Grow bone mass


Feb 13, 2021
You guys see my face and bone structure.
I m 18 year old, 19 in 4 months.
I look feminine, i have the smallest bones i ever seen in my life, girls have bigger head/wrists than me.
I m already 135 lbs at 5'8 and still no bones/jawline visibile in my face
I m reccesed.
I trully think i had a hormonal probem younger, but now i don t care because there is nothing i can change.
Also i never was out, never in sun, i l white like snow people think i m sick.
I was drunk from 12 - 16 most of the time, everyday i was drinking beer.
I want to find strong steroids to induce bone growth, at this point i don t care.
Hgh , i want even acromegaly.
My voice is also beta, girlish.
I did weightlifthing for like 4 years no fkcing changes in my bone structure.
And i still have small body just packed with muscle.
It is a good ideea to inject testosterone /hgh? Anything?.
When i was young i was bullied without a reason, i had moments when i wanted to kill everyone around me because i'm so different mental and physicall.
I don t have sex drive, no erection. I don t have empathy, and i think i m sociopath a little. I empathise , find myself just in serial killers/mass shooters and their story, i want to have a gf and move to a lonely place, lonely mountain or something like that, i really hate humans.
Humiliation, truly humiliating when 14 year old boys are more masculine than me , they did NOTHING and they look more rough, more manly, average 14 year old kid here is now 6feet tall.
I Can't even compete in sports now, my dream was to be a pro boxer, i was a amateur boxer for 5 years and i know how unfair things are.
I was so fast, technical but their head size, shoulder width, ribcage, fist were to much for my weak jaw, and frail hands. It is natural selection is sport, no matter how hard your work, that is bull****, i saw it with my eyes because the other guys were smoking and doing drugs and me was training everyday 5 hours per day still one punch and i feel like i m hit by a hammer and instant brain pain and ko risk.
It's unfair to live if you have weak genetics, nothing matter you can't change that, and i DON'T want to live like a weak frail piece of ***t.
I want to wait a little maybe in the future there will be some chemical to grow bone mass , who know.
I was in sports from the moment i was born, i m natural weak, i can t complete in combat sport because i m frail .
You need to know i don t care about health at this point, i don t ******* want to live with this face/body 80 years.
Prefer 30 with a masculine looking face to get respect, to be seen as a intimidating male.
So, if you want to tell me about health please no. Tell me about steroids/substances to induce bone growth.
Also i have a - 9 myopia, bad teeths, i can t even speak properly because i think i don t have enough space in mouth. I just say yes and no to end the conversation fast.
I' m not native, so english not to good.


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Jul 31, 2020
I know this isn't the answer you are looking for but you don't look nearly as bad, or feminine, as you think.

With that said, i think the HGH doses you'd need to induce significant amount of bone growth are very VERY expensive and hard to source without a prescription. Your best bet is to optimize androgen, igf-1 and thyroid levels naturally and you might see some "bone gains" ( many men get thicker in their 20s ). That's all i can recommend since i have no experience with steroids and there are many users more experienced than me.


Aug 9, 2019
HIIT sprints, daily jump shots / basketball
High protein & high calorie diet
High milk & cheese diet
D3 + K2 megadosing

And hope for the best.
Facially, you look fine. You do have thin wrists/ forearms

Cheese liver

Mar 16, 2021
As @cupofcoffee said you look well enough, don't let your appearance or society be the judge of your masculinity. With that said feeling lethargic, depression, anxiety and other forms of stressors can be summed up in 2 ways . The first being your physiological state that is the health of your body. Try to follow Ray peats principles for a healthy diet etc. The 2nd stressor is your environment, is your job or the people around you toxic ? The pollution of the air all these factors should be taken into account. Try to incorporate all of these things for a better life . If possible do measure your bloodtests as well such as D3, calcium phosphorous ratio , Testosterone etc to get a better insight of your health.


Feb 16, 2021
I was drunk from 12 - 16 most of the time, everyday i was drinking beer.
Since you mention this did your mother drink alcohol when she was pregnant?

Fetal alchohol syndrome manifests itself with:
epicanthal fold
long philtrum
narrow palpebral fissure length
and underdeveloped jaw

despite this you still look pretty good, its just something that I notice.


Feb 13, 2021
Since you mention this did your mother drink alcohol when she was pregnant?

Fetal alchohol syndrome manifests itself with:
epicanthal fold
long philtrum
narrow palpebral fissure length
and underdeveloped jaw

despite this you still look pretty good, its just something that I notice.
She smoked and drinked yeah


Feb 12, 2020
You have a balanced face, good side view, a little bit of baby fat in the cheeks because you’re young. When you lose it there will be more definition to the face
I’d imagine lots of sunlight+goat milk+fat soluble vitamins+physical exertion would produce a robust skeleton, but as far as growing strong protruding cheekbones - not sure this would do much for that

You are quite pale with no tan lines, do you spend any time in the sun?


Feb 13, 2021
You have a balanced face, good side view, a little bit of baby fat in the cheeks because you’re young. When you lose it there will be more definition to the face
I’d imagine lots of sunlight+goat milk+fat soluble vitamins+physical exertion would produce a robust skeleton, but as far as growing strong protruding cheekbones - not sure this would do much for that

You are quite pale with no tan lines, do you spend any time in the sun?
No, i don t go outside not even 20 minutes per day.
When i was Younger i was in my home 4 months without going outside. Every summer holiday
Even when i was i didn t get tanned.


Feb 12, 2020
Vitamin d is important for bones. The sun will also help you feel better. My mental health becomes very poor when I spend all my time indoors


Jun 7, 2019
What do you eat? Are you eating to maximise nutrients? Have you tried any dietary changes to try to improve hormone levels?

I can see what you mean in your close-up pics and about your jaw but in your full-body pics your body looks well-proportioned, including your head and hands. Maybe you're getting a distorted view of yourself.


Mar 2, 2018
Dude you look absolutely fine in photos, I get your pain, I would say I look way smaller than you, I’m 22 now, had a ****88 UP lifestyle betweeen ages of 14-20, basically stopped growing in anyway when I was 14 after taking accutane


Apr 30, 2015
You're 18, so lots of runway left. Good masculinity is a long term plan, not short cuts like roids.

Wrap your head around the fact that part of your desire to get fixed so quickly is also a symptom of the same type of dysfunction you are talking about.

Lift weights in the sun and eat raw meat. Get out of mold, EMF, and the city
Nov 18, 2018
Get your vitamin D up and maybe take some vitamin K. You still have time to grow in height so don’t squander it. I think you look fine and your in great shape dude. Also your wrist/forearms are fine imo. Worry about the things you can change. Sleep 8 hours, eat high protein at least bodyweight worth, eat some fruits to fuel your workouts. Also get your hormones measured testosterone, prolactin, dht, progesterone, cortisol etc if you notice imbalances work on them. Also for boxing isn’t there weight classes? If you say your 135 who is the tallest guy at 135?

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Dude, you develop until 25 at least and your physique looks normal for your age. Lifting weights or any sports like biking, climbing will cause your bones to adapt. Bones are made of collagen, calcium, phosphate, magnesium and CO2. Eat a range of animal proteins like dairy, eggs, gelatin, meat and seafood. Lots of fruit, green veggies for vitamin k and sunshine for the D. Thyroid and pregnenolone are pro metabolic. Later you can add Dhea. Give yourself time, good food and build a social network via sports or work. And stop alcohol and boxing, both are very bad for your brain.
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Aug 13, 2020
You don't look anywhere near as bad as you think you do. Worst thing I can see in those pictures is that you have slouched posture/rounded shoulders. I don't think your bone structure is feminine at all.

You remind me of my cousin when he was 18, only difference is he was a couple of inches taller. I also have a friend who has your build (5' 8", 130lbs, very lean and muscular), who also happens to be dead broke most of the time, but he has a radiant personality and has no problems attracting women. He always has a smile on his face. He is really into cycling and is very good at it - his light weight and muscular legs give him an advantage in this sport.

Keep in mind that you will still grow a bit and fill out some more over the next 2-3 years, so if you really want to get bigger you still have lots of potential to add muscle. Judging from what you've described, it sounds like you train a lot (5 hours a day?). It might be a good idea to cut back on the cardio training and just eat more. Lean men who are trying to add size often underestimate just how much they need to eat.

As for your dreams of being a boxer, you should be competing in your weight class, no? How is it that other boxers your size were so dominant over you while working much less, as you claim? Boxing is a highly technical sport. Or maybe they weren't that dominant, and your perception is distorted by your feelings of inadequacy? Or maybe you weren't as skilled as you thought you were, and boxing just is not for you? When I was around your age I had dreams of being 6' 2", 220lbs and competing in physical contact sports. As it turns out, I stopped growing at 16 when I was 5' 10". I was also lean at the time. Looking back on it now, it seems silly for me to try force my body to some ideal I had in my mind just so I could try be competitive in an game some guys invented 100 years ago. It wasn't meant to be. There is so much more to life and the main thing is to be productive, happy and healthy. By your logic, half of the men in for example Vietnam should be depressed because they're 5' 5", 125lbs and can barely grow any facial hair.

You sound to me like your real problem is mental depression of some sort.

If I were you I'd do some work to change what can be changed, e.g. weight lifting and eating to add muscle, orthodontics to fix teeth. Get out in the sun to raise Vitamin D. Eating along Peaty principles would help add bone density over time.

Paired with that I would do work to improve my state of mind and social relationships - accept that there are some things you might not be able to change about yourself. Try to improve your mood and outlook on life. And for God's sakes, cut out the porn. That ***t is poison for the mind and if you watch beta-cuck weirdo porn, you're going to behave and think like a beta-cuck weirdo because that's what you're putting into your head. It will also mess up your ability to be aroused by women because porn desensitizes your brain to sexual stimulus. This is why you don't feel physical attraction for real women, even though you desire a girlfriend. In effect, you already have a girlfriend of sorts - the computer screen/your hand. Excessive porn watching can also produce social anxiety such as feelings of inadequacy/submissiveness, which is what you have been describing in your posts. This has been documented in scientific studies and you can research it for yourself.

There is a gap between how you want to be and how you perceive yourself to be, and the gap between the two is large enough that it causes mental distress for you. You can lessen the distress by bringing those two things into closer alignment by changing what can be changed physically and at the same time changing your perception of yourself (accepting whatever limitations your body has, finding a new purpose/hobby/sport, cutting out porn).


Jun 25, 2017
Look at the graph of DHEA with age. There's still maturation while DHEA is peaked. Good time to increase calories, protein, gym time, etc. Also, lower things that oppose 5-alpha reductase. Eliminate inflammatory foods. Get some direct sunlight (every other day) for 20-30 minutes on the scrotum/phallus.

Look at some body builders who started during college. The stress of lifting was masculinizing many times.


May 19, 2017
This post looks almost like a fishing for validation / compliments.

You look better and more masculine than 98% of males your age and you must be well aware of that.


Feb 13, 2021
This post looks almost like a fishing for validation / compliments.

You look better and more masculine than 98% of males your age and you must be well aware of that.
I m sure average 19 year old male look MORE masculine than me


Dec 23, 2020
You got pretty good answers so far but if you really want the change to happen quicker i advise you to get:
Androsterone 5mg (androgenic for stronger bones) + Pansterone 15mg DHEA/Pregn (anti catabolic) + 5a-DHP 5mg (mental benefits) + Kuinone 10drops (k2 is androgenic for bones) + Gonadin (30% T boost) + Tyromax 7drops (to support everything). Use all of them at once you can use them anytime since will not suppress you. The only problem is the price here
Buy them from haidut:

You will roughly get the same benefits as a microdose mix of trenbolone, methenolone, and oxandrolone without the side effects.

As for diet... this is even more important than any substance in the world. You need to inhib FAO and increase the glucose synthesis so i advise to up your carbs and aim for 500g daily carbs in sugar, even starchy(potatoes,rice) use to get all vitamins,mineral right.
Also very important eat 2l milk per day, 200g beef for zinc (cook ONLY with butter or coconut oil), 1l orange juice, rice for carbs, gelatin, coffee, sugar with everything, coke and aim for 2500+ calories, 100-150g proteins, 500g carbs, 50g fat.

Here. All you need to know to get higher levels of T, DHT, ALLO . This will increase your metabolism in time and make you achieve your goals. Good luck !!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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