Generative Energy #31: Safe Supplements With Raymond Peat


Feb 18, 2016
not fond of the anticapitalistic rantish type stuff at the beginning. Roddy doesn't sell his stuff much, and Ray doesn't much either, and I think they are unsuccessful financially (maybe they are fine with this) and they seem to be against anyone who profits from marketing information on health (most people feel that way here) or sells pills or supplements.

Big Pharma is part of the government public-private cartel, and is not "capitalism".

I think Ray doesn't understand that capitalism is not really practiced, but instead corporate fascism and banking fraud (reserve banking) creates the problems we have today...anyhoo....

Ranting? At what point?
Nobody understands capitalism,socialism or any other political system because they are words for long gone ideals,they never were what they said they would be.
The only true political system we have is without question IMO "mass confusion".
What creates this problem is the human mind,still a topic nobody wants to discuss.

We don't like corporate greed but citizen 1 st world is ok with cheap underwear made in sweatshops for 50 cent an hour.


Apr 15, 2013
Wow, has anyone heard of the chirimoya fruit Ray talks about at 23:50? He said after eating them you can tell they do something amazing and Mark Twain
said they are the best tasting substance in the universe. Has anyone ate this fruit and experienced these amazing effects? Where would you be able to buy it?


Nov 19, 2013
Peat says at the end that his two favorite supplements are Progesterone and Pregnenolone. I've gotten a sense from this forum that Progesterone is for women and Pregnenolone is for men. But when I listen to Peat, it doesn't seem that way. When is it a good idea for men to take Progesterone?


Jul 3, 2015
When pregnenolone is OK but progesterone level is KO, either by compromised conversion from pregnenolone or unbalanced ratio with estrogen.

Why would anyone use a tanning lamp for vitaminD? Tanning lamps are almost uva, which oxidizes melanin and ages skin, with minimal uvb which is the type of UV needed for vitD synthesis.

You want uvb narrowband, which peaks at 311nm.


Jan 1, 2013
Also, I'm trying to track down the study Ray mentions at 15:26. I keep finding possible candidates and then seeing they're probably not the right one. Here's one candidate I haven't been able to eliminate because I can't find more information on it. I'd be curious if anyone has access to the full-text to see if it's the right one:

Here's an old thread about ascorbic acid, complete with 16 studies about Vit C toxicity.Ascorbic acid

I join 15 of the 16 studies cited.


  • Pack Vit C toxicity.pdf
    10.7 MB · Views: 49
    554.2 KB · Views: 33


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
not fond of the anticapitalistic rantish type stuff at the beginning. Roddy doesn't sell his stuff much, and Ray doesn't much either, and I think they are unsuccessful financially (maybe they are fine with this) and they seem to be against anyone who profits from marketing information on health (most people feel that way here) or sells pills or supplements.

Big Pharma is part of the government public-private cartel, and is not "capitalism".

I think Ray doesn't understand that capitalism is not really practiced, but instead corporate fascism and banking fraud (reserve banking) creates the problems we have today...anyhoo....
Seriously, if someone doesn't buy your product, you just lower the price, not even needing to mention charity.

Ray made it sound like when a large number of people stop providing value, everything crashes. Value is dynamic and changes with time, not to mention human intelligence changes with time and adapts to a given environment, both at the individual level and with genetic selection over generations (the more successful breed more, and so on.)

Here's a challenge to someone: point out a situation where machines have permanently unemployed people and not created more avenues for creativity. It's like saying having more children will make you more likely to use up resources and starve: the exact opposite occurs as each individual's surplus compounds and creates massive abundance for all mankind.


Dec 10, 2016


  • IMG_0614.PNG
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Nov 21, 2015
What is your definition of being successful financially? They are both doing what they enjoy and love, and get paid for it, with that being their source of income, without having to do other things. I think that is being successful financially.

I did say maybe they are fine with this.

Neither of them is much of a marketer and Ray is very disdainful of marketing. my criticism is this disdain for business and marketing. I don't like that. There is a lot of thst here too.

Drug companies are not an example of capitalism. They are an example of crony fascism. Making money selling health solutions without government favor is valid and as noble as anything else.

If you choose to rely on donors or scattered low priced newsletter subscribers I have no problem with that as a life choice. But I don't want to be preached to about other business models being bad.


Jul 8, 2016
@ecstatichamster So what do you like? The Mark Sission style marketing of topless pictures of him everywhere with links to his $30 book next to it?

Peat has talked about eating sugar, saturated fat, going against the mainstream, and you listened to him then.

You could say, if you don't want to eat saturated fat, thats fine as a lifestyle choice, but don't preach to me about eating other fats being bad. No?
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Nov 21, 2015
@ecstatichamster So what do you like? The Mark Sission style marketing of topless pictures of him everywhere with links to his $30 book next to it?

Peat has talked about eating sugar, saturated fat, going against the mainstream, and you listened to him then.

You could say, if you don't want to eat saturated fat, thats fine as a lifestyle choice, but don't preach to me about eating other fats being bad. No?

I don't have a problem with any of these financial models. Any voluntary exchange is fine with me. I'm grateful for Ray, Charlie and Danny. And for your efforts.

I'm not against other business models either.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Tracking down studies Peat mentions can sometimes be an act of investigatory journalism.
No kidding; his studies from the 70s are too young to be historic, and too old to be on PubMed. It's a lost cause.


Nov 2, 2016
Yo Roddy, hot tip: knock it off with the awkward chuckling.

not fond of the anticapitalistic rantish type stuff

Ray is an unreformed communist relic from a bygone generation proved wrong by history when he veers off into social and economic commentary. It pervades his writing. Even in this interview he explicitly acknowledges Marx and says without qualification that capitalism causes wealth to concentrate in the hands of the few. This is so naive I can't even bother to address it.


Sep 13, 2015
Even in this interview he explicitly acknowledges Marx and says without qualification that capitalism causes wealth to concentrate in the hands of the few. This is so naive I can't even bother to address it.
According to PolitiFact and others, in 2011 the 400 wealthiest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined." Do the math!
Nov 21, 2015
Yo Roddy, hot tip: knock it off with the awkward chuckling.

Ray is an unreformed communist relic from a bygone generation proved wrong by history when he veers off into social and economic commentary. It pervades his writing. Even in this interview he explicitly acknowledges Marx and says without qualification that capitalism causes wealth to concentrate in the hands of the few. This is so naive I can't even bother to address it.

I totally agree with you.

Except I think we should address it because many/most people agree. They do not realize that we don't have capitalism in this world. We have versions of extremely mixed economies with mostly big corporatist interests seizing the government and running it for their private account. Health care is probably closest to this model after banking.

Ray has railed against marketing of drug companies and quite rightly so.

But the drug companies are a cartel maintained with government favoritism.

Anyone who dares to flout them too successfully gets shut down, arrested and put away. It's why Ray himself steers clear of certain practices and topics and maintains a low profile in some ways ("curing" cancer, LSD and the supposed causes of AIDS are three topics that come to mind.)

It's noble to make money in this world because the exchange of money for goods or information is VOLUNTARY. Everything else is coerced. Voluntary exchanges make everyone better off and are what freedom is all about.

Speaking of supplements, how many of us are free to buy/use what we want to? Nobody. We are all caged in by customs, regulations, laws, keeping us from buying pure product that we want to put into our own bodies, nothing sinister or bad for anyone else. None of us is free from this tyranny. We have it a little better for various reasons in the USA but so many people can't even get, say, DHEA easily.


Oct 15, 2016
Thanks for the link it was a very interesting interview. He mentioned how vitamin C and distilled water reacted and how the amount of free radicals created was incredibly high. I wonder how such unexpected reactions could affect various supplements. If I remember right an other example is Ray has expressed doubts as to what would happen if anything is mixed with dmso. To be honest I never thought anything mixed with distilled water could have such an important reaction!
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