
Oct 24, 2013
Thus, it is not the calories that need optimising. You need to address lifestyle factors, sun/light exposure. Timing of meals - calories eaten during daylight hours and not dark hours. Stress reduction to lower cortisol plus many other strategies to stop stress hormones.

Elimination of PUFAs and eating sugar and fruits + milk instead of starch.

I lost 27 kilos this way. No exercise, except up and down stairs in my house and putting the washing on the line outside the house. I have quite a step slope to get to that clothes line.

I am a post-menopausal woman, living an extremely stressful lifestyle. The weight loss scared the ***t out of me. I had convinced myself that I was not producing any insulin and had become a type 1 diabetic. I reintroduced starches, bread and grains to see if it was the diet that was causing the weight loss or my inability to produce insulin. I don't restrict and eat according to appetite - which is huge. Weight has stabilised - no longer losing or gaining. Exercise now increases muscle mass where previously body was in catabolic state - breaking down too fast. Temperatures are up and experiencing hunger pains which I was not experiencing when gaining weight.

180 degree turn in my thinking. Would never have believed eating lots of calories, being sedentary you could lose weight if I had not experienced it myself. The biggest problem with this way of eating is getting people over the sugar, fruit and milk phobia. Wish I had known this tweak pre-menopausally. I might have prevented all the weight gain in the first instance. Shunned sugar all my life - ate healthy and got fat??

Mind you it is not all about the food. Instead of exercising more, I will be focussing on getting more sun and light to keep my hormones in check. Imagine, nude sunbathing at noon and losing weight. Life is stressful enough to want to further punish our bodies. I think calorie restriction if not excessive and eating a pro-metabolic diet helps the weight come off faster, however, there is always the risk of FFAs to contend with. Keeping fat in the diet as low as practical goes a long way in lessening the burden on the system.

Not sure how this strategy would work for someone that had a physically strenuous work situation. For example, landscapers that had to shift rocks, dirt and push heavy wheelbarrows all day long, day after day, week after week. They may require more fat than someone who is sedentary.

Any landscapers out there?

I am a bricklayer and i eat very similar to this , <50g fat a day , i dont "eat" between the hours of 5am and 2pm but will consume sugary/salty drinks with some glycine during work hours..

Honestly im starting to think the problems i had when i was VERY low fat wernt caused by not eating enough fat at all .. instead a lack of potassium for all of the sugar i was trying to guzzle down.

One day id like to try and spend a few weeks back around the 10g of fat a day range which is about 2-3.5% of my daily caloric intake

I agree with your previous statemenst aswell.. i usually have 10-12 days off at the end of the year and i am for the most part sedentary during that time. I consume more calories because i have more time to eat and prepare food but yet my weight does not fluctuate.

Over the course of 10 years experimenting with different eating habits and having it rattle my brain on a daily basis its good to finally have a template that works and i dont have to stray far from.:D


New Member
Feb 18, 2017
Could you please give a general breakdown of a typical day's meals, how often you eat, and an idea of your activity level? Thanks for sharing!


Forum Supporter
Oct 6, 2012
instead a lack of potassium for all of the sugar i was trying to guzzle down.

Totally agree. Potassium is huge and is lost rapidly in sympathetic dominant mode, I am only just beginning to appreciate how significant those four alkaline minerals are. Working outside in the heat lifting heavy weights (bricks, wheelbarrows, etc) labouring all day every day, every week electrolytes are quickly depleted. Add to the mix, overuse of sympathetic autonomic system and you heading for serious trouble.

Can't tell you how many older traddies I have come across who are experiencing cardiac issues, anxiety attacks, palpitations, inability to sleep etc. Their cardiologist running all sorts of stress tests but never says hang-on, you're working a hot roof all day, perhaps it's your hydration or electrolytes. High potassium on the blood test and they still don't pick it up. However, very fast in writing those scripts. When you try to suggest to increase salt and sugar, they think if it was that simple why doesn't my doctor know. I am sick, there is something wrong with my heart, I need medications. Too fricken simple and their cardiologist should be shot at close range.

I am a bricklayer and i eat very similar to this , <50g fat a day , i dont "eat" between the hours of 5am and 2pm but will consume sugary/salty drinks with some glycine during work hours..

You are replacing salt and sugar during your work hours but not the potassium??? I have been experimenting trying to find a good electrolyte replacement for my boys which has been challenging. I keep telling myself, I should not cut their fat because they need the energy to burn to keep up with their demanding physical load. However, I worry that they will become fat adapted. So you have proven that it can be done. This means you are burning the fat whilst you are working or is the salt, sugar and glycine preventing this and using the sugar for fuel.

By 2pm you would have depleted all your glycogen stores??? However, immediately restored on your refeed at 2pm - lunch?? What time is your last meal for the day?

Are you eating still within daylight hours or through to post-sunset? It's the dark time feeding that worries me a bit but if dark time is most stressful time of the day then carbs and sugar should mitigate stress hormones??

I am truly amazed with the sugar. My husband drinks coke during the day and he is well over 60 and he can outpace the young guys. He never gets sick while the young ones always coming down with colds and flu and their stamina is not as good. But they are also partying, smoking, drinking and perhaps doing drugs outside of work. He is a pretty skinny guy and always has been. I thought he would dwindle away to nothing, but no his body is stronger, more muscular and he says he feels fantastic. He is doing milk and sugar three times a day. So his fat intake has massively reduced and sugar and starches increased. His insulin sensitivity is great. My body is not like his, probably because I have still a lot of fat to lose and still a lot of estrogen.

One day id like to try and spend a few weeks back around the 10g of fat a day range which is about 2-3.5% of my daily caloric intake

Stryker that is soooo low and I was freaking out about 10 - 15%. That is basically zero animal protein - if not zero, is that right? Are you consuming lamb, shellfish, liver??

Over the course of 10 years experimenting with different eating habits and having it rattle my brain on a daily basis its good to finally have a template that works and i dont have to stray far from.:D
It seems the effort has paid off for you. Thank you for sharing,


Oct 24, 2013
Totally agree. Potassium is huge and is lost rapidly in sympathetic dominant mode, I am only just beginning to appreciate how significant those four alkaline minerals are. Working outside in the heat lifting heavy weights (bricks, wheelbarrows, etc) labouring all day every day, every week electrolytes are quickly depleted. Add to the mix, overuse of sympathetic autonomic system and you heading for serious trouble.

Can't tell you how many older traddies I have come across who are experiencing cardiac issues, anxiety attacks, palpitations, inability to sleep etc. Their cardiologist running all sorts of stress tests but never says hang-on, you're working a hot roof all day, perhaps it's your hydration or electrolytes. High potassium on the blood test and they still don't pick it up. However, very fast in writing those scripts. When you try to suggest to increase salt and sugar, they think if it was that simple why doesn't my doctor know. I am sick, there is something wrong with my heart, I need medications. Too fricken simple and their cardiologist should be shot at close range.

You are replacing salt and sugar during your work hours but not the potassium??? I have been experimenting trying to find a good electrolyte replacement for my boys which has been challenging. I keep telling myself, I should not cut their fat because they need the energy to burn to keep up with their demanding physical load. However, I worry that they will become fat adapted. So you have proven that it can be done. This means you are burning the fat whilst you are working or is the salt, sugar and glycine preventing this and using the sugar for fuel.

By 2pm you would have depleted all your glycogen stores??? However, immediately restored on your refeed at 2pm - lunch?? What time is your last meal for the day?

Are you eating still within daylight hours or through to post-sunset? It's the dark time feeding that worries me a bit but if dark time is most stressful time of the day then carbs and sugar should mitigate stress hormones??

I am truly amazed with the sugar. My husband drinks coke during the day and he is well over 60 and he can outpace the young guys. He never gets sick while the young ones always coming down with colds and flu and their stamina is not as good. But they are also partying, smoking, drinking and perhaps doing drugs outside of work. He is a pretty skinny guy and always has been. I thought he would dwindle away to nothing, but no his body is stronger, more muscular and he says he feels fantastic. He is doing milk and sugar three times a day. So his fat intake has massively reduced and sugar and starches increased. His insulin sensitivity is great. My body is not like his, probably because I have still a lot of fat to lose and still a lot of estrogen.

Stryker that is soooo low and I was freaking out about 10 - 15%. That is basically zero animal protein - if not zero, is that right? Are you consuming lamb, shellfish, liver??

It seems the effort has paid off for you. Thank you for sharing,

I completely agree , the diatary awareness of fellow tradesmen is horrendous.

I should have clarified about my work drink , as it contains many salts
Sodium Chloride
Potassium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Chloride
and i want to add calcium into that mix if i can get my hands on a good source of calcium bisglycinate powder.

It has about 120g of sugar per litre so i think about the same as coke or an energy drink.. and yeah if i dont have it i notice about 11-12 pm my glycogen seems like it runs out and my body attempts to switch over and my thinking and movements become very laboured and my mood much more short and less resilient to stress.

i pretty much graze from when im in the car on the way home until about 8pm at night .. which is about 2 hours before bed.

Currently i would be in the 10-15% fat range .. i dont have lamb as i prefer lean beef and yes i have beef liver about 100 grams every 3rd day.

but out of interet i would like to drop the fat down again while keeping my MUCH higher intake of potassium since incorporating potato as my main source of carbohydrates in which i weill typically eat around a week.

since realising the importance of potassium and switching things like soft drink and lollies for potatoes i dont have an edgy craving feeling 24/7 and my mind feels much clearer and sharp.


Forum Supporter
Oct 6, 2012
potatoes i dont have an edgy craving feeling 24/7 and my mind feels much clearer and sharp.

Well done, you have pulled it together nicely. Other than the sugar in your hydration fluid, your only other carb is potato - no fruits or juice as these will bump up potassium as well as magnesium and vitamin c?

Yeah, I feel I need starches, as fruit makes me too restless, always thinking about my next feed. Starch ties me over for longer periods.


Oct 24, 2013
Well done, you have pulled it together nicely. Other than the sugar in your hydration fluid, your only other carb is potato - no fruits or juice as these will bump up potassium as well as magnesium and vitamin c?

Yeah, I feel I need starches, as fruit makes me too restless, always thinking about my next feed. Starch ties me over for longer periods.
i sometimes eat white rice , and however many carbs are in 3L of milk 150G?


Sep 3, 2016
@Stryker which brands do you use for your drink do you use for your concoction? I assume it is just white sugar you use with it as well. I assume you eat two solid meals throughout the day to correlate with these drinks.

I should have clarified about my work drink , as it contains many salts
Sodium Chloride
Potassium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Chloride
and i want to add calcium into that mix if i can get my hands on a good source of calcium bisglycinate powder.


Oct 24, 2013
@Stryker which brands do you use for your drink do you use for your concoction? I assume it is just white sugar you use with it as well. I assume you eat two solid meals throughout the day to correlate with these drinks.

I should have clarified about my work drink , as it contains many salts
Sodium Chloride
Potassium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Chloride
and i want to add calcium into that mix if i can get my hands on a good source of calcium bisglycinate powder.

i got most of my powdersad from Pure Bulk
magnesium is "ReMag"
yeah white sugar or cordial

i dont eat at work 6am-2pm


Sep 3, 2016
Gotcha. I like your routine. I'm on the go quite a bit for work and eating a big meal when I'm not hungry isn't appetizing in the morning.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Hello all, I want share my experience and ask a question,I started working on a track 2 weeks ago, dont know why but I want more sugar than carbs like potatoes. I can tell that I am juice addicted. Do you know why? I can drink it all day without problems and I am not peeing more than usually and I lost about 2 kg what is not alot but my face and body is more ripped so I think that I lost some body fat. My routine: stressnon-12-16 drops, andro 1-2 drops, energin 40 drops, estroban 8 drops, tocovit 20 drops, oxidal 1-2 drops, kuinone 10 drops, niacinamide 3x500 mg, taurine 1g . Food: 2-3 litres of OJ, kinder chocolate 100 g, 4 slices of bread, cheese and cottage cheese, ham 400 g, gelatin 20 g.


May 10, 2017
I completely agree , the diatary awareness of fellow tradesmen is horrendous.

I should have clarified about my work drink , as it contains many salts
Sodium Chloride
Potassium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Chloride
and i want to add calcium into that mix if i can get my hands on a good source of calcium bisglycinate powder.

It has about 120g of sugar per litre so i think about the same as coke or an energy drink.. and yeah if i dont have it i notice about 11-12 pm my glycogen seems like it runs out and my body attempts to switch over and my thinking and movements become very laboured and my mood much more short and less resilient to stress.

Sorry to be a bore, but would you mind giving us your recipe for this in terms of the full solution, with measurements for each added component?
Greatly appreciated



Sep 3, 2016
Hello all, I want share my experience and ask a question,I started working on a track 2 weeks ago, dont know why but I want more sugar than carbs like potatoes. I can tell that I am juice addicted. Do you know why? I can drink it all day without problems and I am not peeing more than usually and I lost about 2 kg what is not alot but my face and body is more ripped so I think that I lost some body fat. My routine: stressnon-12-16 drops, andro 1-2 drops, energin 40 drops, estroban 8 drops, tocovit 20 drops, oxidal 1-2 drops, kuinone 10 drops, niacinamide 3x500 mg, taurine 1g . Food: 2-3 litres of OJ, kinder chocolate 100 g, 4 slices of bread, cheese and cottage cheese, ham 400 g, gelatin 20 g.

Are all of those supplements taken orally?


Aug 2, 2013
I too am a bit put off by the "slim shaming" on this forum. People constantly act like there's only one path and that everyone should be on the same one. This has nothing to do with Ray Peat either. The bottom line is, there are many reasons a person could have become "fat" or be considered "fat" and just as many reasons to want or need to do something about it. If you're happy with your health and feel great, that's wonderful for you, extra pounds or not, but it's incorrect to hold others to your own standards of living. If a person has picked up extra body fat to the point that it has become detrimental to their health and/or is putting them at risk for other issues, there's a really good chance that losing that body fat would be beneficial. So how do you lose it? That is the big question in the minds of these kinds of people and that is part of why they are here trying to figure things out. Please learn to see the distinction between a protocol for "optimal health" (or whatever other way you want to describe it) and a protocol to undo the damage a person may have caused to their body through years of bad habits and/or poor lifestyle choices. Many folks here are in agreement that the best way to lose excess body fat is to create enough of a deficit that the stored energy is needed and can be accessed. Might there be some fallout from this? Absolutely there can be. And this is yet another consequence of the extra fat ending up there in the first place. No one who ever says this process is easy without qualifying such a statement really knows what they are talking about. They are often simply trying to be positive and encouraging, which is fine, but the truth is being hungry long enough to get your body to use the stored fat for energy takes some effort and willpower. It most definitely does not happen on its own especially once someone is in a poor state. Hunger being painted as a stress signal to be avoided at all costs is a narrow viewpoint and again seems more fit for the fit person in prime shape who has it all figured out. For us regular folks still trying to figure it out and to get anywhere close to where we imagine we could be, it's more than a worthy discussion and it would be great if it could remain a bit more open-ended.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I too am a bit put off by the "slim shaming" on this forum. People constantly act like there's only one path and that everyone should be on the same one. This has nothing to do with Ray Peat either. The bottom line is, there are many reasons a person could have become "fat" or be considered "fat" and just as many reasons to want or need to do something about it. If you're happy with your health and feel great, that's wonderful for you, extra pounds or not, but it's incorrect to hold others to your own standards of living. If a person has picked up extra body fat to the point that it has become detrimental to their health and/or is putting them at risk for other issues, there's a really good chance that losing that body fat would be beneficial. So how do you lose it? That is the big question in the minds of these kinds of people and that is part of why they are here trying to figure things out. Please learn to see the distinction between a protocol for "optimal health" (or whatever other way you want to describe it) and a protocol to undo the damage a person may have caused to their body through years of bad habits and/or poor lifestyle choices. Many folks here are in agreement that the best way to lose excess body fat is to create enough of a deficit that the stored energy is needed and can be accessed. Might there be some fallout from this? Absolutely there can be. And this is yet another consequence of the extra fat ending up there in the first place. No one who ever says this process is easy without qualifying such a statement really knows what they are talking about. They are often simply trying to be positive and encouraging, which is fine, but the truth is being hungry long enough to get your body to use the stored fat for energy takes some effort and willpower. It most definitely does not happen on its own especially once someone is in a poor state. Hunger being painted as a stress signal to be avoided at all costs is a narrow viewpoint and again seems more fit for the fit person in prime shape who has it all figured out. For us regular folks still trying to figure it out and to get anywhere close to where we imagine we could be, it's more than a worthy discussion and it would be great if it could remain a bit more open-ended.


Do we really do this? I know we go against the grade on a lot of approaches but I dont think anyone here says not to be slim...
Nov 21, 2015
I'm losing fat finally but never hungry. I was always hungry with high sugar. Replacing a lot of thst sugar with potatoes helped and I am very low fat eating without much cravings. Once a week I eat some fat when I crave it. Point is I am never hungry yet finally losing waistline and weight.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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