Christianity God is About to Take The United States Back, Low Toxin Lifestyle is Part of The Restoration



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The key is the identity of America in scripture. Without that, it is absolutely impossible to know which prophecies apply to whom. It was also impossible to understand key prophecies from Daniel that were closed and sealed until our day, the time of the end. Until the first seal of Revelation was opened 3 Biblical weeks ago (21yrs), those prophecies were still sealed. How many people know who the so-called lost 10 tribes are today? How many people understand the clear distinction between Israel and Judah, knowing that Judah goes under the assumed name of Israel today but is not the Israel of spoken of by the prophets?

From this writing, we are just 50 days from the horrific opening of the 2nd seal. Even sooner, on Mar 25, the plucking of the Eagle's will begin with the collapse of the USD in order to paralyze the Eagle before its ribs (NYC< LA & DC) are torn out. Eagles are not prey for a Bear unless it is first rendered flightless.

In the remaining 3 weeks of normalcy, there is no time left to spend trying to slough off scales of generations of false teaching. When the USD collapse is triggered in the last week of this month, it will be the last desperate sign that the rest of the prophecy is true. As detailed at
I do not see it happening this way, but we shall see. I am taking note because you seem pretty dialed in with other Biblical doctrine. But I do not see destruction of America coming.


May 19, 2017
From this writing, we are just 50 days from the horrific opening of the 2nd seal. Even sooner, on Mar 25, the plucking of the Eagle's will begin with the collapse of the USD in order to paralyze the Eagle before its ribs (NYC< LA & DC) are torn out. Eagles are not prey for a Bear unless it is first rendered flightless.

In the remaining 3 weeks of normalcy, there is no time left to spend trying to slough off scales of generations of false teaching. When the USD collapse is triggered in the last week of this month, it will be the last desperate sign that the rest of the prophecy is true. As detailed at
Interesting... What will be the trigger event that will cause the collapse of USD?


Dec 17, 2017
I do not see it happening this way, but we shall see. I am taking note because you seem pretty dialed in with other Biblical doctrine. But I do not see destruction of America coming.
Oh, I agree, not a destruction. It's a cleansing by fire necessary to save the patient for a great revival starting two years later. [Hos 6] The Eagle is supernaturally lifted up after its fatal fall and gifted a new heart, replacing its current heart of a beast with the tender heart of a man [Dan 7:4; Eze 36:26 to the House of Israel] No other nation is promised that incredible, life-saving, transforming gift. {Jer 31:20 to Ephraim]

There is a very determined international conspiracy [Psa 83] to conquer, kill and plunder the Eagle's wealth. God will permit the Bear to execute a limited, cleansing judgment. It is told to devour much flesh. [Dan 7:5] The conspirators mean it for evil but God means it for good. Their goal is not to destroy completely but to cut off all defense so they can plunder the wealth. God will cut off the 2 follow-up phases: land invasion from south already being pre-positioned and the massive CCP armies that will mass off the west coast to complete the land invasion. The land forces will be defeated by the last remaining US strength. [Gen 49:23-24] The many millions of illegals that have flooded in have come for their destruction. There is precedent for this in Jasher 81.

The great Pacific invasion force will be indefensible and defeated by God Himself in a similar manner to His triumph at the Red Sea. [Isa 17:12-14; Psa 46] Think San Andreas collapse and the mega-tsunami it creates, wiping out not only the armies massed upon the sea but also smashing their homeland back to a 3rd world backwater. When that awesome miracle happens, just at the moment of utter hopelessness, it will be the inspiration for a great Christian revival. There will be 2 hard, bitter years of famine and repentance but a rebirth will begin in spring 2026, and will astound the world.

Probably a third of the nation will die in the NYC/LA/DC holocaust and its aftermath as the remaining strong cities are without lifelines and descend into brutal anarchy. [Isa 17:9] I expect one third because that is the given death toll for the world at large through the Red, Black and Pale horses. What happens to America/Ephraim is a preview of what comes upon the whole world when America's restraining force (evil though it has become) is taken out of the way. Once America is judged first (and saved), then it and it alone is immune from the terrible wars that will spread over the whole earth during the rest of the 7-14 year Red Horse period. [Jer 30:7] Judgment must come first to the House of God. [1Pe 4:17] Who is the House of God but the House of Israel and who is the leader of that House but Ephraim. 1/3 is also the ratio of angels that were cast out of heaven so it seems like a good guideline when dealing with cleansing on a Biblical scale.

Here is wisdom: the final UN beast has 7 heads and 10 horns. That beast is a composite of the 3 contemporaries that exercised power before it: Lion-Eagle, Bear and the 4-headed EU leopard. That adds up to 6 heads (America, Russia, Germany, France, Spain and Italy). The UN also has its own head, making 7. Heads are the decision making powers, the ones with the economic might that underlies power. The horns are enforcement powers directed by the heads. China does not appear as one of those 7 heads. Why not? Because its power was smashed by God Himself in that world-shaking tsunami (Apr 29, 2024). We don't see China again until the very end, at Armageddon. At that time their army, and Russia's, is a low-tech, primitive horseback force of numbers but without any of its high-tech, WMD capacity. China loses its UN position and power in that Red-Sea-style destruction.

Unfortunately, America does not leave the UN. Notice that one of those 7 heads received a deadly wound that would have been mortal except for its miraculous healing. [Rev 13:3] The deadly wound comes at Passover, Apr 22, and its supernatural healing follows, starting with its miraculous Apr 29 deliverance. Before the tribulation descends on the whole world, God will first create His wilderness sanctuary, a refuge for His people. It is empowered by the Eagle [Rev 12:14]. That great Eagle has to first be made great again in God's eyes; not in power and wealth but in spirit and heart, for He looks on the heart. That transformation will occur with the Eagle's new heart and will bud, blossom and bear fruit in peace over the years during which the rest of the world descends into great destruction. MAGA is dead but Jesus has a MEGA plan that will not fail!
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Dec 17, 2017
Interesting... What will be the trigger event that will cause the collapse of USD?
BRICS possesses that trigger in the form of the largest holdings of US Treasury Bills. Dumping those would destroy the dollar's value and the T-bills along with it. They wouldn't do that unless they had a plan that they were sure would enable them to seize control of the underling, physical assets: the USA itself. The system is so overburdened and top-heavy with debt that it rests solely upon confidence in the USD. When the confidence is shaken the whole house of cards comes down fast. BRICS is ready to offer an alternative system for global trade and money will race toward it.

Around the 77 minute mark Putin said to Carlson that weaponizing the USD was the biggest strategic blunder the USA had ever made, a grave mistake. I heard it as a final warning. He said Russia's international trade was 80% in USD in 2022 and now is just 13%. Much realignment has already happened, forced by the USA's irreversible strategic blunder.


Jun 15, 2022
United States
BRICS possesses that trigger in the form of the largest holdings of US Treasury Bills. Dumping those would destroy the dollar's value and the T-bills along with it. They wouldn't do that unless they had a plan that they were sure would enable them to seize control of the underling, physical assets: the USA itself. The system is so overburdened and top-heavy with debt that it rests solely upon confidence in the USD. When the confidence is shaken the whole house of cards comes down fast. BRICS is ready to offer an alternative system for global trade and money will race toward it.

Around the 77 minute mark Putin said to Carlson that weaponizing the USD was the biggest strategic blunder the USA had ever made, a grave mistake. I heard it as a final warning. He said Russia's international trade was 80% in USD in 2022 and now is just 13%. Much realignment has already happened, forced by the USA's irreversible strategic blunder.
What is the #1 currency in 2024 that is used more than any other currency? The Dollar isn’t going away anytime soon and definitely not before the election. I agree though that eventually it will be taken out. But we are talking 2030 at the earliest.

Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024
The United States ranks among the leading nations in both abortion and the consumption of pornography. Furthermore, homosexuality and other abominations are more rampant and promoted more than ever before. In light of this, I believe God is prepared to destroy the United States, just as He did Sodom and Gomorrah.


Dec 17, 2017
The United States ranks among the leading nations in both abortion and the consumption of pornography. Furthermore, homosexuality and other abominations are more rampant and promoted more than ever before. In light of this, I believe God is prepared to destroy the United States, just as He did Sodom and Gomorrah.
Absent the amazing knowledge of who America actually is in scripture, that is a very reasonable projection. Fortunately, God's view is larger and higher than ours and His purposes for Hist firstborn tribe go beyond mere judgment without mercy, extending to a great revival for the survivors. I expect about 1/3 of the US population to die in the pre-revival cleansing (now just under 7 weeks away).


Jun 15, 2022
United States
Absent the amazing knowledge of who America actually is in scripture, that is a very reasonable projection. Fortunately, God's view is larger and higher than ours and His purposes for Hist firstborn tribe go beyond mere judgment without mercy, extending to a great revival for the survivors. I expect about 1/3 of the US population to die in the pre-revival cleansing (now just under 7 weeks away
How do you expect that will happen? More “forest fires” which are actually either DEWYs or smart meters blowing buildings up. Tptb are using climate change as an excuse to destroy areas for their smart cities.


Dec 17, 2017
How do you expect that will happen? More “forest fires” which are actually either DEWYs or smart meters blowing buildings up. Tptb are using climate change as an excuse to destroy areas for their smart cities.
In earlier posts in this thread I went into that based on the Biblical prophecies for the Eagle and the Bear. They were unsealed a little over 20 years ago and reveal that the USD will implode starting Mar 25 (think BRICS) followed by limited nuclear war on Apr 22. That begins with an all out attack on Israel resulting in Israel nuking Damascus and Russia nuking NYC, LA & DC. The Eagle's ability to respond will have been disabled, first by financial collapse and possibly by other weapons (anti-satellite, etc.). This will not be a MAD event. Many millions will die Apr 22 and millions more in the aftermath of societal collapse. An overwhelming invasion force will arrive across the Pacific by Apr 28. That force will be destroyed by miraculous intervention at dawn on Apr 29. At that point the external dangers will be over, two years of grief and near famine will begin, leading to an equally miraculous revival in 2026.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I believe this coming eclipse on April 8th has a few critical parts to it.

First, I believe it is a signal of release from captivity. If you notice the eclipse will be going through the area of "Little Egypt" in southern Illinois.

Second, it is a warning of Judgement. If you look the eclipse totality goes over 7 seven cities named Nineveh, I believe this is the sign of Jonah. So from April 8th we have 40 days to repent and then the correct Judgement will be administered. Righteous Blessings, or curses? It's up to you.

4 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
The Israelites who reside in the USA who have repented will once again be a Blessing to the world as we were meant to be because their vats will overflow and will not be able to contain all their Blessings. And all this will be done to show the Glory of the Lord and the Love He has for His chosen family.


Dec 17, 2017
I believe this coming eclipse on April 8th has a few critical parts to it.

First, I believe it is a signal of release from captivity. If you notice the eclipse will be going through the area of "Little Egypt" in southern Illinois.

Second, it is a warning of Judgement. If you look the eclipse totality goes over 7 seven cities named Nineveh, I believe this is the sign of Jonah. So from April 8th we have 40 days to repent and then the correct Judgement will be administered. Righteous Blessings, or curses? It's up to you.

The Israelites who reside in the USA who have repented will once again be a Blessing to the world as we were meant to be because their vats will overflow and will not be able to contain all their Blessings. And all this will be done to show the Glory of the Lord and the Love He has for His chosen family.
I would consider comparing the scriptural foundations between our two views. One is heavily anchored to several Biblical witnesses (Dan, Hos, Isa, Jer, +) and the other an extrapolation from a single Biblical witness, Jonah. Something almost universally overlooked is that a minimum of two such witnesses are required to establish any fact. We know Messiah's witness is true because we have a cloud of Biblical witnesses attesting to it.

Amanda Grace has a similar perspective, which tries to wedge Jonah in in a slightly different way, but I'm struck by how it directs people to pray for Trump's triumph in order to save the nation (not what you are doing, I acknowledge). Repentance is always appropriate among all peoples at all times. That call is never wrong. But at the very time people need to be urgently making last minute preparations to survive a holocaust and two year famine they are held in suspense praying for a victory by man that will not come. Victory will come, in that we agree, but the years since 2015 should establish beyond all doubt that no man will ever be allowed in power who will pose any risk to the legions of traitors within. When God Himself steps in to seize victory the whole earth shakes, and next month it will.

In any case, a mere 10 days of waiting and watching is all that separates us now from confirmation one way or another. If the feathers are plucked from the Eagle starting the week of Mar 25 then all other predictions must fall under the weight of that momentous sign. The two witnesses of the two TSEs of 2017 and 2024 are definitely warnings of judgment. Once the 2nd witness has testified then the matter of judgment is settled. In Ephraim's case, judgment, even though severe, will be tempered with mercy. Alas for that day is great/terrible, so that there is none like it. It is the time of Jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Jacob's trouble
If you do not understand when Jacobs trouble is, then your entire timeline is shot and your predictions will likely end up null and void. From my view point you have no clue when Jacobs trouble is and you got about 5% right, the rest you have completely jumped the shark. With that said, I do not argue scriptures so that is all I am gonna say on this. I am OK with watching it play out. :hattip


Dec 17, 2017
If you do not understand when Jacobs trouble is, then your entire timeline is shot and your predictions will likely end up null and void. From my view point you have no clue when Jacobs trouble is and you got about 5% right, the rest you have completely jumped the shark. With that said, I do not argue scriptures so that is all I am gonna say on this. I am OK with watching it play out. :hattip
5% right?! I love those odds. With Elijah it was 1/850 and he still called it. I'm no Elijah so 1/20 sounds good to me! T-9 days and counting...

(I'd seriously love to be off by another year though)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Dec 17, 2017
5% right?! I love those odds. With Elijah it was 1/850 and he still called it. I'm no Elijah so 1/20 sounds good to me! T-9 days and counting...

(I'd seriously love to be off by another year though)
Problem: By the week before Passover this month it was clear the feathers had not yet been plucked from the Eagle. Therefore the 1 month period (Hos 5:7) of the Eagle/Ephraim's devouring could not be Purim to Passover. Since the events are coded with Passover imagery, what could that 1 month period be?

Answer: The one month period between the first and second Passovers. There is a 2nd Passover in Ziv/Iyar (Num 9:10-12) for those who could not keep the first one in Abib/Nisan. If the Eagle is drained of strength over the next 3 weeks, then May 22/23 would be the 2nd Passover timing of the nuclear holocaust of Dan 7:4-5. If not, then we are out of Passovers for 2024 and should look to the next year.

Key to watch are the highly dangerous tensions surrounding Judah (AKA modern Israel). Lines have been crossed with respect to Iran that are unprecedented. Oct 7 lit a major fuse, now more fuses are burning. World leaders have been calling for restraint with alarm. Another key point: when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them. There is nothing more sudden or more destructive than what is coming for Judah and for America/Ephraim. We should expect be lulled into a false sense of peace and safety beforehand. I find it ominous that, after Judah's attacks on Iranian soil, Iran is seemingly brushing it off. Behind the scenes it is a very different story. This is the art of war. A nuclear time bomb has been activated. T-21 days to Passover 2.


Aug 17, 2018
Unpopular opinion:

I find it sort of entertaining seeing people go back and forth on what Bible verses mean when it’s very obvious to me that the Bible was a tool used craftily by opportunistic people to control the masses. First by Roman Emperors and later on by the Church.

Also, I’m not able to get past the fact that all “Christian” churches are not really Christian. They’re all “Apostle” Paul’s churchs.
100 agree! And when you really start learning history, cant help to notice that the 'holy trinity' (mother, father, son) existed already 3,000bc - Isis, Osiris, Horus. The script for bible existed way before you know it. Humanity has been religiously led in circles for some thousands of years.
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