Has Anyone Experienced This? Could It Be Related To Cortisol?


Jul 5, 2015
You are low cortisol. Low blood sugar will cause rapid pulse and cortisol controls blood sugar.
Adrenaline will kick in if there isn't enough cortisol to deal with stress.
In order to be healthly the body needs normal amounts of cortisol.

Cortisol is needed for any energy expenditure (stress) and right now you can't handle any energy expenditure. That's the reason you could't handle Cynomel.

So you want to layoff any supplement that energizes your body. I would stop all supplements and back off on coffee and sugar.
If you have an infection, sugar will make it worse.

According to Bryan Walsh, NP, the immune system will suppress cortisol if it needs to.
Part of the immune system uses inflammation to deal with infections and cortisol is anti-inflammatory.
Your immune system may be suppressing cortisol even more when you take aspirin. Also Cyproheptadine lowers cortisol.

I just started taking thyroid. I take 1 mg of cortisol if my pulse gets higher than what it should be.
I've found that apples (not Peat approved) help as a slow sugar release food.

PABA supplement slows the breakdown of cortisol. 100 mg 2 to 3 times a day could be a big help.
I would cycle off of it 1-2 weeks for every month on it.

Coconut oil is good for sinus pressure.


Jun 2, 2017
You are low cortisol. Low blood sugar will cause rapid pulse and cortisol controls blood sugar.
Adrenaline will kick in if there isn't enough cortisol to deal with stress.
In order to be healthly the body needs normal amounts of cortisol.

Cortisol is needed for any energy expenditure (stress) and right now you can't handle any energy expenditure. That's the reason you could't handle Cynomel.

So you want to layoff any supplement that energizes your body. I would stop all supplements and back off on coffee and sugar.
If you have an infection, sugar will make it worse.

According to Bryan Walsh, NP, the immune system will suppress cortisol if it needs to.
Part of the immune system uses inflammation to deal with infections and cortisol is anti-inflammatory.
Your immune system may be suppressing cortisol even more when you take aspirin. Also Cyproheptadine lowers cortisol.

I just started taking thyroid. I take 1 mg of cortisol if my pulse gets higher than what it should be.
I've found that apples (not Peat approved) help as a slow sugar release food.

PABA supplement slows the breakdown of cortisol. 100 mg 2 to 3 times a day could be a big help.
I would cycle off of it 1-2 weeks for every month on it.

Coconut oil is good for sinus pressure.
Your knowledge is definitely better than mine, but I thought I would share as I've been researching on this forum I've found discussion that PABA is anti-thyroid.

I realize there can be exceptions, and maybe on the short-term it could be used for a particular issue, but thought it may help. Thanks.


Jan 25, 2016
buteyko breathing, bag breathing, magnesium even topical still lowers cortisol and in my case it creates more adrenaline and shakiness. Even the epsom salt baths - I feel great for the first hour after having done it but later it makes me feel awful, tanks my adrenals and then takes me days to get over it. I had to stop all supplements. I drink water only when thirsty. Take my T4 and T3 only as my body can take it - started in very slow steps. Took 12 weeks which was very tought to clear reverse T3. Now that that is done all my levels are very low with a very high TSH. But since TSH is not that important I am not too worried abou that. I am working at taking more T3 in minute amounts. Once my T3 is optimal I will start to introduce more T4. For now take 50mcg of T4 Levoxyl and 20 mcg of T3 by Sigma and one drop a day of Tyromix Haidut's product. I feel warmer and better energy even thought my TSH is at 34. I can not use NDT like Armour, Nature Throid etc as I get a rash from the pork. Compounded products has been an issue too as my compounder uses methal cellulose from the Acacia tree but it can also be from anything else, but can not guarantee that the cellulose is from the same source each month or they can use pork gelatin, brown rice is also an option but I am ok with white and not brown rice due to my celiacs. I also exclude high FODMAP, foods, but use lactose free, gluten free 2% milk (Lactaid) I have not found a cheese that works for me yet. I tried Monchego but it has carageenen and gluten. I make a point to now eat 3 meals a day and add more grapes are ok about 10 at a time,but still can not do sugar. I make my own gelatin as even the Great Lakes Gelatin gives me an awful green coating on my tongue and causes constipation. I take a pinch of Cascara Sagrada twice a day with milk and tea and 4 hours away from my thyroid meds.


Nov 12, 2016
You are low cortisol. Low blood sugar will cause rapid pulse and cortisol controls blood sugar.
Adrenaline will kick in if there isn't enough cortisol to deal with stress.
In order to be healthly the body needs normal amounts of cortisol.

Cortisol is needed for any energy expenditure (stress) and right now you can't handle any energy expenditure. That's the reason you could't handle Cynomel.

So you want to layoff any supplement that energizes your body. I would stop all supplements and back off on coffee and sugar.
If you have an infection, sugar will make it worse.

According to Bryan Walsh, NP, the immune system will suppress cortisol if it needs to.
Part of the immune system uses inflammation to deal with infections and cortisol is anti-inflammatory.
Your immune system may be suppressing cortisol even more when you take aspirin. Also Cyproheptadine lowers cortisol.

I just started taking thyroid. I take 1 mg of cortisol if my pulse gets higher than what it should be.
I've found that apples (not Peat approved) help as a slow sugar release food.

PABA supplement slows the breakdown of cortisol. 100 mg 2 to 3 times a day could be a big help.
I would cycle off of it 1-2 weeks for every month on it.

Coconut oil is good for sinus pressure.

Interesting take, Toddw. Many of the symptoms I've felt are tell-tale of high cortisol, but you may have a point, considering the number of items I was consuming that should suppress cortisol. In that case it could very well be adrenaline running the show.

I have to get magnesium, cortisol and adrenaline tested, when I can. This time I'll go with RBC magnesium, as the last time they did serum, and that was low. That leads me to believe that my intracellular Mag levels are probably worse.

I have laid off all supplements, and the milk, for the time being. Only problem is, without the milk, I'm not reaching an acceptable protein intake.

I should note that my gut is shot, and has been for the past 15 years. Malabsorption likely played a role in my current state.
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Jan 25, 2016
Have you tried Cascara Sagrada powder for your gut. Not capsules that have fillers. I use a pinch of it twice a day. I buy mine from Forefront Health and it has a tiny scoop . with it. Has changed my life.
Aug 18, 2015
You are low cortisol. Low blood sugar will cause rapid pulse and cortisol controls blood sugar.
Adrenaline will kick in if there isn't enough cortisol to deal with stress.
In order to be healthly the body needs normal amounts of cortisol.

Cortisol is needed for any energy expenditure (stress) and right now you can't handle any energy expenditure. That's the reason you could't handle Cynomel.

So you want to layoff any supplement that energizes your body. I would stop all supplements and back off on coffee and sugar.
If you have an infection, sugar will make it worse.

According to Bryan Walsh, NP, the immune system will suppress cortisol if it needs to.
Part of the immune system uses inflammation to deal with infections and cortisol is anti-inflammatory.
Your immune system may be suppressing cortisol even more when you take aspirin. Also Cyproheptadine lowers cortisol.

I just started taking thyroid. I take 1 mg of cortisol if my pulse gets higher than what it should be.
I've found that apples (not Peat approved) help as a slow sugar release food.

PABA supplement slows the breakdown of cortisol. 100 mg 2 to 3 times a day could be a big help.
I would cycle off of it 1-2 weeks for every month on it.

Coconut oil is good for sinus pressure.

no.. just no... although interesting on the adrenaline taking over instead of cortisol, that makes sense, but i dont think taking cortisol is good

op, are you sure you are getting all your nutrients? whats your potassium intake per day, did u know u need 4700mg per day? did u know a quart of milk only has like 1.5kmg of potassium? whats ur magnesium intake per day? what ur protein intake per day? are you getting B vitamins? u need more blood work stuff, like what is your vit D level, prolactin, aldosterone (to eliminate if you aren't having enough salt, maybe you are leaking potassium and magnesium), ur thyroid isn't great, but it's not like horrible, are you constipated?


Sep 23, 2017
Any input is greatly appreciated, as I don't know how much longer I can go on like this.

Around 5am everyday - Upon waking, upper chambers of heart pulse at a very fast pace, while actual pulse is elevated from resting to around 80-90bpm. Heart feels irregular and skips beats, with dull throbbing sensations, and occasionally stabbing sensations around heart. Within 5 minutes of this, I feel like I've developed a 104°F fever (hot flash, yet skin is cool to touch), and skin appears bright red and flushed. This is accompanied by throbbing pain in joints, sweating, dizziness, fuzzy vision, nausea, stabbing pains in stomach and intestines, pressure in sinuses and a migraine. Usually results in a bloody nose.

If I attempt to go back to bed any time after that, I will experience the exact chain of events (as above) immediately upon entering a sleep state, and be jolted awake. This happens regardless of whether I have milk with gelatin, sugar and a pinch of salt, or a full glass of fresh squeezed OJ, or a tablespoon of honey.

The amount of time I am able to sleep has improved (since last year when I began peating), though I do have an occasional sleepless night. When I drink coffee it doesn't cause a negative reaction like it used to, in fact, an excessive amount (large with 4 shots of expresso) doesn't even make a dent in the fatigue I feel during the day.

During the day if I attempt a brisk walk, or light run, my leg muscles start burning and then cramp and give out. If I don't sit I will fall. I feel a significant level of fatigue throughout the day, and all muscles constantly feel like I just finished a strenuous workout. Lifting things at work leads to quick muscle fatigue. My legs are covered in stretch marks, with more appearing daily, and now they are appearing on my arms. I frequently slur my speech and forget thoughts mid sentence.

I should note that I've spent a good portion of my life on topical and oral corticosteroids for inflammatory issues. I also took high amounts of Dr. Ron's Organ Delight, which contains adrenal cortex, last year, and I noticed I would experience a buzzing sensation throughout my entire body.

My daily intake usually consists of the following:

- 2 pcs sprouted grain bread soaked in 3 vital farms alfresco eggs, cooked in 1Tbsp KerryGold butter to make French toast. Topped with Nancy's organic cream cheese (no additives or gums), and Trader Joe's amber maple syrup.

Raw carrot (shredded) with MCT and vinegar
Fresh baby calf liver (once a week)

Usually consists of the fairlife milk mentioned below

Trader Joe's swiss or cheddar cheese (no additives). Highly allergic to Trader Joe's parmesan reggiano with animal rennet. It causes my throat to swell.

Varies, from beef shanks, to chicken with capers, cod, pub burgers with mushrooms and grilled onions, etc.

Throughout the day:
- 64oz of fresh squeezed OJ (pulp removed)
- 52oz of fairlife lactose free 2% milk

Oxidal (1 drop)
KAL Magnesium Glycinate (400-600mg/day)
Cyproheptadine (1mg/day)
Energin (40 drops/day)
TocoVit (20 drop/day)
Aspirin (325mg/day)
Minocin (25mg/day) - Was taking a half tablet each morning, but discontinued due to severe itching all over and rash.
Activated charcoal (1tsp/1 day a week)
I've also been on and off of cynomel and cynoplus. Taking approx 4mcg nibbles of cynomel every hour seems to exacerbate some symptoms, such as the migraine and palpitations, so I've discontinued it.

Intermittent aminos (some days I take these with milk, others I do not):
Leucine (2.5g)
Isoleucine (1.25g)
Valine (1.25g)
Beta-alanine (1.6g)
Glycine (2g)
Lysine (500mg)
DL-Phenylalanine (500mg)
Taurine (500mg)
Tyrosine (500mg)
Theanine (100-300mg) - Does not seem to affect cortisol like symptoms.

Had some bloodwork done recently, and I wasn't able to get all of the tests I wanted, as I'm currently uninsured. The things that stood out were:

TSH: 2.03
Cholesterol: 257
HDL: 47
LDL: 193.40
NEUTROPHIL 47% (50-65 range)

I am saving up for a 24hr cortisol urine test next.

@haidut @Orion @ecstatichamster
@Such_Saturation @4peatssake

i think you might have issues with calcium...you might have over calcification.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
i think you might have issues with calcium...you might have over calcification.
And getting some vitamin K via diet or supplements might help if it's over calcification in addition to the bleeding.


Nov 12, 2016
buteyko breathing, bag breathing, magnesium even topical still lowers cortisol and in my case it creates more adrenaline and shakiness. Even the epsom salt baths - I feel great for the first hour after having done it but later it makes me feel awful, tanks my adrenals and then takes me days to get over it. I had to stop all supplements. I drink water only when thirsty. Take my T4 and T3 only as my body can take it - started in very slow steps. Took 12 weeks which was very tought to clear reverse T3. Now that that is done all my levels are very low with a very high TSH. But since TSH is not that important I am not too worried abou that. I am working at taking more T3 in minute amounts. Once my T3 is optimal I will start to introduce more T4. For now take 50mcg of T4 Levoxyl and 20 mcg of T3 by Sigma and one drop a day of Tyromix Haidut's product. I feel warmer and better energy even thought my TSH is at 34. I can not use NDT like Armour, Nature Throid etc as I get a rash from the pork. Compounded products has been an issue too as my compounder uses methal cellulose from the Acacia tree but it can also be from anything else, but can not guarantee that the cellulose is from the same source each month or they can use pork gelatin, brown rice is also an option but I am ok with white and not brown rice due to my celiacs. I also exclude high FODMAP, foods, but use lactose free, gluten free 2% milk (Lactaid) I have not found a cheese that works for me yet. I tried Monchego but it has carageenen and gluten. I make a point to now eat 3 meals a day and add more grapes are ok about 10 at a time,but still can not do sugar. I make my own gelatin as even the Great Lakes Gelatin gives me an awful green coating on my tongue and causes constipation. I take a pinch of Cascara Sagrada twice a day with milk and tea and 4 hours away from my thyroid meds.

I was looking into the compounded thyroid, since taking a small nibble every hour isn't always feasible. My GP can't order compounded, or at least claim not to be able to.

How did you figure out that it was lowering cortisol and raising adrenaline? That's what I need to determine. Is the sigma T3 a time release, or do you take smaller doses at a time?

I have an adverse reaction with carrageenan, as well. But, as of late, I also found that my body doesn't like all the calcium I'm getting from 52oz of fairlife milk. The calcium (milk) exacerbates the cellular excitation I'm witnessing in the form of A-fib, except every muscle in my body twitches when I drink the milk. If I tap on a muscle group, or make a sudden movement, a few hours after having milk, the muscle group will start to shake/vibrate.

Are you making gelatin in the form of bone broth?


Nov 12, 2016
Have you tried Cascara Sagrada powder for your gut. Not capsules that have fillers. I use a pinch of it twice a day. I buy mine from Forefront Health and it has a tiny scoop . with it. Has changed my life.

I have only tried the capsules from Vitamin Shoppe. I would take a single capsule approximately once per week, when activated charcoal would stop things up.


Nov 12, 2016
no.. just no... although interesting on the adrenaline taking over instead of cortisol, that makes sense, but i dont think taking cortisol is good

op, are you sure you are getting all your nutrients? whats your potassium intake per day, did u know u need 4700mg per day? did u know a quart of milk only has like 1.5kmg of potassium? whats ur magnesium intake per day? what ur protein intake per day? are you getting B vitamins? u need more blood work stuff, like what is your vit D level, prolactin, aldosterone (to eliminate if you aren't having enough salt, maybe you are leaking potassium and magnesium), ur thyroid isn't great, but it's not like horrible, are you constipated?

I attached a copy of cronometer. Now I have completely elimited milk, so the calcium, as well as protein levels are significantly lower. I do take the Energin supplement for B-vitamins. Vitamin D level on the test I had done a couple weeks ago was 33. 12ng/ml. I'm not sure about prolactin or aldosterone, as my GP didn't request those and I paid out of pocket. I'm trying to save to have stress hormones, prolactin, rt3, etc tested, but it's going to take me a while. I can go from constipated to loose stool in a day, and it swings back and forth between the two.

Also, I just added the life extension magnesium in the past couple days, and the vitamin E is actually Tocovit. Probably seeing closer to 60g of protein a day, and I have also elimited the amino supplements I was using.


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Nov 12, 2016
And getting some vitamin K via diet or supplements might help if it's over calcification in addition to the bleeding.

I usually have 1pc of calf liver a week. Do you think a supplement of K would be beneficial?


Nov 12, 2016
The weirdest thing happened to me today, and I'm getting really concerned. I was starting to fall asleep (nap) because I've been extremely fatigued all day. As soon as started to fall asleep, I spring awake. I had the usual palpitations, headache and gut pain, but this time it was accompanied with a drowsy coming out of anesthesia feel. I was dizzy and my arms, chest, neck and face were numb, and vision fuzzy. While the numbness has subsided, I am now having more pronounced spasms throughout my body. I just bit my tongue because my jaw is twitching.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I usually have 1pc of calf liver a week. Do you think a supplement of K would be beneficial?
I think adding a greens broth a few times per week if you can manage wouldn't hurt. Maybe skip it on the day you eat liver. Just try to get some K pretty regularly especially when your using aspirin. Gouda cheese is a good source of K too. You can always take a supplement as well.
The weirdest thing happened to me today, and I'm getting really concerned. I was starting to fall asleep (nap) because I've been extremely fatigued all day. As soon as started to fall asleep, I spring awake. I had the usual palpitations, headache and gut pain, but this time it was accompanied with a drowsy coming out of anesthesia feel. I was dizzy and my arms, chest, neck and face were numb, and vision fuzzy. While the numbness has subsided, I am now having more pronounced spasms throughout my body. I just bit my tongue because my jaw is twitching.
You might want to get that checked out if it keeps happening.


Nov 12, 2016
I think adding a greens broth a few times per week if you can manage wouldn't hurt. Maybe skip it on the day you eat liver. Just try to get some K pretty regularly especially when your using aspirin. Gouda cheese is a good source of K too. You can always take a supplement as well.

You might want to get that checked out if it keeps happening.

Do you recommend discarding the greens and only drinking the broth? Or would it prove beneficial to eat the greens, as well, since they're cooked?

I am considering starting a gofundme, because the things taking place are freaking me out a bit, but I just can't afford it.

I checked my actual pulse during the waking "episode" I've been having (including a-fib). The tiny spikes of the upper chambers pulsing quickly, can be observed. The part that is concerning is, my actual pulse is currently at 49bpm! It's never been below 60bpm.

Do you think it's possible that since I abruptly discontinued cynomel around 2 weeks ago, along with all supplements, that my body's natural production has not recovered, and I've swung to an extreme hypo state? I've been fatigued to the point that it's a chore to walk or move small objects. I have to will myself to walk up stairs, and pause along the way. Work has become a major issue, that I need to will myself through, because it's physical.
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Aug 1, 2017
Yes thats absolutely possible, thyroid can take a few days (some say 2-3, others 10-14) to start working after discontinuation of t3/t4 meds! hows your temp and pulse?

edit: oh i missed that part..49 bpm down from 60+ along with your symptoms id say its very likely


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Do you recommend discarding the greens and only drinking the broth? Or would it prove beneficial to eat the greens, as well, since they're cooked?
If your gut is bothering you I'd stick with the broth. I do sometimes eat some of the leaves too since they are well cooked but I'm not currently having any gut issues.
I'm mainly concerned about the dizziness and heart palpitations. Your pulse is quite low as well. I'm not trying to cause you more stress but I wouldn't let those symptoms go on for too long without getting checked out by someone in person. How is your blood pressure?


Nov 12, 2016
If your gut is bothering you I'd stick with the broth. I do sometimes eat some of the leaves too since they are well cooked but I'm not currently having any gut issues.
I'm mainly concerned about the dizziness and heart palpitations. Your pulse is quite low as well. I'm not trying to cause you more stress but I wouldn't let those symptoms go on for too long without getting checked out by someone in person. How is your blood pressure?
If your gut is bothering you I'd stick with the broth. I do sometimes eat some of the leaves too since they are well cooked but I'm not currently having any gut issues.
I'm mainly concerned about the dizziness and heart palpitations. Your pulse is quite low as well. I'm not trying to cause you more stress but I wouldn't let those symptoms go on for too long without getting checked out by someone in person. How is your blood pressure?

Got the results of my RBC Mg test. I'm on the low end of the spectrum, at 4.8mg/dL. The last test I had was a serum (4 years ago) and that was 1.7mg/dL. Doc, at that time, put me on 400mg mag oxide script, that did nothing but loosen bowels, and further the problem. The low RBC comes after having supplemented with Mg on and off. From what I've read, a low serum usually equates to an extremely low cellular concentration, due to the body doing everything it can to keep the blood levels constant.

Last summer I would have twitching throughout my entire body after going out for a short walk. I now realise that I've been severely depleted of magnesium for some time. RP replied to several of my emails, one being about the heart symptoms, and said it sounded like a mineral imbalance. I've been applying ancient minerals magnesium oil (nightly) and ordered picometer ionic magnesium. So far the palpitations have begun to subside and it seems the hot flashes have too. I feel much calmer and the fatigue is lifting.

Oddly enough my blood pressure would swing from normal to high-normal. I have also added in the greens (broth only), per your suggestion.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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