
Thanks for information, I will switch to a calcium carbonate as I did not know eggshell calcium could cause problems. Since my body did not like regular gelatin I know it is very sensitive right now. Also, thanks for the welcomes, lots of good information on this forum and through ray peat's articles. I still don't think many changes will get rid of this bacteria that I have which started with the prior antibiotic use. Has anyone tried Rifaximin for SIBO? Or what is the go to antibiotic on this site that helps people without causing other issues? Thanks again for everything!


Sep 11, 2013
I know that exercise is not really ray peat style, and may not be good for your thyroid, but it does helped me with SIBO. I'm not sure why, but a possible explanation is given by the GI health book written by someone from the buteyko method: ... UTEYKO.pdf
Correct physical exercise provides the following benefits for GI health:
- mechanical vibrations of the human body that cleanse the lymphatic system and intensify metabolism
- mechanical vibration of the GI organs that assist recovery of villi and other tissues due to increaseed blood flow
- perspiration that removes toxins and therefore produces a relief for Preyer's patches in the gut helping with removal of biofilms

For me saunas have a very good effect as well, it really feels like ***t is dissolving in my gut, so therefore I think that especially the last one of those 3 reasons, is true for me.

If you are rich, you could go for the lazy way, buy some massage cushion, buy a near infra red heat sauna, and you can vibrate and perspirate in all your comfort at home :p
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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