Generative Energy #23: Q&A - Weight Loss, Dating, Red Light, Authorities, And Starch (With Haidut)


May 27, 2015
@haidut what do you do for shampoo (if anything at all)? You mentioned just using the simplest of soaps in this podcast.

And thanks for doing these podcasts w/ Danny Roddy! I feel I get so much out of them. I can't always say the same for the KMUD interviews- those typically have about 50 minutes of talking that could easily be summed up in <5 minutes.
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
In-progress transcript thanks to some badass named Geneviève. I'll update this post when the full transcript is done, but I figure even the partial transcript may be useful to people (and help the search find this thread).


Danny: Hello everybody I’m Danny Roddy of and today I am talking to Georgi, an independent health researcher and owner of Today Georgi and I will discuss part one of user questions from patreon and the Danny Roddy Webblog Facebook page. In addition to thanking Georgi for talking to me today, I would like to thank my patrons for making this show and all the contents possible. If you would like to become a patreon, please go to As always, please do your own research and come to your own conclusions, and in the spirit of William Blake, the true method of knowledge is experiment. Without further ado, here’s the show…

Okay so this first question, he says Ray often states or rather suggests that it is important to block the release of PUFA for instance by taking aspirin at night, but this seems contradictory to the aim of ridding the body of PUFA, why aren’t we being encouraged to detoxify PUFA as quickly as possible?

Georgi: My comment would be, off course you are encouraged to detoxify PUFA but not as quickly as possible, cause if it floods the bloodstream it wreaks absolute havoc. Ironically, that’s one of the things I was going to talk about in the engine topic. At rest your body, especially your heart primary burn fat and whatever is not consumed by these muscles, is going to get excreted by the liver in the process called glucuronidation. Anything beyond that, anything that basically floods the liver with too much PUFA, which is what is going to happen when you have excessive lipolysis, especially during night cause basically glycogen runs out, especially people that are hypothyroid or not with optimal health for whatever reason. So whenever you flood the blood stream with a lot of PUFA, you will supress the thyroid, you will raise your stress hormones even more. PUFA act directly as an insulin receptor antagonist, so it will make you insulin resistant at least in the short term, if not, it will give you full blown diabetes. Basically, anything that the muscles cannot burn will get shuttled to the liver for excretion, but keep in mind that PUFA is actually damaging to the liver. People that run these long distance marathons and triathlons all have at least some degree of liver fibrosis. It is thought to be primarily due to that effect. Basically there is a lot of iron in the liver and when PUFA gets there it basically reacts with the iron and damages the liver. Many people think it is irreversible, but it has been shown that saturated fat can actually reverse that process. So you don’t want to overwhelm your tissues with more fat than they can safely process, especially considering that this fat is PUFA and has directly negative effects on health and every tissue really.

Danny: Just to touch on this, it’s so often stated that Ray or the idea that you’re completely inhibiting lipolysis, and this is just impossible. You’re always burning fat to some extent. Taking aspirin or niacinamide does not systemically inhibit lipolysis.

It inhibits it but it does not block it. There’s a difference here. It inhibits it to the point that it will not overwhelm your brain or your liver or some of the other vital organs. Just like you said, there’s always some lipolysis going on. That’s just how the organism is designed and because the muscles prefer that fat from burning. Basically in order for you to supress actual fatty acid oxidation and that’s what I think people mean. So let’s say your liver was really really well functioning, let’s say your body has four livers. In the end, it would be okay to flood the bloodstream with PUFA because all of it will go to these livers and they will glucoronidize it and excrete it. Since that is not happening, basically you should not be releasing that much PUFA. It’s really, what people are confusing here is that lipolysis works on beta oxidation and aspirin and niacinamide only inhibit beta oxidation in very high doses. That’s actually the mechanism through which the potential toxicity of aspirin or niacinamide has been observed. If you take more than 6 grams of aspirin or more, or 6 grams of niacinamide or more, that starts to inhibit the beta oxidation process of the actual fats, so basically that may trigger some toxicity, but it has to be dosed systemically and for a very long term. With all these high doses, in order for you to observe any effect. The doses that Ray recommend and the doses that really most people can tolerate without having other side effects, I don’t think you can inhibit lipolysis to the point of reaching that cycle that where you’re basically inhibiting that oxidation as well. Again not many people, only the old studies with schizophrenia used 6 grams of niacinamide and more and as far as I know, the only study where they used 6 grams of aspirin or more was a short two week study with type two diabetes, where that dose of aspirin, 6 – 9 grams of aspirin a day was used to fully reverse insulin resistance and then stopped and these people had no side effect, so it’s really not practical for most people. It’s not something to worry about.

Danny: In your opinion, is it good to have an occasional overfeeding day when losing weight to prevent metabolism drops?

Georgi: I would say it is mandatory. Any chronic dieting and I think I even posted a study about that, even skipping breakfast. Like some people would do the so called, ‘intermittent fasting’, so they will skip breakfast and they will compensate by taking these calories at lunch or dinner. That has shown to lead to weight gain, so in other words, any time where you reach a point where cortisol has to rise and break down muscle tissue you will contribute to the slow degradation of your thyroid function, so you don’t want to get to a point where your body basically starts to eat itself in order to provide itself with the calories that you need. You should be eating as often as needed to keep metabolism high, I think that was actually one of Ray’s recommendation. He said, if I have to make any recommendation, it is to eat enough to keep metabolism high vs any specific food.

Danny: I think in an email to somebody, he recommended eating five meals per day. Are there any upsides/downsides to spreading fat intake throughout the day vs concentrated in one meal.

Georgi: I think there is some benefit to eating more fat towards the end of the day. In other words, maybe your last meal, before you go to bed, because it is going to do two things. It will inhibit the glycaemic response so your insulin won’t shoot up as much and basically, some people are prone to, especially if they eat starch, so if you’re eating a starchy meal like mashed potatoes or rice for dinner, you may want to increase your fat intake towards the end of the day to coincide with the starchy meal because it is going to create the effect of resistant starch almost like a slowly digested carb, even though these are very easily digestible carbs. I would take my protein early in the day. I would say morning and noon. Because it is not a food that’s easy to digest, so basically you want to give your body something that is very easy to digest at night and something that will keep the supply of energy sustained for as long as possible. Even with all the precautions you can take, even healthy people have cortisol starts to rise, cortisol and … starts to rise and reach a peak at about 4am and reach a peak at about 8am. The best you can do is limit that rise by eating food that digests slowly throughout the night. I think saturated fat is a good way, increasing saturated fat for dinner.

Danny: your opinion on various commercial soaps, deodorants, shampoos etc. Do you use them? Do you think other people should use them? What do you think?

Georgi: I avoid them like the plague for no other reason, but I recently found out and I think we talked about this offline. The original USDA standard was created in the 1970s and I think it originally only allowed only 5 chemicals that do not occur in nature to be part of any organic product. Little by little, slowly, without much publicity or fanfare this list has increased from 5 to 278, to the point where we have known carcinogens, such as carrageenan and the various gums, these are allowed to be included in organic foods and in many states, they do not even have to be present on the label. So if basically that is the flagship standard of food and what the healthiest thing you can buy virtually ingests, imagine what kind of laws are there that allows the industry to not label the poison that is in your shampoo or in your soap. Some of the stuff that is labelled, is pretty bad. There are some derivatives, some plasticides that I posted on the forum, they are related to the beta chemical called BPA and these things are added directly to your shampoo and soap. Not to mention the artificial fragrances, many of which are known carcinogens. The official version, well we are not adding them in the doses where they are known to cause cancer. However, remember in order for us to know the full effect of a chemical on an organism, whether it is a drug or something that is added to a shampoo or soap, usually two or three decades need to pass until we get a full idea of the long term effect. So knowing how much money is involved in the whole industry, I avoid all these products like the plague and the only soap I use is pure glycerine soap that I buy from Wholefoods. I actually wrote to the manufacturer, cause I didn’t trust the label either, even though it looks, it’s just a transparent soap. It doesn’t smell like anything. It just smells like soap. The manufacturer sent me a certificate of analysis, after some back and forth. They wanted to know why am I asking about this? Am I a researcher? Am I a cop? Am I trying to sue them? Yeah I’m serious about this. They were very defensive about this. They released a certificate of analysis because they apparentlt hired an independent lab to do an analysis of the soap because they wanted to certify it as organic. They didn’t certify it because it was too expensive, but at least they claimed that whatever soap they sell it stills the certificate of analysis that was sold, which was six months ago is still valid. The plain, if you shop at wholefoods, I don’t endorse their products, but that’s the one I use, the plain 365 brand of soap and they have several ones of the same brand. Some of them with vitamin e, some of them with lavender oil, some of them with almond oil, I had reactions to all of them except the plain glycerine in it, which has nothing in it but that and sodium hydroxide in it.


Dec 9, 2015
@dfspcc20 I use egg yolks for washing my hair, which seems to do the job.

Tried that this morning. Made an impromptu mixture of 2 egg yolks + ~1tbsp milk. Massaged into wet hair, then rinsed. Seemed to do the job just fine. :D

I have fairly long hair (~10in); I'd imagine 1 egg yolk would be fine for most.


Oct 5, 2015
Tried that this morning. Made an impromptu mixture of 2 egg yolks + ~1tbsp milk. Massaged into wet hair, then rinsed. Seemed to do the job just fine. :D

I have fairly long hair (~10in); I'd imagine 1 egg yolk would be fine for most.

in terms of washing hair, there is new trend that I haven't tried yet so I can't tell how well it works, but apparently rye flour mixed with water is popular these days, google it.


Oct 5, 2015
I can't do starch free diet and I tried. I get really bad stress episodes when I try to avoid starch. I must eat bread. Potatoes and rice isn't enough for me. I used to eat bread for breakfast and lunch and sometime maybe even pasta for dinner. Now I really try to listen to what I crave. Turns out I used to eat bread out of convenience a lot. I still eat it at least once a day but often i surprise myself with craving for very sugary milkshake as a meal for dinner/lunch. Just tonight I made mashed potatoes and sulphite free venison sausages and the smell and thought of eating it was making me queasy. So I stopped to think in he middle of the dinner preparation and realised that I really craved one of those sugary milkshakes. I also stopped questioning my choices so much. I realised that when I tried to substitute honey for white sugar in milkshakes, which I considered superior to white sugar, I was then less keen to drink it. I had to respect my craving for powdered white sugar.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I can't do starch free diet and I tried. I get really bad stress episodes when I try to avoid starch. I must eat bread. Potatoes and rice isn't enough for me. I used to eat bread for breakfast and lunch and sometime maybe even pasta for dinner. Now I really try to listen to what I crave. Turns out I used to eat bread out of convenience a lot. I still eat it at least once a day but often i surprise myself with craving for very sugary milkshake as a meal for dinner/lunch. Just tonight I made mashed potatoes and sulphite free venison sausages and the smell and thought of eating it was making me queasy. So I stopped to think in he middle of the dinner preparation and realised that I really craved one of those sugary milkshakes. I also stopped questioning my choices so much. I realised that when I tried to substitute honey for white sugar in milkshakes, which I considered superior to white sugar, I was then less keen to drink it. I had to respect my craving for powdered white sugar.

Do you think the stress episodes are emotionally activated?


Oct 5, 2015
I don't know, but I get easily stressed and always have, so I now avoid sudden dietary changes, thrillers, news, go easy on coffee and even avoid activities that would raise my heart rate.


Dec 18, 2013
Lentils is deficient in methionine and it not as estrogenic as beans and soy. It is the safest of the legumes if you intend to consume any of them.
Thanks for that great interview and your explanatory comments, Haidut! So if I understand correctly, then the reasons for lentils being one of the safest legumes are relatively low methione content and relatively low total phytoestrogen content, yes? Are there any other significant factors to consider?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thanks for that great interview and your explanatory comments, Haidut! So if I understand correctly, then the reasons for lentils being one of the safest legumes are relatively low methione content and relatively low total phytoestrogen content, yes? Are there any other significant factors to consider?

The ones you mentioned and and also the fact that lentils are relatively high in B vitamins and some minerals. Finally, beans and soy have proven abortifacient (estrogenic) and possibly carcinogenic effects while lentils don't have such track record.


Jul 13, 2014
Lentils is deficient in methionine and it not as estrogenic as beans and soy. It is the safest of the legumes if you intend to consume any of them.
Haidut do you know which of the lentil varieties is safest..? Obviously there's black, orange, brown, green varieties.... Are they all similar?


Jul 13, 2014
Lentils is deficient in methionine and it not as estrogenic as beans and soy. It is the safest of the legumes if you intend to consume any of them.
haidut what is your opinion on the idea that the soluble fibre in lentils is essential for transporting toxic bile out of the body....?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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