Haidut Interview Haidut Georgi on Mercola - Sept 17, 2023 - Crucial Facts about Your Metabolism Part 2: Oxidative Reductive Stress, Methylene Blue, Niacinamide, etc



Nov 6, 2020


  • What medicine refers to as “oxidative stress” is actually reductive stress resulting in the production of free radicals. Once you understand this process, it becomes easier to understand how to optimize your health
  • According to the rate-of-living theory, the higher your metabolic rate — which means the quicker the electrons move from food toward oxygen, which is the final acceptor of electrons — the faster you'll age because there'll be higher oxidative stress. But deeper analysis reveals the exact opposite appears to be the case
  • The truth is, the higher your metabolic rate, the slower you age, because high metabolism creates fewer reactive oxygen species (ROS)
  • Your metabolism is high when electrons move rapidly and easily through the mitochondrial electron transport chain. When electrons are impeded from moving forward, they can back up, leak through the mitochondrial membrane and start moving backward, where they combine with oxygen to create excessive ROS
In this video, which is the second half of our two-part interview, Georgi Dinkov and I continue our discussion about the biochemistry of human metabolism and the process of aging. Part one can be viewed on my Substack site.
We begin by reviewing a complex concept that is not understood by any health experts, and that is the concept of reductive stress, which plays a crucial role in accelerated aging. As it turns out, what science refers to as “oxidative stress” is actually secondary to reductive stress resulting in the production of excess free radicals. Once you understand this process, it becomes easier to determine the best ways to combat it.

Rate-of-Living Theory​

To understand this, you first need to understand what oxidation and reduction reactions are. Dinkov explains:
“Rate-of-living theory underpins this whole concept of oxidative stress. Currently, pretty much every doctor will tell you that the higher your metabolic rate — which means the quicker the electrons move from food towards oxygen, which is the final acceptor of electrons — the faster you'll age because there'll be higher oxidative stress. You'll be producing a higher amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
But if you look at the actual data, and this is even in the medical books, it turns out it's the exact opposite. ROS are generated from oxygen, but it's actually when you're NOT shuttling the electrons fast enough towards oxygen.
And, when these electrons [from food] build up in various chunks of this process, whether it's in the Krebs cycle or the electron transport chain, you have to do something with them.
If you look at what a reactive oxygen species is, you'll see that it's actually oxygen that has been reduced, in other words, oxygen that has gained an electron. Now, an electron, by its nature, is a reductive species. Basically, a food is a donor of electrons, a reductant.
Oxygen is an acceptor of electrons, an oxidant. So, if you have a buildup of electrons, this means that you are in a state of excessive reduction, or at least higher than optimal.
So, your body has to do something with them. You're giving the body electrons, either from food or through lipolysis, or the cortisol-generating amino acids from your muscles. Ultimately, all of these things get converted to energy, and the way energy works is, it's a flow of electrons.
So, electrons, ideally, should be paired at the very end with oxygen through Complex 4 of the electron transport chain. If that does not happen, then these electrons can attack oxygen molecules [moving through the metabolic chain] and reduce them by an electron or two, [which] generates these very reactive species.”

Rephrased Summary​

To reiterate, when electrons cannot move forward in the metabolic chain, they can build up. At a certain point, the buildup becomes toxic to that specific step, causing the electrons to be shuttled backward, where they encounter oxygen molecules.
Molecular oxygen is always present, but it's only useful if it's used at the last step, which is the cytochrome C oxidase. At any other point, oxygen coming into interaction with these electrons is asking for trouble. When the electrons build up in Complex 1 or 3, which is usually the case, then the excess electrons leak through the mitochondrial membrane and start combining with molecular oxygen, creating excess ROS in the process.
However, these oxygen species are not oxidative. They're not oxidizing agents anymore. They have accepted either one or two electrons, so they're actually a reductive species such as hydroxyl or superoxide anions.
Combined, hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions are responsible for approximately 90% of the ROS generated, and both are single electron reductive agents. This means they can attack and damage DNA, various enzymes and important tissues like the inner mitochondrial membrane and cardiolipin.
But hydroxyl radicals and superoxide anions are not oxidants. They're a reduced form of oxygen, so they're highly reactive and can wreak a lot of havoc, but the very reason they're present is because there was an excess of electrons to start with, and an excess of electrons is, by definition, a reductive state. So, in short, only when you’re in a reductive state can you have oxidative stress and subsequent production of ROS.
For some reason, this reductive state became termed "oxidative stress," as if oxygen was the cause of it, but oxygen by itself does not do much damage, provided the electrons, the reductants, are flowing or moving appropriately. Basically, oxygen is an innocent bystander in this process. The real culprit is excess electrons buildup.


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The Easier the Flow of Electrons, the Less Oxidative Stress​

What this all means is that the higher your metabolic rate, the more easily these electrons flow from food to oxygen and the less oxidative stress you're going to have. The slower your metabolic rate, the greater the buildup of electrons, which combine with oxygen to create ROS or oxidative stress. Again, it’s not truly oxidative stress but damage caused by excess reductive stress, meaning too many unpaired electrons. Dinkov continues:
“The determining factor for most of the creation of the ROS is the NADH to NAD+ ratio. NADH being the reduced form and NAD+ the oxidized form. This ratio also controls the speed of metabolism of carbohydrates because the rate limiting step is pyruvate dehydrogenase.
When you're in the oxidized state, in other words, NAD+ predominates, then pyruvate-dehydrogenase works well and electrons flow through the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain ...
When NADH predominates, you have too many electrons ... that are not meeting oxygen properly. This buildup of electrons creates these bottlenecks, either in Complex 1 or Complex 3, mostly ... Then something has to happen with these electrons. Two things can happen. One is increased synthesis of the ROS. Second, your body uses these extra electrons to synthesize fats.
So, you can view obesity, or at least extreme obesity, as a desperate mechanism to get rid of electrons that are coming from food but are not getting processed properly. In other words, you're not combusting the food properly. So, what happens with it? Well, you store it. That's the only thing that the body can do.
And, by the way, whenever you have obesity or severe overweight, you always have high amounts of ROS, because those are the only two things that the body can do with the extra electrons. It cannot simply evaporate them, though there's some research on grounding that [shows] you can help get rid of the excess electrons [that way].”

Antioxidants Aren’t the Best Answer​

So, again, when you have an excessive buildup of electrons, which by definition is a reductive state or a state of reductive stress, your body can dissipate the electrons either by synthesizing fats or creating ROS. Your body must then deactivate these ROS to avoid excessive damage.
A number of enzymes and antioxidants can do this. But the whole point is, why bother taking these substances if the whole problem, from the very beginning, was a low basal metabolic rate, i.e., the metabolic process was not working as fast as it should have to avoid electron buildup?
Paradoxically, the way to get rid of “oxidative stress,” or more correctly reductive stress, is to increase oxidation, i.e., to increase your metabolic rate. This will prevent the ROS from being generated in the first place. Continuously taking antioxidants merely masks the problem.
As noted by Dinkov, “The solution is to improve metabolism, so the electrons go where they should be going and don't build up.” How to improve your metabolic rate is at the heart of the late Ray Peat’s work, which Dinkov has studied extensively.

Best Supplements for Reductive Stress​

To reduce this reductive stress (improperly referred to as oxidative stress), you can take oxidizing quinines such as vitamin K2 and/or methylene blue.
Methylene blue (MB) is the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine. In its oxidized form, MB is dark blue. Its reduced form is colorless and is now being used in antiaging skin care products. The active form you want to use is the oxidized, blue form, but even if you took the reduced form, reduced MB tends to easily grab oxygen from the environment to become oxidized again.
What makes MB so universally useful is that most people have serious reductive stress secondary to excessive LA in their diets, so, if there’s a block anywhere in the electron transport chain, methylene blue simply transfers the electrons straight to oxygen, bypassing the obstruction.
As a result, your cells can generate more energy. Methylene blue can serve as an emergency oxidant not only in the electron transport chain but in the Krebs cycle. It can accept electrons and allow them to continue moving. For all these reasons, methylene blue appears to be a fantastic solution for reductive stress.
Methylene blue is also augmented and works synergistically with near-infrared radiation, so you can further boost the benefits by combining it with sun exposure or a near-infrared sauna. Also, combined with red light, methylene blue creates singlet oxygen species that kill viruses and bacteria.
Methylene blue is classified as a drug and to get USP human grade typically requires a prescription so it can be purchased legally at a compounding pharmacy. There are companies that sell the USP grade but it is illegal and you would need to see their third party testing to confirm it was tested for purity. Doses are typically 5-10 mg/day for most unless they are sick then can increase to 50 mg.
Niacinamide is also useful for reducing reductive stress, as it increases NAD+ by providing fuel for the rate limiting enzyme for creating it, NAMPT. Methylene blue in combination with niacinamide is particularly potent at reducing reductive stress and increasing energy.

Biohacks for Obesity​

At present, a clear majority of people are overweight or obese and metabolically inflexible. This goes to the point of not being metabolically efficient, which is what we're talking about. Strategies that will increase your metabolic rate and address obesity include the following, each of which is discussed in greater detail in the interview:
•Avoid PUFAs as much as possible, as they are the primary contributor to reverse electron flow that shuts down your metabolism and increases reductive stress. PUFAs damage cardiolipin, which prevents it from binding with Complex 4. Once that Complex is dysfunctional, even if all the others are working, you’ll get a buildup of electrons.
•A daily aspirin regimen (325 mg per day).
•Niacinamide, 50 mg three times a day. Niacinamide activates pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), which is the throttle for the Randle switch, discussed in Part 1 of this interview.
Niacinamide is also a precursor for NAD+. According to Dinkov, research shows that ATP levels have an almost perfect correlation with NAD+. So, the higher your NAD+, the higher your ATP synthesis and the better your metabolism works. Niacinamide is also a required cofactor to convert cortisol into the inactive (and far less dangerous) form of cortisone.
Ideally, also take magnesium half an hour or so after the niacinamide. If your ATP output is low, the magnesium cannot bind to the ATP, and in its free ionic form, magnesium is rapidly excreted. Taking niacinamide will raise NAD+ and hence ATP, allowing your body to more effectively use the magnesium.
•Drink organic black coffee, and if you get jittery, you probably don’t have enough glycogen in your liver, so drink your coffee or take a caffeine tablet with some food or some glycine, beta-alanine or taurine, all of which are GABA agonists.
•Optimize your cellular melatonin production by getting regular sun exposure or using a near-infrared sauna.

Vitamin E​

Another supplement that most people need is vitamin E. That’s going to limit the oxidation of PUFAs such as LA into mutagenic and carcinogenic metabolites. The kind you want is the “dextro,” not the “levo” kind, and you want primarily alpha, including D-alpha-tocopherol.
According to Dinkov, vitamin E has also been shown to have an antagonistic relationship with estrogen, which plays a significant role in many chronic diseases, including certain cancers. The tocopherol isomers are also moderately strong aromatase inhibitors.
“So, basically, by taking vitamin E, whatever estrogenic effects are out there, even from nonperoxidized PUFA, or if you're producing too much estrogen for whatever reason, if you have endocrine disruptors which are capable of binding and activating the estrogen receptor just like estrogen does, tocopherol will block some of that,” Dinkov says.
“It's really a versatile molecule that has genomic steroid-like effects, but it mimics progesterone, which is also the main anti-estrogen in the body for females, testosterone and the dihydrotestosterone being the main anti-estrogens in the body of males.
Tocopherol will have most of these effects. And it probably has much fewer side effects than taking steroids. The daily needs have been shown to correlate perfectly with your intake and storage of PUFAs, so the daily need, the real RDA, of vitamin E is about 2 mg of vitamin E for every gram of PUFA consumed, which means, if you're consuming 50 grams of PUFA, you need 100 mg vitamin E to combat its peroxidative and estrogenic potential.
Most people are used to measuring the vitamin E in units. If you take the vitamin E dosage in milligrams and multiply by 1.5, you get the dosage in international units.”

Animal Protein and Longevity​

Dinkov also dives deep into the science behind protein needs. He recommends 80 to 120 grams of protein a day for muscle maintenance, which is lower than many others. Typically, if you want to build muscle, experts will recommend twice that.
Dinkov, however, stresses the need for collagen, as it contains higher amounts of specific amino acids with anti-inflammatory and other healing properties. These include glycine, proline, hydroxyproline and alanine.
Red meat is higher in amino acids that induce inflammation: methionine, histidine, tryptophan and cysteine. On a side note, Dinkov points out that aspirin inhibits the absorption of methionine, cysteine and tryptophan from food. He believes a single baby aspirin with a meal would suffice to inhibit absorption of these proinflammatory amino acids. He also discusses other benefits of aspirin, so for more details, listen to the interview in its entirety.
According to biologist Ray Peat’s work, amino acids in their free state have many hormone-like functions. For example, during stress, cysteine and tryptophan are released in large quantities, and these amino acids have antimetabolic effects. Other amino acids act as nerve-modifiers, triggering excitation or inhibition, while others, especially glycine, have cell-protective, anti-stress effects.
As such, many degenerative and inflammatory diseases can be ameliorated by eating more collagen and gelatin-rich foods. Red meat, on the other hand, contains far higher levels of the antimetabolic amino acids cysteine and tryptophan, which you want less of if you struggle with degenerative and/or inflammatory conditions.
Life extension studies have shown that restricting tryptophan or cysteine alone produces greater life extension than what is achieved in most calorie restriction studies, which is rather remarkable.1

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
@sunny - Thanks for information.

I read the pdf and noticed that it ended with:
More Information
You can check out Georgi’s blog at www.haidut.me or follow him on Twitter. He also has
hundreds of videos on YouTube on a plethora of topics. A major sampling of Ray Peat’s
work is also available for free on these two sites: wiki.chadnet.org/Ray-Peat

I do not remember chatnet.org being mentioned in any interview. That would indicate to me that Mercola (or members of his team) visit the Forum.

When I listened to Mercola interview Georgi, I thought that he was preparing to write another new book. I hope that Dr. Peat is given credit for originating many of these concepts. In addition, I hope that Georgi is identified as his personal tutor.


Nov 6, 2020
@sunny - Thanks for information.

I read the pdf and noticed that it ended with:
More Information
You can check out Georgi’s blog at www.haidut.me or follow him on Twitter. He also has
hundreds of videos on YouTube on a plethora of topics. A major sampling of Ray Peat’s
work is also available for free on these two sites: wiki.chadnet.org/Ray-Peat

I do not remember chatnet.org being mentioned in any interview. That would indicate to me that Mercola (or members of his team) visit the Forum.

When I listened to Mercola interview Georgi, I thought that he was preparing to write another new book. I hope that Dr. Peat is given credit for originating many of these concepts. In addition, I hope that Georgi is identified as his personal tutor.
I wholeheartedly agree. I think the mercola interviews have given Georgi a much wider audience, and the synergy between them is great. Mercola has been in the game for a long time, but it is apparent in the interviews that he is being exposed to new info and another point of view from the Peat/ Georgi perspective. Mercola seems to have ditched the keto, high fat in favor of carbs. He mentioned he is about to release a 50 mg niacinamide tablet. I do hope he sees the value of crediting Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov in his future views on what perpetuates a healthful life.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
@sunny - Thanks for information.

I read the pdf and noticed that it ended with:
More Information
You can check out Georgi’s blog at www.haidut.me or follow him on Twitter. He also has
hundreds of videos on YouTube on a plethora of topics. A major sampling of Ray Peat’s
work is also available for free on these two sites: wiki.chadnet.org/Ray-Peat

I do not remember chatnet.org being mentioned in any interview. That would indicate to me that Mercola (or members of his team) visit the Forum.

When I listened to Mercola interview Georgi, I thought that he was preparing to write another new book. I hope that Dr. Peat is given credit for originating many of these concepts. In addition, I hope that Georgi is identified as his personal tutor.
Dr. Mercola is always extremely grateful and gracious about crediting Georgi & Ray Peat. I watch many other Mercola interviews and he mentions both all the time and credits them all the time. For you to think any other way is you being petty, certainly not Dr. Mercola. He is a confident enough man to acknowledge the shoulders he is standing on.


May 10, 2018
This is huge for me. I read a lot of Mercola many moons ago I really liked his temperament and angle on health and nutrition. Over the years his popularity grew and he started selling a lot of supplements. When that trajectory started I completely stopped listening to him and assumed he would be taking a similar course to many others that gain a following and prioritise the money over the quality of information. I stand completey corrected and it puts an enormous smile on my face to see him chatting with Georgi and being completely open to his ideas. This is a huge inflection point in the health industry and Georgi (as Ray’s apprentice) really put the ball in motion. Many lives are going to be positively affected by this and I couldn’t be more pleased. Ray was always driven by maximising the amount of people he could help and he would be truly proud of the work that is being done here. Incredible.


Jul 13, 2014
A monkey could host Georgi and it would be great watching. The guy is just a standalone brilliant communicator


Sep 8, 2016
While I trust almost anything Georgi says, I don't' trust Mercola. He's a zebra that's changed it's stripe. 5-8 years ago he was vehemently recommending fish oil and sold a fish oil product. I don't believe anything Mercola says.
Last edited:


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
While I trust almost anything Georgi says, I don't' trust Mercola. He's a zebra that's changed it's stripe. 5-8 years ago he was vehemently recommending fish oil and sold a fish oil product. I don't believe anything Mercola says.
He's one of the few Doctors/Health Front Runners ythat will openly admit he's wrong. As he experiments on himself, N=1, as he gathers more data, facts, etc. he revises his opinion and advise. Which is intelligent, wise and the correct thing to do. Everyone else digs their heels in or climbs the Ivory Tower and refuses to change.
If you watched this interview he openly admitted he was wrong in it about certain things. Most people would be wise to follow a similar path.......be humble & intelligent enough to admit when you're wrong! As more pieces of the puzzle are acquired we all need to adapt and be pliable. As they saying goes.......bend like the willow or snap off and break like the oak!


Sep 8, 2016
He's one of the few Doctors/Health Front Runners ythat will openly admit he's wrong. As he experiments on himself, N=1, as he gathers more data, facts, etc. he revises his opinion and advise. Which is intelligent, wise and the correct thing to do. Everyone else digs their heels in or climbs the Ivory Tower and refuses to change.
If you watched this interview he openly admitted he was wrong in it about certain things. Most people would be wise to follow a similar path.......be humble & intelligent enough to admit when you're wrong! As more pieces of the puzzle are acquired we all need to adapt and be pliable. As they saying goes.......bend like the willow or snap off and break like the oak!
Agreed. But for me, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I'd rather skip that researcher. than trust again.


Dec 3, 2022
United States
So fun seeing Mercola learning new things and his enthusiasm for polite conversation!!! Still learning from @haidut . Lucky to have found his Rays, Dannys and Georgis work a couple years ago.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
DennisX: Look ! another Fabulous Open Minded Doctor that changed his tune after following what he thought was the correct data. So, much so Paul Saladino, M.D. wrote, The Carnivore Diet. Ate ONLY Meat for years. After living like this, practicing what he preached, he started to following his labs he regularly had tested and listening to how his body felt, decided to add Fruit, Hioney & Raw Dairy into his diet. Now his Labs are perfect and he feels fabulous! He had to re-calibrate, revise his original stance. He does a Podcast and had to tell his audience that he found New Data and that he also listened to his body. Pure Carnivore wasn't perfect for him. Maybe for someone else yet not for him.

Full Diet & Exercise Protocol w/ Kneesovertoesguy
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXD3ADO5xHY



Aug 22, 2023
Mercola.com store does have the 50mg Niacinamide 270 tablets. Niacin (as Niacinamide) (vitamin B3) Other ingredients: Mircocrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, organic tablet coating (organic tapioca maltodextrin, organic sunflower lecithin, organic palm oil, organic guar gum) rice bran extract, rice hull, gum acacia, sunflower oil. Is sunflower oil a PUFA? And linoleic acid?


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Mercola.com store does have the 50mg Niacinamide 270 tablets. Niacin (as Niacinamide) (vitamin B3) Other ingredients: Mircocrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, organic tablet coating (organic tapioca maltodextrin, organic sunflower lecithin, organic palm oil, organic guar gum) rice bran extract, rice hull, gum acacia, sunflower oil. Is sunflower oil a PUFA?
Mercola addressed the Sunflower Oil in the interview.


Apr 26, 2018
A monkey could host Georgi and it would be great watching. The guy is just a standalone brilliant communicator
Did I miss the video on this interview? Where is it? Also haidut said in his blog .... So I wonder if he himself takes Urolithin A or if anyone here takes it. Too bad it is so expensive!!


Restoring mitochondrial function reverses aging in blood/immune cells

The number of studies focusing on bioenergetics as a reliable method for delaying (or even reversing) aging continues to rapidly grow. A few years ago, an in-vivo study with humans demonstrated that human immune system aging can be reversed by a combination of DHEA and a few other, less -than-desirable ingredients with the purpose of the latter likely being to simply conceal the fact that DHEA was the main “active ingredient” in that combo treatment. Even before that study came out, in-vitro studies with humans cells demonstrated that glycine, methylene blue, progesterone, vitamin K, T3, etc can all reverse the aging phenotype. The one thing that unites all of these substances is that they are all pro-metabolic and improve mitochondrial function (OXPHOS). So, bioenergetic modulation seems to be a viable pathway through which we can tackle not only aging but all of its symptoms commonly known as “chronic diseases”. Case in point – the study below demonstrated reversal of aging in-vivo in a mouse model, were the administration of the naturally occurring metabolic/mitochondrial enhancer urolithin A reversed the signs of aging in the animals’ hematopoietic and immune systems. While urolithins seem to have somehow become very popular in scientific research, and especially for anti-aging purposes, they are expensive to produce/acquire and have not been studied enough for safety. Since the proposed mechanism of action of urolithin A in this study is enhanced mitophagy and increased mitochondrial function, other chemicals with the same effects should also be able to achieve the same results. All of the substances mentioned earlier in the post are known to also have such effects on mitochondria, so I don’t see a reason to try one or more of them for anti-aging purposes.
Induction of mitochondrial recycling reverts age-associated decline of the hematopoietic and immune systems - Nature Aging
Nature Aging Study: Age Reversal in Blood Stem Cells, Immunity
“…However, the researchers discovered a remarkable solution. By introducing a naturel compound called Urolithin A, which targets mitochondria – the energy powerhouses of cells – they were able to reverse the decline in HSC function. Mitochondria abnormalities were identified as a contributing factor to the aging of HSCs. Urolithin A acted as a mitochondrial modulator, effectively restoring the mitochondrial function within HSCs. Urolithins are not found in food; however, their precursors are. Urolithin A is the result of transformation of ellagic acids and ellagitannins by the gut microflora in humans. Ellagitannins are found in pomegranates, nuts, some berries. The most interesting finding of this preclinical study was that this intervention not only rejuvenated the blood reconstitution capability of older HSCs but also improved immune system function in aged mice. When Urolithin A was incorporated as a dietary supplement, it not only revitalized the immune system’s lymphoid compartments but also enhanced overall HSC performance. This translated to an improved immune response against viral infections, showcasing the potential of Urolithin A to combat age-related immune system decline. In essence, this groundbreaking research indicates that by encouraging the recycling of mitochondria using Urolithin A, it is possible to reverse the aging process within the hematopoietic and immune systems. These findings hold immense promise for the development of interventions targeted at addressing age-related health conditions in older individuals and pave the way for envisioning clinical trials.”<<


Mar 4, 2019
The video is on Mercola's substack now.

Shame, because I had just started it yesterday and wanted to finish it today. Someone will likely upload it on Youtube.


Nov 6, 2020
The silicone dioxide and methylcrystalline Cellulose, Along with gums make the mercola niacinamide a no go for me. Disappointing.


Nov 6, 2020

I think he is saying dhea, glycine, meth blue, vitamin k, t3 can all function in the same way.

"human immune system aging can be reversed by a combination of DHEA and a few other, less -than-desirable ingredients with the purpose of the latter likely being to simply conceal the fact that DHEA was the main “active ingredient” in that combo treatment. Even before that study came out, in-vitro studies with humans cells demonstrated that glycine, methylene blue, progesterone, vitamin K, T3, etc can all reverse the aging phenotype. The one thing that unites all of these substances is that they are all pro-metabolic and improve mitochondrial function (OXPHOS)"

"Since the proposed mechanism of action of urolithin A in this study is enhanced mitophagy and increased mitochondrial function, other chemicals with the same effects should also be able to achieve the same results. All of the substances mentioned earlier in the post are known to also have such effects on mitochondria, so I don’t see a reason to try one or more of them for anti-aging purposes."
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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