Guy on forum claims he can only have sex when on heavy drugs & impulsive -- thoughts? Being honest, hardworking, even good looking guy doesn't cut it?

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
I noticed this post and thought I'd share it here to have feedback. Why would a guy ONLY be able to have sex if he's taking three steroid compounds at super-physiological doses? We're not saying roids help his confidence, his sense of self, they literally -- according to him -- EXACERBATE more of his inner-demons/ruthlessness/dark side, which is equating them with more "evil" things like needing to be on roids, do "crazy ***t" and can't be just a normal, strong guy no, you gotta be "low inhib heavy roiding evil Chad":



And why would he claim that "doing good things" hurts him & doesn't get him girls/women? I know a knee-jerk reaction would be to disregard the post, but he's a member there that supposedly is known to be a "slayer" AKA a guy that has been with VERY MANY different girls. Is it merely pheromones? So then inceldom for 30+% of males (according to those studies) is cured by heavy roiding? We know MANY guys report not having sex anymore, even well past age 25 in college. so it's not made up numbers.

So basically us guys should just take testosterone, trenbolone, Masteron, Tbol, along with cocaine, weed, etc. to have sex lives? That's some sort of secret? I thought men had sex when they had sex appeal to women, which is largely translated through the appearance & thus why this stuff would help (builds muscle, can "shred" you, etc.). But this guy is LITERALLY saying he cannot have sex when NOT on big steroid cycles and somehow being a "good" person makes him lonelier or without the other sex? I mean this only confirms 100% of what incels tend to say -- that women/girls like evil men, or at least good looking men, to mate with -- and that being a good, honest, hardworking man is seen as vomitworthy to the ladies vs. being some scummy, evil, twisted psychopath. Being a kind man is for virgin monks -- evil man is for sex life?

So I think maybe we have this whole issue solved on why we have so many incels these days ... We have too many GOOD, kind men which is why they never -- or almost never -- get girls. This guy I posted is saying he gets laid EASILY & CONSTANTLY while he's on 100 mg of each of these compounds INJECTED DAILY. That's 700 mg of test, 700 of tren, 700 of mast PER WEEK. And I know some will retort with "my husband" or "some girls married," but they will have NO APPEAL to other women.

Megadosing roids maybe makes men evil, dark triad, psycho-like, ruthless, not caring about anymore, more twisted ... And just happens more appealing to women.

So the incel problem is quite easily explained ... We have too many good men. Good men -- unless GOOD LOOKING -- won't be rotating girls around. Now evil men? Maybe if they're "low inhib" enough. I don't mind this definition at all honestly because it explains why I'm not too successful with girls ... I'm a good man. Good men are doomed when it comes to having a sex life it seems. This guy I posted also claimed in another post he's done 1 gram of trenbolone a week too, so it seems go toxically big or big home?

I just want to know what members here can breakdown as to why a guy would NEED to be on 700 mg of test, 700 mg of tren, and 700 mg of Masteron A WEEK to be fit/have sex appeal. I mean, you'd think being good looking & strong/healthy would do it, but according to stuff talked about there, the "evil" or "dark" guys take the cake.

Guess no one should be mystified by the number of men being virgins, losers, outcasts, etc. ... It's just a reality that > 90% of men are not good looking or psychos. Kindness is what did men in ... No warrior or dominating man is "kind." Being a "good" guy makes you a loser in many cases, but being "dark" lets you win at life with more odds.

Guess I'll leave this here so men can finally figure out what their problems are based on how this guy apparently fixes his "problem" of being incel with drugs & insanity.
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Apr 6, 2023
I noticed this post and thought I'd share it here to have feedback. Why would a guy ONLY be able to have sex if he's taking three steroid compounds at super-physiological doses? We're not saying roids help his confidence, his sense of self, they literally -- according to him -- EXACERBATE more of his inner-demons/ruthlessness/dark side, which is equating them with more "evil" things like needing to be on roids, do "crazy ***t" and can't be just a normal, strong guy no, you gotta be "low inhib heavy roiding evil Chad":

View attachment 49813
View attachment 49814

And why would he claim that "doing good things" hurts him & doesn't get him girls/women? I know a knee-jerk reaction would be to disregard the post, but he's a member there that supposedly is known to be a "slayer" AKA a guy that has been with VERY MANY different girls. Is it merely pheromones? So then inceldom for 30+% of males (according to those studies) is cured by heavy roiding? We know MANY guys report not having sex anymore, even well past age 25 in college. so it's not made up numbers.

So basically us guys should just take testosterone, trenbolone, Masteron, Tbol, along with cocaine, weed, etc. to have sex lives? That's some sort of secret? I thought men had sex when they had sex appeal to women, which is largely translated through the appearance & thus why this stuff would help (builds muscle, can "shred" you, etc.). But this guy is LITERALLY saying he cannot have sex when NOT on big steroid cycles and somehow being a "good" person makes him lonelier or without the other sex? I mean this only confirms 100% of what incels tend to say -- that women/girls like evil men, or at least good looking men, to mate with -- and that being a good, honest, hardworking man is seen as vomitworthy to the ladies vs. being some scummy, evil, twisted psychopath. Being a kind man is for virgin monks -- evil man is for sex life?

So I think maybe we have this whole issue solved on why we have so many incels these days ... We have too many GOOD, kind men which is why they never -- or almost never -- get girls. This guy I posted is saying he gets laid EASILY & CONSTANTLY while he's on 100 mg of each of these compounds INJECTED DAILY. That's 700 mg of test, 700 of tren, 700 of mast PER WEEK. And I know some will retort with "my husband" or "some girls married," but they will have NO APPEAL to other women.

Megadosing roids maybe makes men evil, dark triad, psycho-like, ruthless, not caring about anymore, more twisted ... And just happens more appealing to women.

So the incel problem is quite easily explained ... We have too many good men. Good men -- unless GOOD LOOKING -- won't be rotating girls around. Now evil men? Maybe if they're "low inhib" enough. I don't mind this definition at all honestly because it explains why I'm not too successful with girls ... I'm a good man. Good men are doomed when it comes to having a sex life it seems. This guy I posted also claimed in another post he's done 1 gram of trenbolone a week too, so it seems go toxically big or big home?

I just want to know what members here can breakdown as to why a guy would NEED to be on 700 mg of test, 700 mg of tren, and 700 mg of Masteron A WEEK to be fit/have sex appeal. I mean, you'd think being good looking & strong/healthy would do it, but according to stuff talked about there, the "evil" or "dark" guys take the cake.
I would just assume that his diet and other life factors aren't optimal for him to exhibit a very female-pleasing male physiognomy,

so the substances he takes may help him tend to a physiognomy that makes him more attractive to a part of women
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
I would just assume that his diet and other life factors aren't optimal for him to exhibit a very female-pleasing male physiognomy,

so the substances he takes may help him tend to a physiognomy that makes him more attractive to a part of women

What is the biochemical/etc. explanation or reasoning behind doing extreme, supraphysiological drugs & being "evil" according to him making him appeal to women?

All it does is confirm that being crazy/psychopathic helps attract at least a subset of women/girls with some form of regularity enough to where it's replicable for some who want to go down this path, i.e., take stacks of drugs in VERY high doses & then do apparently "crazy ***t" as he puts it that he's not able to do when he's a "good guy."

And I know what he's saying is pretty much spot on/absolutely right as growing up I have plenty of memories of dark-triad type guys having magnetic appeal to girls. The guy that has a car full of drugs or weapons & drives around carelessly/races ... The guy that surfs on cars or has no limits ... The guy that is the antithesis of "safe" 100%.

So it isn't just physiognomy as that's nonsense ... How can one's physiognomy change from one small instance to another just merely due to taking ANY drug at ANY dose? All of these guys look 100% the same when they're doing "crazy ***t" & when they're being incel little good boys who are nice ... So you'll have to explain that more sensibly.
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Apr 6, 2023
What is the biochemical/etc. explanation or reasoning behind doing extreme, supraphysiological drugs & being "evil" according to him making him appeal to women?

All it does is confirm that being crazy/psychopathic helps attract at least a subset of women/girls with some form of regularity enough to where it's replicable for some who want to go down this path, i.e., take stacks of drugs in VERY high doses & then do apparently "crazy ***t" as he puts it that he's not able to do when he's a "good guy."

And I know what he's saying is pretty much spot on/absolutely right as growing up I have plenty of memories of dark-triad type guys having magnetic appeal to girls. The guy that has a car full of drugs or weapons & drives around carelessly/races ... The guy that rides a motorcycle & jumps off buildings ... The guy that is the antithesis of "safe" 100%.

So it isn't just physiognomy as that's nonsense ... How can one's physiognomy change from one small instance to another just merely due to taking ANY drug at ANY dose?

It does not confirm such thing, if his experience is accurate and authentic, it just shows that from his experience, the different characteristics he shows when he takes these substances, are associated with having more success with certain women, that does not prove that it is caused exclusively or even partially by the fact of being "evil" in his case, and it certainly does not prove that it is applicable to all men.

The physiognomy of a person can change daily, during the night, in a few days, very quickly depending on the circumstances.

physiognomy also involves the mind, and I suggest that they neither look exactly the same nor have the same mental state, small changes in the face, whether in terms of water retention, degree of tension of the skin, eye angles, eye shapes can make a considerable difference in the perception of a person's face
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
It does not confirm such thing, if his experience is accurate and authentic, it just shows that from his experience, the different characteristics he shows when he takes these substances, are associated with having more success with certain women, that does not prove that it is caused exclusively or even partially by the fact of being "evil" in his case, and it certainly does not prove that it is applicable to all men

Well, I agree it's not 100% as we are missing some info/facts here between the cracks he'll likely never 100% explain, but still he's saying what other guys in these forums state that being nice, quieter, more restrained, more respectful, etc. will make men virgins/incels, while being violent, malicious, committing crimes, etc. usually means the opposite.

The fact that it's hard for anyone to visually imagine a drug dealing virgin/incel is proof enough that nobody considers males in this "field" to be sexual losers. Now when you think of computer nerds, religious guys, shy guys, etc. it's always easy to imagine more sexually unsuccessful men. So yeah, it kinda confirms that "dark" = sexy somehow.

Not that a guy couldn't be appealing ever without being evil, BUT....

There sure is no shortage of sex for drug dealers, violent thug type guys, loud and dominating guys, etc. vs. quieter, more respectful types who aren't so offensive & challenging to others. The guys I knew who were quiet & got girls were male model esque or extremely particularly one girl's type, and that's it ... They never were "slayers."

The high degree aspect of sex appeal or "slaying" seems to rest heavily on either being a particular girl's type (which usually means only her type at a time as I can tell you from experience) -- or you're the generic, douchey Chad type who has WIDE appeal, & multiple girls tend to like. I've only ever been the former, not the latter guy in life & it all adds up perfectly. You can be the "good guy" and get girls, but this usually means only one girl at a time (& requires being good looking too) -- or be evil enough -- in the right and particular fashion of sorts -- & "get them all" or at least have more success than the other kind of guy. Being "nice" is the biggest roadblock to a sex life for men.
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Apr 6, 2023
Well, I agree it's not 100% as we are missing some info/facts here between the cracks he'll likely never 100% explain, but still he's saying what other guys in these forums state that being nice, quieter, more restrained, more respectful, etc. will make men virgins/incels, while being violent, malicious, committing crimes, etc. usually means the opposite.
I don't disagree that a portion of men have associated being nice with less success with women, and I don't rule out that it's real, I would speculate that there are different factors that may cause to manifest "kindness" some optimal for pleasing women, some not optimal for it, if a person has a high degree of enfentine kindness, and this also manifests to some degree in his appearance, he probably won't attract many women, if a person's "kindness" is associated in some contexts with some degree of discomfort, and therefore he submit in a situation where ideally he should not submit, he probably wont attract many women
The fact that it's hard for anyone to visually imagine a drug dealing virgin/incel is proof enough that nobody considers males in this "field" to be sexual losers. Now when you think of computer nerds, religious guys, shy guys, etc. it's always easy to imagine more sexually unsuccessful men. So yeah, it kinda confirms that "dark" = sexy somehow.
I live in the suburbs, I know a lot of people who sell drugs, and who do all kinds of "crimes" that have no success with women at all.
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Nov 5, 2021
reminds me of myself before finding peat

ime, the emotional, irrational, bipolar-like mindset of being "messed up"/unstable/dark blends very well for women, compared to my low time preference, long-term success orientated current self. this is just my little experience as a 19yo tho.

the self destruction & brashness seems to ignite a thrill inside them, not exclusive to any subset of women
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
reminds me of myself before finding peat

ime, the emotional, irrational, bipolar-like mindset of being "messed up"/unstable/dark blends very well for women, compared to my low time preference, long-term success orientated current self. this is just my little experience as a 19yo tho.

the self destruction & brashness seems to ignite a thrill inside them, not exclusive to any subset of women

It's absolutely true and seems behavioral. I don't know how anyone is still denying this or believing it's all due to physiognomy changes when that doesn't make sense.

I don't have "it" though which is why I have very little success with women. I'm not "evil" & I'm not a kiss up type/"cuck" either, so I'm stuck with nothing due to this. Even having experience with some hormones (not the amounts/types the guy I posted does, but personality must play a role too) & they don't make me "evil" or "dark" at all.

As @haidut said even on my own other thread from time ago, you're either a "cuck" (guy who can get 1 relationship at a time or just a lucky non-cuck) -- or you're the guy who can get with countless girls effortlessly as natural as breathing comes. But it's not replicable by 'X' number of hormones always, no ... That's not enough.

You need to have "it" to begin with, which is how these hormones added on top basically act like nitrous oxide engines. If you lack that element of sorts, the "stack" may not help very much honestly. And of course you have to be good looking enough with all this too ... The guy I posted from that forum is definitely decent looking face-wise.


Apr 6, 2023
It's absolutely true and seems behavioral. I don't know how anyone is still denying this or believing it's all due to physiognomy changes when that doesn't make sense.
that is what i said :
It does not confirm such thing, if his experience is accurate and authentic, it just shows that from his experience, the different characteristics he shows when he takes these substances, are associated with having more success with certain women, that does not prove that it is caused exclusively or even partially by the fact of being "evil" in his case, and it certainly does not prove that it is applicable to all men
wich you agree'd with,

I invite you not to project or see oppositions where there are none.

Physiognomy simply imply intertwined mental and physical features, which can evolve quite quickly, even by taking hormones, it does not necessary imply massives changes instantly
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Jun 22, 2021
This will be a controversial opinion, but its personally what I think:

Personally, I feel most inclined to 'go for' a female stranger when her estrogen is high
, Red cheeks, sharp bone structure, smell of her pheromones is in the air (when she's horny/ready for mating)

When guys see a horny female, instinctively they want to bed her, because she wants to mate and is displaying those signs so they are just following the intuition when smelling her pheromones

But they dont want to date her, they just want to do the dirty and thats it, they don't care for her actually

So vice-versa, I believe something similar happens here with guys, where a guy needs to do drugs and inject steroids to shift over to a "horny, excited state" where his body presents himself as ready for mating for other females, so he becomes sexually successful with females since they receive those signs and smell his pheromones and instinctively want to bed him as well (High T/High E state)

Although the male is sexually successful, I think the important question to ask here, is:

is this the ideal state?

Personally, I don't think being hyper-sexualized is the ideal state

For example, if someone watches videos of people back in the 90's or before that, these people were low serotonin/estrogen and didn't come across as extremely horny wanting to get with "anyone", they came across as someone you want to have a conversation and want to get to know, perhaps be in a relationship with. Much healthier metabolisms in general

I think the problem here in this current society is that both males and females are running on massive stress, so they're all unbearably horny and don't want to have relationships with good people because their energy is too low to care for another person in that way. They are stuck on level 1 mindset - where you only have energy to have sex, etc. and can't think of much else in any capacity

But like I said, Peating in current society feels like hell because I think ideally we reach a state of health where we care about people and being in a relationship and being a good person, but no one were surrounded with is like that anymore so we become the 'odd man out' and are convinced there is something not right with us when society is the problem.

My personal opinion anyway.
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Dec 1, 2014
This will be a controversial opinion, but its personally what I think:

Personally, I feel most inclined to 'go for' a female stranger when her estrogen is high
, Red cheeks, sharp bone structure, smell of her pheromones is in the air (when she's horny/ready for mating)

When guys see a horny female, instinctively they want to bed her, because she wants to mate and is displaying those signs so they are just following the intuition when smelling her pheromones

But they dont want to date her, they just want to do the dirty and thats it, they don't care for her actually

So vice-versa, I believe something similar happens here with guys, where a guy needs to do drugs and inject steroids to shift over to a "horny, excited state" where his body presents himself as ready for mating for other females, so he becomes sexually successful with females since they receive those signs and smell his pheromones and instinctively want to bed him as well (High T/High E state)

Although the male is sexually successful, I think the important question to ask here, is:

is this the ideal state?

Personally, I don't think being hyper-sexualized is the ideal state

For example, if someone watches videos of people back in the 90's or before that, these people were low serotonin/estrogen and didn't come across as extremely horny wanting to get with "anyone", they came across as someone you want to have a conversation and want to get to know, perhaps be in a relationship with. Much healthier metabolisms in general

I think the problem here in this current society is that both males and females are running on massive stress, so they're all unbearably horny and don't want to have relationships with good people because their energy is too low to care for another person in that way. They are stuck on level 1 mindset - where you only have energy to have sex, etc. and can't think of much else in any capacity

But like I said, Peating in current society feels like hell because I think ideally we reach a state of health where we care about people and being in a relationship and being a good person, but no one were surrounded with is like that anymore so we become the 'odd man out' and are convinced there is something not right with us when society is the problem.

My personal opinion anyway.
I agree this is a part of the reason why, you can see a difference in real time travelling from the US to northern Europe, where stress and health levels are much better.


May 10, 2016
Having high androgens make it much easier to attract women. I'm not totally sure if it's pheromones or women can just feel it.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
This will be a controversial opinion, but its personally what I think:

Personally, I feel most inclined to 'go for' a female stranger when her estrogen is high
, Red cheeks, sharp bone structure, smell of her pheromones is in the air (when she's horny/ready for mating)

When guys see a horny female, instinctively they want to bed her, because she wants to mate and is displaying those signs so they are just following the intuition when smelling her pheromones

But they dont want to date her, they just want to do the dirty and thats it, they don't care for her actually

So vice-versa, I believe something similar happens here with guys, where a guy needs to do drugs and inject steroids to shift over to a "horny, excited state" where his body presents himself as ready for mating for other females, so he becomes sexually successful with females since they receive those signs and smell his pheromones and instinctively want to bed him as well (High T/High E state)

Although the male is sexually successful, I think the important question to ask here, is:

is this the ideal state?

Personally, I don't think being hyper-sexualized is the ideal state

For example, if someone watches videos of people back in the 90's or before that, these people were low serotonin/estrogen and didn't come across as extremely horny wanting to get with "anyone", they came across as someone you want to have a conversation and want to get to know, perhaps be in a relationship with. Much healthier metabolisms in general

I think the problem here in this current society is that both males and females are running on massive stress, so they're all unbearably horny and don't want to have relationships with good people because their energy is too low to care for another person in that way. They are stuck on level 1 mindset - where you only have energy to have sex, etc. and can't think of much else in any capacity

But like I said, Peating in current society feels like hell because I think ideally we reach a state of health where we care about people and being in a relationship and being a good person, but no one were surrounded with is like that anymore so we become the 'odd man out' and are convinced there is something not right with us when society is the problem.

My personal opinion anyway.

Okay but if everyone is horny and out about, why is it guys who can't get laid much then?

And why would a guy then need mega steroids? That part doesn't make sense.

A woman can make a man horny in high stress, but why would a high stress and horny natty dude then still be invisible until he blasts toxic steroids like tren?

So men have to be on tremendous, toxic gear to have sex appeal, but women just need to exist?

Yeah that sounds totally fair lol

Also doesn't entirely make sense in my view.

If we are all stressed and horny, why would guys need gear then?

Trust me guys can be super horny even not on any exogenous testosterone, so it seems in that case it could be about presentiveness and approach+looks more so than an actual pheromone.

Can any guy just inject pheromones/high compounds of some sort and become a Chad is what you're saying?

No action needed beyond that?

Because if you read my post on the OP on that forum he said it makes him do "bad things" that he believes attracts women, or something of that nature.

He is not himself even attributing it solely to pheromones or else why would he mention good vs. bad and stuff like that, navigating the subject away from just pheromones or chemosignals?
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Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Having high androgens make it much easier to attract women. I'm not totally sure if it's pheromones or women can just feel it.

Androgens of what sort?

I've done SARMs, DHT, androsterone, ketotest, etc. and I can personally tell you it made zero difference for me.

Do you mean "androgens" broadly or testosterone specifically?

Because androsterone is touted as a pheromone yet never has it made any girls suddenly attracted to me even wearing 30+ mg at once.

So "androgens" is a broad "class" of compounds that isn't entirely decided upon its meaning by everyone who uses it.


Dec 7, 2022
I noticed this post and thought I'd share it here to have feedback. Why would a guy ONLY be able to have sex if he's taking three steroid compounds at super-physiological doses? We're not saying roids help his confidence, his sense of self, they literally -- according to him -- EXACERBATE more of his inner-demons/ruthlessness/dark side, which is equating them with more "evil" things like needing to be on roids, do "crazy ***t" and can't be just a normal, strong guy no, you gotta be "low inhib heavy roiding evil Chad":

View attachment 49813
View attachment 49814

And why would he claim that "doing good things" hurts him & doesn't get him girls/women? I know a knee-jerk reaction would be to disregard the post, but he's a member there that supposedly is known to be a "slayer" AKA a guy that has been with VERY MANY different girls. Is it merely pheromones? So then inceldom for 30+% of males (according to those studies) is cured by heavy roiding? We know MANY guys report not having sex anymore, even well past age 25 in college. so it's not made up numbers.

So basically us guys should just take testosterone, trenbolone, Masteron, Tbol, along with cocaine, weed, etc. to have sex lives? That's some sort of secret? I thought men had sex when they had sex appeal to women, which is largely translated through the appearance & thus why this stuff would help (builds muscle, can "shred" you, etc.). But this guy is LITERALLY saying he cannot have sex when NOT on big steroid cycles and somehow being a "good" person makes him lonelier or without the other sex? I mean this only confirms 100% of what incels tend to say -- that women/girls like evil men, or at least good looking men, to mate with -- and that being a good, honest, hardworking man is seen as vomitworthy to the ladies vs. being some scummy, evil, twisted psychopath. Being a kind man is for virgin monks -- evil man is for sex life?

So I think maybe we have this whole issue solved on why we have so many incels these days ... We have too many GOOD, kind men which is why they never -- or almost never -- get girls. This guy I posted is saying he gets laid EASILY & CONSTANTLY while he's on 100 mg of each of these compounds INJECTED DAILY. That's 700 mg of test, 700 of tren, 700 of mast PER WEEK. And I know some will retort with "my husband" or "some girls married," but they will have NO APPEAL to other women.

Megadosing roids maybe makes men evil, dark triad, psycho-like, ruthless, not caring about anymore, more twisted ... And just happens more appealing to women.

So the incel problem is quite easily explained ... We have too many good men. Good men -- unless GOOD LOOKING -- won't be rotating girls around. Now evil men? Maybe if they're "low inhib" enough. I don't mind this definition at all honestly because it explains why I'm not too successful with girls ... I'm a good man. Good men are doomed when it comes to having a sex life it seems. This guy I posted also claimed in another post he's done 1 gram of trenbolone a week too, so it seems go toxically big or big home?

I just want to know what members here can breakdown as to why a guy would NEED to be on 700 mg of test, 700 mg of tren, and 700 mg of Masteron A WEEK to be fit/have sex appeal. I mean, you'd think being good looking & strong/healthy would do it, but according to stuff talked about there, the "evil" or "dark" guys take the cake.

Guess no one should be mystified by the number of men being virgins, losers, outcasts, etc. ... It's just a reality that > 90% of men are not good looking or psychos. Kindness is what did men in ... No warrior or dominating man is "kind." Being a "good" guy makes you a loser in many cases, but being "dark" lets you win at life with more odds.

Guess I'll leave this here so men can finally figure out what their problems are based on how this guy apparently fixes his "problem" of being incel with drugs & insanity.
He needs to make sure his mitochondria are 100% functional.


Mar 15, 2014
For example, if someone watches videos of people back in the 90's or before that, these people were low serotonin/estrogen and didn't come across as extremely horny wanting to get with "anyone", they came across as someone you want to have a conversation and want to get to know, perhaps be in a relationship with. Much healthier metabolisms in general
Very true. You can see very distinct body types appearing every decade, from the 1950s up to the 2010s. A lot of 1950s girls have this "curvy hip" sort of look but with a very flat ****. I've never seen anything like it later on.


Sep 21, 2014
This will be a controversial opinion, but its personally what I think:

I think this was one of your least controversial takes ever.


Jun 7, 2016

I totally understand what he is taking about low inhib.

He has figured out that if he takes certain things, he will lose his fear of rejection or inhibition.

When I was 18 I would normally go out to a club and drunk vodka and was already aquanted and have conversations with different women but one night I took mdma and kissed 5 of them which was totally because of the mdma which made me heaps open.

It doesn't matter about all that other stuff. It's not dark triad or psycho it's actually close to how men should be but we have been destroyed and full of self doubt, social pressure, anxiety, low confidence etc.

It's not that girls like bad boys but if they surf a car on drugs, they have low inhibition in general which allows them to easily get close to women instead of being frigid and awkward.


Dec 1, 2021
Ofc it also depends on what you want out of women, and what the women your seeking to attract want of you. And let me tell you... these people are not looking for marriage material.


Sep 10, 2019
This will be a controversial opinion, but its personally what I think:

Personally, I feel most inclined to 'go for' a female stranger when her estrogen is high
, Red cheeks, sharp bone structure, smell of her pheromones is in the air (when she's horny/ready for mating)

When guys see a horny female, instinctively they want to bed her, because she wants to mate and is displaying those signs so they are just following the intuition when smelling her pheromones

But they dont want to date her, they just want to do the dirty and thats it, they don't care for her actually

So vice-versa, I believe something similar happens here with guys, where a guy needs to do drugs and inject steroids to shift over to a "horny, excited state" where his body presents himself as ready for mating for other females, so he becomes sexually successful with females since they receive those signs and smell his pheromones and instinctively want to bed him as well (High T/High E state)

Although the male is sexually successful, I think the important question to ask here, is:

is this the ideal state?

Personally, I don't think being hyper-sexualized is the ideal state

For example, if someone watches videos of people back in the 90's or before that, these people were low serotonin/estrogen and didn't come across as extremely horny wanting to get with "anyone", they came across as someone you want to have a conversation and want to get to know, perhaps be in a relationship with. Much healthier metabolisms in general

I think the problem here in this current society is that both males and females are running on massive stress, so they're all unbearably horny and don't want to have relationships with good people because their energy is too low to care for another person in that way. They are stuck on level 1 mindset - where you only have energy to have sex, etc. and can't think of much else in any capacity

But like I said, Peating in current society feels like hell because I think ideally we reach a state of health where we care about people and being in a relationship and being a good person, but no one were surrounded with is like that anymore so we become the 'odd man out' and are convinced there is something not right with us when society is the problem.

My personal opinion anyway.
This makes a lot of sense to me. Many of those in relationships are still going around screwing other people. They're only in said relationships for financial stability or status.
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